Top of the big era

Chapter 2129 Good luck rolls in

Zhou Buqi returned to China.

too many people.

Just go back in two trips.

Zhou Buqi went back first with Aunt Xue, Baoshan, a few secretaries, and four little stars, Yang Mi, Li Xinwan, Jiang Bingjie, and Dili Reya.

Others will go back on the next trip.

Baoshan has been pregnant for 8 months, and her due date is March 15th. Her belly is already very big, and everyone loves her very much. After getting on the plane, he sent her to the bedroom, and Aunt Xue accompanied her almost inseparably.

Flying with such a big belly actually carries certain risks. There is a certain amount of acceleration during takeoff and landing, and the child in the belly may rush out of the belly due to inertia.

So this time Baoshan returns to China and won’t go out for the time being.

It is expected that the child will be born in my hometown in Northeast China.

After Baoshan fell asleep, Zhou Buqi came out of the bedroom and found others watching a movie, which seemed to be a comedy and laughing non-stop.

Only Yang Mi was alone, seemingly reading a book in the office area on one side.

Zhou Buqi admired her more and walked over to take a look, oh!


It turned out to be a copy of "Hollywood Weekly", an English entertainment publication.

"Can you understand?"

"I don't really understand, maybe."

Yang Mi looked up, her face slightly red, a little embarrassed.

Zhou Buqi sat down opposite her and said with a smile, "Are you learning English?"

Yang Mi nodded lightly, "Well, I will study when I have time. Isn't Farfetch's parent company a British company? The two parties often have to deal with each other, communicate about the supply of goods, and those overseas purchasing agents, etc., all have to use English."

Zhou Buqi praised: "Continuous learning and continuous improvement, as it should be."

Yang Mi pursed her lips and said: "When I was in school, I was ignorant and didn't study seriously. Now that I'm working, I realize that I don't understand anything. My thoughts are too poor, so I have to make up for it."

Zhou Buqi gave a thumbs up, "If you can realize this, you have surpassed 99.99% of the people in this world. The vast majority of people look outward and can look inward to reflect on themselves. You It has reached an excellent standard.”

"How can there be..."

Yang Mi made a long note and was a little embarrassed to be praised by the sponsor's father.

Zhou Buqi said: "The more outstanding a person is, the more blessings will come to him."

"Is this a little too irrational?" Yang Mi felt a little guilty, lying on the table, blinking her beautiful eyes, and whispered, "Isn't it a little superstitious?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is not superstition, this is human nature. Both children need help. One is beautiful and cute, and the other is short and dirty. Which one will you help? In other words, one is at the top in studies, and the other is. I have the chance to be admitted to Tsinghua University, but one is at the bottom of my grade, which one are you willing to help?"

Yang Mi said "Oh" in sudden realization.

Zhou Buqi said: "If they are enlightened monks, they will help the poor one. Because Buddhism has been passed down for thousands of years, they have understood human nature. The Buddha wants to save all living beings. Excellent children will have good fortune, and poor children will be better. We need help. But for most people in society, it is impossible to reach such a state. If there is a chance to help, they will definitely help the outstanding one."

This is actually the selfish nature of human nature at work.

Many times, it is not the result of a person's active thinking, but a subconscious choice without knowing it.

From a personal level, if you help outstanding people, when they succeed in the future, you may be able to help yourself; from a racial perspective, helping outstanding people can make them live better, and the fittest will survive. , leaving better genes for the race.

Yang Mi nodded lightly, "It's true."

Zhou Buqi was also lying on the table, their eyes looked at each other very close, and he whispered: "I love you all equally. But why do I only help you open a company and also open a studio for you?" It’s not because you are prettier than them, it’s because you are motivated, hard-working, courageous, pursuing, and constantly learning to become better and better.”

Yang Mi's eyes were watery, and then she stood up immediately, ran over and sat on the lap of the sponsor's father, hooked her hands around his neck, and snuggled tightly into his arms, seemingly affectionate.

Zhou Buqi patted her back gently and said with a smile: "Don't they say that girls who love to laugh will not have bad luck? In fact, there is a certain truth. Everyone's good fortune actually comes from help from the outside world. Smiling is definitely more impressive than putting on a bad face every day. However, smiling is just a superficial appearance. The deeper reason is whether you are good enough."

If Yang Mi realized something, "I understand, I understand everything."

"Understand what?"

"Now the plastic surgery industry is very developed, and there are many more beautiful young girls than in previous years. Many of them are gathering together, trying to figure out how to get into the entertainment industry and become stars. The vast majority of people have no chance. You can complain about your bad life and sigh every day."

Zhou Buqi said "Hmm" and said, "The better the entertainment industry develops, the more this phenomenon will happen."

