Top of the big era

Chapter 2130 Containing Counterfeit Machines

Zhou Buqi returned to China just in the early morning. He was not in a hurry to go to the company. He settled Baoshan first, and then cooked a sumptuous breakfast himself.

Then, I made an appointment with Lei Jun.

It wasn't that he wanted to see Mr. Lei, but Mr. Lei had been contacting him in the past period and wanted to find a chance to meet. It was probably because of something important.

Zhou Buqi was too lazy to go that far to Xiaomi's headquarters, so he contacted Mr. Lei early and met at the Starlight Cafe near Ziweixing's headquarters.

This store is an asset of Ziweixing and is mainly used for business entertainment.

However, it uses an outsourcing mechanism, and you have to pay to drink coffee here.

Zhou Buqi arrived late at around 10 a.m. Lei Jun had already called twice to remind him.

"I just came back from the United States and accidentally fell asleep."

"Just a cup of coffee, American?"

"Anything is fine."

Zhou Buqi was more casual, without a secretary around him, so he sat opposite him.

Lei Jun called the waiter, ordered coffee, and talked about the recent events in Silicon Valley with a smile. There was a lot of commotion. The biggest thing is the review of Google’s blockbuster acquisition of Twitter.

Even talked about Yahoo.

Domestic reports are also overwhelming, all discussing Boss Ma's use of Yahoo! Many media even believe that Boss Ma may acquire Yahoo!

"Acquire Yahoo?" Zhou Buqi was a little amused. "The media in the Internet era are just too much sensationalists. Yahoo is a technology giant with a market value of more than 20 billion US dollars. Who can afford it?"

Lei Jun said with a smile: "Isn't this a trend? Geely has acquired Volvo, and ASDA has acquired Motorola. There are many opinions and discussions."

Zhou Buqi snorted: "There's a lot of scolding, right?"

Lei Jun said: "Aesta is actually fine here. The most criticized thing is Geely's acquisition of Volvo. There is almost a lot of ridicule. They say that a poor boy in China married a European princess and pretended to be fat. It is impossible to afford it." ."

"anything else?"

"It's the same thing, but there are some differences. Even the big international car companies can't save Volvo. Can a domestic company buy it and save it? Sooner or later it will go bankrupt. There are even some conspiracy theories saying that big companies go overseas to make large acquisitions. In fact, It is the transfer of assets by wealthy people to foreign countries. This argument was also made when Asda acquired Motorola."


Zhou Buqi didn't think it was strange, he was somewhat used to it. This was the mainstream trend in the country in recent years.

From Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM, to TCL’s acquisition of Alcatel, to Geely’s acquisition of Volvo, Asda’s acquisition of Motorola, including Wanda’s operation of the American AMC theater chain that it wants to acquire... foreign media exclaimed, believing that China’s rise is unstoppable. It feels like the wolf is coming.

In China, I always feel that it is a meat bun beating a dog, and everyone is looking down on it.

But it's not unreasonable.

After the subprime mortgage crisis, the world's economy collapsed. The country's most stable and richest country became the world's savior. The authorities held hundreds of billions of dollars in cash and began to hunt for lows in overseas markets.

Of course, this is all the behavior of state-owned enterprises.

Every transaction is a history of bitter blood and tears.

Some were heavily fined because they did not understand international rules; some failed to discover contract loopholes and were easily broken by others; some failed to do due diligence and found a huge mess after completing the acquisition.

Some cases were finally reached after untold hardships. Chinese capital took control of the board of directors and began to implement new strategies and corporate policies. However, they could not be implemented at all, and the labor unions jumped out. Foreign trade unions are not the same thing as domestic trade unions.

However, many similar things are not suitable for reporting in China.

When private enterprises or private enterprises that have been restructured from state-owned enterprises go overseas and initiate some acquisitions, the media can widely report them, and there will be a kind of thinking inertia and emotional shift.

Private enterprises have become the target of widespread criticism, and are believed to be bound to fail in overseas business.

Zhou Buqi was very calm about this. He was used to it. "Being scolded just shows that our companies have done a good job and can divert attention and hide those who cannot be scolded. In fact, it is just like football."

Lei Jun knew he was a fan, "Football?"

Zhou Buqi said: "In comparison, the football industry is the cleanest and most transparent, so it gets scolded the most, so all the heads of the association can be arrested. Not to mention anything else, the one who plays table tennis Do you know, Crooked Neck? Because of his great reputation, he was saved."


"Forget it if you don't know. Anyway, it's "Journey to the West". It's difficult to find all kinds of evil spirits in the sky. The wild little monsters were beaten to death by Wukong; the even more hateful big monsters were all killed by Wukong. He was rescued by the immortal Buddha. Little goblins also do bad things, but compared to the big goblin, the little goblin is simply wronged."

Lei Jun smiled and said, "I didn't come here to listen to you lecture me about literature."

