Top of the big era

Chapter 2014 Import is invalid

Zhou Feng said with a smile: "Yes, one of the most important design directions of cloud-native databases is to be simple to operate and easy to get started. Even an IT layman must be able to become more proficient in the cloud after simple training. Use databases wisely.”

Zhou Buqi thinks this is a great idea, "Just like the Windows system and Linux system, Bill Gates' greatest contribution to the world is that he made computers accessible to every ordinary person."

"That's right."

"It reduces the difficulty of database operation. For Ziweiyun's customers, they no longer need to pay high prices to hire application-oriented database talents. This is another cost savings. The advantages of cloud services are even more obvious."

"Yes, just like today's white-collar workers, all necessary functions are to be proficient in using office software. This is Microsoft's contribution, lowering the threshold for using the operating system and allowing more people to benefit." Zhou Feng said here At that time, I was particularly excited, "This will become a choice that changes the industry and even the world."

Zhou Buqi said with deep understanding: "I don't know if it can change the world, but it will at least change the industry. Database courses in domestic universities mainly teach the application skills of Oracle database and MySQL database. Once the threshold is greatly lowered, the database courses in universities will Teaching will shift from the application layer to the bottom layer, and a group of real database talents will emerge in the country."

Zhou Feng smiled and said: "Those are too long-term ideas. You will have to negotiate with the education department at that time. However, what I think about mainly is the cost and the threshold for moving to the cloud. Ziweiyun users are attracted by the low price After going to the cloud and using cloud databases... they will definitely lay off those database talents with high salaries, because the threshold for using cloud databases is very low and they don't need to spend so much money. When they find out that the genuine cost of cloud databases is still a bit high Gao, when you want to go back to the cloud and use pirated databases, you will find that you can no longer do it.”

Like boiling a frog in warm water.

When I realized that the water temperature was too hot, I tried to run out, but found that I could no longer run.

In particular, this is also related to the mentality of some business leaders.

In traditional data, lay leaders cannot understand it at all and have no idea what the various things in the database mean. If Ziweiyun's native database lowers the operating threshold and becomes a basic software that is easy to understand and operate like an office software, and can be operated with just a few clicks of the mouse, business leaders can show their capabilities. .

They may frequently take a look, check, supervise, and direct.

This is the benefit of using cloud services.

However, if you want to save some money and stop using cloud databases and use pirated databases...then the only option is traditional databases.

This means that the operation becomes very complicated.

The company will have to spend money to recruit a new group of professional database application talents to the company.

Moreover, leaders cannot command even if they want to.

You can only leave it to the mercy of professionals.

It's like being blind, whatever they say is what they say.

The most typical one is a bank.

The job of a database technology supervisor in a bank is really relaxing.

Just like some small and middle-level people working in large Internet companies, they made early judgments before the Internet winter came, and ran away in advance to avoid being laid off. They took the initiative to leave when the market was not crowded yet, and took a significant salary cut. Go to the bank and take care of the database.

The job in the bank is very easy. You can write novels and do side jobs after work, and maybe you can earn back part of the salary cut.

The bank leaders did not understand the database at all, so they could only let it go.

This job is very easy.

If you encounter a small problem, you will instruct your technicians to do it; if you encounter a complex problem, you will say that your own technical team is limited and cannot solve it, so you have to spend money to hire an outside database company to do it.

In short, the expert can master the skills of the amateur. When I usually go to work, I just read books, watch videos, and even write novels during working hours.

The banking system cannot access the public cloud, so bank leaders cannot feel the beauty of cloud databases on the public cloud.

However, for many companies that have used cloud services for many years, business leaders are accustomed to managing and reviewing database business. Suddenly they return to the cloud and lose their "management rights" over the database. How can they tolerate this?

When you are not in power, if you are not in power, you are not in power. Once they have power, it is very difficult to get them to give it up.

It can only stay on the cloud.

Therefore, considering the current situation of rampant domestic piracy, Ziweiyun cannot adopt Kurian's overseas strategy and must have some localized characteristics.

First think of ways to attract companies to the cloud platform.

Boil the frog in warm water.

By the time they discovered that it was cheaper to use piracy, it was already too late, and it was impossible to move to the cloud.

Zhou Buqi said: "I think this idea is very good. I don't understand cloud computing very well, but I am relatively familiar with the streaming video industry. I think it should be this model."


Zhou Feng was slightly stunned. He specializes in the art industry and doesn't know much about streaming media. Especially in 2011, streaming media is not yet a popular industry.

Zhou Buqi felt that an opportunity had come.

