Top of the big era

Chapter 2506 It is not advisable to gallop on horseback

Zhou Buqi said: "In the long term, the communication business of operators will definitely be affected, and the Internet will become the ultimate solution. This is inevitable. The SMS business is obviously no longer viable, and the phone business will definitely be affected in the future. No. The only way out for operators in the future is to provide good services to Internet companies through data networks. This is determined by the trend of talent and the general trend of the times."

Seeing the frowns on the faces of the leaders sitting opposite, Guo Pengfei added: "Internet telephony allows multiple people to be online, and it is a video conversation. As long as the infrastructure is sufficient, it can even support hundreds or thousands of people online at the same time. .Even with the development of technology, 3D virtual reality images can appear, just like those in science fiction movies."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "This is not far-fetched. There are already many companies in Silicon Valley doing this. The world of the Metaverse will not leave room for operators' application-level businesses to survive."

Director Wang, Director Xu, Mr. Liu, Mr. Ying and others were all silent.

I guess I didn’t quite understand.

Zhou Buqi said: "The changes in the information age will have an impact on all walks of life. In the past thirty years of domestic reform and opening up, we have gone through the same path that many Western countries have gone through for two hundred years. In terms of the speed of change, domestic needs Much faster than Europe and America.”

Director Wang smiled and said: "This is the advantage of our system."

Zhou Buqi nodded and said: "So we must be vigilant. Some industries are changing too fast, which may not be a good thing. Many traditional industries will be destroyed before they have time to react. The same is true for operators. This is to restrict things like WeChat. The purpose of the product is that once WeChat lets go of all restrictions and continues to develop and innovate, it may not take more than a few years for the operator's core basic business to completely collapse."

This is a big topic.

While everyone was drinking, they listened to Boss Zhou analyzing the reasoning behind this and his judgment on the general trend of the future Internet situation.

If someone else analyzed it this way, they would definitely not have such authority.

Zhou Buqi is different.

His past resume, achievements, and position in the Internet industry all prove that he is the most qualified person in the world to talk about this topic.

If you don't even believe him, then no one else can.

In terms of the speed of change, Europe and the United States are definitely not as fast as China.

But even so, European and American operators later suffered a lot. At present, they do not have too many restrictions on Internet OTT phone services. After a few years, the operators will collapse, and they will jointly introduce measures to charge a second time for Internet phone services.

This is the benefit of slow society and slow change.

Operators can have sufficient time to react, and then work together to find solutions and impose certain restrictions on OTT phone services on the Internet.

But it doesn’t work in China.

Changes in the country are too fast!

If products like WeChat are really liberalized like those foreign OTT phone products, with the speed of change in the new era in China and the strong execution and innovation of Internet giants, operators may not be able to react yet. , the core business quickly collapsed within a few years.

Some traditional industries will collapse if they collapse, and the impact will not be too great.

For example, the impact of e-commerce on physical stores.

When physical stores collapsed, logistics and express delivery industries emerged to supplement them. Physical stores can be transformed into online stores or express delivery stores.

Behind the operator is a country's Internet infrastructure.

Just like roads, railways, and airplane routes, they are the blood vessels of a national economic entity.

It would be too dangerous if the blood vessels were cut in a hurry without any preparation.

Operators must transform in the future, but how and where they will transform is still unknown. They need to be given enough time to analyze the situation and understand the market.

This has nothing to do with whether the operator is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise. It has to do with the important role of the operator industry in the economy.

It's like marching to war.

No matter how fast the vanguard troops march, they cannot be allowed to run too fast. They must be allowed to slow down appropriately and wait for the logistics department to catch up.

Otherwise, there will be a fatal danger if there is a disconnect.

What if you are really out of touch?

What should we do if there is an Internet product that runs wildly without restrictions, becomes invincible on the road of innovation, and is about to take the throne before the traditional industry can react?

Then we won't be able to be merciful at that time.

It really might be one size fits all!

For the sake of the safety of the army, we really have to abandon the vanguard and abandon our vehicles to protect our commanders.

Zhou Buqi's position in this life is higher.

Many issues can only be thought about more thoroughly after we have reached our current position and have a comprehensive analysis and understanding of technology, industry, products and other fields.

For example, WeChat in the previous life.

This is really a great product.

The greatness lies in the fact that every step of WeChat's innovation is very stable, and it does not rush all the way. Especially for OTT phone services, many people complain about the poor call quality of WeChat’s voice calls and video calls.

