Top of the big era

Chapter 1794 Personnel Outsourcing

With more time, He Yang and Cheng Binghao learned more about

He Yang handed over a letter, written by the deputy director of the system department of

It's not about revealing any trade secrets.

Mainly just complaining.

"Looking at Suning's current state of death, is it possible that he still wants to be the second best? He has tied up IBM and has nothing. How can he develop?"

"Alibaba,, and Ziweixing, which one is not famous for its current technology? Suning is just a home appliance buyer. Calling him an e-commerce company is definitely looking down on him. Let's just treat him as after dinner!"

"You can't expect to be relaxed in this business. You should work overtime and work hard. But if you don't even have the most basic respect and dignity, which employee will be willing to come here?"

" cannot recruit people in Jinling, so it can only outsource its personnel business and let outsourcing companies recruit people from other places. The salary is usually 6k-8k. After the outsourcing company recruits people, they will be dispatched to Jinling. Work for Suning. After the three-month probationary period, you can become a regular employee of Suning."

“I’ve never seen such a bastard outsourcing strategy!”

Seeing this, Zhou Buqi couldn't help but have some respect for Suning. From this point of view, Suning is still a big company with a good structure!

This is typical personnel outsourcing.

In countries such as Europe, the United States, South Korea and Japan, the reason why the outsourcing industry is very popular is often because the legal system is too sound. When encountering a new project, there are not enough employees in-house. At this time, we must either recruit more employees or outsource the project.

In comparison, outsourcing is more cost-effective.

It is easy to recruit employees, but once the project fails or the business is adjusted, it is difficult to fire these redundant employees, which requires a large amount of compensation.

Large companies in developed countries will not easily recruit for an uncertain project because the cost threat is too great.

The current situation in the domestic IT industry is different. Outsourcing orders are mainly from state-owned enterprises, while private enterprises generally engage in "independent research and development" and recruit people to do the work themselves.

In addition to the limited competitiveness of state-owned enterprises and the inability to find very good people, there is also the improvement of rules and regulations.

In this regard, state-owned enterprises are definitely industry benchmarks. When they recruit an employee, the salary may not be too high, but the job contract is definitely guaranteed. If a state-owned enterprise lays off employees, the compensation mechanism is basically the same as that of foreign companies.

In contrast, private enterprises are not so disciplined.

In other words, the vast majority of private enterprises that abide by laws and regulations cannot survive at all. They can only wander in the gray area. Private enterprises can recruit and fire at will, without even thinking about contract guarantees. If there is no need to pay the termination fee guaranteed by the labor law, after some calculation... it seems that "independent research and development" is more cost-effective than outsourcing!

Then just develop it independently!

If they fail, the worst case scenario is that they will all be laid off.

Not only small and medium-sized enterprises, but also many large enterprises are doing this.

As the country continues to improve its supervision, many large companies will not dare to do this in a few years. Once a lawsuit occurs, the compensation will be too much.

However, some small and medium-sized enterprises can still do this.

This leaves room to operate.

As the saying goes, you have a good plan, and I have a ladder.

The supervision of large companies has been strengthened, and they can no longer circumvent the constraints of layoff compensation, which means that when doing some projects, the cost of "independent research and development" will be greatly increased.

However, the domestic private outsourcing market is relatively low-end. Many large Internet companies want to outsource projects, but they are simply not able to complete them.

Under this circumstance, another popular industry surrounding large companies has emerged - personnel outsourcing.

For example, if Baidu wants to start a new project, it is expected to require a team of 200 people. If you recruit people to do this project yourself, the cost of failure is uncontrollable and the risk is too great; if you entrust the project to an outsourcing company, you find that the outsourcing company's technology is too poor and cannot do it.

At this time, personnel outsourcing can be carried out.

Baidu does not need to recruit, but cooperates with an outsourcing company engaged in human resources, allowing the outsourcing company to recruit according to Baidu's employment requirements.

After the recruitment was completed, the new team was packaged and sent to Baidu.

Then, Baidu's management and scientists led this new team to start the journey of new projects. This is the same model as many years ago, it is still "independent research and development".

Once the project fails, these 200 new employees need to be fired, which has nothing to do with Baidu. Because the business is outsourced and handled by the outsourcing company, Baidu does not have to spend a penny on layoffs.

However, this kind of personnel outsourcing company has a limited scale and is generally a small and medium-sized enterprise. It can do some things that are on the edge of the gray area and can disband the team without spending too much money.

Through this model, large companies bypass the strict supervision of labor laws.

From a moral point of view, this is of course criticized.

