Top of the big era

Chapter 2504 Internet Fees

The so-called compromise is nothing more than interests.

Zhou Buqi is also willing to give in appropriately.

From a moral point of view, WeChat has indeed taken advantage of others.

The other party proposed the first plan.

It is said that I hope WeChat can pay an Internet fee.

Operators' costs are mainly composed of four major components: first, infrastructure sharing fees; second, management fees, employee salaries and other regular expenses for business operations; third, inter-network settlement fees; fourth, fees collected by the state. sale tax.

All other costs are easy to say, as they all have specific data indicators.

For example, there will be clear statistics on infrastructure apportionment fees, how much is invested, and how much is apportioned each year. For example, there are clear data on business operating expenses, employee salaries, and daily expenses.

These expenses will be determined according to the development of the enterprise and the market situation.

The Internet fee is different.

This is not decided by the operator, but by the state. It is determined by what it says and can only be implemented. Domestic inter-network charges are very high. Gaia Global, coupled with the high consumption tax hidden among them, are the main reasons why domestic operators’ high charges make netizens collectively scold them.

The so-called inter-network fee is the connection fee between different companies.

For example, if you use China Mobile's card to send text messages to China Unicom's card, you need to transfer information between China Mobile's network facilities and China Unicom's network facilities, which requires the ports of both parties to be connected, which creates inter-network costs.

Another example is when a landline phone calls a mobile phone, it also needs to cross the network, and there will also be inter-network costs.

For another example, if a WeChat user uses China Unicom's traffic and sends a message to another WeChat user who uses mobile card traffic, there will also be inter-network settlement costs.

All these inter-network costs must be borne by the operators.

Internet content providers never participate.

WeChat has done so many businesses that compete for operators' jobs. However, while WeChat competes for operators' jobs, operators also have to bear the network costs for WeChat.

It is equivalent to operators using the money subsidized to data networks to support WeChat, allowing WeChat to steal their own jobs. At the same time, WeChat must be rewarded by paying inter-network settlement on behalf of WeChat.

This is so bullying!

Now, the authorities have recognized the WeChat product and require operators not only to not restrict it, but also to actively serve the innovative development of WeChat.

The operator was so wronged.

I beg hard, but everything else is easy to talk about. Can WeChat pay the inter-network settlement fee out of its own pocket?

Zhou Buqi actually didn't care much.

This small amount of money is nothing to Ziweixing. He has promised long ago that he will donate all his personal holdings in Ziweixing. Interests are not important. Doing Ziweixing's business well and being solid is much more important than how much money Ziweixing can make.

Meng Houkun disagreed and immediately objected, "This is not good!"

"It's actually not much money. I calculated that WeChat's inter-network settlement fees last year were only over 200 million. For a big company like Ziweixing, it's nothing."

It should always be explained this way.

Meng Houkun sneered in his heart.

This can't fool anyone.

Last year, WeChat was still in its infancy and only launched a voice message function. In the future, WeChat will have more new features launched, a larger user base, and more data consumption, making it a super giant App.

Last year's inter-network settlement was 200 million. In a few years, it may be 2 billion.

By then, WeChat will pay tens of billions of broadband fees to operators every year, and will also have to pay billions of Internet costs... Isn't this becoming a big deal?

Logically speaking, the broadband traffic fee charged by the operator already includes inter-network settlement, so why should there be a second charge?

Meng Houkun said: "Ziweixing does not lack this money, but WeChat refuses to pay the inter-network settlement fee to the operator for the good of the operator. I hope all leaders can understand our good intentions."

Guo Pengfei was not very good at participating in such social occasions and never spoke much.

Hearing Meng Houkun's nonsense, he couldn't help but twitch his lips.

I feel like this kid has really learned about 70% of Boss Zhou’s teachings. No wonder he always says that he will replace Boss Zhou when he steps down one day.

This is truly a direct disciple.


After hearing this, Director Wang couldn't help laughing and said with a smile: "For the good of the operator? What's the point of this?"

Meng Houkun said with a serious face: "It is indeed for the good of the operators. The market... is like water, it will always flow to the lowest point. If WeChat wants to develop, it will definitely find the lowest cost survival space as much as possible. If operators charge WeChat If the inter-network settlement fee is high, then in order to reduce operating costs, WeChat will definitely find ways to compress the inter-network settlement to a minimum. In this way, it is very likely to introduce some strategies that affect neutrality."

"for example?"

