Top of the big era

Chapter 1873 Google’s performance is too poor

"Pretending to be noble..." Zhou Shaoning immediately realized what he was talking about, "Advertising bombing?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, we need to spend money on advertising, especially in the European market. Maintain popularity through a series of marketing events. For example, first link up with Hollywood stars, then cooperate with European football stars, and you can also cooperate with top luxury goods , Burberry, Hermès, etc., launch customized versions of Hermès. Even when models are walking on the catwalk, they can carry a bag in their left hand and a mobile phone in their right hand. In short, we must try our best to gain popularity and continue marketing."

Zhou Shaoning nodded, "Well, this is an idea. If the Aster series is positioned as a high-end machine, it will not be fun to constantly update the machine sea tactics."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "We have advantages, including Hollywood connections, football connections, and Baobali is also a partner of Manchester United. The smartphone market is huge. When competing with Apple, we must use our strengths and avoid our weaknesses."

"That's how it should be."

"And you just said that we have a huge advantage now!"


Zhou Shaoning raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Buqi said: "The supply chain, the most important supply chain is all in China. This is the biggest advantage of Aisda. Knowing yourself and the enemy is like cheating."

Zhou Shaoning laughed.

That's really what happened.

There will be no new iPhones unveiled at Apple's summer conference this time. This matter is a commercial secret, and normally it is impossible for outsiders to know.

But Zhou Shaoning guessed the result through Foxconn's order volume. Now Apple has not placed an order for new phones from Foxconn, which is enough to show that it is impossible for Apple to launch a new iPhone in June.

As the domestic mobile phone supply chain becomes more and more complete, this advantage will become greater and greater.

For example, Apple launched a version of the iPhone with notch design. Within two or three months, the streets were full of mobile phones with notch design. Whether it was the old China Cool Alliance or the emerging Xiaomi OV, they could quickly follow suit. Enter the same money.

This speed is too fast!

How could it be possible to produce a replica in just two or three months?

It takes two to three months to complete the various processes for a new mobile phone.

The reason is that mobile phone manufacturers have already received some news from the supply chain and started manufacturing similar versions and models early.

Mid-range and low-end models can be imitated exactly like the new iPhone models. The Aster series that Asda currently focuses on is a high-end model, so it’s hard to be too explicit and needs to have more personalized features. Branded design will do.

As for the mid-to-low-end machine market...

Zhou Shaoning said: "The case of Google's acquisition of Motorola Mobility is already accelerating. There are great doubts in the industry. The market share of Android system is getting bigger and bigger, and it has exceeded 50%. This transaction is considered to be a monopoly and has both The nature of being a referee and an athlete.”

Zhou Buqi said: "With Google's strength, it is not difficult to operate successfully."

In fact, if you want to get approval, there are three main markets: the United States, the European Union and China. As long as all three parties approve, the transaction can be released globally.

A technology giant as powerful as Google has enough leverage to convince them to let it go.

Zhou Shaoning nodded and said: "Indeed, it is not too difficult to put it into operation... The main reason is that Motorola is so unsatisfactory. The market share in the first quarter was only 3.2%. However, this is a big potential risk after all. ."

"Don't worry too much."

"You should still be vigilant. The iPhone's profits are so high, largely due to Apple's model. I don't believe Google is not jealous when they see the iPhone making so much money. After acquiring Motorola, under Google's operation, It’s really possible to revitalize this brand. After all, it’s better to rely on yourself than to rely on others!”

In fact, not only Zhou Shaoning, but every Android mobile phone manufacturer is worried about this.

Once Google controls Android with its left hand and Motorola with its right hand, there will inevitably be a tilt in resources, which will infringe other third-party Android manufacturers.

Zhou Buqi said: "No, Google would not dare to engage in such an obvious monopoly. Not to mention that it is impossible for Google to give Motorola a second life. Even if it does succeed, there will be no suspicion of such a monopoly. Look at Google's The relationship between the search business and YouTube is not that we are boycotting third-party video websites just because we are one family. There is no need to worry about it."

Zhou Shaoning looked at him deeply, "In the final analysis, it is not a good thing for Motorola to be in Google. I believe there are also big differences within Google."

The two of them had discussed this topic before.

Aster's Aster series is a high-end machine, but it cannot give up on the mid- to low-end machine market. If you want to develop this market as soon as possible, the best way is to directly acquire Motorola.

If you build a new brand in China, such as "corn" or "soybean", you can quickly stand out in the country by relying on low prices, but it will be difficult in the international market.

If you want to quickly open up the market for mid-to-low-end mobile phones overseas, buying Motorola directly is a better choice. After all, this is a god-level brand in the mobile phone industry, and mobile phones were invented by Motorola.