Yang Mi said softly: "I used to think it was bad luck, but now that I think about it, I really have to be good enough. Many of the girls living in Baiziwan haven't even finished junior high school, and they are looking for men with hundreds of dollars. The kind that costs several thousand yuan a night..."

Zhou Buqi helped her sum up, "It depends on you, Reya, Xiaojie and the others. In fact, there are only three points. First of all, your grades must be good. Whether you are admitted to the theater, Beijing Dance or your Nortel, it is the best in China. A first-class art school. It’s not about how good this school is, but that its reputation means it has more resources that are valued by society. Who among those rich bosses would go to a place like Baiziwan? Looking for girls? Don’t you always go to those key prestigious universities to find female college students?”

Yang Mi sat on his lap meekly, "Well, studying is a ladder for advancement, and it's the same in all walks of life."

Zhou Buqi said: "Second, you have to be stunningly beautiful. For girls, beauty is a part of excellence."


"The third point is what you just said. Many young girls find boyfriends in a daze. In order to open up a career in the industry and have extra income, they are very immoral in their private lives. Just like that, they still want to find a big gold Lord? Which rich boss is a fool? How many women have rich people seen? You can tell at a glance whether a girl is pure or indulgent, do you think you can hide it? Your classmates, as well as Reya, Xiaojie and the others There are many beautiful girls among my classmates, why don’t I have a chance? Actually, it’s this third point. Being clean and self-sufficient is also a kind of excellence in itself.”

Yang Mi said crisply: "That's right, if you ask me to choose, I will also choose a clean girl. When buying a car, I still want to buy a new car, and I don't want to buy a broken car that costs hundreds of dollars. ."

Then, he said with great empathy: "Several of the girls in my studio came to me privately and said they wanted me to introduce them to the sponsor, and the old man was also willing to accept it. Where should I find it for them? Are the requirements for being an old man low? I have had several boyfriends one after another, who can still want him? If he goes out to socialize, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands a night is fine. Those rich people who have had fun can forget it. But I won’t take this kind of business.”

Zhou Buqi deeply agreed, "Well, don't do this kind of thing. It's unethical and unethical. It's not good. Who wants to take orders privately to make some extra money? Let them contact them themselves. Don't get involved."

Yang Mi slowly thought about it and said, "I figured it out. I know how the studio should develop in the future."

Zhou Buqi patted her back gently and looked at her with a smile, "Oh? How to choose?"

Yang Mi's face turned red and she said excitedly: "You told me before that in company management, talent selection is more important than training. I just listened to it before and didn't understand what it meant. Now I understand. .Excellent people have many blessings, and with more blessings, they will become better and better; excellent people are not cultivated, but they themselves are good enough, which is an internal driving force."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "From the perspective of company management, this is indeed the case. The company's training resources are limited, and resources must be used on good seedlings. From the perspective of the company's interests, it is also to help as many outstanding people as possible. people and ignore those who are nothing.”

Yang Mi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I understand, now I understand. There are many artists in the studio who I think have good acting skills and potential for development, and I want to cultivate them. This is wrong. , I should have strict requirements when selecting people. We should consider three aspects. First, the academic qualifications should be from a first-class art school; second, they should be stunningly beautiful, not the kind of plastic surgery; third, they should be as dignified as jade. , your private life must be clean. Being able to do these three things is enough to stand out. If you are not good at acting, you can learn; if you are not popular, you can slowly take over roles. Only excellent personal qualities cannot be cultivated by the studio. As long as this person If you are good enough, you will grow quickly in the future.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It is actually very important to keep one's body as pure as jade. After all, ours is a Confucian culture that has been in existence for thousands of years. This is the general consensus of society. A young and beautiful girl can still remain a virgin even in the rainy season. It can explain a lot of things. She is so beautiful, so she must be surrounded by many men. She can be restrained and restrained, which shows that she is calm enough. It also shows that she has high pursuits and high vision, and looks down on the ordinary people around her. Especially in the entertainment industry There are a lot of scumbags here, and they have rich experience in dealing with girls, and many ignorant girls are half-pushed, half-forced, and willing to obey. If she can keep herself safe, it also shows that she is smart enough and can handle complex situations. "

Yang Mi blushed slightly and scratched her head.

It feels like the sponsor’s father is talking about himself.

Introverted, calm, high pursuit, high vision, smart, clever... Do I really have so many advantages?

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Zhou Buqi seemed to be smiling.

Yang Mi hesitated for a moment and said frankly: "Actually... In fact, when I was in adolescence, I also had a boy I liked. But my mother was very strict and wouldn't let me go out. She followed me every time I went out..."

"The result is more important than the process." Zhou Buqi laughed, "A good tutor is also part of a person's excellent qualities, which is not a contradiction."

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