Top of the big era

Chapter 2184 The worse, the better, the better, the worse

After some rhetoric, Zhou Buqi understood some of Mr. Shi's difficulties.

There are some things that private companies like Ziweixing and Changyou can do, but he cannot. Unless Mr. Shi has the skills of Mr. Liu to transform ZTE into a private enterprise, it will be too difficult and impossible.

If the core point cannot be solved, then there is nothing we can do.

It can only do some superficial work.

It's like treating a disease.

Some diseases can be cured at their root cause, but some quack doctors are very bad and specialize in treating the symptoms. In this way, patients will have recurring attacks and will keep coming for treatment, and quack doctors can make a lot of money.

Even many world-class pharmaceutical companies do this.

Some diseases can obviously be cured by medicine.

But this medicine cannot be sold.

This disease must be turned into a chronic disease, and patients must take medicine all year round to relieve symptoms, and this will create continuous profits for the company.

Mr. Shi did not accept the strategy of "treating the root cause", and Zhou Buqi had already seen ZTE's future fate in the US market. Due to human sentiment, I can only talk about some temporary measures.

Zhou Buqi said: "There are thousands of various proposals in the U.S. Congress every year. Most of the proposals have economic interests behind them, or they are said to be a decadent capital society. Some proposals are sponsored by capital. They want to do well for themselves; some proposals are made by employers who want to attack competitors. The public relations expenses behind these proposals are billions of dollars every year. The donations generated by various charity galas derived from these proposals can even reach above Ten billion dollars.”

Of course Mr. Shi knew this and nodded, "ZTE should go to the United States to support some charity projects and donate some money."

Zhou Buqi said: "If the integration cannot be completed at the organizational structure level, try to be intertwined with the local area at the cultural level. Just look at what other technology companies do and learn from it. For example, actively provide benefits to some backward communities, Actively participate in activities such as improving the lives of low-income groups.”

In big cities in the United States, you can always see many "roadside stalls" that distribute food for free.

Low-income people can go and receive free food.

Those who distribute these welfare products are volunteers, but the real donors behind them are often wealthy people and large companies. This is a politically correct American culture.

In name, it can be done or not.

In fact, it must be done.

Just like tipping.

It is nominally given voluntarily, but in fact it must be given. It's not moral kidnapping, it's cultural kidnapping.

This is actually common sense. ZTE has its own US branch, so Zhou Buqi doesn’t need to tell them that they can do it. In fact, this is also true. In its previous life, ZTE adopted this mild strategy of treating the symptoms and once achieved great success in the US market. Nearly half of the company's revenue comes from the US market.

Even after ZTE acquired the core assets of BlackBerry, its mobile phone business has developed.

At that time, many people in China did not understand why ZTE was always at the top of the sales list even though they had never seen anyone using a ZTE mobile phone.

In fact, it is the overseas market, and a large part of it is the US market. ZTE was once second only to Apple and Samsung in the US mobile phone market, and its sales volume was similar to that of Lenovo.

Later, he was hit hard.

Just like Google has withdrawn from the domestic market.

However, since Zhou Buqi participated in this topic and had a face-to-face discussion with Mr. Shi, he would always do his best to help him.

It would be best if ZTE can take root in the United States for a long time. Even if you can't, it's best to delay the moment of being hit as late as possible.

Zhou Buqi said: "The parliamentary accusation comes from the proposal of the congressman. There must be the power of capital behind the congressman's proposal. I estimate that nine out of ten cases are Cisco and Corning. Huawei has done so well in Europe that it has brought European How can they not be scared when local equipment manufacturers are fighting hard to defeat them? Now that ZTE has a huge amount of money and plans to expand the US market in a big way, they are probably scared to death."

Mr. Shi laughed and said, "I don't know who is behind it yet. I guess it's Cisco, Qualcomm, Juniper, etc. It's not surprising."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, ZTE will definitely pass the test this time, but this kind of thing can be passed once or twice. Who can guarantee that it will pass the test every time? If there are several such proposals every year, MPs I am very irritated by the ZTE incident. As time goes by, I may become impatient and want to solve the problem once and for all.”

Mr. Shi looked heavy.

This kind of thing is really not just speculation, there is probably a comprehensive plan behind it.

It's just like the factional disputes among ancient ministers.

Writing a petition for impeachment is not a one-time event.

In the beginning, it was just a scratch to impress the emperor. Then slowly and continuously deepened the impression, making the emperor feel irritated. Finally, catch the opponent's mistake and attack it as a group.

Even if this person is a confidant of the emperor, continuous criticism for such a long time, gradually deepening and strengthening step by step, can shake the emperor's will.

Even if this person is the emperor's brother or son, he can still be killed.

