Top of the big era

Chapter 2505 Poisonous Meat

Guo Pengfei is an Internet expert. He can hit the nail on the head and point out the interests of the private network and dedicated line model.

Not to mention the domestic operator giants, even the foreign operator giants have not realized the seriousness of this matter.

They are even complacent, thinking that if Internet giants rent a highway with dedicated network and dedicated lines, they can earn extra income for the operators!

This is not the case at all.

However, Guo Pengfei said this, but the other party still didn't understand what it meant.

Zhou Buqi was very helpless.

Director Wang and Director Xu are just that, they are all real official leaders, while Mr. Ying, Mr. Liu and Mr. Meng are all real executives of the operator.

His sensitivity to business is really poor.

There was no other way, so Guo Pengfei had no choice but to explain further, "One of the important reasons why the operator's ring tones business is so good is that the ring tones are very effective and can transmit data without any lag."

Mr. Liu said with a smile: "The ring tone uses the voice network, which is a dedicated network and dedicated line."

Guo Pengfei said: "Yes, private network and dedicated line! In the past few years, operators have relied on the private network and dedicated line strategy of voice networks to provide consumers with many high-quality services, whether it is ring tones, text messages, voice calls, or call transfer. . Dedicated network and dedicated lines are the greatest competitiveness of operators’ business!”


The leaders of several operators were very happy.

Guo Pengfei shook his head, "Core competitiveness cannot be sold. This is not a matter of more money or less. This is the core strategy, which will affect the long-term survival of a company!"

Meng Houkun didn't know much about technology, but he knew enough about the Internet to kill these senior leaders in an instant. He said helplessly: "We are doing this for your own good. This is a national interest that cannot be sold! Even if you are willing to pay Give it to Ziweixing, Ziweixing doesn’t dare to ask for it! WeChat can only use ordinary data networks now, and it can already provide very complete voice services and phone services. If you open a dedicated network and dedicated line for WeChat... from the operator Is there any need for voice network services to exist?”

After a pause, Meng Houkun said rudely: "If Ziweixing really buys the expressway with dedicated network and dedicated lines from you, I can tell you responsibly that in less than ten years, the operator's phone business will It will also become a marginal service just like the current SMS service!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the private room suddenly became cold.

It was obviously beyond their knowledge.

Guo Pengfei said calmly: "Today's Internet technology has reached a level where it can turn decay into magic. Just like Ziweiyun, using the cheapest and lowest-end servers, it can rely on technical advantages to reach the top server cluster in the world. Effect."

Zhou Buqi added: "Yes, Musk, the madman who makes rockets in the United States, also adopts Internet thinking, replacing expensive aviation materials with aluminum alloys, and replacing expensive aerospace engines with ordinary engines. Relying on distributed The integration and application of Internet technology can turn decay into magic.”

Guo Pengfei said: "The same is true for WeChat. All of you here are leaders, and I am not afraid to reveal some of our business secrets to you. WeChat has a very strong technical team, and it is not an exaggeration to say it is the best in the world. Even if it uses ordinary data Network, with our technical support, the effect of using WeChat can completely reach the effect of the operator's voice network within a few years. If a dedicated network and dedicated line are really opened for us, all the functions of WeChat will be It will completely crush the operators!"

"Where's the phone service?"

Director Xu didn’t quite believe it.

Phones can connect to satellites, and the signal transmission effect will be better than the Internet signal. The key is that there are more signal towers and wider coverage.

Guo Pengfei smiled, "WeChat can have video calls, and they are ultra-high-definition video calls."

Zhou Buqi said: "The Internet is changing all walks of life, including the traditional communications industry. The concept of satellite phones has been around for decades. Now even satellite TV is no longer popular and has been replaced by streaming videos on the Internet. To put it bluntly, satellite phones in the future may only be used in remote areas or military operations."

"What about overseas?" This is serious. Director Wang looked serious, "If this is really the case, then what's going on with those overseas operators?"

Because the people in state-owned enterprises are really not very good at innovating. When it comes to plagiarizing Western products, it must be a state-owned enterprise.

The same goes for operators.

All business strategies are basically copied from the West.

Now, Western carrier giants have opened private network and dedicated highway services to Helo, as well as technology giants such as Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft, and have earned a large amount of extra revenue.

This kind of money can be made by foreign operators, but not by domestic operators?

