Top of the big era

Chapter 3067 Human Resources Management Subsidiary

Zhang Yiming nodded, then smiled, "How about going to an ordinary college?"

"Go!" Zhou Buqi didn't change his mind, "You don't have to link fresh graduates with potential. If fresh graduates from prestigious schools are linked with potential, shouldn't there be another employment structure, like the current outsourcing one? Way."

Zhang Yiming said: "Two employment structures?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, that's what it means. Using outsourced employees from a third-party human resources company is a bit unreasonable. Why don't we set up a separate human resources management company ourselves. It can be called Ziweixing Human Resources Management Company, etc. Operation. The position of existence is the same as that of the previous outsourcing company, but it is a company directly affiliated to the group to complete the removal of outsourcing. "

"Are they all regular employees?"

Zhang Yiming understood what the big boss meant.

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course, they are all employees of Ziweixing. The difference is that one type is employees directly under the headquarters, and the other type is employees whose labor relations are linked to subsidiaries. They must be treated differently, but they must be treated appropriately, not too much. It's blatant. At least don't discriminate in terms of work badges, benefits, and team building, bring the company and employees closer, and try to solve some of the employment shortcomings of the outsourcing model while retaining the maximum flexibility advantage. There are greater choices when it comes to school recruitment.”

Zhang Yiming sat opposite him, eating on a plate, and said: "For employees directly under the headquarters, fresh graduates are recruited at T3 or above. For employees in subsidiaries, recruitment can be reduced to T1 standards."

"Yes, that's what I mean!" Zhou Buqi smiled, "The employment standards of the subsidiary can be formulated according to the existing outsourcing employee model, which is the T1-T5 stage. If you want to be promoted to T-series management He Yang said that differentiated treatment is meaningful. What we need to avoid is the discomfort that may arise from differential treatment.”

Zhang Yiming said: "With the advanced relationship between the subsidiary and the headquarters, this kind of differential treatment can be minimized."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, that's probably the logic. There is a clear and obvious boundary between outsourced employees and regular employees, and there is a strong sense of isolation. The relationship between the subsidiary and the headquarters can be blurred or invisible."

If you are an outsourced employee, then everyone will know that you are an outsourced employee.

It is inevitable that there will be some colored glasses.

Some people have strong self-esteem, may be sensitive, find it difficult to develop an identity, and may even have a sense of inferiority.

With the subsidiary and headquarters model, there is no such concern.

They are all employees of Ziweixing.

There is no significant difference.

It’s not a difference in status, but a difference in job positioning.

Employees in the human relations headquarters need to take on more important, complex and difficult tasks, and need to bear pressure. If you want to have more rights and get more promotion opportunities, it will inevitably mean taking on more responsibilities and workload.

Employees whose human resources relations are in the subsidiary are actually positioned as outsourced employees before. The work content is much easier and easier, and they can stay in the "comfort zone" for a long time. Even if you only know a very simple Vue framework, then all your work will be Vue-related content, which is repetitive and what you are best at, and there will not be any work content that is out of scope.

Such work will be easy.

Moreover, in a project team, it is impossible to always have Vue-related work to deal with. Once it disappears, there will be a gap period in work, and you can have a lot of rest time. You don't even need to work overtime. You can just go to work and get off work on the hour.

Many people like outsourced work. A very important point is that the workload of outsourced work is often not saturated, and there is no need to take responsibility. The work is easy, and you are always in the comfort zone. There is a lot of time to fish, and you are not tired or exhausted.

In fact, the work distribution in a company is originally like this, it is "20-80".

20% of the people do 80% of the work.

There is no doubt that these 20% of people can get the most money, the most stocks, the greatest honors, the highest titles, and at the same time have the most promotion opportunities. The remaining 80% of employees only need to provide some assistance and complete some supplementary and less important tasks.

So normally, the number of formal employees in large Internet companies is much smaller than that of outsourced employees. In Ziweixing, there will definitely be fewer employees at the headquarters than at the subsidiaries. There are mainly two types of employees at the headquarters, one is senior talents with outstanding abilities, and the other is fresh graduates with great potential.

As for those fresh graduates with less potential, if they enter Ziweixing, their human resources relations can only be classified into subsidiaries.

In this way, Ziweixing's school recruitment can be promoted to more ordinary colleges and universities.

Zhou Buqi said: "Many young people don't know what outsourcing means, especially college students who lack social experience. Many college students who have just graduated are full of confidence in the workplace and have the fighting spirit to join a big factory. In addition, If you fall into the trap of unscrupulous outsourcing companies, you may fall into the outsourcing world. Once you join a big company as an outsourcer, it will be difficult to get rid of it. "

Zhang Yiming realized the importance and said: "It's true! College students are the core user group of Ziweixing. In any case, Ziweixing cannot have a hidden possibility of deception, and cannot allow young college students who have just entered society and the workplace to We were labeled as outsourcers inexplicably just to join Ziweixing!”

Zhou Buqi said: "In the Internet industry, employee turnover is very fast, only one year on average. We do not allow anyone to be labeled as an outsourcer just because they have worked at Ziweixing, especially fresh graduates. All Employees who work in Ziweixing are all regular employees! With the title of formal employee of Ziweixing, even if they leave their jobs in the future, they can rely on the aura of regular Ziweixing employees to pursue good development opportunities in other companies. It’s not just about throwing them into the outsourcing arena.”

Zhang Yiming said: "This is so important!"

"We don't care about other companies. Outsourcing does have great advantages. It is a business innovation under the C model. We don't deny it, but we don't accept it!" Zhou Buqi always has higher requirements for himself, "We need to Give every employee who has contributed to Ziweixing a beautiful identity instead of an irresponsible outsourcing label. We hope that every Ziweixing employee can pursue the best workplace treatment even if they leave Ziweixing. . Ziweixing does not accept outsourced employees, and will not let anyone become an outsourced employee because of Ziweixing!”

Although many people don't mind the outsourced identity.

However, wouldn’t it be better if he had the status of a formal employee?

Many outstanding young people have made some wrong choices because of lack of experience when they first entered the workplace. When I encountered difficulties in the workplace, I planned to join an outsourcing company first to make a transition. After subsequent personal efforts, I will take off the outsourcing hat.

But the real situation in the workplace is that once you enter the outsourcing world, it is very difficult to get out!

It’s not that easy to make the transition through outsourcing!

Ziweixing can provide such a platform.

If you want to make a transition, you don't need to join those outsourcing companies. Ziweixing's human resources subsidiary can provide opportunities for transition, and you can transition as a formal employee, which can greatly reduce the career detours for many young people.

Even if he fails to transfer the labor relationship to the headquarters at Ziweixing and cannot take over many important tasks, he can still use his status as a formal employee of Ziweixing to jump to other Internet companies to engage in more important tasks with development potential. Work.

Doing good deeds is always a good thing.

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