Top of the big era

Chapter 2817 Critical Attack

"No. 1 in the world?" Secretary-General Meng couldn't help but laugh, thinking that this kid is really ambitious. "Don't talk about being No. 1 in the world. As long as you can go abroad and gain a foothold in the world, the plan you are planning revolves around The grand strategy of electric vehicles is considered a success.”

Zhou Buqi is very confident, "If it were just like this, I would have gone on vacation a long time ago and wouldn't have bothered to participate in these things. I think it is necessary for us to have more confidence in the automobile industry and to have a long-term future." development plans and broader global goals.”

Secretary-General Meng nodded and said with a smile: "You have been promoting open source. According to your theory, if we really become the number one in the world... then wouldn't we have to abandon the open source strategy?"


Zhou Buqi does not agree with this view.

"Huh?" Secretary-General Meng was a little surprised, "Isn't this what you just said in the meeting just now?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is what they said, I reserve my opinion."

Secretary-General Meng was very surprised, "Didn't you say that many of the leading products of Microsoft, Google, and Amazon will not give up the independence of their core mechanisms and will not be open source? Especially Apple. Hasn't Apple always refused? Open source route?”

Zhou Buqi said: “Indeed, Apple insists on customizing many components of its products. As long as the product is good and recognized by the market, custom-designed components can bring huge benefits to technology companies, making it impossible for rival companies to directly purchase these high-end components. High-performance customized components are therefore difficult to copy. However, this type of strategy also has great disadvantages and risks. This kind of exclusive customized design will make the order quantity impossible to accurately predict. , there will be terrible consequences. If there is less, the product will have to be assembled in a hurry, and parts will have to be produced; if there is too much, there will be a backlog of inventory. Therefore, when new iPhones are launched in recent years, we can see consumers queuing up overnight. The rush-buying scene is actually about the risks and predictions of new products at the market level. When a new product is launched, they don’t dare to place large orders directly. They have to first introduce it to the market to see the response, and then sort out the data and models. Mass production.”

Secretary-General Meng nodded and said: "Mass production can not only bring greater cost advantages, but also provide more operational flexibility."

“Quantification is the ultimate answer for manufacturing.”

Zhou Buqi has long had his own views on this issue.

Just like Qualcomm chips.

This is universal.

Asda, Samsung, LG, Huawei, ZTE, Xiaomi, Sony, BlackBerry and other mobile phone brands can all use Qualcomm chips. In this way, many mobile phone companies are very flexible in their operations and the order risks are much smaller.

For example, Asda's new mobile phone has placed an order for 10 million chips with Qualcomm.

Once something unexpected happens in the market, this phone will go cold.

It can be processed in time.

This 10 million chip order can be canceled without any problem, because Aisda no longer needs such a chip, other mobile phone manufacturers still need to use it, and only need to make a simple transfer. In this way, the inventory risk of mobile phones can be greatly reduced, so that after signing a large order, it will not be sold, causing it to be hoarded in the warehouse and ruining cash flow.

In the past 20 to 30 years, many electronic products have been destroyed by inventory backlog.

For example, the once-powerful computer giant Compaq, which is also the company where Apple CEO Cook once worked, made a strategic mistake, resulting in a large number of unsalable goods being stored in the warehouse, and the cash flow was directly cut off. Lost.

A generation of technology giants fell apart in an instant.

But things are different now.

With the improvement, enrichment and strength of the domestic supply chain system, many inventory problems that have plagued the past decades have been gradually solved in the industry.

Just like a tablet.

If you know enough tablet computer brands, including Sony, Samsung, LG, Huawei, Lenovo, ZTE, Xiaomi, Coolpad, Asus... then you will be surprised to find, Huh? Something doesn’t seem right!

These companies are all competitors. Why do the pads they produce have the same model and size?

Basically they are 11 inches or 12 inches in size.

This leads to the fact that tablet computers from various manufacturers all look similar and lack the particularity of being "unconventional". Except for the iPad, which is special, all other manufacturers look similar.

In fact, it is determined by the mass production supply chain system.

This allows for more flexibility.

You order a 10-megapixel 12-inch LCD screen, but later find that the product cannot be sold, and the order can be easily canceled... Because everyone produces 12-inch tablets, and if you don't need them, others will too.

This will greatly reduce inventory risks, improve the liquidity of market products, and provide major manufacturers with greater convenience and flexibility in their decision-making.

Not only the hardware level, but also the software level can be quantitatively optimized.

