Top of the big era

Chapter 3056: Insider

Speaking of which, Zhou Buqi hadn't seen Boss Li for two years.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come as soon as someone made an appointment.

I haven’t seen you in two years. It would be nice to come out and see you.

Li Yanhong is still in such good condition, with a smiling face and a handsome guy. After meeting him, he couldn't stop shaking hands and praising her, "Congratulations, your career is getting more and more successful! Especially Ziweixing International, it's really admirable."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Baidu is also actively developing the US market, which is great!"

Li Yanhong said: "Yes, during the layout, we had already agreed on a promising scientist, but we finally convinced him to leave Google, but you snatched him away halfway."

"I really don't know much about this."

Zhou Buqi quickly dumped the blame.

Li Yanhong asked strangely: "Really? I asked him, and he said that one of the important reasons why he joined Ziweixing International was that you made a special trip to New York to meet him."

"Really?" Zhou Buqi pretended to be confused, "Then I don't know. My schedule is arranged by them. I can do whatever they ask me to do. I don't do technology, and it doesn't matter who is who. know."

Li Yanhong laughed.

Don't believe it at all.

This girl is so good at pretending!

That was no ordinary scientist, but a representative of the artificial intelligence industry.

Zhou Buqi quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, when I came here, I just heard that Weidian Antivirus killed one of your software?"

Li Yanhong sighed, "Yes, there are two main desktop clients for the program."

Zhou Buqi said sternly: "Then I have to make it clear that there is absolutely no other meaning in this, and there is no vicious competition. I have already strictly prohibited it. Ziweixing will reject any form of commercial smear, black public relations, or malicious rumors." Such vicious competition!”

If others say this, they may not have credibility.

But when Boss Zhou said this, he was still very credible. Domestic online public opinion resources are basically in the hands of Ziweixing. If Ziweixing really wanted to do something, it could have done it through various means.

Li Yanhong said: "I know, it has nothing to do with you. On the contrary, I would like to thank Weidian Antivirus. Two of our products do contain malicious code. This kind of malicious code is very dangerous and will be prevented by loading drivers and other means. Uninstall it, then lurk for a long time, and be able to control it remotely in the cloud at any time.”


Zhou Buqi was startled.

It’s quite serious!

As a serious big company, Baidu will definitely not take the initiative to do such a thing.

Li Yanhong said: "However, this is not to steal users' information. Unlike many rumors on the Internet, it is not to steal account passwords and profits from users. This is to steal commercial interests from Baidu. Mainly. It is still a disguised rogue software like the past, which hijacks users to obtain the traffic of advertising alliances, tampering with and disguising affiliate links, and defrauding Baidu of its traffic share.”

"Advertising fees!"

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized.

Baidu Advertising Alliance is a platform, just like Weidian Advertising Alliance. All large, medium and small websites can join, and then whichever website introduces traffic to the ads in the advertising alliance can get advertising shares from Baidu.

The more traffic, the more advertising revenue.

What if there is no traffic?

Then hijack the user's traffic.

Li Yanhong said: "This time they are hiding very deeply. Infected computers will be 'randomly' selected according to conditions such as region and time, and then hijack traffic."

Zhou Buqi was a little confused, "Didn't this kind of traffic hijacking happen on the Internet many years ago? After the emergence of Micropoint Security Guard and Micropoint Antivirus, weren't they eliminated? Which hacker is so powerful that even Baidu can break through it?" ?”


Li Yanhong felt a little embarrassed.

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Don't tell me that a company as big as Baidu doesn't even have this little defense mechanism."

Li Yanhong said: "It was a hiring mistake."

"What's the meaning?"

"This is not done by outsiders, but by people within Baidu. This is not hijacked by external hackers, but by insiders. Of course, it is difficult to detect."


Zhou Buqi was a little unbelievable.

However, Guo Pengfei beside him immediately reacted, "Has someone been bribed? Was it outsourcing?"

Li Yanhong nodded, "Well, outsourcing. This kind of desktop client is technically relatively simple to implement, and it is mainly done by the outsourcing team. There are external criminals who have bribed the outsourcing team and implanted it in the backend of our client. We have reported their malicious code, and it is said that the payment was only 400,000.”

Zhou Buqi was in a daze.

It feels ridiculous.

When something happens to many official agencies or institutions, and it has a negative impact, they will soon issue a statement saying that it has nothing to do with my unit and it was all the work of temporary workers.

Unexpectedly, it was Baidu's turn, and it was also a similar argument of passing the blame to temporary workers.

However, this should also be true.

It only cost 400,000 yuan to buy it, which is too cheap!

At Baidu, the annual salary of a fresh college student is at least 250,000 yuan a year. It is impossible to bribe a regular employee with such a small amount of money. Their regular employees all graduated from prestigious schools with bright futures. Why would they commit crimes for such a small amount of money?

There are only outsourced people. They are not Baidu employees. They lack a sense of belonging and loyalty to Baidu, and their own income is not much, so they can be bribed easily.

Many people might just want to do one job and leave!

After taking this order, I made a lot of money, then resigned and left the industry, and even left the Internet world, thinking about taking the money to go back to my hometown and open a store.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages.

This is one of the big disadvantages of outsourcing.

Outsourced employees are all outsiders!

Setting up a backdoor for a program by combining inside and outside is only one aspect. It is even easy for leaks to occur. Outsourcers often steal the company's project code and then take it to other people's homes... Therefore, it is inevitable that major companies treat outsourcing differently, and they are not allowed to touch the core. For business, they cannot be given the same permissions as regular employees.

Guo Pengfei was confused from the business level and said: "That shouldn't be the case? Is it possible that all products should be left to outsourcing? The final product is not made by regular employees?"

Li Yanhong said: "We are regular employees, but it is inevitable that some omissions will occur in this kind of thing. Especially the outsourcing team of the related parties always feels that they can be trusted, and they will slack off on many things."

"Relationship household?"

"Well, a middle-level employee at Baidu went out to work alone when he didn't make any progress and opened a human outsourcing company. Everyone in the company trusted him, so they trusted the team he sent even more."

"The process is still not optimized."

Guo Pengfei also has an outsourcing team, so he has a good reputation.

Internet outsourcing requires trust, so there are generally two options: first, a large listed outsourcing company; second, a related party.

The so-called relationship households are just like Li Yanhong mentioned.

The middle-level and senior executives who resigned or retired from the company went to open an outsourcing company outside. Because they know the company's business lines and technology stack well, they know better what type of outsourcing employees to recruit.

Just like Li Jun who will semi-retire from Ziweixing in the near future.

If he goes outside to open an outsourcing company and then comes back to cooperate with Ziweixing, he will have an advantage.

Not only have we worked together over the past many years, Ziweixing has also established a trusting relationship with him.

And he knows enough about Ziweixing.

He understands the culture of Ziweixing and what kind of personality and value orientation Ziweixing needs. Coupled with the business and technical needs, the outsourcing employees he recruits can be more suitable for Ziweixing than the employees of any outside outsourcing company. .

Ziweixing can be more comfortable using the outsourcing team under Li Jun.

However, after all, Li Jun is not a professional in outsourcing.

The process must not be as mature as those outsourcing giants that have become listed companies, and mistakes may occur, as happened with Baidu this time.

Li Yanhong waved her hand and said: "This matter has been dealt with. Just wait for the notice from the police. They can't run away. That's not what I want to say when I invite you here today."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "What is it?"

Li Yanhong said: "There is no need to be too aggressive in the competition between Weidian and Baidu."

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