Top of the big era

Chapter 2182 New Flag

Things at Yahoo are very complicated. Boss Ma and Boss Zhou are both outsiders. They only know that something must have happened. The specific details are not yet known.

Boss Ma then said one more thing: Alibaba’s B2B business will start delisting from Hong Kong, and it will be officially announced this month.

The current share price of Alibaba in Hong Kong is HK$8.2, but Alibaba will delist at a price of HK$13.5, which is an explanation to Hong Kong investors. After all, Ali has screwed them over in the past few years.

Zhou Buqi is of course the most beneficial.

When he established Pluto Capital three years ago, he bought a total of US$300 million in stocks at an average price of HK$3.2.

Over the past few years, it has quadrupled, and this investment can be considered a huge profit.

However, Zhou Buqi doesn't care much about making this small amount of money. He is just curious, "Aren't you busy buying back stocks? Have you started operations and delisted?"

Boss Ma said: "The delisting process is long. It will be good if it can be approved in half a year. Let's start it first. Anyway, Yahoo has already spoken. We will put the transaction with Alibaba on hold until Yahoo comes out with the results. "

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "You will suffer if you continue to attack in a short period of time! I heard that Penguin is going to acquire the B2C e-commerce company!"

Just a few days ago, Alibaba just announced a major event, completing the "one split into three" of Taobao, splitting the former big Taobao into three parts, Taobao Mall, Taobao and

And the Taobao shopping mall was renamed "Tmall", raising the strategic level to the highest level.

It is obvious that Alibaba is developing in the direction of self-operation and doing B2C business.

This is a big trend.

Penguin's is a C2C website. It spent a lot of money and its performance was tepid. But they have never given up on their e-commerce dream. They are interested in, which has developed well in recent years, and want to acquire it directly.

This is also a huge challenge for

Last year, successively defeated Dangdang, Amazon and, and it was unparalleled in the limelight. was not even ranked. Things are different now. With Alibaba’s transformation and Penguin’s entry into the market, another bloody war is about to break out in the domestic e-commerce market.

Boss Ma didn't care about this at all, "What is this? You should pay attention to your housing agency market! I don't know much about Lianjia, but Baidu has been focusing on this market last year."


"Don't you know?"

"I don't know, I'm not paying attention."

"You don't know anything, so you decided that Lianjia is the best?" Boss Ma was really dumbfounded. "Last year, Baidu spent 50 million US dollars to strategically invest in Anjuke, and then spent 300 million US dollars to invest in ."

Zhou Buqi said: "There is nothing to pay attention to. If you have this time, you might as well study Yahoo."

Boss Ma nodded, "Yes, me too."

In the afternoon, Zhou Buqi went to Yangcheng.

I went to the UC Group headquarters for a walk.

After dinner, we went to NetEase Games for a walk.

Go to Pengcheng the next morning.

Unexpectedly, as soon as we arrived at the office of Pengcheng headquarters and before we sat down, the regional vice president Yang Zhi hurried over and said that Mr. Shi from ZTE had been waiting for more than an hour.

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Which Mr. Shi?"

Yang Zhidao: "It's the one who was promoted two years ago, the president of ZTE."

"Hurry! Please come...forget it, let's go there together!" Zhou Buqi didn't dare to stay. How could he neglect others like this, "Why is he here?"

Yang Zhi sighed, "The day before yesterday, Mr. Shi came to me and said that he wanted to talk about overseas business procurement. I said that Ziweixing has been split up and is only responsible for domestic business. He said to help you pass the message, I said You were coming this morning, but I didn’t expect him to come so early in the morning.”


Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth.

Depend on!


Lao Zhang said before that in addition to purchasing a number of offices, Changyou also needs to purchase a number of network communication facilities. It has already been decided to choose Huawei.

As two star companies in Pengcheng, ZTE and Huawei are mortal enemies.

If you give an order to Huawei, you must not miss out on ZTE, otherwise you will offend others. Mr. Shi came over early in the morning. His attitude and the face he gave to Boss Zhou were worth a large order worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Yang Zhi knew that such a sudden attack would make the big boss a little confused, so he took the time to explain the situation to him, "Although ZTE has been restructured, it is still a state-owned enterprise and has the best resources. As early as the 1990s, ZTE borrowed With national resources and a large order from Pakistan, they have the opportunity to expand overseas markets. But they think it is too hard to do overseas markets, so it is more profitable and more profitable to sell PHS products honestly at home."

Zhou Buqi followed him downstairs and nodded, "This is a common problem among state-owned enterprises, so we gave Huawei a chance to grow."

Yang Zhidao: "Yes, in the 1990s, ZTE's strength was hundreds of times that of Huawei, but ZTE's biggest weakness was that it could not fight tough battles and lived a comfortable life. Later, when PHS failed, it was finished. And By continuously solving difficult problems, Huawei has not only occupied territory in the domestic market, but has also opened up overseas markets, and can compete with international giants."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "I heard that ZTE took tens of billions of dollars from the country a few years ago?"