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied with this topic and said with a smile: "This is actually the open source concept. It has been deeply rooted in the country for a long time and has formed a unique and strong competitiveness in the domestic manufacturing field. It has even solved many problems that have plagued many industries. Decades of inventory woes.”

Secretary-General Meng was slightly startled, "Is this also open source?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This is not open source of technology, but open source of components."

“Open source on components?”

"The open source of technology means that there is a large technical framework. Everyone comes to use this framework system together. Everyone's technology is similar, and it is not much better or worse. The open source of components is There is a standardization of spare parts, and everyone uses this set of standardized components to design products, which means that the style and performance of everyone's products look similar, and they are not much better or worse. where."

"It seems that my understanding of open source is not enough!" Secretary-General Meng was a little surprised, "Open source is not a choice in technical direction, it is a big system and a big concept!"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Just like the tablet computer and smartphone industries. How much difference can there be between ZTE's mobile phones, Asda's mobile phones, Samsung's mobile phones, and Huawei's mobile phones? In fact, they are all similar. This is a shortcoming. But it is also the biggest advantage, because in this way, the cost can be low enough. Apple's iPad is always unconventional and does not play with everyone, but has its own system... This will inevitably lead to the cost of the iPad. Higher prices and higher prices are elitist. In contrast, mass-produced Android tablets that are all open source from technology to components can have lower costs under mass production. , lower selling price, can reach more ordinary people.”

Secretary-General Meng took a deep breath, "So you don't agree with Apple's strategy of being the world's number one and not engaging in open source."

Zhou Buqi said: "From a market perspective, it should be like Apple, or Microsoft's Windows system, which can maintain the greatest competitiveness without open source. This is determined by the market mechanism. But this is a foreign country. The domestic economy It’s not all market-led, it’s semi-market-oriented at most. If you still fully gravitate towards the market, it can easily lead to a situation where the most important thing in competition is to exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses.”

Secretary-General Meng deeply agreed and was greatly touched, "Yes, we should use our strengths and avoid our weaknesses."

Zhou Buqi said: "Large-scale standardized quantitative production is the biggest advantage of domestic manufacturing! How can you give up your own strengths and follow other people's weaknesses? Even if you become the number one in the world, you can't do this. It must be We must insist on open source! We must standardize and quantify mass production, and we must keep our own advantages!”

Secretary-General Meng laughed and said: "You are really a big entrepreneur, with your vision and vision... Why do I feel that your focus is not on the electric vehicle industry at all? From the Internet to electric vehicles, this is just an entry point, right?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I think that the country should comprehensively promote open source ideas, and further expand the scope of open source, so that countless small and medium-sized enterprises in the country can enjoy the dividends of open source, and are eligible to participate in many In the past, only large companies could play in the field... Domestic manufacturing has flourished and conquered the international market, and the pattern of rising in the east and falling in the west can truly be established. "

Secretary-General Meng gave a thumbs up and said, "Getting to the root of it."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's far from the root!"

"Then what is the root?"

"This... this is related to the mainstream trend of thought. It may have to rise to the philosophical level..."

"What trend of thought? What philosophy?"

Secretary-General Meng did not have much contact with Zhou Buqi.

But usually when my son comes home, he will always say how outstanding and talented this person is, making people willing to admire him.

Secretary-General Meng didn't know Zhou Buqi, but he knew his son very well.

With Meng Houkun's kind of personality, he has never been the type to be subordinate to others.

But he admired the young man Zhou Buqi so much that he was willing to do his bidding, which was enough to show that he was good enough, powerful enough, charismatic enough and infectious enough.

Even so, Secretary-General Meng was amazed by Zhou Buqi at this time.

It is hard to believe that a young man under the age of thirty can have such a high vision, such a big plan, and such long-term thinking on the national economic direction. As for the thoughts and philosophies, I guess they are just joking, right?

As everyone knows, Zhou Buqi is not joking at all.

Zhou Buqi said: "In the past few years, I have been doing business at home and abroad. I have a comprehensive understanding of the markets and users in some mainstream European and American countries. This has made me aware of the biggest weakness of developed countries in Europe and the United States. They are too Personalized, everyone wants to be "unconventional", which is essentially contrary to the concept of open source. In contrast, the concept of open source is more suitable to take root in China, which originally lacks advantages in patent protection and lacks knowledge. Not enough attention is paid to property rights. More importantly, this is the most important thing. Patents are a "private property" thing, while open source is a "communist" thing. This is a genetic fit with us, and it is a continuation of Marx's thought. , this is our biggest advantage!”

As soon as these words came out, Secretary-General Meng was stunned.

Like a critical hit.

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