"For example, the vast majority of WeChat users use mobile data networks. If all WeChat users use mobile data networks, then there will be no inter-network charges. Then in order to reduce operating costs, WeChat will definitely call on users Everyone is buying and using mobile data plans.”


Director Wang's expression changed slightly.

I think this bastard boy from the Meng family is quite sophisticated in his methods!

This is playing on internal divisions.

Let conflicts break out within the three major operators, turning conflicts between ourselves and the enemy into internal conflicts.

If WeChat calls on users to use China Mobile's data plans, China Mobile will certainly have a nosebleed, while China Unicom and China Telecom will be dumbfounded.

WeChat is currently the most important App in the mobile Internet field and plays a decisive role.

Once WeChat loses its "neutrality" and calls on users to use mobile data packages, it will be a disaster for other operators.

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "The state has transferred the inter-network costs to the operators, and the operators have transferred the inter-network costs to WeChat. Then WeChat can only transfer this part of the cost to the users. By then, WeChat may really charge fees . Users using mobile data packages can use WeChat for free; WeChat users using China Unicom or China Telecom data packages have to pay to use WeChat due to network costs."

This is terrible.

Director Xu made a decisive decision and rejected this idea, "This won't work! The Internet must maintain neutrality! Internet service operators must maintain neutrality, and Internet service providers must also maintain neutrality! This is the bottom line! Inter-network settlement costs The sinking plan is not feasible!”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said nothing.

After hearing such a result, it seems that the happiest person is not him, the head of Ziweixing, but Mr. Liu of China Unicom and Mr. Sun of China Telecom.

Next, Mr. Liu put forward his plan, "WeChat does take up too much traffic and puts a huge burden on the operators' daily operations. I know that the 4G era may improve, but the domestic situation is complicated. , 4G network will still take time. For now, it is best for us to negotiate a strategy that is more beneficial to both parties."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, please speak frankly."

Mr. Liu said: "I think WeChat can open up a dedicated expressway for operators to use only WeChat. In this way, ordinary data networks will not cause congestion and confusion due to the existence of WeChat. The operational burden is too high. WeChat can also enjoy better network services."

Meng Houkun asked knowingly, "Is it free?"

Mr. Liu said with a smile: "The cost of private network and dedicated line is high. The difference between ordinary data network and private line data network is like the difference between national highway and expressway. The use effect of private network and dedicated line is better, but the cost is also high." It will be higher, and WeChat needs to pay to rent it.”

Meng Houkun said with a gun and a stick: "I just want WeChat to pay more."

Mr. Liu coughed and said, "It's always a matter of mutual benefit."

Zhou Buqi felt that Meng Houkun's tone was not right, so he waved his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Liu's suggestion is very good. In fact, the overseas version of WeChat, Helo, currently has such a plan and is operating with several foreign companies. We are discussing cooperation and will purchase expressway services with dedicated networks and dedicated lines from them.”


Mr. Liu's eyes lit up.

The CEOs of several other operators are also looking forward to it.

It feels like I finally found a solution.

If it can really be achieved, that would be great!

The so-called private network and dedicated expressway are network infrastructure that has been established long ago. Leave it alone, leave it alone, if it can be rented to WeChat, it will be an extra income.

This is a great thing!

Unexpectedly, Zhou Buqi sighed and shook his head, "However, the national conditions are different!"


Several leaders stared at him.

Zhou Buqi said solemnly: "It's okay for the overseas version of WeChat to spend money to buy dedicated lines from operators abroad. But it's not a good idea for WeChat to buy dedicated lines from operators in China. ."

As soon as this was said, it was not very satisfying.

What does this mean?

Would you rather spend money on foreign operators than domestic operators?

Seeing that their expressions were complicated and strange, Zhou Buqi immediately discovered that there were some semantic differences in his words, so he quickly explained and said with a smile: "What I said is not accurate. That's it, if WeChat purchases in China The establishment of a dedicated network and dedicated line will indeed be very beneficial to the development of WeChat, and may even make WeChat an unimaginable super App. However, this is not mutual benefit and is unfair to operators."

"Unfair?" Mr. Liu obviously didn't understand how the Internet works. "Mr. Zhou, what do you mean?"

When Guo Pengfei saw Boss Zhou giving him a look, he coughed heavily and explained: "That's right, if the operator opens a dedicated line specifically for WeChat, then the operator's voice network service will be completely Losing the market, even the core phone business will no longer have any competitiveness. Operators can indeed make a lot of money by opening dedicated lines for products like WeChat. But this is just drinking poison to quench thirst. In the long term, there will be It’s a catastrophe.”

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