Top of the big era

Chapter 1871 I’ve seen big scenes

This morning, Zhou Buqi finished breakfast, and then wanted to take Aunt Xue back to the room, intending to chat with her and take advantage of it.

Aunt Xue didn't give him this chance and whispered: "What do you want to do in broad daylight?"

"Let's chat."

"Don't make trouble, let people see the misunderstanding."

"What's the misunderstanding..." Zhou Buqi was speechless, and simply sat down in the restaurant again, crossing his legs, "Auntie, how is your beauty salon going?"

Aunt Xue was sitting at the dining table, her posture... exactly like Baoshan's. She asked for a glass of juice from a stunning maid in a miniskirt and said lightly: "That's it."

"Want to expand?"


"Ah? When did it happen?"

"Linlin is making arrangements. I don't know much about it. She said that two of her relatives are store managers and are looking for something to do. It seems that her father is living outside and has given birth to a daughter."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, I know about this."

Aunt Xue sighed softly, maybe thinking of herself, because her and Baoshan's situation was very similar to the two families Shi Jinglin wanted to take care of.

Zhou Buqi saw that she was a little melancholy, so he smiled and said, "Isn't this normal? Times have changed so much. I don't know if you have heard of something. There is a big boss in Baodao who has a little lover. , she is beautiful, but she is too difficult to deal with. I was so annoyed that I couldn’t do anything about it, so I planned to send her to school, to a business school. Guess what happened next?”

Aunt Xue said curiously: "Did you get noticed by another big boss and be robbed?"

"Then there's no drama anymore, it's boring." Zhou Buqi shook his head, half-smiling, "This woman studies hard and is quite inspired. After the training class, she started to open a store. Guess what she opened? shop?"

"Ah?" Aunt Xue knew from his weird and playful expression that something was up to him, and snorted, "How do I know what store to open?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It's a beauty salon!"

Aunt Xue's face suddenly turned red. She turned around and looked around, and found that no one else was coming. Only Ning Yaxian, not far away, was directing the maid to clean up the kitchen.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Baoshan was not around.

Then, she looked at Zhou Buqi angrily and lowered her voice: "Don't make any insinuations to me. I...I have a clean relationship with you. We don't have that kind of relationship."

Zhou Buqi also lowered his voice, leaned over and whispered winkingly: "I've already touched that thing, I want to touch that thing next time."

"you shut up!"

Aunt Xue was startled and quickly looked left and right.

Zhou Buqi laughed, waved his hand, coughed softly and said, "Aunt Xue, what I mean is, look at how good she is, you are also a bit motivated!"

"Awesome? How powerful can it be?"

"People have opened beauty salons into chain stores, and they have turned into multinational businesses. They have even gone to Japan and Singapore. Christina, do you know?"

"Cristina?" Aunt Xue's beautiful eyes widened, somewhat incredulously, "Are you talking about that chain of beauty salons with thousands of stores? What's it called Chen...Chen..."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, that's her. Look at how powerful she is. With the support of her boss, she can become a successful female entrepreneur by seizing some opportunities. Aunt Xue, you have to work hard!" "

Aunt Xue rolled her eyes at him and said unconvinced: "So what? I have my daughter, who is a hundred times better than her."

Zhou Buqi said proudly: "Of course, I don't want to see who Sister Bao's man is!"

Aunt Xue did not refute this sentence, she seemed to agree with it, and said softly: "Well, as long as I have your support, I think any business can be done, Zhixia, Xiaoyu, Linlin, Yaxian, Yameng, and Zhen Yu , Baoshan, are all excellent.”

Zhou Buqi said proudly: "That's why I'm so good. I can bring everyone together in harmony and friendship."

"Are you very proud?"

"Shouldn't you be proud? Aunt Xue, we are close friends. You have to look at the problem from my perspective. Don't be so selfish."

"Don't talk nonsense." Aunt Xue was frightened. After all, this was considered a public occasion, not a whisper behind closed doors. She looked back for the third time, and then she hummed softly: "You think you are very powerful, but I haven't seen you before." There have been more powerful ones!”

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "What have you seen?"

Aunt Xue bit her lip gently, hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly: "That was more than ten years ago, almost twenty years ago, I... Once during the Chinese New Year, Baoshan's father and I went to visit A friend is also a famous local boss. It was New Year's Eve, and we came to the door with gifts."

"Then what?"

"It's's amazing. It's much more exaggerated than you are."

"What?" Zhou Buqi frowned and was very unconvinced, "Aunt Xue, don't let other people's ambitions destroy your own prestige!"

"Whoever destroyed your prestige, I saw it with my own eyes." Aunt Xue snorted, "There are at least seven or eight tables set up in the kitchen and living room. One table for the elderly and brothers and sisters, and the other tables They are all women. There are seven or eight at one table, I estimate... there are fifty or sixty. Everyone celebrates the New Year together in a noisy way, and everyone is happy."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Fifty or sixty?"

