Top of the big era

Chapter 2013: Borrowing and repaying gifts

Zhou Feng continued: "The second reason is to further reduce the initial cost, at least not much higher than the price for customers to use pirated databases."

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant. He just wanted money. The group's subsidies to Ziwei Cloud must be increased to support him in further reducing fees. "Yes, cloud computing has always been Ziwei Xing's core business. It is a long-term consideration." strategic business."

Zhou Feng was very happy, "Only the total cost of storage computing resources and databases has been reduced. After some calculations, customers found that the total expenditure of using pirated software is almost the same as using Ziwei Cloud's services, and cloud services also have Among the many benefits, genuine products do not bear legal risks, so they are encouraged to sign up and join Ziweiyun’s platform.”

"Then what? Are there any further considerations?"

This issue of Zhou Buqi is very critical.

A further consideration is how to make money after attracting companies to Ziweiyun. Ziweiyun can't always rely on subsidies to attract customers, right?

After all, the goal is to make a profit.

This ultra-low-price subsidy model cannot last long.

However, for now, this question is not that important.

Even if Dr. Zhou Feng doesn't think of ways to make money in the future, it doesn't matter. Do business and products first, and think about the monetization model later. This is the development logic of the Internet in recent years. Don’t think about making money first.

First make a product and attract enough users for this product.

With more users and development, you will suddenly realize that "there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain", and you will find a way to make profits.

Many traditional companies have transformed into the Internet. They need people, money, and money. They are very powerful. However, it is difficult for them to succeed in the Internet. Part of the reason is this.

The thinking logic of traditional companies is also traditional and conservative. When starting a project, it is necessary to have a very complete plan. Including how to make products, how to market them, how to attract users, and how to make money.

If the plan is incomplete and you can't think of a way to make money, then simply don't do it and the opportunity will be missed.

Internet thinking is different.

Don’t think so much about making money or not!

Build the product first and attract users first. You can slowly think about the monetization business model in the future. Now that you have a product and users, are you afraid that you won’t be able to make money?

However, Zhou Feng obviously had some ideas this time. He said with a smile: "Use low enough storage and computing resources to seduce customers and let customers go to the cloud... It is easy to get up, but it is difficult to get down. After you get up, you can gradually go to the cloud." Benefit from a rich, expanded and increasingly expensive database."

"Huh? What exactly?"

Zhou Buqi asked casually, and when it came to such business matters, he felt much more relaxed, as if he was taking a leisurely stroll.

While talking on the phone, Sun Wanran was sitting on the sofa in the study room with her arms around her. There was a lot of flirting with each other. Sun Wanran closed her lips tightly, for fear of making any sound.

Zhou Feng said with a smile: "Actually, it's like marrying a daughter-in-law among the people. It's like this in my hometown. Many people marry a daughter-in-law and can't afford the bride price. What should I do? You have Zhang Liangji, and I have a wall ladder. Before getting married, , the man would borrow money for the purpose of getting married and give the bride price. After the marriage, the woman happily married in. After a few months, she was dumbfounded and found that the family had tens of thousands of debts. But at this time The family is stable, the child may even be pregnant, and divorce is unlikely, so we have to admit it. If the family still wants to live, we can only take out the original gift money and return it to others."

Zhou Buqi immediately understood what this meant, and said with a smile: "There are masters among the people!"

"Yes, it is true that masters emerge from the private sector." Zhou Feng really summed up this. "I have read many business cases over the years and found a phenomenon worth studying. That is, the birth of many great companies often fails. It was the founder who discovered it from the trivialities of daily life.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Yes, Netflix is ​​the one. Back then, Hastings went to MasterCard to rent discs, but found that the fees were high and troublesome. This was the inspiration. Only with the membership model of Internet disc rental, can there be Netflix."

Zhou Feng said: "This is indeed the thinking. From a macro perspective, it is found that enterprises in each country have obvious localization characteristics. The formation of such characteristics is really caused by different national conditions. Ziweiyun is in the country , we really can’t copy the model that Kurian did overseas. We must design the model according to the actual situation in the country. The best inspiration is to find it from the private sector. Just like the gift money, this has been around for hundreds of years. Thousands of years of wisdom crystallized.”

Zhou Buqi nodded.

In fact, it was the same in ancient times.

It's not necessarily a lie.

When newlyweds get married, the scene should be lively and lively. On the one hand, it heralds the prosperous future life of the couple, and on the other hand, it also represents the dignity of the two families.

But what if you don’t have money and can’t collect several large cars of dowry or betrothal gift?

Then you can only borrow it.

Borrow it first so that it can be celebrated during the wedding, and then return it after the wedding.

However, when it comes to exploring Ziweiyun's business model, the modern betrothal gift response model cited by Zhou Feng is more representative.

