Top of the big era

Chapter 1876 The significance of low-end patents

Zhou Buqi hummed: "In short, this is really an opportunity! Relying on Twitter, we must get enough resources from Google!"

Zhou Shaoning took a deep breath, "Motorola?"


The plan was not as fast as the change. Zhou Buqi originally thought that he would have to wait two years until Google found out that it was not capable of making Motorola a good product before selling it.

Now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

Larry Page is not that concerned about this business at all. What he cares most about is the social business. He would do anything to be social!

Just like cloud computing.

You must know that the core technical concept of cloud computing was created by Google. It was only with Google's technical promotion that it became possible to realize the concept of cloud computing from imagination.

However, the development of Google Cloud is not smooth.

In addition to the fact that Google Cloud’s strategic direction was wrong in the early stage, and that Google Cloud’s products in the mid-term were too high-end and the threshold was too high, it is most likely related to Google’s overall strategic structure.

Google simply does not regard cloud computing as its core business to develop, and focuses solely on social networking.

Later, social interaction was no longer possible, and Larry Page sadly quit get out of class. After Google gave up its social business, Google Cloud surged forward and became the fastest-growing cloud computing vendor in the world.

Ultimately, cloud computing is a technology-based business.

Google is not afraid of any business with technology as its core.

Under this situation, Asda seems to be able to start in advance towards the mid-to-low-end mobile phone market. Maybe there will be an opportunity to directly win over Motorola's mobile phone business in a short period of time!

Zhou Shaoning is of course the happiest, "If it can really be done, that would be great! With the popularity and development of the smartphone market, more and more markets around the world have opened up to smartphones. In the past few years, only developed countries in Europe and the United States have market, so it is a good strategy for us to only sell high-end phones. Now that many developing countries and regions have entered the market, we must develop the business of mid- to low-end phones. If nothing else, it is the domestic market. Aster’s domestic market The market share is even lower than that of the four traditional IT vendors, China Cool Alliance, and the main reason is the price."

Zhou Buqi followed him to the tea room. The two took off their shoes, sat cross-legged on the kang and drank tea. He asked, "How much is Motorola's mobile phone business worth? Have you done any evaluation here?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "I haven't made a very specific assessment yet, but I have briefly understood some situations. Motorola is going to be split into two halves, one half is Motorola Mobility, and the other half is for is the outsourcing business. Google wants to acquire it. It's Motorola Mobility. And within Motorola Mobility, I think it can be roughly divided into five major businesses."

Zhou Buqi couldn't let his secretary come over to make tea in front of Zhou Shaoning, a foreigner, so he had to do it himself.

Now, he can feel more and more the practices of ancient literati.

The women in the family don't see their foreign men.

It's really not stingy.

On the contrary, this is a big picture!

The women in the family are as beautiful as each other. If they are taken out left and right for others to see, it might make the men outside their minds unbalanced. This is for their sake.

Zhou Buqi felt that he was becoming more and more like an ancient sage, and he was quite satisfied. He asked with a smile: "The five major business sectors? Tell me in detail."

Zhou Shaoning said: "Motorola is a large international company, one of the Fortune 500, and the decline in performance cannot conceal its huge size. The five major businesses are the patent group, high-precision group, set-top box group, and mobile phone group. and the foundry group.”


"Apple has thousands of mobile phone patents, and Google has less than 1,000. So when Android and iOS systems compete, Android phones will suffer greatly in terms of patents, and even Samsung will be sued. Google acquired The most fundamental reason for Motorola is to get the more than 17,000 patents held by Motorola."

"A lot..."

"Yes, the number of patents is almost 20 times that of Apple. If this deal comes to fruition, the patent dispute between Android and iPhone will basically come to an end. Even if there is plagiarism, it will be iPhone plagiarizing Android."

Zhou Buqi was very excited about the patent, "Is it possible..."

Zhou Shaoning understood what he meant at a glance. This was because he was moved by seeing such a huge patent portfolio of Motorola, and he immediately reacted, "No way!"

Zhou Buqi was pouring tea and looked up at him.

Zhou Shaoning said: "These 17,000 patents can be divided into three levels: high, middle and low. The high-level patents are the top technologies in the field of communications in the world today. It is impossible for us to get them. Even if Motorola and Google are willing to resell them to us , the US regulatory authorities will not approve it, these are related to satellites, navigation, cruise missiles, and national defense security."

