Top of the big era

Chapter 2816 Cats and Dogs Theory

After the meeting, we can communicate privately.

Zhou Buqi naturally went to a lounge next door with Secretary-General Meng.

Secretary-General Meng's biggest purpose of coming here this time was to support Zhou Buqi. Although the two have only met a few times, to some extent, they have a close relationship from a distance. Zhou Buqi and Meng Houkun are brothers, which is like a family.

After meeting, there was no rush to make some supplements to the seminar. Secretary-General Meng smiled and said, "You are too busy, why don't you go to my house for dinner?"

Zhou Buqi laughed, "I am shy."

Secretary-General Meng said angrily, "What do you mean by shy? It's not an outsider!"

"Next time! I will definitely go next time!"

"Go tonight!"


Zhou Buqi nodded.

It just so happened that the board of directors of Yuanwei Group was over. After going there, he could also plan his future path in the business world with Meng Houkun and his father. This kind of official-business relationship is more complicated. Even if Meng Houkun has made it through his own strength, it is easy to cause criticism and even affect his father's career.

It's okay to do business, but you have to keep a low profile.

Making a fortune quietly is the main theme.

Secretary Meng smiled and said, "I said before that I wanted to introduce my granddaughter... my eldest brother's granddaughter to you, but the bastard in my family said that you are already married."

"Yeah, married."

Zhou Buqi felt a little strange, thinking why is it the same routine?

Wherever he went, he wanted to introduce him to a red line.

Those who have sisters introduced their sisters to him, those who have daughters introduced their daughters to him, and those who have granddaughters introduced their granddaughters to him... It's like he is a traitor who doesn't know how to chase women, and can only rely on others to matchmake to pick up girls.

The most important thing is that this generation seems to be wrong, right?

Meng Houkun is the son of Secretary Meng, but he wants to introduce his granddaughter to him... If it really works, isn't he a generation lower than Meng Houkun?

After a brief greeting, Secretary-General Meng returned to the main topic and said: "The country attaches great importance to the layout of the electric vehicle industry this time. A decision-making group of the highest level has been established. I am the secretary-general of this decision-making group. I will make a more comprehensive report after returning. You must understand that this is a major event related to the country's destiny. No matter how serious or important it is, it should be taken seriously and cannot be sloppy!" Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, I understand." Secretary-General Meng looked at him deeply and said meaningfully: "You are at great risk if you take this road!" Zhou Buqi understood what he meant and smiled: "I am a businessman. We have a unified standard for doing business. The greater the risk, the greater the return. The reason why I have been able to develop so fast and achieve so much in my career over the years is because I always dare to make high-risk decisions that others dare not make, and then reap success. I believe this time is no exception." Secretary-General Meng shook his head secretly. This is an elder's concern for his younger generation. Zhou Buqi said: "Even if we don't consider the input-output ratio, from the perspective of the country and the nation, this is what I should do. Now I have achieved some success in my career, and I have some friends and connections internationally. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I hope to be able to drive our country's economy to a huge development within my ability. Donating money is not very meaningful. It is better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish." Secretary-General Meng said, "Well, this is the consensus of our decision-making group. You do have extraordinary feelings and courage in this regard, which is different from other capitalists who only know how to make money." Zhou Buqi laughed dumbly. Secretary-General Meng continued, "However, since you have chosen this path, you must understand the consequences. If one day in the future, this path is proven to be wrong, and even affects our national destiny... this will be very dangerous. Although it is said that those who make decisions should bear the most responsibility, those who make suggestions should not suffer for it. But... by the way, I heard from my kid that you are familiar with history?" Zhou Buqi smiled, "Yes, I always read "Zizhi Tongjian" when I have nothing to do." Secretary-General Meng said, "That's fine, use history as a mirror, and there are some things that Uncle Meng doesn't need to say." The courtiers give advice to the emperor, and the decision-making power is in the hands of the emperor. If it is done well, the greatest credit belongs to the emperor. If it is not done well, the courtiers will be beheaded to apologize. However, Zhou Buqi is not worried about this. Although the supply chain of electronic products such as computers and mobile phones has been fully equipped in China, if we want to become a real manufacturing power, we must boldly move forward and rely on the Internet to build the new energy vehicle industry. This is the general trend. Not only foresight. But Zhou Buqi is now standing at such a height and has a personal and real experience that the wheel of the times has come here, and this is a necessary step.

