Top of the big era

Chapter 287 Change, start from scratch

In the world of the Internet, a microsecond can have huge consequences.

Even though Google search is already fast, for Google, this is not enough. Their goal is to be lean and even faster. Therefore, Google wants to deploy new technologies of hardware, fiber optics and networks between various servers, so as to continuously reduce loading times.

This is the project team that Cao Hongtao and Qin Mingliang will participate in after joining Google China Research Institute.

In fact, Zhou Buqi is no stranger to this project.

At the beginning, when the Xiaonei website was limited to buy mobile phones, Tang Binsen, the technical master of Beihang University, developed a speed-up plug-in to help Beihang students grab most of the mobile phones.

Later, Xiaonei and Tang Binsen reached an agreement to buy the plug-in and package it in the "member purchase" service system.

Of course, Tang Binsen only scratched the surface.

Google Research Institute is deep research.

Cao Hongtao said: "This time I worked on the job-seeking website for fresh graduates, and I deeply understood a truth, that is, technology is truly omnipotent. We are just students at school, with no connections, funds, channels, or cooperation from companies. But , we have achieved things that listed companies have not done through technical means and algorithms.”

Zhou Buqi nodded and agreed very much: "Your thinking is correct. The reason why I was able to pay attention to the website when it was first launched is because I have long wanted to use technical means to rewrite the status quo of online recruitment. It's tight, Xiaonei has no time to build its own team for research and development, so it can only buy it."

Cao Hongtao said deeply: "Yes, technology can change the world. And the places with the best technology in China are Microsoft Research Institute and Google Research Institute. Mingliang and I both hope to work at Google to let the light of technology bloom and the Internet change the world."


This courage is not small!

Zhou Buqi admired him more and more, but he was not impressed by his choice. He frowned and said, "Senior Cao, you have to understand that Google... is an American company after all."

Cao Hongtao looked surprised, feeling that Boss Zhou's prejudice was a bit serious.

That's Google!

The papers that Google scientists spend a lot of money on research have never been cherished by themselves, but open to the world. Any capable and technical team can refer to Google's papers to carry out corresponding research.

"A great company, of course embraces the world, doesn't necessarily conform to the will of the country. No matter how great a company is, it can't belong to the world, it can only belong to a certain country." Zhou Buqi said meaningfully.


Cao Hongtao and Qin Mingliang both looked surprised.


This has all joined the WTO, and the process of globalization is advancing at a high level!

Zhou Buqi knows that it is a bit shocking to say such a view in this day and age. No one would have thought that only ten years later, the world would start to have a trend of anti-globalization.

It can only be explained from another point of view.

"Focus on the most cutting-edge science and technology, and aim to change the world. This is of course a good thing. However, in addition to focusing on the future, I think we should also look at the present. The anti-QQ alliance formed by MSN is vulnerable to Tencent; eBay is tenacious by Taobao Sniping, the market share has fallen below 40%; Yahoo China was beaten to the ground by the three major portals, and could only be acquired by Ali, and Baidu is the leader in the search market.”

Having said that, Zhou Buqi paused, "Senior Cao, Senior Qin, this is the general trend of the Internet in China."

Cao Hongtao and Qin Mingliang fell silent immediately.

Another founder, Song Chao, persuaded in a low voice: "If you want me to say, let's stay here. No matter what, this is the website we created. Instead of working for Google, why don't you raise your own children?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, feeling that there was no need for such a small structure, and said lightly: "Technology can change the world, that's right. But, in my eyes, as a Chinese person, it is difficult to choose between changing China and changing the world. I must choose the former. The rise of the Chinese nation is not to keep pace with the world, but to surpass it.”


Speaking of this kind of big proposition of going online, Boss Zhou is doing well in Yanjing, and he is like a fish in water among leaders at all levels.

What's more, how many graduate students are there?

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, it was like an atomic bomb explosion, shocking several people directly.

As an excellent student trained by a prestigious school, who doesn't have a little idealism in the ivory tower?

Even Wang Haoyang, who had been struggling in the society for a long time, was a little moved at this moment.

I think Boss Zhou really has the temperament to become a big shot.

Influenced by his family, Meng Houkun came out with high-sounding words: "It's too far to change the world. The mission of Ziweixing is to change China! We are still a start-up company for college students. We start with small things and change the university campus first. This is what we do on campus. The mission of the Internet. You have all used Xiaonei, and you must be able to see what changes the birth of Xiaonei has brought to the life and study of college students across the country.”

