Top of the big era

Chapter 286 People Go Higher

The sullen Cao Hongtao gave Zhou Buqi a bad feeling.

Sure enough, when Dean Che made an important speech to celebrate the merger of the job-hunting website for fresh graduates and the Xiaonei website, for joint promotion and common development, and to do more meaningful and good things for college students across the country, Cao Hongtao spoke.

"Dean, I have received an offer. Mingliang and I will quit and join the Google Institute of Engineering."


Several department leaders were a little surprised.

Qin Mingliang said: "Yesterday we visited the research institute. The environment there is very good, and the atmosphere of scientific research is very strong."

Dean Che's face was not very good-looking.

Of course he is an expert.

The core of the job search website for fresh graduates is the search algorithm CampusSearch, and it is Cao Hongtao and Qin Mingliang who lead the development of this algorithm.

They quit, who will support this stall?

Isn't the studio here at Jiaotong University going to collapse?

Such an accident made everyone present feel unnatural.

It's not easy to say anything.

Everyone has his own ambitions.

Besides, that is Google China Academy of Engineering! It is the hottest research institution in the domestic Internet market this summer!

Google spent huge sums of money to recruit Li Kaifu from Microsoft as the dean, and also hired the technical director of eBay China and the technical director of Intel Asia Pacific as the vice president.

There is no second momentum!

The momentum of is quite popular, but compared with Google, it is still far behind.

People go to high places.

Meng Houkun's heart was heavy.

He can be regarded as the number one general under Zhou Buqi to expand the territory.

There is a truth, which he understands very well.

When expanding territory, what is being developed is not territory or industry, but the acquisition of human resources that previously occupied that industry.

People are the most important thing.

Zhou Buqi came to buy the job-seeking website for fresh graduates this time. The most important thing is to buy the algorithm of CampusSearch to improve the recruitment business of Xiaonei.

But in the long run, it is a process of harvesting talents.

With the technical team of Cao Hongtao and Qin Mingliang, more algorithms can be developed one after another, and a recruitment website with full technical flow can be launched.

Dean Zhao said in a displeased voice: "Being a monk strikes the clock for a day, and going to work at Google... is naturally a good direction, but you are still students now, and you still have to do a good job in the main project in hand."

Zhou Buqi didn't like this attitude of oppressing people with power, and said with a smile: "Dean Zhao is serious. In my opinion, the job search website for fresh graduates has done a very good job. Senior Cao and Senior Qin want to go to Google for research. It is also human nature to work in the hospital, people hope to go high."

Before that, he still had doubts about Cao Hongtao.

He plans to arrange Zhang Xuhao, who is more familiar with him, to assist and supervise him. Let a pure technician lead a company, 99% will have problems.

But this scene made him happy to see Lie.

This Cao Hongtao seems to be more reliable than Zhang Xuhao.

Very decisive!

When the website was sold, he let go.

In terms of personality, he is easier to handle big things than the submissive Zhang Xuhao.

And his goal is to go to the Google Institute of Engineering, which is even more particular.

The research institute is not a place to make a lot of money, but a place to do scientific research. Generally, only those who have faith in technology and have a persistent pursuit will join various research institutes, not companies that pursue profits.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Buqi said slowly——

"In the current online recruitment market, each occupies the top of the mountain. 51job, Zhaopin, and China Talents are three parts of the world. They have the strongest corporate connections and can attract the most companies to post recruitment information on the website. From this From a perspective, it is difficult for other emerging websites to compete with it.”

"If you want to break this pattern, you must find another way. Xiaonei has been looking for a way to break the situation, but it has not been able to find it until you encounter the job search website for fresh graduates. Using advanced technology and algorithms to break people's connections, this This kind of innovation is the fighting spirit that young people in the new era should have."

"Therefore, will not underestimate the value of the job-seeking website for fresh graduates. Our psychological expectation price here is 500,000 yuan. After the deal is concluded, another 500,000 yuan will be injected into the website for further technical exploration and product optimization. Dean Che, leaders, do you think this is okay?"

Who would say no?

Dean Che made it clear a long time ago, just pay for hard work, it doesn't matter how much money you have.

The asking price is 100,000 yuan, and it can be won smoothly.

Now, the buyer took the initiative to raise the price to 500,000 yuan, who would object?

The leaders were taken aback.

The founders Cao Hongtao, Qin Mingliang, Song Chao, Yan Hongzhe, and Gu Changsheng were also dumbfounded.

It's unbelievable.

Actively raise your offer?

How can there be such a negotiation?

500,000 is a drop in the bucket for Xiaonei, but it is a huge sum of money for current students.

This is 2005.

In an era when the basic salary of a primary and secondary school teacher was only more than 1,000 yuan.

Cao Hongtao's lips were a little dry.

He holds 35% of the shares. Based on the purchase price of 500,000 yuan, after deducting the 20% income tax... he can get a full 140,000 yuan!

I can buy a house for his parents in the county!

After some pretentious politeness, the price was decided like this.