Zhou Buqi doesn't care about risks. This is also the experience he has gained from doing business over the past few years. He said thoughtfully: "Now I think some people still have some misunderstandings about open source, as if open source is a Western thing. Many people They are all dualistic and like the opposition between China and the West. Either Chinese culture or Western culture; Chinese history or Western history; Chinese medicine or Western medicine... But from ancient times to the present, there has never been that country. That field exists alone. This is even more true now. Open source is not from the West, but it belongs to the world. In the Internet field alone, our country is the second largest open source country in the world. How can we say that open source is from the West? ?"

Secretary-General Meng nodded and said: "I will convey this meaning to many people... You should understand that we old guys may not have the trendy consciousness of young people like you. You have to give us a certain amount of time to understand it clearly, and then Make a judgment again.”

Zhou Buqi said: "There are some things I haven't said in the seminar just now. In the automotive field, I think open source is particularly important. The reason why the domestic automotive industry has suffered a complete failure in recent years is, in addition to some problems in the system and organizational structure, A very important reason is that I worshiped the wrong master.”


Secretary-General Meng was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "If you imitate others, you often have to catch up. Our car companies have been following the Western model over the years... This is really a bit of an opposition between China and the West, because our system There are fundamental differences. If you ask a cat to chew bones like a dog, it will definitely not work. Our domestic car companies and those foreign car companies are completely different creatures. "

Secretary-General Meng was surprised, "You don't believe in market economy?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Of course I believe in the market economy, and my company has developed under the market economy. But I am talking about these major car companies in our country. Their thinking must be changed, and they cannot dominate at the same time. If we maintain the structure of a planned economy and compete in a market economy, we will end up being unhappy with both sides.”

Secretary-General Meng said with a serious face, "This is not something you should participate in."

Zhou Buqi said quickly: "I don't want to participate in reform decisions or anything, I'm just talking about the domestic automobile industry. I need to make a statement first, hoping that the leaders can have a general understanding. Once our policies are liberalized Now, private forces are allowed to fully enter the automobile industry to make electric vehicles... I can say that if any company can do better than these traditional domestic automobile giants, their lives will definitely become more and more difficult. They simply didn’t play to their true organizational strengths.”

"What kind of advantage?"

"Same shareholders."


Secretary-General Meng raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Buqi said: "BMW and Volkswagen are competing fiercely, Ford and Cadillac are fighting every day, and Toyota and Honda are often fighting to the death. This is right, this is competition in a market economy. Different companies have different shareholders. , for the benefit of their respective shareholders, they must maximize their own interests, and competition must be the main thing and cooperation as a supplement.”

Secretary-General Meng said "hmm".

Zhou Buqi said: “Our car companies are all joint ventures with these car company giants in the world, and we use these car company giants as teachers to learn from their management experience, their car manufacturing processes and operations. Concept. It's right to learn, but you can't copy it completely, right? It's right to let a cat learn how to survive as a dog. It's not wrong to let a cat learn the skills of a dog in chewing bones. The cat learned how to chew bones, and then went to the market to grab the bones to eat. How can it win? No matter how much policy subsidies and tariff restrictions are imposed, it will definitely not be possible. "

Secretary-General Meng frowned slightly.

Because this topic is too big.

Although Zhou Buqi is a world-class entrepreneur and has made great achievements in many fields, he is still young and has no political experience. He starts talking about such big topics related to institutional methods and organizational structure. , still a little reckless.

How can you explain such a complicated matter clearly in just a few words?

Zhou Buqi also knew that these words were inappropriate and said with a smile: "Since you are here all the time, I will just talk nonsense. If you are in other places, I will definitely not talk about it."

Secretary-General Meng said in a deep voice: "Well, it's good to say less and make fewer mistakes, and don't say anything. It's not that what you said is wrong, but the act of saying too much has the risk of crossing the line. When you do business, you have to resist risks. , the ability to perceive risks and resolve risks. But this is not a business place, so you must be cautious.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I know, in fact, I am not saying this for these traditional domestic car companies. I am beyond my reach to them. However, if it is some private car companies, including some emerging new energy vehicles in the future, company, I hope to provide them with a clearer development proposal, rather than copying the West. How can we surpass them? I am very confident in domestic electric vehicles. We should not just satisfy the pursuers. Status, we...we should be number one in the world!”

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