But from a legal point of view, large companies abide by the rules and act in a compliance with the law. There is no law that prohibits the use of outsourcing services. It is better to violate morals than to violate the law.

In the current era of 2010, when most private companies treat labor laws as waste paper, Suning has adopted the strategy of personnel outsourcing. Even though the letter contains a lot of complaints, it can at least prove that Suning respects The law must be stronger than those companies that are both illegal and unethical.

This is probably a personal letter. Most of the content is complaining about the current job, but there is also some valuable information. For example, he said that Suning has a very grand strategic ambition. They want to find 25,000 people to develop their IT business.

You should know that Ziweixing currently has only 3,500 employees in China.

Zhou Buqi didn't rest. He got some information from the company, and then set off to Sohu Building to find Lao Zhang. He had face-to-face communication with Mr. Zhang from Suning and went to his place to inquire about the situation.

After passing by, I found Lao Zhang doing yoga in the office.

Next to him, a young female instructor wearing tight-fitting yoga pants was instructing him on his movements.

Zhou Buqi is very familiar with Lao Zhang, and he is not polite at all, "Okay, hurry up! I have a world-class matter to deal with!"

"You have a big deal!"

Zhang Chaoyang got up from the yoga mat and asked the female coach to leave. He looked at Boss Zhou and saw that the nose was not the nose and the eyes were not the eyes.

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "It's really a big deal. I want to acquire a business of Lufthansa, and IBM is the main competitor!"


Lao Zhang was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "It's the German Aviation Group!"

"Oh!" Zhang Chaoyang's eyes widened and he was very surprised, "Is that a state-owned enterprise?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Yes, it's a state-owned enterprise. State-owned enterprises all over the world are the same. They can't do anything well, and they are the first to lose assets. They want to lose assets, and they don't take advantage of the bastards."

"Is it reliable?"

Zhang Chaoyang is very cautious.

Zhou Buqi said: "Reliable, all German local companies have stepped aside. This time they are mainly competing with American giants such as IBM, HP, and Oracle. Assets will be lost anyway, to Americans and to me. What's the point?" the difference?"

Zhang Chaoyang was angry and funny, "Why are you like a piece of meat!"

Zhou Buqi sat on the sofa and crossed his legs. "This acquisition is very important to the development of Ziweixing's overseas business. It can only succeed and cannot fail!"

Lao Zhang somewhat understood this kid's plan, "Do you want to exploit IBM's pain points on Suning?"


"This cooperation between IBM and Suning is indeed a bit too much. has only been online for more than half a year. Do you know how much money IBM has received?"

"How many?"

Looking at his expression, Zhou Buqi knew that it was probably an astronomical figure.

Zhang Chaoyang's expression was both sighing and helpless. He stretched out two fingers and said, "200 million! US dollars!"

Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide, "200 million US dollars?"


"All spent?"

"Don't you know about IBM's system? It's a complete bundle from top to bottom, inside and out. All systems, architecture, software, and hardware used by must be purchased from IBM. So the price It’s all amazing! Especially an IBM server, which costs more than 20,000 US dollars!”

Zhang Chaoyang has also seen the big world. This is the first time he has seen something like the cooperation between Suning and IBM.

What an exaggeration.

Is it necessary to use the most high-end server like IBM? If the technology is not enough, high-end equipment is needed. Sohu's technical level is not too high, but the server purchased by Sohu is basically 20,000 to 30,000 Huaxia dollars per server.

Is IBM not as good as Sohu?

Do you have to deploy on your own expensive servers?

There is no explanation other than to steal money.

This matter is based on the fact that Suning doesn't understand anything. As long as the cooperation framework between IBM and Suning is made public, as well as a series of subsequent operations by IBM, it will be enough to cause fatal damage to IBM's reputation.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What did Boss Zhang say? He doesn't understand anything?"

Zhang Chaoyang curled his lips, "I am a big boss. I just defeated Gome and I am very high-spirited. If I want to be the world's largest e-commerce platform, I must cooperate with the world's best IT information service company. In the early stage, People don’t care about investing.”

"What?" Zhou Buqi was stunned, "No. 1 in the world? Let alone the world, look at Taobao in China. What level of super giant is it?"

"Taobao? What is Taobao?" Zhang Chaoyang snorted, a little lazily, and poured two cups of coffee over. "Boss Zhang said that what he wants to build is 'Amazon + Wal-Mart', a super sales that integrates online and offline." Platforms, traditional e-commerce models like Taobao,, Amazon and eBay, have fallen behind. He is planning for the next era."

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi slapped his forehead and spilled half of the coffee in his hand.

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