Yang Zhi smiled and said: "15 billion U.S. dollars. That was 2009, and there was an economic crisis. There used to be thousands of state-owned IT companies, but later most of them went bankrupt. The remaining two biggest pearls were Lenovo and ZTE was in trouble during the economic crisis. At Lenovo, Mr. Liu came out. He did not use the state's money, but relied on private capital to save the situation, and once and for all, completely erased Lenovo's state-owned enterprise attributes. ZTE's Without Mr. Liu, we can only use the state’s money to get out of trouble, which undoubtedly further strengthens ZTE’s status as a state-owned enterprise.”

"15 billion US dollars..." Zhou Buqi twitched his lips, "This is too much!!!!"

Yang Zhidao: "This is the next strategic direction set by the country for ZTE. Taking advantage of the economic crisis and the lack of money in other countries, we will quickly develop overseas business. It is also under this general situation that Mr. Shi was promoted to become President of ZTE.”

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized, "No wonder Mr. Shi's attitude is so sincere. He is interested in our overseas orders."

Yang Zhi shook his head, "It's also a difficult task!"

Zhou Buqi could tell that Vice President Yang had done enough homework for him and was very aware. He smiled and said, "Why is it so difficult?"

Yang Zhidao: "When ZTE went overseas, it originally learned from Huawei. Even the overseas business processes and organizational structure were taught by Huawei step by step."


Zhou Buqi doesn't have much to say.

Logically speaking, Huawei and ZTE are mortal enemies. No matter how broad-minded Mr. Ren is, he will never pass on his valuable experience to his competitors. But there is no way. ZTE has taken 15 billion US dollars from the country so powerfully that it is impossible not to teach it.

Yang Zhidao: "But even so, ZTE is not Huawei's opponent at all, especially in overseas markets, where the share gap is getting wider and wider. After President Shi took office, he launched an ultra-low price strategy of small profits but quick turnover."


Zhou Buqi immediately heard the problem here.

In this kind of network communication equipment, domestic products are inherently high-quality and low-priced, and they are already extremely competitive internationally.

Huawei relies on high quality and low price to defeat local snakes like Ericsson and Nokia in the European market.

ZTE wants to make small profits but quick turnover at ultra-low prices. What is it doing?

This is not a market for foreigners!

Sure enough, Yang Zhi's next words confirmed his judgment, "Last year, India's operator BSNL launched a global bidding plan for a 2G network expansion plan. The quotations from companies such as Cisco and Ericsson reached US$2 billion, and Huawei's The quoted price was US$1.3 billion, which was very competitive. If we go by the market conditions in previous years, this order must have been snatched up by Huawei. As a result, ZTE came out and quoted US$840 million.”

Next, Yang Zhi stopped talking.

Zhou Buqi also accurately captured the most important point in the other party's remarks - Cisco quoted US$2 billion, Huawei quoted US$1.3 billion, and ZTE quoted US$840 million.

This shows how much profit is hidden in this industry!

Due to its neglect in previous years, ZTE has lagged too far behind in its development in overseas markets. In the past few years, he has used his advantage of money to run rampant in major markets, always being able to offer ultra-low prices.

In other words, when companies in "Ziwei Galaxy" purchase related equipment, they can buy ZTE products at the lowest price.

This is actually a way of hurting others and yourself.

It hurts people, and of course it takes away the market that belongs to Huawei.

What hurts oneself is that this aggressive strategy has obvious speculative tendencies. It is a desperate move to complete the task of superior leadership, rather than an inevitable choice for the company's business development in market competition.

The market is there, and it is already slow anyway. What will happen if it is slower?

Do we have to engage in "small profits but quick turnover"?

There is a prerequisite for small profits but quick turnover. It is a business where money is paid and delivered, and a strong cash flow must be maintained.

If ZTE does this, it will inevitably bring about a series of negative consequences, including a reduction in gross profit margin and a sharp increase in accounts receivable. And the occupied funds with such ultra-low turnover rates are all in foreign exchange.

Zhou Buqi had already gone downstairs and soon arrived at the welcome conference room. He then said slowly: "No matter what, it's great that ZTE dares to go out and compete with those international giants in the market. Lenovo is now completely It is a private enterprise, and ZTE is the only state-owned enterprise in the IT industry that has the ability to compete in overseas markets. This is a new banner to replace Lenovo. Even if the methods are a little rough, it is still worthwhile for all parties."

Yang Zhi coughed and said cautiously: "What I mean is, when discussing purchases with ZTE, we can keep the price as low as possible!"

He has long heard that the big boss is good at everything except spending money.

Ziweixing's current external negotiations basically do not involve Boss Zhou. Once he gets involved, it is always difficult to get the best terms.

The main reason is that his status as the richest man puts him there, and sometimes he is really embarrassed to bargain for a small amount of money.

As the vice president in charge, Yang Zhi must do his job well and remind him well.

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