In the current domestic IT market, piracy is rampant.

Because there are pirated copies in the market, and only genuine copies can be used on Ziweiyun. All in all, the cost of Ziweiyun will be higher. This has led to many companies being reluctant to move to the cloud.

How to deal with this situation?

Promise to you first!

Don’t you want a betrothal gift? Give it to you!

Ziweiyun first drastically reduced prices and adopted a subsidy policy to attract customers first. After comparison, customers found that using Ziweiyun's services are all genuine products and the prices are very reasonable!

Moreover, it is so convenient to use cloud services. It has many advantages such as high stability, high scalability, and high extensibility. As long as the price is right, of course you should use cloud services!

Then, they hit it off immediately, signed the contract, and got "married".

After you get the marriage certificate, as time goes by, you will slowly find that the gift you were given as a subsidy is not free, and you will have to pay it back sooner or later. Once all the data is stored in the cloud and the database is bound to Ziweiyun's database, it will not be easy to unbundle it.

It is easy to get married but difficult to get divorced; it is easy to get into the clouds but difficult to get off the clouds.

At that time, the cloud platform will be able to recover all the costs through a series of subsequent cloud services. From the perspective of major policies, it is also conducive to promoting the legalization of the entire industry.

If you don’t want to buy the genuine version, then use some tricks to get you into the game, and in the end you can only buy the genuine version.

It's a bit like boiling a frog in warm water.

By the time you react, it is no longer possible to escape. You can only accept reality and acquiesce to the status quo.

Zhou Feng already has a comprehensive design for this, from a complete set of ideas in terms of technology, products and business models, "I have a judgment that cloud-native databases are the future of databases. Those popular databases in the market now have market shares." There will definitely be fewer and fewer. A very important reason is the convenience of operation."


Zhou Buqi was originally in a happy mood. While talking on the phone, he could tease Sun Wanran next to him, kissing her cheeks and biting her ears.

But the topic suddenly changed from business to technology, and it gave me a headache. How could I dare to be distracted?

Zhou Feng said slowly: "The databases on the market now are too complicated to operate. Not only are the operations complex, installation, maintenance, and even backup and recovery are all very technical, and they all need to be done by specialized database talents. "

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, during the afternoon meeting, Dr. Wang Jian said that most of the database talents in China are like this, application-oriented talents. The fee for installing a database is hundreds of thousands, and it may cost several dollars to restore the data." million."

Zhou Feng still admired the big boss and said with a smile: "You have a really good memory, you really do. The reason why this happens is that the current database design is too complicated, especially the Oracle database. I even doubt whether Oracle deliberately designed its products to be so complex. The threshold is set high so that outside companies cannot do it themselves, or even have to use Oracle's outsourcing services."

If you want to operate an Oracle database, most people really can't do it.

Even fresh graduates majoring in database can only do some relatively simple operations on Oracle database, and many businesses need to be completed by senior database engineers.

This becomes a threshold.

Many companies are stuck here.

It just so happens that Oracle also has its own outsourcing services.

Which company wants to use Oracle database but doesn't know how to use it yet? What should I do? Simple, reach a strategic cooperation with Oracle, and Oracle will take over the full responsibility. Oracle will not only sell the database, but also provide an outsourcing team to help them operate it.

This forms a highly relevant ecological business within Oracle.

Just like the cooperation between and IBM some time ago, this is actually the logic. not only needs to buy hardware, software, and systems from IBM, but Suning doesn't know how to use these products... so it also needs to buy an outsourcing technical team from IBM to help them do it.

The money came pouring in.

Making money is faster than stealing money.

This was the first time Zhou Buqi heard such an analysis, and he thought it made sense for a while, "Well, it's really possible! Make the Oracle database a needed product, and create product usage thresholds, so that most non-IT industries can of companies can only purchase outsourcing services.”

Zhou Feng said: "Yes, this is also the answer I got after communicating with Kurian some time ago. Otherwise, I have never been able to understand why Oracle's technical level is so high, why does it have to be so complex and unfriendly in design? Current product development Trends must become more and more popular and stupid, and the barriers to use are getting lower and lower. However, the products of traditional IT giants such as Oracle, Cisco, and IBM are sometimes incredible, and seem to be deliberately complicated. To design. Including Microsoft. Microsoft officially launched cloud services earlier than Amazon Cloud and Ziwei Cloud. However, Microsoft’s product threshold is too high, while Amazon Cloud and Ziwei Cloud are simple and easy to operate, and with the correct direction selection, they can It took off in unison.”

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant, "So, the same is true for the database field? Cloud-native databases must be designed and developed in the direction of fool-like operation, seize the industry's demand points, and compete with those mainstream databases in the market. compete?"

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