Top of the big era

Chapter 1875: Welcome or reject

Obviously, this Larry Page is not a businessman in the traditional sense. He just wants to accomplish something. There seems to be a lack of sophistication in this kind of "diplomatic" matter.

Although Zhou Buqi is several years younger than him, his business territory covers a wide range of areas, including many traditional industries. When dealing with this type of matter, Boss Zhou obviously has the advantage.

It was also Larry Page who was too anxious.

Too eager to start a social business.

When Zhou Buqi had dealt with Schmidt before, he felt that this man was an old fox who was too slippery to control. Comrade Page is different. At best, he is sincere, but at worst, he is naive.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Larry Page used to work on "Project X" at Google, which are some mysterious high-tech projects within Google, such as Google Glass. I have never made a penny, I just spend money on various researches.

It would be no problem for him to step up and lead the development of some scientific research products. It would be a bit difficult for him to step up and lead the company's development like a mature businessman and handle the business relationships between companies skillfully.

Maybe he will grow up very quickly in the future.

But not now.

In Zhou Buqi's eyes, he felt that Larry Page was so innocent, which allowed him to easily take the initiative in this business discussion.

In matters like negotiation, the more proactive party is often the more passive.

Zhou Buqi remained calm and said calmly: "Well, with Google's strength, it is easy to convince other small shareholders and investors."

Larry Page smiled and said: "Yes, as long as Ziweixing is willing to take action, although you only have 32% of Twitter's shares, this is the most critical. As long as you agree, others will easily move towards it." Tilt in Google’s direction.”

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "This is not good."

Larry Page said: "Twitter is no longer in Ziweixing's strategic structure, and has even formed a certain business conflict. Unless you give up the YikYak business, I don't think you can ease your relationship with Twitter."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not due to business conflicts."

Larry Page smiled and said: "Didn't you just say that Ziweixing's positioning of Twitter is a financial investment? Since it is a financial investment... you can rest assured that Google will definitely meet the capital gains of Ziweixing and all investors." Yi’s request!”

It's obvious that this guy doesn't care about money at all.

As long as you can build a social business, no matter how much money you spend, it is appropriate.

Zhou Buqi lowered his head and drank coffee. He was silent for a long time and then said slowly: "This is not about money."

"Huh?" Larry Page frowned slightly, "Isn't the pursuit of financial investment just capital gains?"

Zhou Buqi looked at him deeply and said, "Larry, do you think I am short of money?"


Larry Page doesn’t have much to say.

On the "Forbes" rich list, he can only be ranked in the top 20, but this boss Zhou can be ranked in the top 5. In the past period of time, I heard that several companies related to him have gone public. Maybe he can go one step further in this year's rankings!

Zhou Buqi said: "I have some differences with Twitter's management, but they are not that serious. Business differences will not affect our personal relationship. But...Larry, you have to understand that Ivan and Google There are deep grudges. If I were behind the scenes to sell Twitter to Google, it would be more than just a business disagreement and it would damage my reputation."

Larry Page was a little embarrassed, but he still said: "Zhou, I don't think this is a big problem."

"No, this is moral!"

Zhou Buqi's expression was serious and there was no room for doubt.

Larry Page didn't want to give up, "But..."

"Okay, Larry, let's end this topic here." Zhou Buqi interrupted him, "In terms of Twitter, what I am pursuing is financial investment, and there is no problem with that. But I want to see What is important is a win-win situation for all parties and the establishment of a friendly and stable relationship between each other.”

Larry Page sighed, very reluctantly.

Zhou Buqi said: "If Twitter is sold to Google, then Ivan will definitely quit. He is the godfather of Twitter. I don't want to be the mastermind behind this."

"Yes, I understand."

Larry Page nodded, his tone full of disappointment and his mood less high.

Zhou Shaoning listened quietly beside him.

He has been with Boss Zhou for several years, and he doesn’t believe this!

Depend on!

We agreed to sell Twitter to Google, but suddenly changed our minds?


This is a trick, teasing the new CEO of Google who has just taken over and has little business experience.

Seeing that the communication between the two parties could not continue, Zhou Shaoning spoke decisively, seemingly trying to smooth things over, and said with a smile: "In cooperation, there are always comings and goings. Negotiation is the art of compromise, and such a big thing cannot be done all at once. It’s a deal.”

Larry Page was very happy after hearing this, feeling that the extinguished flame was rekindled, "Of course, we can communicate more in the future."

Time is limited, this meeting is only for 45 minutes.

The new Larry Page is too busy at work.

Zhou Shaoning actually has some mobile phone business matters here, which are not that important. The mobile phone business is not on Larry Page's radar at all. He is now preoccupied with social networks.

Whether the social business can be launched can be directly related to the legitimacy of his CEO position.

Over the past few years, Schmidt has led Google to prosper.

Why did you take him down?

The main reason is Google's lack and weakness in social business.

Developing social business is urgent for Google and Larry Page.

Zhou Shaoning also wanted to further discuss some patent cooperation between Asda and Motorola, but Larry Page did not come forward and planned to leave it to other executives to handle it.

Larry Page is out, and Steve will definitely be out that week.

With his status, it is impossible to interact with a senior vice president of Google.

This is also in line with Zhou Buqi's expectations.

The two first left Google and then returned to the headquarters of Ziweixing International.

As soon as he entered the office, Zhou Shaoning couldn't hold himself back, "What do you think about Twitter?"

With outsiders present, Zhou Buqi didn't want to ask his secretary to come over and help him take off his coat. While taking off his clothes, he said with a smile: "As you said, we can talk slowly and communicate more. Larry Page is very anxious Ah, good thing! The more anxious you are, the better!"

Zhou Shaoning laughed, "I knew it!"

Zhou Buqi said: "This is like many girls fishing for Kaizi in nightclubs. You have to grasp the size and strength, not refuse too hard, and always keep hope for the other party."


Zhou Shaoning was speechless. What kind of metaphor of chaos is this?

Zhou Buqi said: "Now, more and more mobile phone manufacturers have begun to join the Android camp to produce smartphones, and a large number of mid-range phones have appeared in the market."

Zhou Shaoning sighed and was worried about this, "Yes, the Aster series used to occupy 45% of the Android phone market. This year it may be significantly reduced. It would be good to maintain 25%. But the performance will not be too bad. , and will maintain a good growth rate, thanks to the expansion of the market."

Zhou Buqi said: "So, for Asda, if there is an opportunity to enter the mid-to-low-end mobile phone market as soon as possible, then we must seize it!"


Zhou Shaoning raised his eyebrows, with a bit of surprise on his face.

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said with a smile: "This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise. I didn't expect Larry Page to be so eager. Seeing how anxious he is, he is just like the first brother who has never touched a woman. It’s like touching a woman’s little hand for the first time.”

Zhou Shaoning was angry and funny, "What kind of metaphor are you talking about?"

"Isn't it impressive?"

"The image is an image, but it's somewhat imageless."

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