Many times, management comes from the leader's personal charisma. Personal charisma is much more effective than the authority brought by the position, and it is also more likely to be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Dr. Zhou Feng is a core executive and the president of M7 Zi Weiyun, so we must win him over.

Zhou Buqi appears to be very ignorant at the level of cloud computing, which damages his personal charm. He must find ways to find it in other ways and not affect his high image at the business level.

The topic returned from the product line to the business line, and Zhou Buqi was very good at it. He said with a smile: "Companies like Youku, Tudou, and Sohu Video are facing the same dilemma. There are too many pirated videos."

Zhou Feng said: "It's true that the prevalence of pirated movies and TV series is much more serious than that of pirated databases."

Zhou Buqi said: "I told Mr. Gu from Youku and Mr. Zhang from Sohu that if you want to make streaming videos in China, you must not follow Netflix's example and get a $10 monthly membership right from the start. Who can afford the fee? There are so many pirated videos, who would spend so much money to buy genuine membership every year?"

Zhou Feng smiled and asked: "Is this the same idea as boiling a frog in warm water?"

"Yeah, almost."

Zhou Buqi is more experienced in this and has experienced it with foresight. In his previous life, he also hated those conscience-less streaming video platforms, but now that he has seen more in this life, he understands.

He even took the initiative to plan such an operational idea.

Zhou Buqi continued: "If we want to guide netizens to watch genuine videos, in addition to national policies to combat piracy, the strategies of streaming media platforms are also very important. We need to do it step by step and boil frogs in warm water. Authentic websites can provide high-definition movies and TV shows." Content, and it’s all free. The genuine content is so good and free, so of course the audience will come to watch the genuine content. Slowly, we will charge a small amount for some key movies and TV series.”

Zhou Feng said with a smile: "Then gradually expand the scope of charging."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, the paid content will gradually increase, and the membership fees will also gradually increase. Until there are more and more paid contents, the membership fees will get higher and higher, and a reasonable profit range will be reached. I estimate... a If the monthly membership fee reaches 50 yuan, you can make some profits."

"50 yuan..." Zhou Feng found this difficult, "The price is too high."

Zhou Buqi said: "So we have to do it step by step. Fortunately, we can use advertising revenue to supplement the income from membership fees. In short, we must grow slowly within the scope of user understanding, and we must continue to provide subsidies for many years to allow the audience to form A habit of watching dramas on genuine platforms.”

“Once a habit is formed, it’s hard to change.”

"Yes, on the one hand, it's a habit. On the other hand, it's also related to the difficulty of operation, just like the competition logic of your database. As the country's protection of intellectual copyright becomes stronger and stronger, it will become more and more difficult to watch pirated content on the Internet. The bigger the network gets, the harder it is to find pirated resources. At the same time, after the audience has become accustomed to watching genuine content simply and conveniently for many years, they will also lose the ability to search for pirated resources to a certain extent."

"Searching for pirated film and television content is too troublesome, and even if you find it, the clarity may not be very good, and there is also a lack of content interaction on the genuine platform..."

Although Zhou Feng is a technology tycoon, he is a complete layman when it comes to streaming media.

After hearing what the big boss said, he realized the importance of this choice of business model in the development of the industry. Choosing the right business model can even push an unhealthy industry to develop in a healthy and legal direction.

From this perspective, Boss Zhou’s guidance for the domestic streaming media industry has the same logic as his own development plan for the domestic cloud computing industry.

Basically the same thing.

It is a confrontation between genuine and pirated copies.

Zhou Feng felt that there was even more reason, and said: "It's true, what kind of society will cultivate what kind of consumers, and what kind of consumers will breed what kind of companies. Netflix is ​​very successful abroad. Zi Weiyun's strategy led by Kurian can also be very successful abroad, but if they are placed at home, they will all die."

Zhou Buqi had long understood what he meant.

This late at night, Dr. Zhou Feng made this call specifically for one purpose: to worry about being decentralized.

This time on the cloud database project, the power was handed over to Kurian.

For the sake of the overall situation, Zhou Feng compromised.

But he doesn't want to continue to compromise in the future.

The situation at home is different from that abroad. Kurian’s method does not work well at home. Zi Weiyun's domestic business must be led by Zhou Feng, not Kurian who can dictate from a distance.

Of course Zhou Buqi agreed, "Your worries are completely unnecessary. In the past few years, eBay, Google, MSN, Amazon and other Silicon Valley companies have failed in the domestic market. This is enough to explain everything. In terms of the business model of the Internet, importing It’s ineffective, it must be made domestically.”

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