Top of the big era

Chapter 2818 Advantages of Cost Control

Open source is a very avant-garde concept. Many people support or oppose open source. In fact, they don’t even understand what it is. It's just that if some people support it, they will follow in a confused way to support it; if some people oppose it, they will follow in a confused way to oppose it.

Among the voices for and against, of course the voice of opposition is louder.

Because human nature is selfish.

Who is willing to take out their own stuff and share it with others for free?

Communism is a long-term goal, which is not the current reality.

But there is no doubt that open source things are more in line with the interests of the working people. Whether it is open source technology or open source components, they all have the advantages of low price, quantification, and high popularity, and they can benefit many ordinary people. Spend very little money and enjoy the best products and services.

But this will undoubtedly affect the interests of many people.

For example, the automotive industry is opposed to open source.

In the past, a car sold for 100,000 yuan, and the casual profit was 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. How comfortable was this money? For example, Microsoft once developed a mobile operating system and sold the system steadily. A system costs tens of dollars. How easy is it to make money?

Without open source competition, they could just sit back and make a lot of money.

Of course you have to object.

Those who are really hurt are many ordinary consumers.

This is also the reason why after the domestic new energy vehicle industry took off later, it was not only the domestic car owners who bought new energy vehicles that benefited. Even if you don’t like electric cars but like gas cars, you will still reap the dividends of open source.

Because with the strong entry of electric vehicles, the industry is slashing prices.

In the past, those fuel vehicles with extremely high profit margins have begun to drastically reduce their prices, allowing countless ordinary consumers to enjoy the benefits. It is no longer like the time in the 1990s, when Volkswagen developed a Santana-type sedan tailor-made for the country. Originally designed by a foreigner, the price was 40,000 yuan, but the domestic partner offered a sales price of 180,000 yuan. There are no competitors anyway, and there are no price controls, so why can’t we make a lot of money?

Without Android, the average price of smartphones used by everyone today would be at least 1,000 yuan more expensive. Without open source in the automotive field, buying a car would still be a household expense that puts great financial pressure on many ordinary families.

Who is against open source?

Of course, these are companies with traditional business ideas that have been beaten down by open source.

Even the world's largest company like Apple still competes in terms of interests. It uses the stability and security of its own closed-source products as an argument to argue that the open-source Android system is immature.

But for ordinary people, cost is the first reference factor.

In recent years, foreign countries have become more and more left-wing and anti-Semitic and anti-elitist. Coupled with the promotion of cooperation by "alliances" in the Internet industry, the open source community has been greatly improved and the open source concept has been enriched. This is a new society. trend of thought.

This trend of thought has been developing in China for decades.

There is already the best open source soil here.

The most important thing is the strong guiding role of the government.

With a single order, everyone must follow.

This is the biggest advantage.

Zhou Buqi does not want to participate in the design of some high-level social systems. He just explains some of his own opinions at the business level. Europe and the United States are market economies, while China is a semi-market economy. Both sides compete under the market competition model. Of course, Europe and the United States are more powerful.

It is currently impossible for China to completely transform into a market economy.

How to maximize market competitiveness in the current semi-market economy?

This is what Zhou Buqi is most concerned about. "The automobile industry was originally the exclusive territory of Europe and the United States. Later, Japanese cars started to be made. Later, Korean cars also started to be made. If you go around the United States, the streets are full of Japanese cars. car."

Secretary-General Meng's mentality has changed, and he realizes that this is the real Mr. Zhou, "Well, the most important thing for South Korea and Japan to become developed countries is that they have built the automobile industry."

Zhou Buqi said: "Do Korean and Japanese car companies have any technology? That car is really full of flaws, just like a paper shell. But this does not prevent their cars from selling well all over the world, even if The coldness of relations between China, South Korea and Japan has not affected the sales of Korean and Japanese cars in China. The answer is actually very simple. Toyota is really affordable at the right price. , Honda, Hyundai, and Suzuki have all become the world’s top car companies by virtue of their cost advantages.”

Secretary-General Meng nodded, "So what you mean is that we should also follow the automobile industry route of South Korea and Japan."

"No no..." Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Why do we have to learn from them? Korean and Japanese cars are also made by people, and Korean and Japanese car companies are also planned by entrepreneurs. Looking around the world, I have not seen any Who can do business better than me? Even Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, are they better than me? Larry Page, the boss of Google, Mark Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook, that’s me. My little disciples always want to listen to my words and deeds.”

Secretary-General Meng laughed heartily.

There is a rare sense of pleasure.

I don’t think I’m bragging yet.

It’s so hearty!

In the past thirty years of reform and opening up, what has been most emphasized in China is to learn from Western advanced science, technology and culture, to introduce excellent overseas business management experience, and to catch up with the technologies and solutions of the world's top 500 corporate giants...

For the West, it has always been an attitude of looking up to it.

This is the consensus of almost all walks of life.

Until such an incredible business genius appeared in China...

You can despise the European and American style.

They can compete with rare big entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, or even surpass them!

When Gates and Jobs were in their twenties, they were far less successful than Boss Zhou is today.

Zhou Buqi sneered: "I'm planning the domestic electric vehicle industry. Ask me to learn from Korean and Japanese car companies? Are they worthy? Can they all be compared to one of my little fingers? Don't talk about Korea. Japanese car companies, even Mercedes-Benz and BMW, I regard as a joke. They are traditional car companies that are on the edge of the times and cannot survive. What can we learn from them? We have Chinese characteristics. Of course, we need to find a development path that is most compatible with our society, our system, and our system.”

"Really? What direction should it be?"

Secretary-General Meng could keep up with his train of thought at the beginning. Basically, when he said the first sentence, he could guess the second half.

It's really not working anymore at this point. I'm getting older and my reflexes can't keep up.

Zhou Buqi said: "No one can match us in terms of cost control. And with the idea of ​​open source, we can control the cost of cars to the extreme! This should have been our biggest advantage, but domestic Those traditional car companies completely lack this understanding. They are completely imitating the business philosophy of European and American private companies, but they have forgotten that communism is the most essential thing of these large state-owned enterprises. "

"What exactly?"

Secretary-General Meng felt that his thinking had become rusty.

In other words, I was completely shocked by this guy's big words and this super high perspective.

I really have no idea of ​​refuting or questioning.

At the same time, there is hope.

At this moment, he had unprecedented boldness and vision, and felt that the domestic automobile industry could really usher in the spring of leading the world!

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