Zhou Buqi then asked: "Where are the mid-range patents?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "It's not necessary."


Zhou Buqi was a little puzzled.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Google is not a company like Motorola. These mid-range patents are in the hands of Motorola, and they have set up a patent business group to collect patent fees globally. Google is different. It has obtained these mid-range patents. Later, we promised to open it to all mobile phone manufacturers in the Android camp for free."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, this is in line with Google's style. In the face of strategy, small things like making money are really not worth mentioning. This new Internet strategic concept ensures the core position of the Internet industry in guiding the global market. ."

According to the corporate concept of traditional economics, the first purpose of a company is to make money and create returns for shareholders.

The Internet giants driven by Silicon Valley play differently, completely changing the "company rules" of the past hundreds of years.

The meaning of a company is not to make money and create returns for shareholders, but to "do something."

The meaning of doing things is greater than making money.

There are many companies that, in the process of "doing things", have to continuously burn money, invest continuously, and suffer losses. According to traditional corporate logic, this is a junk company, and we should stop losses as soon as possible and stay away from it.

But the rules of the game have changed in the Internet era.

As long as you are "doing one thing", and this thing is supported by strong logic and imagination, it doesn't matter even if you continue to burn money, continue to lose money, and never make a profit. The capital market will maintain its long-term favor, and then the company's market value will increase. It will grow along the way.

This change in the rules of the game has made many older generation entrepreneurs and traditional enterprises miserable and can only be abandoned by the times.

This has led to the collapse of too many great companies, Motorola being one of them.

The patent is in the hands of Motorola, and Motorola wants to make money by licensing the patent.

Patents belong to Google. What Google wants is to license patents to all Android-based mobile phone manufacturers for free, so as to attract mobile phone manufacturers to come over one after another and make Android "this thing" happen.

The meaning is completely different.

Although Android is also a free system, Android is a super platform for mobile devices.

How will Google rely on Android to make money in the future? have no idea! But it doesn’t matter, we’ll talk about making money later, do “this thing” first!

Strategic value is far greater than financial value.

This is not only Google’s corporate outlook, but also Zhou Buqi’s corporate values, even in traditional industries.

For example, when he established Ziweixing Universal, the first thing he did was to determine the future film development strategy. Blockbusters should be developed in the direction of "inertia," "special effects," "popcorn," and "family fun." Like Universal Pictures last year Don’t make any more blockbuster movies like “Robin Hood” that fell into your hands.

Zhou Shaoning continued: "These mid-range patents have a strong strategic value for Google. Even if we want to buy them, they will not sell them. Moreover, we don't need to buy them. The patents are still with Google and can be used for free." ."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Where are the low-end patents?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Then it's not that important. The technical level of those low-end patents is not high, and the patent restrictions are not large. They are all technical solutions developed decades ago, and many of them may have expired. Google cannot see It has no practical significance to Asda."

Zhou Buqi pondered for a moment and said slowly: "It has no practical meaning, but it has symbolic meaning."

"Ah?" Zhou Shaoning was slightly startled, "Symbolic meaning?"

Zhou Buqi said: "For consumer-oriented products, the most important step is brand building. How do consumers know the difference between high-end patents and low-end patents? As long as it is a patent, it has value. The common concept is that The more patents there are, the stronger the technology. Ordinary people cannot tell the quality of patents and often judge a company’s technological level by the number of patents.”

"Use patents as a marketing tool..."

Zhou Shaoning took a deep breath and felt that this boss Zhou was really evil. He had one clever trick after another.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "In the future smartphone market, competition will be unprecedentedly fierce. Mobile phones don't have any technology. They all get the goods from the supply chain and then go to the foundry to assemble them. In terms of design, you copy me and me." The performance and experience of mobile phones are similar to yours. In terms of the performance and experience of mobile phones, whether they are Asda, Samsung, Blackberry, Nokia, or China Cool, the mobile phones are actually the same. Ordinary mobile phone users cannot feel the difference at all. So here is the problem , among so many brands, how will consumers choose?”

Zhou Shaoning had a thrilling and enlightening feeling, "Consumers will choose products produced by the companies they know are the best!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, two factors. First, choose the one with the lowest price; second, choose the mobile phone produced by the company with the best cognitive structure. This is the inherent cognitive habit of human beings, and they instinctively think Products produced by good companies will be of better quality.”

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