Top of the big era

Chapter 2183 Cross-border industrial marriage

When Zhou Buqi met this hot-tempered Mr. Shi, it was like meeting an old friend, and he had a lot of family stories.

Within a short period of time, Zhou Buqi made a decision.

Overseas procurement can be divided into two. The European market is mainly Huawei, and the North American market is mainly ZTE.

Both companies are important to the country and should be supported as a matter of course.

What's more, ZTE and Huawei's products are inherently of high quality and low price. If we consider market factors alone, all companies around the world should purchase equipment from ZTE and Huawei.

In the past ten years, many world-class communications giants have gone bankrupt, such as the merger of Lucent and Alcatel, the bankruptcy of Northern Electronics, and the split of Motorola.

There are 2 million engineering talents graduating in China every year, while the United States only has 400,000. Moreover, domestic college students are able to endure hardships, are willing to work hard, and can still exert strong combat effectiveness in high-pressure and low-income environments.

The talent factor is the lowest level logic.

Unless it is a technology or product that has not yet been developed domestically, foreign technology giants can rely on technology to monopolize it. Otherwise, as long as domestic technology can defeat those international technology giants who stick to the rules, it will be a matter of time.

This will obviously make the established capital empires displeased, and they will resort to underhanded tactics, including some non-market factors.

This is the main reason why Mr. Shi came to Zhou Buqi this time.

Talking about purchasing is only one aspect.

Recently, ZTE has received some unfair treatment in the United States and has been accused of national security by the U.S. Congress. This is a bit troublesome. After finally opening up some markets, they were targeted.

Mr. Shi would like to ask Zhou Buqi for advice.

"I don't dare to take it!" Zhou Buqi expressed his politeness again and again, "I don't dare to take it! Let's discuss it with each other."

Mr. Shi said with a smile: "How can we? We all see how well Asda's mobile phones are developing in the US market. The next very important market for ZTE mobile phones is also the US."


"Well, BlackBerry seems to be in trouble. We are negotiating with BlackBerry. If possible, we will eat up some of their assets and open up the North American mobile phone market."

"It should be like this." Zhou Buqi nodded, "In fact, the U.S. technology market is not open at all and is very unwelcome to outsiders. A very important reason why Aceda acquired Motorola is to use Motorola's assets to sell Aceda We need to localize Da’s mobile phones. BlackBerry is a good choice and we can’t miss this opportunity.”

Mr. Shi was a little surprised, "Is it really that important?"

Zhou Buqi said firmly: "It's very important. Even if we can't win the BlackBerry brand, it's still important to only win part of the assets. This is actually a fusion of me in you and you in me. If we can win the BlackBerry , if the marriage is successful, ZTE Mobile will get a ticket to enter the US market."

In the U.S. mobile phone market in later generations, for a long time, there were only three outsiders: Samsung, Lenovo and ZTE.

The reason why Lenovo and ZTE can gain a firm foothold is actually the integration of local industries. This is just like getting married. If a Chinese man marries an American wife, he can easily get an American passport.

Lenovo acquired Motorola, and ZTE actually took the BlackBerry route.

In fact, they are not considered outsiders.

The strategy of marriage is adopted.

The only outsider that has truly entered the U.S. mobile phone market is Samsung, and only Samsung has withstood patent lawsuits and survived. Other outsiders simply cannot pass the patent lawsuit.

Mr. Shi pondered for a long time, drank tea for a while, and asked slowly: "Ziweixing has done so well in the United States, but it also wants to get married?"

Zhou Buqi was shocked and almost exposed the business secret.

He didn't even tell Boss Ma this secret.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and said with a smile: "This is the most effective and lively strategy. Changyou has done this recently, Changyou... you know, right?"

Mr. Shi laughed, "How could you not know? The world's largest game company is Changyou in our country. Mr. Zhou, you have almost become a role model for us entrepreneurs. All kinds of conferences and small meetings are calling for you. Studying.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Changyou is a gaming company. It is not as sensitive as the communications industry, but it is still a technology industry. It must take care of its own defense before regulation. I am not afraid to reveal some business secrets to you. There is a company in the United States The gaming giant is called take-two. Changyou’s top priority this year is to complete the acquisition of take-two.”

Mr. Shi was in awe. He felt that the young man in front of him had a clear mind and a very calm judgment from the overall perspective. "Only young people like you have such genius when looking for business strategies for cross-border business from the perspective of cross-border marriage." Creativity.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hands repeatedly, "That's not what I said. When Lenovo acquired IBM's computer division, Mr. Liu said that it was a marriage that directly opened up the US market for Lenovo computers and sold them all over the world."

Mr. Shi said "hmm" and said, "Really, what can you do about ZTE's current situation in the United States?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "For a company as big as ZTE, the United States cannot easily take action. We will hire lawyers and find public relations companies to operate it in the short term. The U.S. economy has not yet recovered, and I don't believe they can issue fines." When it comes down, the thunder will be louder and the rain will be lighter."

