Top of the big era

Chapter 3055 The best place

It was originally agreed that Zhou Buqi, Wu Yu, Guo Pengfei and his wife Guan Ting would go to Chaoyang to eat at Da Dong in the evening.

Nothing else, just a personal relationship.

Unexpectedly, Li Yanhong came out halfway and wanted to have a drink with Zhou Buqi.

Zhou Buqi wanted to give him face, so he ended his meal at Dadong early and rushed over to meet Boss Li.

Guo Pengfei smiled and said, "I guess I'm looking to settle a score with you!"

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi doesn't know about business matters, "Are you fighting with Baidu again?"

Guo Pengfei said: "It's not me anyway. It seems that Micropoint Antivirus has killed their hao123, saying there is some kind of virus program that will cause user information to be leaked, especially when shopping online, it may steal bank card account numbers, passwords, etc." ”

"It's not something that comes out of nowhere, right?"

Zhou Buqi opposes vicious competition. With Ziweixing's current status in the world, there is no need to do this at all. Even if it is facing Baidu, it can be done openly and openly.

Guo Pengfei said: "The objective facts are like that. Baidu also admitted that it was caused by some work mistakes. They apologized and are making rectifications."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's fine, we're doing business! I'll go meet him!"

Then she turned to Wu Yu and asked her if she wanted to meet Mr. Li together.

Wu Yu is not interested.

Guan Ting said, "Why don't you two go? Sister Wu Yu and I went to a bar. A new bar has opened in Sanlitun. It is located very high and overlooks the night view of the entire city. It is said to be very good."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Okay, you have a life!"

"Stop coming!"

Guan Ting rolled her eyes at him.

She and Zhou Buqi were college classmates, and she knew that this guy was always full of nonsense, so she didn't give him a chance to bully her.

That week Buqi went with Guo Pengfei and warned: "It's okay to go to the bar, but you must pay attention to safety, especially don't hook up with Xiaokai!"

Senior Wu Yu smiled and said nothing.

Guan Ting was a little embarrassed and said angrily: "Bah! Do you think everyone is like you? There are romantic debts everywhere?"

Zhou Buqi still wanted to argue with her, but Guo Pengfei forcibly pulled him away.

Boss Li's appointment this time was at the Washington Club, a newly opened high-end private club quite far away.

The two of them walked over and chatted.

From Guan Ting, we talked about university, and from university we talked about entrepreneurship, and then the topic fell on the development of Ziweixing. It is now the first anniversary of Ziweixing's listing. The stock price has performed very well and is well recognized by the capital market. However, this has also put forward higher requirements for the company's development.

Guo Pengfei remembered something and said with a smile: "By the way, Meng Houkun sent me a text message and a joke in the afternoon. It's quite interesting. Take a look."

He took out his phone and found the text message, then handed it to Zhou Buqi.

It's a dark humorous joke.

The general meaning is that there was a great good man named Zhou, and everyone within a hundred miles called him Great Good Man Zhou. Once he moved, and after moving to the new place, he found that there were many poor people around him, some of whom were even so poor that they had to pick up garbage for a living.

Zhou Dashan couldn't bear it, and then ordered the housekeeper at home to drive away all these poor people and not allow them to appear within a radius of ten miles.

Because the great philanthropist is kind-hearted and hates the poor.

After Zhou Buqi saw it, he didn't take it seriously, "What kind of joke is this? It's a cross talk by Bu Lao Guo."

Guo Pengfei said: "Yeah, Lao Guo's cross talk, but it's also quite interesting."

Zhou Buqi said disdainfully: "This Meng Houkun can't tell a story at first glance. There is no contrast, no ups and downs, and jokes are not funny."

Guo Pengfei said: "I think it's quite interesting. Zhou Dashan hates the poor, so he drives away the poor around him... Hey! Absolutely awesome!"

"Well..." Zhou Buqi didn't pay attention at first, but after hearing what he said, he quickly reacted, "Damn! What do you mean? Who are you mocking?"

Guo Pengfei looked confused, "Who are you mocking?"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "I'm just telling you, why are you sending a text message without any problem? Are you trying to make a confidential call with me?"

Guo Pengfei laughed loudly, "This is a text message from Meng Houkun. I didn't say that Zhou Dashan is you."

Zhou Buqi knew that this was an insinuation to ridicule his own outsourcing ideas, and said angrily: "Meng Houkun has no brain, he didn't understand what I meant. I never thought about driving away the poor!"

