Top of the big era

Chapter 2131 Super HR

After talking to Lei Jun in the coffee shop, Zhou Buqi walked to Ziweixing's headquarters campus.

It's really cold today.

Fortunately, it's almost noon, and the haze has dispersed. From a far distance, you can see the hustle and bustle in the park, including a fleet of food delivery vehicles, a large delivery truck, and a few workers and masters over there. Moving decoration materials, I don’t know which area needs to be renovated...

Zhou Buqi was on the phone with Zhou Shaoning and told him about Lei Jun. It plans to transfer Motorola’s smartphone R\u0026D center in Shanghai to Xiaomi.

Asda has been developing in the field of smartphones for so many years and does not need this R\u0026D team at all.

Moreover, this is only Motorola's second R\u0026D center.

The R\u0026D department in Silicon Valley is the core R\u0026D team.

Since it is useful to Xiaomi, let Lei Jun take it.

Zhou Shaoning didn't have any objections, "Okay, take it if you like it. The fixed price is 50 million."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Xiaomi has just started its business. Where can I get you money?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Then we owe it now and pay it back in a few years?"

"Okay, you can contact Lei Jun later." Zhou Buqi found it interesting, "He thinks a bit complicated, I'm afraid you won't want to."

"Well, it's normal." Zhou Shaoning sighed with emotion. "In the past, I might not have been willing to help. I would rather die in my own hands than maximize the use of resources to others. It's different now. , the vision has changed.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, that's it. Asda's market is the whole world. The better the domestic mobile phone industry develops, the more it will promote Asda's overseas competition. The domestic mobile phone industry is in a mess, and Asda It’s also impossible to have any big development overseas.”

Zhou Shaoning said: "Motorola has a total of 6 mobile phone R\u0026D institutions in China, with more than 800 R\u0026D personnel. In fact, we can't use any of them. Five of them are designed and developed for feature phones. Put them in the hands of Asda. If you leave it alone, it will be a waste. I plan to reorganize it appropriately and select a group of elite engineers to stay. The remaining departments and teams... will be sold half and given away, and whoever likes it can take it."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, that's okay. Now is the entrepreneurial era of smartphones. Aren't there several copycat phone manufacturers that have to transform and return to the development of smartphones? These R\u0026D personnel of Motorola, then No matter how low-end it is, it is still better than the technical engineers from copycat phone manufacturers."


Zhou Shaoning is a little funny.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "This is Motorola's technical team. Who doesn't want it? The feature phone market is not over yet. In the current mobile phone market, the main sales of feature phones are still there. Motorola's own functional phone R\u0026D institutions , are all valuable!”

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Can you still sell it for money?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "It's definitely possible. Even the four giants of the 'China Cool Alliance' want it. However, what I mean is mainly to build a good relationship with the traditional mobile phone manufacturers in China through the transfer of these development teams. Didn't you say, try not to cause friction with others, and make friends with everyone if you can."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, this idea works, but we can't use it, so we can leave it to our domestic counterparts to help them make progress. This is what a world-class company should do."

Zhou Shaoning said: "Well, there is no need to lay off employees. If we package and sell it, we might be able to make some money. Kill two birds with one stone."

Zhou Buqi said speechlessly: "What you said is inappropriate, you should follow my words."

Zhou Shaoning laughed, and then said solemnly: "But to be honest, it would be the best result for Asda to acquire Motorola's mobile phone business. If Google doesn't sell it, it will be really troublesome."

“What happened to Google?”

"Google also has no demand for feature phones. When the time comes, it will definitely have to cut off all feature phone business lines. It will be a global layoff."

"Well, it's true."

Zhou Buqi nodded, thinking that was the truth.

Neither Google nor Asda will be involved in the feature phone business. But in the current market, sales of feature phones are still dominated, with smartphone sales accounting for less than 30%.

You can still make a lot of money by making a feature phone.

This is also the reason why all Japanese mobile phone manufacturers fell in the smartphone era. Because their strategy is conservative, it’s already 2012, and feature phones still dominate the market, so their transformation is very slow.

It would be a disaster if Motorola's mobile phone business was owned by Google. If Google does not make feature phones, there will be only one result, which is large-scale layoffs, including entire departments.

Motorola's feature phone business is almost all done in China, from design, research and development, financing, supply chain, OEM, warehousing and transportation, etc., all are done in China.

Once done in the country, it will be shipped to the world.

Once Google actually lays off employees, thousands of people in the country will lose their jobs.

Google itself would also suffer huge losses.

It can be called a "lose-lose" situation.

