Top of the big era

Chapter 1872 Soft move

Zhou Shaoning said with a smile: "It's not out of emotion, Apple... I heard some news, there may be something wrong with Apple."


Zhou Buqi heard that Jobs' condition had further worsened and he was no longer even able to handle some of Apple's work normally.

There are already predictions in the industry that Steve Jobs will soon resign as Apple CEO.

Although they are competitors, seeing such a great business leader take his final breaths makes me feel somewhat sad. In particular, he is very thin now, weighing just over 80 kilograms. He has almost no human shape, which is unbearable to look at.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Jobs...maybe related to Jobs, but the matter I'm talking about has no direct connection with Jobs. I heard the news from Foxconn."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

Zhou Shaoning said: "It's already the end of March. If a new machine is going to be launched after June, then you should place an order now and hurry up to produce it. After I handed over the order for Aster4 to Foxconn, they said they were willing to spend most of it." production capacity to support us, and said that our order would give their factory the opportunity to recruit workers in the spring.”

Many of Foxconn's workers are not full-year workers and are "part-time" in nature.

Because orders are mainly between March and December.

In winter, the market enters the off-season, and there are not so many orders to maintain the operation of the huge team of workers. Many workers will go back to their hometowns to spend the winter, and then come back to work in the spring.

This is a very critical message!

The iPhone is now Apple's core product, and it is almost impossible to dig out some relevant trade secrets inside Apple.

However, we can indirectly understand Apple’s situation from the industrial chain level.

It's now late March, and Asda has already started placing orders for the production of mobile phones.

There has been no movement from Apple.

This illustrates one thing, that is, there will not be a new version of iPhone unveiled at Apple’s press conference in Silicon Valley in June, otherwise it will be too late!

Regardless of whether it is related to Jobs or not, a very clear signal can be obtained from Foxconn at the end of the supply chain.

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes, "It seems like there won't be a new iPhone released in the summer."

Zhou Shaoning said: "Yes, definitely not. Apple's spring conference is in March, its summer conference is in June, and its autumn conference is usually in October. In other words, the new iPhone will not be launched until at least October. ."

"Well, it's very important!"

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath of air.

When doing business, market research is so important!

If Zhou Shaoning was careless, ignored the valuable information he got from Foxconn, and then followed the same procedure as in the past few years and set the launch date of Asda's new mobile phone in September, it would be a disaster and it would be a crash!

In September, Aster4 was launched, and then Apple announced that a new version of the iPhone would be released in October, so consumers stayed tuned.

Well, just a basin of ice water was poured on Aisda's forehead.

However, to say that Apple is deliberately targeting Asda is unnecessary, as it takes itself too seriously. Apple is now the world's largest technology giant. With Asda's level, it is simply not worth it for Apple to adopt this type of competitive strategy.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Why is this happening? How has Apple adjusted its distribution strategy?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "In my opinion, there are mainly two reasons, one is the product reason, and the other is the market reason. The product reason is... there is an artificial intelligence product Siri in the Apple store, which is well recognized by users. Apple last year I acquired this company. It should be integrated into the iOS system, which requires more functional adaptations and may not be mature yet."

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Is the iPhone going to be adapted to Siri?"


Zhou Shaoning nodded.

Zhou Buqi was a little anxious, "How is the artificial intelligence here at Ziweixing? Are you paying attention? This is a very important functional innovation, don't let Apple take the lead!"

Zhou Shaoning said with a smile: "Ziweixing should do better. After Apple acquired Siri last year, I paid attention to this market, and then contacted Shen Xiangyang to urgently deploy in this field. In terms of smart effects, Ziweixing Rokid will be much better than Apple's Siri."

“Will it be applied on the new machine?”


"Okay." Zhou Buqi was very happy, "During the press conference, we should focus on showing the voice function of artificial intelligence. The appeal of this thing is not much worse than fingerprint unlocking."

Zhou Shaoning said: "It is still very rudimentary now. It is mainly based on the technological extension of neural networks and deep learning that were gradually popularized in the field of artificial intelligence last year."

Zhou Buqihun didn't care and waved his hand, "Can you speak English?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Okay, now there are mainly two teams, one is the English team and the other is the Chinese team. You have to ask Shen Xiangyang for the specific situation. I heard that this year will start a team in the fields of German, Spanish, French, Japanese, and Korean. explore."