Mr. Shi smiled and said, "I'd like to lend you some good words!"

Zhou Buqi said: "However, this is not a long-term solution after all. Huawei has already occupied the European market. Whether from the perspective of corporate competition or national strategy, ZTE's best overseas market choice is actually North America. This requires exploration. Come up with an idea that is truly suitable for the development of the United States."

Mr. Shi actually had some ideas, but he still humbly asked for advice, "What do you think we should do?"

Zhou Buqi said: "As I said just now, we need to integrate with the local market. Don't always follow Huawei's example. Huawei's overseas strategy is suitable for Europe, but it cannot be unimpeded in the United States. Europe's technology market is wide open, and it is open to Europeans. There is essentially no difference whether it is an American technology company or an Asian technology company. Whoever can play a greater role in Europe's economic development will be welcomed. This is the core element of Huawei's success in Europe over the past few years. "

Mr. Shi nodded, "That's right."

Zhou Buqi said: "But the United States is different. The technology industry in the United States is so strong, and local protectionism is much stronger than in Europe. It is very repulsive to foreign technology companies. To a certain extent, the United States is very similar to China. , all have the authority of great powers.”

Mr. Shi said: "Huawei has also made business adjustments recently and will focus on entering the US market..."

Zhou Buqi said firmly: "No chance!"

Mr. Shi was very curious and surprised, "So sure?"

Zhou Buqi said: "If you want to develop the technology industry in the United States, you must have deep integration. Huawei's strategy is to deploy globally. Executives from overseas companies are all sent from China, so they will inevitably be incompatible with the local area. This strategy is particularly unworkable in the United States."

"So choose association mode."

Mr. Shi narrowed his eyes and began to think slowly.

I feel that Comrade Xiao Zhou’s business thinking has a very unified consistency.

Well, that seems to be the case!

In the past few years, there have been two benchmarks for domestic companies to develop overseas. One is Lenovo and the other is Huawei. They are called Lenovo model and Huawei model in the industry.

All cross-border business is inseparable from these two models.

The Lenovo model is to use local people to manage local companies; the Huawei model is to transfer people from China to manage local companies.

Each has advantages and disadvantages.

In the US market, Lenovo does well; in the European market, Huawei does well.

However, Huawei's development in the United States has not been strong enough in the past few years. It is difficult to say whether Huawei's model can adapt to the US market. Unexpectedly, Boss Zhou made a very decisive judgment immediately.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, that should be the case. Look at the computer industry in the United States. Apart from Lenovo computers, where are the foreign computer brands? A very important reason is that the authorities believe that Lenovo computers are not foreign computers."

Mr. Shi's expression changed slightly.

Zhou Buqi held tea in his hand and said while drinking tea, without noticing his expression, "The reason why Lenovo is so successful in the United States is actually the adjustment of the organizational structure. In fact, it is a dual headquarters. The domestic headquarters, It is responsible for the global market except the United States; the American headquarters is in charge of the American market. Lenovo America has even established an independent board of directors, and most of the directors are Americans. In a sense, Lenovo America is an American company. The authorities will let down their guard. Of course, Lenovo’s products can sell well in the North American market.”

Mr. Shi shook his head, "This is impossible!"

Zhou Buqi then turned around and found that his expression was complicated and ugly. Obviously what he said was not quite right.

Mr. Shi said: "Lenovo has taken a different path, which is different from ZTE. ZTE is a state-owned enterprise. There are some things that Lenovo can do but ZTE cannot. ZTE America is a subsidiary of ZTE. There is no possibility of parallelism, and ZTE America will definitely do it. The nature of a state-owned enterprise must be maintained.”

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Indeed, ZTE may not be able to do what Ziweixing and Changyou can do."

Mr. Shi said: “ZTE is more important to undertake national strategies.”

"Difficult!" Zhou Buqi is not optimistic, "I am talking about the best strategy under market means, or even the only strategy. If non-market factors are used in the US market, they will eventually be affected by non-market factors. interference."

Mr. Shi was helpless, "Then I can't decide. My powers and responsibilities are limited."

Zhou Buqi said: "If this is the case, I'm afraid it will be very difficult in the future. ZTE is just making small fuss in the United States. It's okay that it hasn't developed. Just like the so-called security accusations now, they are all nonsense. The thunder is loud but the rain is small. They just want ZTE to provide some money. If ZTE really starts to develop the US market in the future, it will be dangerous, and it will not be all thunder but no rain."

Mr. Shi was not interested in those matters that he had no power to solve. He immediately found the point of greatest concern and was very happy, "Pay? You mean this accusation by the US authorities is to get ZTE to pay some money?" ?”

Zhou Buqi said: "With the economic crisis, some congressmen are also extremely poor, and they are begging for alms there! As long as ZTE does not develop, these are all trivial matters. Just give them a little money and they will be thrown away. All the problems that money can solve can't be solved." It’s not a problem. I’m afraid that after it develops in the future, money won’t be able to solve it.”

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