"Only more." Aunt Xue said categorically, "In those years, Baoshan's father and I met many of her local business friends. As long as there are 18 million people, the number of women outside is as little as seven. Eight, as many as dozens.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, he also heard something about it, "The Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Chaoshan areas are the most economically active and the earliest ones to develop. Beautiful girls from all over the country will go there to work. Not only back then, but also now. . Most of the clothing stores and beauty salons over there are of this type as long as they have a beautiful proprietress."

Aunt Xue's face was crimson, ashamed and annoyed, and she stared at him fiercely.

This bastard!

Which pot won’t be opened?

Zhou Buqi quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm not talking about you... Auntie, don't take it to heart. If you feel uncomfortable, can I help you rub it?"

"screw you!"

Aunt Xue will not be angry with him. There are no secrets between the two parties, nothing difficult to talk about. The last time she took a shower, she was wrapped in a bath towel, but the towel was not tied properly. This bastard boy gently pulled her, and before she could react, the whole bath towel slipped to the floor.

Then, her white, clean and spotless body was completely exposed in front of him.

It can be seen that she sincerely regards herself as a woman of the Zhou family. Although she is trying hard to keep a distance and be secretive, she still abides by the rules set by the head of the family, Zhou Buqi, in private.

At that time, she was highly praised by Zhou Buqi, and later she even bought a diamond necklace for her, saying it was a reward for her conscientiousness in her life style.

I have experienced this kind of embarrassing thing before, and I have long been used to making a few jokes.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It turns out you have seen the big world. I admire you, I admire you! No wonder you can accept the relationship between you, me and Baoshan so easily."

Aunt Xue made an expression begging for mercy and said helplessly: "Okay, I beg you, please stop teasing me. If people hear you, I can't be a human being anymore."

Just then, Sun Wanran ran over barefoot and shouted from a distance: "Boss, Zhou Shaoning will be here soon. It's time for you to get dressed and get ready to go!"

"Okay, I'll come right away!"

Zhou Buqi stood up, grabbed Aunt Xue's juice from her hand, took two sips, and then walked to the cloakroom to change clothes.

Aunt Xue behaved very normally, holding a cup and sipping the juice squeezed from apples, avocados, blueberries, and oranges.

Zhou Shaoning flew over from London.

The world premiere conference of the next Aster mobile phone has been scheduled in London.

However, there are some details that need to be discussed with Boss Zhou very urgently.

Zhou Buqi couldn't bring his subordinates home, so he directly made an appointment with Ziweixing International's branch in Los Angeles. This branch was just opened this year, and currently has only more than 20 people. They are mainly responsible for technical processing of video and voice.

After waiting there, he found Zhou Shaoning already waiting there.

Because I didn’t know him at the front desk, I could only sit on the sofa at the door with the assistant.

Zhou Buqi followed him to the only office in this small office area, "What would you like to drink?"

"Don't drink anymore, let's talk."

"So urgent?"

"Well, it's urgent!"

"Let's talk about it." Zhou Buqi stopped making arrangements and moved a chair to sit down in this very simple office. "I plan to go to Silicon Valley tomorrow and then go to Google to meet Larry Page."

"Oh?" Zhou Shaoning was a little surprised, "Really?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, he just came to power. I have communicated with him a few times, and the results are quite good. This time I will talk openly and honestly with him about several major parts of the business. He should know how to adapt to the Android system. Cooperate."

"It would be great!"

Zhou Shaoning was very happy.

If the official team can make certain functional improvements to the Android system instead of being improved by Aisda's own team, then the performance at the system level will be better in terms of function presentation.

The better the fingerprint recognition effect, the more amazing the performance of the new machine will be after it is launched.

Zhou Buqi was a little worried, "Google and Samsung have a very good relationship. Even if Larry Page comes to power, he will continue to strengthen cooperation with Samsung. This is Google's grand strategy and will not change. I am worried that once the relationship with Google If you explain clearly, there will be a risk of leaking the information.”

Aster4 and Aster4pro are two new mobile phones launched by Asda this year. Their biggest function is fingerprint recognition.

Once Google is notified and the Android system is required to adapt the fingerprint recognition hardware at the system level, it is equivalent to telling Google this "secret".

Google will likely notify Samsung by then.

Then, Samsung may follow up non-stop and quickly develop, design, and produce mobile phones with fingerprint recognition. If the speed is too fast, it may be launched into the market at the same time as Asda's mobile phone, which will harm Asda's interests to a certain extent.

Zhou Shaoning wasn't too worried about this, "It's okay, we don't have enough time."

"Too late?"

"Well, I have decided that this year's new phone launch will be held on June 15th."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi's face changed slightly and he was startled, "What do you mean? Going head-to-head with Apple? Old Zhou, when we do business, we can't act out of emotion!"

He had just arrived in Los Angeles from Silicon Valley a few days ago, but he had heard about it all.

The most anticipated technology news in Silicon Valley recently is Apple’s announcement that it will hold a Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco on June 7.

Everyone is eagerly awaiting the release of the new iPhone 5!

At this time, is Asda going to go head-to-head with Apple?

This is not a good idea, even with the application innovation of "fingerprint recognition"!

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