Top of the big era

Chapter 3054 Self-sufficiency

Meng Houkun was actually right.

In many industries, including the early days of the Internet, outsourcing is a more advanced position, and only the best people can be outsourced. The most typical industries are accounting, lawyers, advertising design, employee training, etc.

If you join a company, the scope is too narrow.

There is little room for performance and insufficient income.

If you join an outsourcing company, you will have the opportunity to connect with many Party A companies. After one project is completed, you will start another project immediately, and it is often a business trip project. You can carry your bag, stay in the hotel, wear a suit and hold it in your hand. With big brother...

The early business elites basically followed this approach.

However, things have changed over the years.

Many companies are getting bigger and bigger.

Especially Internet companies are getting stronger and stronger, with more and more businesses. There is also endless work and endless projects in the company. In particular, major Internet companies offer better benefits, including stocks and high year-end bonuses, so outsourcing companies are no longer attractive.

This is especially true for technical positions.

The top technical experts are all in large companies, and outsourcing is out of the question.

Zhou Buqi said: "Protecting vulnerable groups is what modern civilization is. Modern civilization pursues justice rather than equality. Black people laugh at white people, this is not discrimination; white people laugh at black people, this is discrimination. The kind of presence you mentioned Outsourcing is from high to low. If you treat the strong ones differently, this is not discrimination. However, these outsourced technical personnel within the company are disadvantaged groups. If you treat them differently, this is workplace discrimination. "

"I'll go!"

Meng Houkun was somewhat surprised and looked at him with wide eyes.

Zhou Buqi was surprised, "What's wrong?"

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "You've made great progress. You haven't spent your time in Europe and the United States in vain. Your understanding of modern civilization is profound enough!"

"What does this have to do with Europe and the United States? Is this human nature?" Zhou Buqi snorted and said angrily, "If someone laughs at you for being poor, you don't care at all. You must just laugh, because the person who laughs at you must be It’s not as good as you being rich; if someone laughs at you for being ugly, you must be cursing in your heart, because you are indeed ugly, and the people who laugh at you are prettier than you.”

Meng Houkun had a black line on his forehead, "Who is ugly? Stop slandering people!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Look? You must be anxious!"

"Who is in a hurry?" Meng Houkun curled his lips, "I don't even bother making comparisons on such vulgar things."

Zhou Buqi said: "So fairness is often unequal. If you treat the outsourcing from the law firm differently, it will be no problem. However, if you treat the technical outsourcing differently, there will definitely be a problem. Just like someone scolded you, this is not It's nothing, but you can't scold him. With your status, if you scold him, can he bear it? This is indeed unfair. He can scold you but you can't scold him. You are indispensable. If you retaliate against him, you may lose half of your life. You are a rich man of this status. You should have a higher level of modern civilization. A strong person does not show strength. The capacity is great.”

Meng Houkun was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and said a little discouraged: "Anyway, you just don't want to cover the accident?"

Zhou Buqi said: "We don't care about other companies, but Ziweixing must set an example. We must set a benchmark for the industry. I had a phone call with Liu Qiangdong before, and I was very touched."

"What happened?"

Meng Houkun doesn't think much of's market value is quite high, but in terms of competitiveness in the Internet industry, is second-tier at best, and talented people are not willing to go there.

"Jingdong's system construction is very civilized. Not to mention technicians, they don't even outsource couriers and cleaning ladies. They sign labor contracts directly with Jingdong. Compared with Liu Qiangdong, what are we?"

Zhou Buqi admired Liu Qiangdong on this point.

They really come from the bottom.

Although many Internet entrepreneurs do not come from wealthy families, most of them belong to the upper middle class.

Lack of empathy for the lowest class of society.

Only Lao Liu truly came from the lowest level. Other entrepreneurs could not feel the differential treatment based on status, but it was engraved in his bones.

Maybe those delivery guys and cleaning aunts don’t feel anything is wrong. Maybe they have become numb and accustomed to it after decades of survival. They really think that being behind means being beaten, and the strong want to exploit the weak. They are still there after being bullied. Find problems within yourself.

As He Yang said, they no longer care whether their personality is humiliated. If they are beaten, they will be beaten, and if they are exploited, they will be exploited. As long as they have money, that is enough. You have exhausted all your strength to live, why do you still want to do so much?

But Liu Qiangdong is different. He has been strong since he was a child. He has received a higher education. He can feel how unfair his life in the village was!

It is obviously the poorest and most miserable place, but it has the most chaotic collections.

A bottle of Coke costs 2 yuan in a big city, but it costs 4 yuan here.

Others are used to it and find it reasonable.

But he didn't accept it.

At least, he cannot bully those at the bottom who are similar to himself when he becomes powerful, just like he was bullied by powerful people when he was a child.

Meng Houkun doesn't think so, "That's because has few people and has developed well in recent years. Now that is listed, I don't believe they can withstand the pressure on the stock price. If there are more and more delivery people in the future,'s growth will hit a bottleneck How can they not outsource any of them? If they outsource, they can save at least billions or tens of billions of costs a year!”

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't worry about what happens in the future. What others are doing now is very good. They can do it, why can't we? Just to save this cost?"

Meng Houkun said: "We have had a lot of internal discussions about outsourcing, and there are a lot of relevant materials. You can take a look. The reason why we decided to do human outsourcing is really not to save this labor cost. I don’t know about He Yang. He may care about cost reduction, but most people don’t. We recognize the outsourcing system. As you said, China is already leading the world in business model innovation. At the forefront, it is much better than the A model and J model. This C model of human outsourcing can effectively prevent unhealthy tendencies in the enterprise and greatly enhance the competitiveness and combat effectiveness of domestic technology companies! "

Zhou Buqi said: "I know that human outsourcing has many benefits for the company. He Yang has said it all. But this model is too unfriendly and unfair to outsourced employees. This is also a hurdle that cannot be bypassed."

Meng Houkun said firmly: "The outsourcing model can effectively improve competitiveness. If's model doesn't work, they might bury themselves. In a war, whoever is merciful will die first, and whoever is the cruelest will die first." is a winner."

Zhou Buqi said: "How about we do it ourselves!"


Meng Houkun was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "This model is indeed very good. There are too many benefits. What you and He Yang said makes sense. However, we cannot cooperate with third-party outsourcing companies. They are too bastards. What they do is Let’s start the business of drinking human blood ourselves, and then give these outsourcers a formal identity.”

Meng Houkun opened his eyes wide, "Shall we set up an outsourcing company?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not an outsourcing company, but it can be a similar model. Anyway, we have Asda, as well as related technology companies such as, YY, Xiaomi, Fantuan, and Didi. We have a lot of companies. We There are necessary conditions for self-sufficiency!”

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