Zhou Buqi said flatly: "U.S. operators are having a miserable life. They are subject to extremely strict supervision by the authorities. Any small move will face judicial investigation. They are also required to be fully open to Internet applications and maintain network neutrality. On the contrary, the U.S. authorities have very loose supervision over Internet giants. Even the operating system games played by Microsoft, Google, and Apple are obvious monopoly models, and the authorities are turning a blind eye. This kind of pull The biased strategy allowed content providers in the Internet industry to firmly occupy a dominant position, while Internet operators were at a disadvantage, which later led to the global rise of Silicon Valley technology giants."

The Internet is an American creation.

It was also the United States that spread to the world and led a whole new era - the information revolution after the industrial revolution.

This is related to the highest decision-making of the US authorities.

They started operating as early as twenty years ago. They must strictly control Internet service operators, thereby transferring more social resources to Internet service providers.

This has led to the rise of Internet service provider giants such as Yahoo, Google, Amazon, and Facebook.

Director Wang was a little strange, "Isn't this the same as in China? In the future, domestic network resources must be appropriately tilted towards excellent Internet companies like Ziweixing. Moreover, our efforts will definitely be greater than those in the United States. The operators are all state-owned enterprises. , they can make more sacrifices! The domestic start is slower, but the execution efficiency is higher and faster!"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "However, China has just started. In the past ten years, although operators have also provided certain subsidies for data networks, the general direction is still tilted towards operators. It is different in the United States. , operators have been bullied for more than 20 years."

Director Wang asked: "So what?"

Meng Houkun rushed to say: "This means that the operators in the United States are all staring, and they all want to take a piece of meat from the Internet giant. With the new business of private network and dedicated line, of course they will rush forward happily. . They simply didn’t realize the huge risks involved here.”

Guo Pengfei said with a smile: "The world's top talents are all in Internet companies. If operators want to mess with Internet companies, they will end up shooting themselves in the foot."

As soon as he said this, he regretted it.


I made a mistake!

There were several big bosses from the operators sitting opposite.

Guo Pengfei quickly explained: "I'm talking about the technology giants in Silicon Valley. They have the smartest people in charge. They will never allow the meat in their bowls to be taken away by operators. Unless...unless this is a piece of poisonous meat, If operators eat it, they will be chronically poisoned until death."

Zhou Buqi said: "Even if the operators know, they can only eat this piece of meat, because they haven't eaten meat for a long time, even if it is poisonous, they have to taste it. As for life and death in the future... hum, Those operators in the United States are all private enterprises, and they are all professional managers. The talents at the helm do not care about the long-term interests in the future, but only want to earn the most benefits and get the most bonuses in the short term. In this regard, our The state-owned enterprise system will have great advantages."

Not only domestic ones, many operators in the UK, Germany, and France are also state-owned enterprises.

In this kind of infrastructure industry, state-owned enterprises can build it regardless of cost, not to make money, but to create more social resources for the people.

Mr. Ying took a deep breath, "So you don't approve of the business model of setting up a proprietary VPN network for independent use."

Meng Houkun said: "If it is based on the interests of Ziweixing's company, of course we agree. We can't ask for it. This will provide the greatest help to the development of Ziweixing. But from the perspective of national interests, this is not possible. It will destroy our operator industry. . If fair competition is really liberalized, what will operators do to fight against Internet companies?"

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "This is a very sensitive and critical judgment, and we must be cautious. Now the country is going to carry out 'delegation, regulation and service' and push operators to devote more resources to the Internet industry. I believe it will Some people are eager to imitate the American model and go to operators to buy dedicated networks and dedicated lines for instant messaging products, even from technology giants in Silicon Valley. Just like Apple’s FaceTime, such products are very dangerous. Foreign countries, let them Do it casually; domestically, you must be cautious. It must be open, but not everything. If Apple or other Internet friends are prohibited from doing so, it may cause some controversy. Ziweixing is willing to stand up and express this position. WeChat first It should be restricted! Use WeChat as a demonstration product and use WeChat’s example to convince other IT companies.”

Director Wang understood clearly, "We can't be too liberal with products like WeChat, because this will affect the lifeline of operators."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Of course, we can't impose excessive restrictions. Too many restrictions will stifle innovation. We must grasp this scale. While supporting the innovative development of the Internet industry, we must also basically protect the interests of operators." Business territory. In particular, foreign companies cannot find opportunities to take advantage of it.”

"It makes sense, it makes sense!" Director Wang nodded repeatedly, "Even if there is a resource bias, it is to tilt the resources of state-owned enterprises to private enterprises, and not allow foreign companies to benefit."

Mr. Ying asked: "Then how should we restrict products like WeChat? Or how to strike a balance between development and stability? Mr. Zhou, you are an expert, you can teach us old guys more."

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