If Asda takes over, it will be different. Although Asda does not make feature phones, Asda is different from Google, which has completely withdrawn from the domestic market. Asda has a wide network of contacts and a good industry circle in the country.

There are at least two dozen domestic feature phone manufacturers, including those that produce knock-off feature phones, and competition is fierce. To them, the team in Motorola’s feature phone business are considered “masters”, “great masters” and “industry elites”.

In this way, the relationship between supply and demand in the market is established.

Asda can help.

How heroic is this?

Asda spent nearly 5 billion US dollars to acquire Motorola, then split up Motorola's various parts and sold them to domestic mobile phone peers in need at very low prices to promote the progress and common development of the domestic mobile phone industry...

In this way, Asda's core position and leadership position in the domestic mobile phone industry will be established. It is logical that Asda has become the largest mobile phone manufacturer in terms of shipments in China, and will be recognized by peers.

After Asda acquired Motorola's mobile phone business, the next group reorganization was the most complicated.

The idea proposed by Zhou Shaoning is quite good.

Half sold and half given away to domestic counterparts.

Asda can not only lay off employees and pay huge compensation, but also gain a good reputation and reputation in the industry. In the process of corporate restructuring, layoffs are the most complex and difficult part.

Therefore, there is often a kind of "super HR" in the market.

These people are ruthless people.

The level is extremely high and the salary is also extremely high.

For example, a company is going to lay off employees, but layoffs are too offending. For the HR people in the human resources department, they have been old colleagues and friends for so many years. Asking them to fire these former colleagues collectively is simply a mental torture that cannot be tolerated on a human level.

At this time, you can hire a "super HR" from the market with a high salary.

Their salary is extremely high, possibly higher than that of the general manager, and annual salaries of several million are common.

After joining, there is only one task - layoffs.

There are endless tricks, tricks, and tricks... all in order to fire employees at the minimum cost.

For example, you want to fire a 10-year-old employee.

Legal layoffs are required.

In accordance with legal requirements, N+3 salary compensation will be paid.

After the layoff, a week later, HR called the old employee again and told him: "Oh, we made the wrong layoff. The company really can't survive without old employees like you. You'd better come back! Don't worry, after you come back, , I’ll double your salary!”

The old employees were very proud and returned to their jobs.

However, since you are re-employed, the "N+3" compensation previously paid must be returned to the company. The old employee returned the compensation to the company and worked happily for a month.

The next month, HR talked to him and fired him again!

At this time, the situation completely changed.

His "service experience" is only one month, and he has not even passed the probation period, so he does not need to pay "N+3" compensation... This series of back-and-forth operations is actually a trap set for old employees, thus Refusal to pay "N+3" dismissal compensation.

Normal colleague relationships and ordinary HR simply can't play with such outrageous things.

It is the magic weapon for some "super HR" to make a lot of money.

Therefore, when many companies need to lay off employees on a large scale, if they are unwilling to pay sky-high compensation, they will ask this kind of "super HR" to take charge of the overall situation.

You can be ruthless and kill decisively without any regard for human feelings. No matter who it is, you can cut it off!

It is also possible to reduce layoff expenses to a minimum.

The layoffs ended and the "super HR" was fired, which calmed the anger and panic of employees in the company. The company can become happy, harmonious and united again.

Zhou Buqi knew this kind of operation in his previous life, and many people around him were using it. In this life, he does not want any company in the "Ziwei Galaxy" to operate like this.

So wicked!

Zhou Shaoning's plan is very good.

It saves money, is positive, and employees don't have to suffer the painful experience of being fired.

Go upstairs and enter the elevator.

Arrive at the 7th floor.

Zhou Buqi stretched his waist.

His properties are spread all over the world, with more than a dozen offices alone. Only the chairman's office on the 7th floor of the Ziweixing Building in the Ziweixing Headquarters Park in the capital gave him the most sense of belonging.

open the door.


big occasion!

On the left, the leader is Sun Wanran, followed by four girls: Guan Nanqing, Mai Feixue, Zhao Li Muge, and Liang Lexin; on the right, the leader is Ning Lu, followed by five girls: Yao Yao, Gu Zanli, Yan Qiqi, Zhuo Wensi, and Li Shuruo .

"Welcome! Welcome! Warm welcome!"

"Welcome! Welcome! Warm welcome!"

"Welcome! Huan..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Zhou Buqi quickly stopped, and then closed the door in a slightly embarrassed manner, with a black line on his forehead, "What are you doing? This is the office, and people heard it, and thought we were holding a sports meeting here. Woolen cloth!"

If only it were a normal sports meeting.

One man and a dozen women might make people misunderstand that it is some other kind of sport.

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