Zhang Xuhao also sighed: "To change the world, it is better to start by changing you and me. Anyway, I recognize the value and mission of, and it is a good thing for college students across the country to merge the job-seeking website for fresh graduates into Xiaonei!"

Cao Hongtao sighed sadly, shook his head and remained silent.

Qin Mingliang glanced at him with a complicated expression.

They want to join Google, with a certain idealism. Unexpectedly, the idealism of people is even greater and higher!

In contrast, their idea of ​​joining Google and then using technology to change the world seems so ambitious and naive.

At this time, Zhou Buqi finally clarified the topic, sighed, and said: "I know, you have been pressured by the college and the tutors, and you have been wronged by letting you sell the website this time. But... It is life, who is not wronged?"

Meng Houkun understood, and immediately chimed in: "If you don't say anything else, just talk about the Internet cafe in the school. You are really wronged! You all know the group buying on Xiaonei, right? This is for college students. We adopted the model of free postage. We spent nearly 3 million yuan in postage alone for this group buying computer activity. However, outsiders don’t know that has to pay a courier fee to STO The Post pays a service fee."

"Service fee?"

"To put it bluntly, it's protection fees! Express delivery, that's the territory of the postal service."

Meng Houkun sneered.

Cao Hongtao and others were taken aback.

Non-insiders like Wang Haoyang and Zhang Xuhao also opened their eyes wide, expressing disbelief.

There is such a thing?

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said lightly: "It is an essential quality for an adult to bear grievances. If you can't even stand a little grievance, how can you bear the various complicated problems and huge pressure encountered in the process of starting a business?" Go on? Cao Xuechang, Qin Xuechang, whether you two stay or go to Google, I will support it. However, I suggest that you do not make a decision now. People are emotionally unstable, especially when negative emotions are dominant , Don’t make major decisions, because you will often make wrong judgments. Wait until you calm down and think patiently before making a decision.”

After speaking, he left his contact information and was about to take someone away.

From the beginning with 500,000 yuan of money to clear the way, to the pressure and brainwashing of idealism, and now to playing hard to get...

To be honest, in front of business elites like Lei Jun and Liu Qiangdong, Zhou Buqi couldn't play tricks.

But in front of this group of college students and graduate students with little social experience, he can almost turn his hands into clouds and rain.

After walking out of the computer building, Meng Houkun couldn't help asking in a low voice: "How is it? Can it work?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "It's still close."

"What is it?"

"Micropoint security guard."


Meng Houkun blinked, as if realizing something.

Yes, the download market of Micropoint Security Guard is booming!

The Xiaonei forums exploded.

The whole article is a praise post that swipes the screen.

Many students posted in tears, saying that they have been troubled by rogue software for many years. In order to fight against rogue software, he had to reinstall the computer three times a month, but he was still no match for rogue software.

It's all right now, you have installed Micropoint Security Guard, and you can delete it with one click!

Simply neat!


It feels like I have returned to the excitement and passion when I first came into contact with computers at the beginning of the century.

It can be said that the emergence of micro-point security guards completely ignited the campus market.

Rescued countless college students from the troubles of rogue software, and felt the charm of the Internet again.

Isn't this a change?

Changing the world is out of reach.

However, we can start from the moment, we might as well change the university campus first.

Zhou Buqi said: "In a while, you bring someone over to sign the contract, and you will be the vice president of Ziweixing Technology Company. Then tell Cao Hongtao and Qin Mingliang, let them have time to pay attention to Xiaonei, and say that we have launched A new product, let them review it."

"This time, I can directly shock the two of you." Meng Houkun laughed loudly, and then, his complexion changed, and he looked at him strangely, "I brought someone to sign the contract? What about you?"

"I'm busy!"

"Are you busy? What is more important than signing a contract?"

"you do not need to know!"

Zhou Buqi glared and snorted.

According to the itinerary, he will leave Shanghai the day after tomorrow.

In such a big city, there are still many attractions that I haven't seen yet.

He tugged at Xue Baoshan's sleeve and whispered in his ear: "In the afternoon, we will go to Jinjiang Amusement Park. I heard it's pretty good."

Now there is no Happy Valley and Disneyland, Jinjiang Amusement Park is the best amusement park, there are many projects, and there is also a unique big project such as "Canyon Rafting", which is very interesting.

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips lightly, her face was gentle and her face was blushing a little, her eyes were full of shame and annoyance.

Is this what you said was more important than signing a contract?

Classmate Zhou, be more serious, okay?

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