In the previous life, Lenovo bought Motorola from Google, which actually ruined the brand a bit. It was better than Google, but it was just mediocre and far from realizing the commercial value that the "Motorola" brand should have.

Zhou Buqi expressed his position: "You really can't be too anxious about this matter. You have to give Google a chance to test the waters."


Zhou Shaoning didn't react.

Zhou Buqi said: "Google is very ambitious now. It definitely wants to do something big when it acquires Motorola. Now you are here to buy the Motorola brand. Even if Google is willing to sell it, it will have to be a sky-high price. Let's wait and see. , after Google tests for a while and finds that they are unable to save Motorola, they will have to shed their burden, and the price will be low by then."

"What if it succeeds?"

Zhou Shaoning's mentality is different from Zhou Buqi's.

Zhou Buqi has so many industries in his hands. Aisda is an industry that he doesn't pay much attention to. Success is the best, but failure... doesn't matter.

A person's energy is limited, and he has never paid much attention to Aisda.

Zhou Shaoning is different. Asda is everything to him, so he is very serious and nervous.

Zhou Buqi was silent for a while, then asked with a smile: "By the way, Google is going to focus on developing social products next, do you know?"

Zhou Shaoning looked confused and didn't understand why he changed the topic to the Internet. "Well, I heard that Larry Page said the biggest bet."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Do you think Google can do it?"

"This..." Zhou Shaoning hesitated, "It's hard to say. If Google goes all out, the probability of success is still very high."

Zhou Buqi looked indifferent and said decisively: "It will definitely fail!"

"Ah?" Zhou Shaoning was surprised and a little amused, "How do you judge it? Didn't Google say it would launch a new social product? The product hasn't been launched yet, so you can judge it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This is Google's corporate culture decision. This company... pursues technology too much. It's not that technology and R\u0026D are not good, but that in the market economy, it is ultimately business operations. Technology is for business services. Instead of business serving technology. So many technology companies have closed down in the past few decades because they were engaged in scientific research. Scientific research institutes around the world have to rely on subsidies and donations. There is a huge gap between scientific research thinking and business thinking. conflict. If Google has problems in the future, it will definitely be due to technology."

Zhou Shaoning remained silent.

I feel that these words are a bit arbitrary.

"Just look at the products that Google has launched in the past few years. There are thousands of them, right? Which one is successful?" Zhou Buqi has already studied this issue. "Except for entrepreneurial search, all other products have failed. . YouTube is quite successful, and it was acquired by Google from outside.”

"Android? Google Chrome? Google Database?"

"These are all great products, but don't forget, these are scientific products. They are products that stand out in the scientific research competition, rather than being able to dominate the commercial competition like YouTube."


Zhou Shaoning seemed to understand what Boss Zhou wanted to express.

Zhou Buqi said: "If it is a very technical product that relies on scientific research to stand out, then Google can be called the most powerful company in the world, and Google Chrome can simply become a god. Yes, once a certain product Its technical attributes are not that strong, and it has to rely on business competition to stand out, which is not Google’s strength.”

Zhou Shaoning took a deep breath, "It's true."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Social products have no technical difficulty and are purely commercial market competition. So we can conclude that Google's bet will inevitably fail. Similarly, making mobile phones is not difficult, and Motorola has no such difficulty in Google users." Genes of success. In the same way, for example, Google's cloud computing platform, if Google Cloud wants to expand its market share, it must quickly remove all its amazing technological products from the shelves; such as Google Docs, if it wants to have a larger market, We should learn to take micro-notes, design products to be more fool-proof, and use less fancy features.”

In fact, the same goes for YouTube.

The reason YouTube is number one in the world is because this website is the darling of Google.

While other competitors are working hard to add ads to make money, YouTube rejects all ads and has been relying on the headquarters' finances for many years.

YouTube can stand out because Google's deep pockets continue to subsidize it, rather than relying on normal commercial competition to defeat other competitors.

Only when its competitors were almost dead and YouTube completely occupied this market did Google dare to try to add some ads little by little.

Zhou Shaoning actually didn't agree with it.

However, in the past few years, Boss Zhou has never failed to judge the general direction.

Zhou Shaoning was convinced in his heart, and he felt relaxed immediately. He joked: "You are a master of strategy. If I were the chairman of Google, I would spend 1 billion US dollars a year to invite you to be a consultant!"

"One billion U.S. dollars?" Zhou Buqi curled his lips, "Am I worth this price?"


Zhou Shaoning wanted to compliment him a few words, but he was stunned and speechless.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "That's it! I'm going to meet Larry Page tomorrow, will you come with me?"


Zhou Shaoning was happy to go.

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