Top of the big era

Chapter 3065 Tone

After returning to the company, I grabbed a handful of wedding candies from Zhang Yiming.

Zhou Buqi took a bag and could give some to the secretaries in the office later. However, Zhang Yiming didn't know more about outsourcing than Zhou Buqi. He Yang was generally responsible for such human management matters.

Then the two of them simply went down to the grassroots level to do the investigation.

Find a few more outsourced employees and ask.

The first stop was at, where I met an outsourced front-end named Zheng Yu.

Zheng Yu is an optimist and is very tolerant. He said: "Outsourcing is good. You don't have to worry about anything at ordinary times. Just concentrate on writing requirements. If there are no urgent tasks, just leave when you get off work. Is there any need for external communication and negotiation?" Activities are given directly to the supervisor. There is no documentation task, and there is no need to attend various meetings. I just listen to the requirements briefing at the beginning of each version. "

When Zhou Buqi asked him if he wanted to be promoted, he said he didn't want to at all, "I've seen all kinds of abnormal internal assessments, and I can't stand it. That kind of work is too stressful. It's good like this now."

I feel like this guy is pretty good.

Instead, I went to see the human resources director of Friends Network.

The human resources director is not surprised by this phenomenon, "Many people are like this, not making progress and lacking good career planning. This is often the case in the workplace. If you don't make progress, you will fall back. After working in the outsourcing position for a long time, I will not be able to make progress for a long time." Taking on important work is like a rusty nail, and you really can no longer do it alone. Most people have no choice, so they become outsourcers. If they can't find a job temporarily, it's okay in the short term. Damn it, there’s something wrong with that person, he won’t last long.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Everyone has different choices."

The human resources director said: "Yes, everyone has the freedom to choose. To be honest, there are too many grassroots programmers in the country, and there is no need to worry about them. We just feel that some people are obviously very capable, but they choose It’s a pity that they are in trouble. They are now in their twenties and have the capital. What will they do in the future? What about being in their forties?”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "There shouldn't be any age limit for outsourced employees, right?"

Outsourced employees generally don’t have the anxiety of a 35-year-old.

Anyway, they are doing some repetitive work with low technical content. There is no room for improvement, it is just work.

The 35-year-old anxiety that exists in large companies mainly refers to regular employees.

Because of the logic of the existence of regular employees, the most important thing is "potential".

If an employee reaches the age of 35 and has not yet demonstrated his abilities and is still working at the grassroots level, then it can be said that he no longer has any potential. Without potential, there is naturally no positioning logic for regular employees.

If we don’t look at potential but only look at ability, many outsourced employees are also very capable.

Why not use cheaper and more flexible outsourcing instead of a permanent employee who has lost his potential? Or just replace it with a fresh college student?

The last thing you encounter is elimination.

The human resources director said: "Theoretically, there is no age limit for outsourced employees, but there is a problem here. Is an outsourced employee in his thirties or forties who has been working in the workplace for more than ten or twenty years willing to be led by a young man who has just entered the workplace? ? Even if they are willing, is the young man willing to lead a group of uncles to work? Another point is the upgrading of technology. In fact, the biggest elimination factor in our technology industry is not the choice of HR. The choice of technology.”

Zhang Yiming explained from the side: " has also undergone two comprehensive technical upgrades, and many early employees have left because of this. In a rapidly growing company, there are not only rapid changes in business, but also in the technical system. The world is constantly changing. Many people have weak learning ability, and many people even don’t like to learn. Technical experts can be proficient in multiple programming languages. Many people think that they can learn a small module in a language for a lifetime. It won't work."

The human resources director said: "Everyone's growth path depends on his own feet. Even if he doesn't care about the company, at least he has to care about himself, right? I feel a little sad when I see many young people. I don’t care. I just live in the present and have no plans for the future. That’s fine when I’m young, but what will happen in the future?”