"Ah?" Guo Pengfei was very curious, "How should the real Zhou Dashan solve this problem?"

Zhou Buqi said: "In a society, there will always be poor people. It is difficult for you to make the poor people disappear. You can only try to protect them from more suffering besides poverty." Those poor people, if they are just poor, it doesn't matter. The most hateful thing is that they have no social status and no guarantee of status, so they will be more oppressed and exploited in all aspects, and there are all kinds of things. Personal humiliation and status discrimination.”

Guo Pengfei sighed, "That's how it is. The poorer, weaker, harder and more withdrawn you are, the more exploitation, suffering and pain you will encounter. Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for Zhou Dashan to kill them easily with just one word. They are all driven out within a radius of ten miles. If they can gather together to resist, they can also make Zhou Dashan people drink a pot. But they seem to be used to it, and they are unwilling to cause trouble and are unwilling to fight. Many people even think that it is natural for them to be oppressed and have no rights. of."

"That's Meng Houkun's joke." Zhou Buqi was a little angry, feeling that his character had been insulted by Meng Houkun, a bastard boy, "He is too stupid and his understanding is too poor!"

Guo Pengfei laughed and said, "He was just joking."

Zhou Buqi said: "Zhou Dashan has a kind heart. He doesn't see the existence of poor people. There are poor people everywhere in the world. Even if there are no poor people in a radius of ten miles, what about a hundred miles? What about a thousand miles? Could it be that he doesn't go out? He really What I can’t understand is that people are already very poor and miserable, and they are exploited and sucked by all parties.”

"There's nothing we can do about it. We bully the superiors and deceive the inferiors, flatter the superiors and bully the inferiors. It's like this everywhere."

"So Mr. Zhou Dashan can't take care of that much. He can only take care of the poor people within a ten-mile radius and do things that he can do with a clear conscience."

"What exactly should we do?"

Obviously, Guo Pengfei also supports the outsourcing model, because it is indeed a very advanced model from a business perspective and can be more competitive than the model of American technology companies.

Zhou Buqi said: "Poor people will definitely exist. You cannot eliminate this group. All you can do is protect them, give them an identity, and give them dignity. You can make them all official servants in the Zhou Mansion. Even though their salary will not improve much, even if they are still a poor class, at least they have the status of the Zhou family. From the perspective of the social structure, they are no longer idlers, but truly wealthy. Official servant of the Zhou family."

Guo Pengfei narrowed his eyes and understood his train of thought, "In other words, even if these poor people become servants of the Zhou Mansion, they should still pick up garbage, and they should sweep the streets. But they have a layer of The protection of the Zhou family has a layer of dignity of social status."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, you can't just pay protection fees to the gangsters before you can pick up garbage, right? The income from picking up garbage is very meager, and if you have to be robbed by street gangsters, the money you get will be even less. With the protection of the Zhou family, I not only have a social identity, but also have a sense of pride and self-esteem in front of my relatives and friends, and my income can reach a higher level without the exploitation of middlemen. "

Guo Pengfei nodded, "Theoretically speaking, this is right. The Internet should be point-to-point, and middlemen should be eliminated. The current human outsourcing model adds a middleman between the company and employees. And they are middlemen who exploit blood and collect poll taxes.”

Zhou Buqi said: "I also chatted with Gu Xinyuan in the afternoon and thought about outsourcing from the perspective of HR. Many large companies have a one-size-fits-all approach to outsourcing. Many people, once they fall into the outsourcing world, find it difficult to Get rid of this level of status. This makes sense. You can only work as an outsourcer in other companies, but you can work as a regular employee in our company. Why can't you work for Ziweixing? For those who contribute, the label of 'outsourcing' will create difficulties for them in their future careers."

Guo Pengfei said: "Well, when many HRs are recruiting, as soon as they hear that there is an outsourcing resume, they will immediately sentence you to death, and it will be impossible to give you the status of a regular employee. And this trend will definitely intensify, and once morality declines , it will only accelerate faster and faster.”

Zhou Buqi stretched his waist and said, "So, Zhou Dashan cannot save all the poor people. At least he can make the land of Zhou Mansion with a radius of ten miles the most virtuous place. Zhou Dashan is truly good and cannot be compared with other great benevolent people." Likewise, what is claimed outside is actually a false mask.”

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