Zhou Buqi drank coffee without raising his head, "What's the matter?"

Lei Jun asked: "How about Asda's acquisition of Motorola? Are you sure it can be approved?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Absolutely. The United States will be able to give a response next month at the latest. The EU and China are not the problem. As long as the United States passes it, the matter will be settled. It's not Motorola, it's Motorola's There are about 3,000 low-end patents in the mobile phone business department and the intellectual property department."

Lei Jun nodded and whispered: "Motorola has a R\u0026D center in Shanghai to develop smartphones."

"Really?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Not sure."

Lei Jundao: "Yes, I have found out everything. It is quite strong. It is the second R\u0026D center of Motorola's smartphone business. The first R\u0026D center is in Silicon Valley."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "What are you doing? Are you interested?"

Lei Jun was a little embarrassed, "Xiaomi mobile phones are very popular in the market and the price is very low. In addition, you helped me solve the supply chain problem. If the first generation Xiaomi opens up the supply and sells it, I estimate that it can sell 5 million units a year. But. , this is a new product after all, and there are too many technical problems.”

There is actually no high-end technology in making mobile phones.

However, even low-end assembly has technical content, and not everyone can understand it. When Xiaomi just started making mobile phones, the products it launched would be very immature and have many problems.

These questions are actually not too difficult.

As long as you give Xiaomi time, they will slowly solve it.

In three or four years, Xiaomi may be able to solve all the basic technical problems of smartphones and form its own set of technical solutions and experience system.

But this will delay things and affect efficiency.

In the past life, Xiaomi was a disruptor and was not favored by the industry. Looking around, all enemies were trying to suppress Xiaomi. Without a helper, the initial stage was very difficult.

If it weren't for Rebus's marketing ability being comparable to that of Steve Jobs, this phone might really have disappeared.

This life is different.

Lei Jun discovered a very different entrepreneur.

That is Zhou Buqi.

This man has a broad mind and a huge structure, which allows Lei Jun to see an opportunity for Xiaomi to rise rapidly.

Excellent people always have good fortune.

Of course Zhou Buqi admired Lei Jun's ability and was willing to help him. He said angrily: "I told you back then, what kind of business should I start? How about directly joining Asda? I personally hold the 10 % of the shares, the original plan was to hold them for you. Once you join, they will all be given to you."

Lei Jun believed that Mr. Zhou could do such a thing with his courage.

However, he also has his own pride. A mere 10% of the shares cannot buy him. If he had 30% of the shares and the position of chairman with absolute say, he might not start Xiaomi and join Asda.

"A gentleman never takes what others like." Lei Jun responded perfunctorily with a smile.

Zhou Buqi snorted: "Asda has not yet completed the acquisition of Motorola's mobile phone business, and you have already set your sights on Motorola's Modu Smartphone R\u0026D Center. Aren't you taking advantage of others?"

Lei Jun said confidently: "That's different. Asda has seven R\u0026D studios in Europe and Silicon Valley. It has been making smartphones for so many years. Why does it still need the second R\u0026D center in Shanghai? After the transaction is completed, Maybe you will also have to downsize or lay off the R\u0026D center."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "This is impossible. The core production area of ​​smartphones in the future must be domestic. You can tell by looking at the supply chain. Except for a few high-end spare parts that are still abroad, all other businesses are domestic." They are all getting together. The R\u0026D center in Shanghai will only expand, not shrink. Domestic is the core."

In the past few years, the domestic smartphone business has not developed and there is a lack of relevant talents. Many of Asda's R\u0026D institutions are in Europe and the United States. But when it develops, it will definitely be domestic. Foreign R\u0026D institutions mainly do things that cannot be done domestically.

Lei Jun said: "Motorola, a mobile phone giant, would be too complicated to reorganize..."

"Okay, stop making excuses." Zhou Buqi waved his hand and looked up at him, "Xiaomi needs it very much?"

"Need!" Lei Jun said firmly, "With this R\u0026D center, Xiaomi can become the second largest mobile phone manufacturer in China after Asda within three years...two years. 'China Cool Alliance' There’s no chance of anything, they don’t understand smartphones at all.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Then you go find Zhou Shaoning."

"Looking for him?" Lei Jun looked complicated. "There is only one Zhou Buqi in the world who has enough ambition and confidence to help competitors develop. It would be good if Zhou Shaoning does not restrict Xiaomi's development."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "No."

Lei Jun said meaningfully: "By the way, you still have 20% of Xiaomi's shares."

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "First of all, I will help Xiaomi. I will help you with the R\u0026D center. Secondly, I will help Xiaomi, not the 20% of the shares. How much is Xiaomi worth? Is it worth my attention? I I feel that high-quality and low-price Xiaomi mobile phones can truly promote the development of the domestic smartphone industry, and can limit the momentum of copycat mobile phones from the market level that are so notorious that they have been disgraced internationally!"

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