After what happened this time, Zhou Buqi finally understood.

The poor call quality just illustrates the excellence of the WeChat product and the brilliance of the company Penguin.

In contrast, Alipay is another product as famous as WeChat.

Those days were not easy.

Under the leadership of Boss Ma, it has really been a wild ride. In terms of Internet financial innovation, it can be said that it has repeatedly made unique moves and shined all over the world.

Almost all Internet financial apps in the world must imitate Alipay.

This is an invincible vanguard force in the mobile Internet era!

It can be called the most powerful vanguard force in the world.

Then what?

It's too fast.

Out of touch.

For the safety of the Chinese army's tent and the stability of the entire army, seeing the vanguard force running farther and farther and losing its direction...then it can only be cut off. I would rather give up the vanguard force than be led by the vanguard force toward an unknown place. A direction full of uncertainty.

When small units fight, they pursue victory by surprise.

In the battle between armies, what stands out is stability.

The fundamental reason for the defeat of all armies throughout the ages is self-defeat. Those who were defeated were not defeated by others, but were in disarray caused by the collapse of the internal management system.

These ideas are basically the development path and survival strategy that Zhou Buqi has formulated for Ziweixing in the country. This time, it can be regarded as a complete explanation.

This kind of perspective that does not consider Ziweixing's personal interests, but looks at the problem from a larger perspective, from the perspective of the country, society, and the entire nation, made the old guys on the opposite side stunned.

This guy is only in his twenties?


This is probably genius, right?

Director Wang even thought about it secretly, feeling that it would be difficult for him to explain such a big topic clearly if he just listened to the lecture and then went back to make a report.

It would be better to make a suggestion and ask Comrade Xiao Zhou to give a lecture at the Presbyterian Assembly.

This is the real Internet entrepreneur!

Many ideas for industrial transformation suddenly became clear after he said this.

Zhou Buqi said: "The developed countries in Europe and the United States are now in a stage of stable development. However, China is still relatively backward, so we still need to pursue high-speed development. If the speed is fast, it will not be easy to stabilize. While developing rapidly, we must Maintain the integrity of traditional industries and the Internet industry and must not be disconnected. Just like WeChat."

Mr. Liu, Mr. Ying and others almost gave up the idea of ​​benefiting from Ziweixing.

How can a topic like this be compared to a mere petty profit?

Boss Zhou is the big boss of Ziweixing, but what he considers is the life and death of the operator industry. He also made it clear that he was willing to make concessions to protect operators. But people like me want to make a little more from Ziweixing by relying on their own advantages as a state-owned enterprise...

This layout is too bad!

It's humbling.

Zhou Buqi continued: "You can do whatever you want with the overseas version of WeChat. There is no comparison. But in the domestic market, you should still be cautious. WeChat's phone business must be developed. This is the general trend of the times and cannot be banned. , You can’t go against the trend. However, WeChat’s phone business should make some compromises with operators, this is a must.”

Now that the words have come to this, the control of tonight's dinner party falls entirely on Zhou Buqi.

Whatever he said was what he said.

Zhou Buqi said: "The operator's phone service has excellent signal quality, which is its core competitiveness. WeChat's voice calls and video calls should not have an impact on the operator's core competitiveness. At least in the short term, we must exercise restraint. Operators must be given more room for transformation and time to adapt to the new era. WeChat should take the initiative to reduce frequency. Free ones should be worse than paid ones."

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "In this way, some users who are not financially well-off can use WeChat's OTT phone service by paying only some traffic fees. And all customers who have higher requirements for call quality can still use WeChat's OTT phone service." It will focus on traditional operators’ phone services. In this way, WeChat’s impact on operators will be relatively limited.”

Mr. Ying was moved and gave a thumbs up, "Mr. Zhou is really a person who does great things. It's... really amazing."

Director Wang also sighed and said: "A new generation replaces the old."

Zhou Buqi said: “In addition, WeChat should also make some adjustments to its product strategy to help operators relieve the pressure of high traffic operational loads, thereby reducing operators’ operating costs.”

"Oh?" Mr. Ying was shocked, "Is this possible?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It's technically possible. Well... How about Mark, can you explain the technical logic to the leaders first?"

Mark is not called Mark. This is his English name. His name is Cheng Haofeng. He is a communications scientist in the WeChat team and a Ph.D. student who returned from studying in the United States.

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