Zhou Buqi said with satisfaction: "It's a good start. Just develop slowly. Ziweixing's Rokid will definitely perform better than Apple's Siri!"

Apple’s Siri is a disgrace to artificial intelligence.

Very poorly done.

It is impossible for any company to be proficient in everything. AI is probably Apple's weakest link. For this reason, Apple has successively acquired dozens of AI companies to improve it, but the results have been very poor.

It’s just not as good as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants, but it’s also much worse than domestic technology giants.

Zhou Buqi has already made plans in this field.

Ziweixing has been deploying its intelligent voice assistant Rokid for four years, from text intelligence at the beginning to voice intelligence starting last year, from domestic Chinese intelligence to overseas English intelligence.

In this field, Ziweixing is at the forefront of the world and will be far ahead of Apple.

Backed by such advantages, Asda has the advantage of having them readily available when launching new phones, and can use Ziweixing's resources to demonstrate the superiority of its own products.

If Apple waits for Siri to be released and Asda hurriedly builds a team to develop a similar intelligent voice assistant team, then the day lily will be gone.

At that time, even if the product is better than Siri, it will be meaningless.

Because the user's mind has been occupied by Siri.

Just like many voice assistant products have appeared around the world, most of them are better than Siri, but when people talk about smart voice assistants, the first thing that comes to mind is Siri.

It’s not that Siri is excellent, but that Siri was released earliest and promoted best, and it has already captured the minds of users early.

For ordinary people, they have no judgment at all about such high-tech products. It has nothing to do with technology, but everything to do with marketing.

If marketing is done well, even if the technical content is very low, it is still considered to be the best technology. Even if it is an obvious IQ tax, consumers will flock to pay for the technology.

At this time, foresight came into play, Zhou Buqi said sternly: "The promotion of Rokid is very important. This is not just a product, but represents the public recognition foundation of Ziweixing and Aisda in the field of artificial intelligence! "

Then, he turned around and told the assistant Ning Lu who was following him, "Go back and have a meeting with Ziweixing, Asda, and Ziweixing Global to negotiate a comprehensive marketing plan. Rokid must be taken seriously! "

Zhou Shaoning continued: "The next step is the market level. In the past three years, our products have sold well in the United States, and a very important reason is that we chose to launch it in the autumn."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"Because of Christmas."


Zhou Buqi felt a little stunned.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Yes, this stage is close to Black Friday. The main thing is Christmas. At Christmas here in the United States, gifts are given. Every Christmas will usher in a shopping frenzy. Mobile phone sales have an obvious market trend. , 3 months is a threshold. Within 3 months, the popularity of new products will be very high. After 3 months, the popularity will drop. So you see that many mobile phone manufacturers use a sea of ​​​​mobile tactics to ensure that at least every 3 We release a new mobile phone every month to maintain market popularity and sales.”

Zhou Buqi's heart froze, "If a new mobile phone is released in the autumn, Christmas will be in more than two months, within a three-month timeline. If a new mobile phone is launched in the summer, by Christmas time, The appeal in the market will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to create that sense of 'surprise' in Christmas gifts."

"Yes, that's the reason." Zhou Shaoning sighed, "After all, Apple has transitioned to making mobile phones, and we didn't realize it in the past few years. So we have taken advantage in the past few years. Apple's new phones were released in the summer, and our products It will be released in the fall. Now that Cook is at the helm of Apple, he has to adjust the market strategy and pay attention to the Christmas trend."

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "This is a big blow to Aisda."

Zhou Shaoning said: "There is nothing we can do about it. Our products are indeed weaker in terms of competitiveness. We have to avoid their edge and stagger the time. Fortunately, the Christmas culture in the Asian market is not that strong and the impact is limited."

Zhou Buqi has a very clear understanding, "Yes, we should focus on the Asian market and the European market. The United States is Apple's stronghold, and we should retreat when we need to."

Zhou Shaoning nodded, "After the three-month new release period, if you still want to stay popular, you need to rely on marketing methods and advertising."

Zhou Buqi blinked and said thoughtfully: "It's a soft move to avoid Apple's autumn launch. However, a soft move doesn't mean it will definitely fail. You just need to grasp Apple's weaknesses to operate. ."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Pretending to be noble!"

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