Zhou Buqi said: "I was at home during the Spring Festival, and I read several history books, and I felt like my heart was beating with fear. Many times, decisions that seemed to be made by the emperor were actually made by ministers who were calculating people's hearts. , controlling the emperor's mood like a marionette and manipulating him to make decisions. The parliamentary model seems fair and just, but there are actually smarter capitalists behind the scenes. Don't think that there can be real power in the American market. fair."

Mr. Shi asked: "Do you have a good idea?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "What can I do? Just spend money to buy peace."

Mr. Shi said: "Do charity? Actively participate in community poverty alleviation activities?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "How much money is this? We need to spend all the money in a bigger way. This is the most important point, don't make competitors jealous. ZTE's financial report in the US market is a bit uglier. , the profit margin is extremely low, it is best to fall into a loss. In this way, competitors will have an easy time, and Congress will greatly recognize ZTE’s important value in the US market.”


Mr. Shi was really surprised by this idea. This was an angle that he had never considered before.

Zhou Buqi said: "If ZTE America's financial report is very eye-catching, with a lot of profits and extremely high profit margins, how can competitors not be jealous? The attitude of the legislators will also be very hostile, especially ZTE's state-owned enterprise status. On the contrary, if ZTE The financial report is ugly, even losing money, which will be very tempting."

Suppose ZTE America's financial report is a loss.

This means that ZTE will subsidize the U.S. market after making money in other countries and regions. In this way, even if competitors like Cisco and Corning are eyeing ZTE, Congress will be happy to see it happen.

This is a good thing!

ZTE makes money elsewhere to subsidize the United States. This is helping the United States develop and will contribute to the development of American society... Not only can this not prevent ZTE from developing in the United States, but it should also be greatly encouraged.

Who would refuse to take advantage of something?

In this way, it will be very charming.

Mr. Shi said very cautiously: "Financial reports are not very reliable, right?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "In the United States, capital is given priority, and the top elites go to business, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Only those who fail in business and have no business acumen will choose to go into politics. Congressman. The black president now made a mess when he set up a law firm, then went bankrupt and had no economic sense. But after entering politics, he took off all the way and became the president. Financial reports cannot fool competitors like Cisco and Corning. But it is enough to fool most of the MPs. With some public relations and operations, we can limit the opposition in the parliament to less than half."

Mr. Shi said in a deep voice: "Financial reports should be true."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Of course it is true. Legal operation is a prerequisite. Even if it is true, there are still a hundred ways to deceive those congressmen."

Mr. Shi couldn't help laughing.

The industry has long heard that Xiao Zhou is from the Northeast and is very good at deceiving people.

As expected, it is better to meet than to be famous.

It was quite an eye-opener.

Zhou Buqi said: "For example, product design and research and development, the group's overseas donations, such as company welfare trips to the United States... these can all be posted on ZTE America's account, and won't the profits be reduced?"

"It makes sense, it makes sense."

Mr. Shi felt that Mr. Zhou said it very well.

ZTE's products are generally global.

In other words, product design and R\u0026D are aimed at the global market, and the global market should bear this part of the design costs and R\u0026D funds.

However, if the design department and R\u0026D department are in the United States, ZTE America can legitimately bear the cost.

There are also overseas donations.

As a large international company, ZTE will donate money for humanitarian assistance whenever a country is in trouble. If it is an overseas donation, it can be donated in the name of ZTE America.

ZTE America will spend the money, and ZTE Group will reap the rewards.

It could also drag down ZTE America's profits.

Traveling to the United States is also a good choice. Large companies generally provide company benefits for traveling abroad, and many people want to go to the United States. Because they are traveling to the United States, ZTE America can legitimately bear the cost of benefits for ZTE employees traveling to the United States.

Profits fell again.

There is no need to falsify the books, it would be too easy to tell the truth. There are endless operations in the commercial market, and legal, compliant and reasonable means are the best means.

There are too many similar routines.

Including Asda.

Zhou Buqi told Zhou Shaoning a long time ago that the most important thing to do in the US market is to make Asda's financial reports in the US market look ugly.

The worse, the better, the better, the worse.

Seeing Mr. Shi's expression, Zhou Buqi knew that his remarks had worked, and said with a smile: "In short, in one sentence, the worse ZTE is in the United States, the better it will live; The better, the worse the final result will be. It sounds contradictory, but this is the reality."

Mr. Shi agreed very much, nodded and said: "Yes, the enemy. The worse the enemy's life, the happier he is. Even seeing the enemy's life so miserable, he didn't want to go out to destroy him, he just wanted to watch him suffer like this. Live in misery.”

Zhou Buqi laughed loudly, "General Manager Shi's literary and military strategies!"

Mr. Shi usually heard this kind of thing a lot, but when he heard Mr. Zhou say this, he immediately blushed and felt ashamed, "I still need to learn more and ask for more advice from Mr. Zhou. Today's class is really interesting." A sudden enlightenment.”

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