"In this case, let's sign the contract later. Dean Che, leaders, I want to have a private chat with the founders. Look..."

Before Zhou Buqi could finish his sentence, several leaders laughed and made excuses, and all left.

There are only five founders left, and Zhou Buqi's team.

Meng Houkun coughed lightly, and persuaded: "Senior Cao, Senior Qin, do you have to leave? You have also seen the sincerity of Xiaonei."

Cao Hongtao laughed at himself, "The hard-working website is gone, so what's the point of keeping it?"

Meng Houkun said: "Senior Cao, I'm afraid you have misunderstood. Even if acquires the job search website for fresh graduates, you are still the general manager, no, the CEO!"

Cao Hongtao shook his head, as if he didn't want to argue.

Zhang Xuhao said with a smile: "Senior Cao, if it's because of the shares, I don't think it's necessary. Don't forget, it's Xiaonei, the most popular website on domestic university campuses. More importantly, this is a company that has just been established for a year. The start-up company has not yet had equity reform. If you join now, you are the identity of the founder, and you can hold shares in the future!"

Meng Houkun was faintly proud, and said proudly: "When the shares are reformed, all employees must hold the shares. For such an important position as the CEO of the Fresh Graduate Job Search Network, the allotment must not be too small. The most important thing is that you get It is not the shares of, but the shares of the parent company of, Ziweixing Technology Group!”


"Yes, is just a part of Ziweixing's business. In addition to, there are, and Dongfangweidian."

"Oriental slightly?"

Gu Changsheng, who likes to read technology news, suddenly broke out, "That Dongfang Weidian who was framed by his peers and almost went bankrupt?"

Meng Houkun smiled and said: "Yes, that's the one. However, Dongfang Weidian was acquired by Ziweixing for 20 million yuan. By the way, don't you know about Weidian security guards?"

Cao Hongtao, Qin Mingliang, Gu Changsheng and others all shook their heads.

Obviously, they have been stuck on the sale of the website for the past two days.

Did not pay attention to the latest major events on

But even so, Cao Hongtao didn't want to stay, and shook his head politely, saying, "Me and Mingliang, we've already made an agreement with Google..."

Meng Houkun waved his hands and said disapprovingly: "It's only September, and I can't sign a tripartite agreement. It's just an internship intention. Listen to me, don't go, and only by staying can you have a broader space for development."

Cao Hongtao remained silent.

Qin Mingliang's eyes were firm, "We won't stay."

The grievances suffered by selling the website this time cannot be smoothed over with a sentence or two.

Meng Houkun was a little annoyed.

I think these two are a little out of date.

Zhou Buqi gave him a hard look.

He has already seen that among the five founders, Song Chao, Yan Hongzhe, and Gu Changsheng are followers, while Cao Hongtao and Qin Mingliang are the backbone.

If the backbone leaves, the team will completely collapse!

At that time, it will take a lot of effort to rebuild the team, and it's hard to say whether the new team will be able to do the job... On the Xiaonei website, the recruitment business is already in a hurry.

In order to find a mature technical team, Zhang Yiming even spent a lot of money to buy the entire company.

Just like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, there are dozens of acquisitions every year.

Many times, what they acquire is not the business of the new company, but the excellent team. So the first thing to do after the acquisition is to close the original business directly.

In the field of high technology, whether it is the Internet or electronic communication, talents are the foundation.

Zhou Buqi was not in a hurry, and said with a smile, "You said you have been to Google?"

"Well, the direction of work has also been determined."

Cao Hongtao was lukewarm towards Meng Houkun, but his attitude towards him was very good.

Of course, 500,000 cannot be spent in vain.

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, and he asked curiously, "Which direction?"

Cao Hongtao said seriously: "It is the acceleration technology of software systems. Since last year, Google scientists have started research in this area, and have published more than 20 important papers, which are of great practical significance. Mingliang and I will join this acceleration technology." Project Team."

Zhang Xuhao knew that Boss Zhou didn't understand technology, so he explained softly, saying, "Google has recruited a group of top scientists in the world, and its talent pool is far better than those of Microsoft, Yahoo, and Amazon, and comparable to NASA. Yes. These world-class scientists can’t be overqualified. Google’s approach is to let them study and discuss the world’s latest technologies that may lead the future, and make papers. However, these scientists will not end in person, and will continue to be at the forefront Explore the technical field. Google’s research institutes all over the world will find interesting directions from these papers and refer to the content of the papers for specific research.”

Having said that, Zhou Buqi will understand.

He doesn't know anything else, but he knows about cloud computing!

Google scientists published a paper on cloud computing two years ago. However, Google has not started the research and development of cloud computing for a long time.

Instead, Amazon took the lead.

It also created huge troubles for Alibaba Cloud's research and development.

Because these papers are too high-end, too esoteric, and difficult to understand, they are world-class cutting-edge science and technology.

As powerful as Dr. Wang Jian, there was also a certain misunderstanding and a wrong research and development direction. This caused the Alibaba Cloud project to be exhausted in the first few years, and the elite core team left more than half...

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