Next, I met a back-end outsourcer named Liu De'an from Friends Network.

Liu De'an is in his early thirties this year.

He is a second-level college student.

It’s not easy after so many years of hard work.

Speaking of outsourcing, a position that seems to be somewhat discriminatory, Liu De'an said nonchalantly: "What's wrong with working to make money? If you don't do it, someone will do it. Why should others be regular employees? It's not like they won the lottery! As long as you can Whoever joins a large factory is willing to do outsourcing, but the problem is that their academic qualifications have limited their ability to do outsourcing. However, some young people are afraid of misunderstandings.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "What misunderstanding?"

Liu De'an said: "Outsourcing positions really have little technical content, little project experience, and lack of experience in process and modeling design. They are all decided by others and outsourced for execution. No one participates, doesn't think about it, and doesn't consider architectural applications. , it is impossible to achieve technical growth. If you expand a little bit that you don't know, you will feel very proud. There is a person around me who says he knows some technical framework. When I ask, it is revealed that it is actually built by others. , he followed it for a while, it was a bit like outputting helloworld as mastering a new technology. "

After that, Zhou Buqi and Zhang Yiming went to Ziweiyun together.

After asking, I found out that there is no outsourcing team here.

Zhang Yiming said: "Ziweiyun is the most technical business in the company. It is really difficult to hire an outsourcing team. Firstly, the technical requirements are high, and secondly, it may also be due to the need for confidentiality. Now domestic companies are They are all looking at us when it comes to cloud computing.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and pointed to the office building next to him, "Go there and have a look!"

That's the Micropoint Division.

There are too many outsourced employees here.

In the hallway, there were several people smoking. Upon asking, I found out that they were all outsourced employees.

A man named Wu Hanlin graduated from a 211 university a few years ago. When talking about work, he sighed and said: "Things at work...everything else is easy to talk about. I just feel that I am not trusted and never assigned important tasks." I have more than 4 years of work experience, but... there is a new member of our team who has only graduated from college for more than a month and has not yet passed his probation period, and he has been assigned an important job by the leader. No, I often have to teach him.”

"Can't do anything?"

Zhang Yiming smiled, feeling a bit eerie.

Obviously, what the other party said was untrue.

After graduating from college, I joined Ziweixing... These are fresh college students. They are all selected from the best in the country. How could they not know anything? Moreover, he was reused even before the probation period. It is very likely that he "joined" Ziweixing early. He may have been an intern during college, so he has a good understanding of Ziweixing's workflow, business and technical environment.

Sure enough, after being asked like this, Wu Hanlin admitted it and said: "He is from Tsinghua University and he learns things quickly. Sometimes I just give the beginning and he understands everything. He is smart. I treat regular employees and I don’t have much idea about the treatment of outsourced employees. I have changed jobs a total of three times, and the salary given to me by the company is already the highest. However, the work I am doing is too marginal, trivial and routine, and I feel that I cannot perform well. my ability.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "Many people say that outsourced employees are second-class citizens. What do you think?"

Wu Hanlin didn't take it seriously and said calmly: "A second-class citizen, at least he is a citizen. In other places, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a slave. In my last job, not to mention the low salary, I had to be scolded every day …Really, the regular employees in our company are all highly educated and highly qualified, and they all smile when they talk. I really don’t feel that they are discriminating against me. Sometimes the project progress falls behind, but they are all calm. Her communication and emotional management are all in place. If she had been in my previous job, she would have scolded me all over the place.”

Zhou Buqi asked again: "Then what do you think needs improvement?"

"Uh..." Wu Hanlin hesitated for a moment, and was too embarrassed to talk about a salary increase. His job at Ziweixing was already the highest salary he had received in the past few years, so he said: "Actually, I only have one request. , It is best to have a nameplate on the workstation. The regular employees and administrative sisters will take the initiative to arrange my nameplate.”

"Change, must change!"

Zhou Buqi gave him a guarantee.

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