Top of the big era

Chapter 1793 There are many means of restriction

Zhou Buqi and his party stayed in Germany for two and a half days, and then went to Manchester to watch a Champions League game. Then I went to London to stay for half a day, and then returned to China.

The itinerary is very full.

On the way back to China, such a long time cannot be wasted. Zhou Buqi mainly communicated with Zhou Shaoning in the United States, mainly talking about Google.

Recently, Apple and Asda officially issued a statement saying that the two parties had reached a settlement.

This means that Apple does not have to be attacked from both sides and can devote all its energy to dealing with the patent lawsuit with Samsung. This is obviously not good news for Google and Samsung.

Another more important point is the cooperation between Asda and Hyundai Mobile Phones.

South Korea has always been Samsung's home base, which is why Samsung has the confidence to put more energy and thought into overseas markets. Well, now, Hyundai has launched an OEM mobile phone, directly setting fire to Samsung’s base camp.

This makes Samsung even more distressed.

This has to make people wonder whether Samsung and Asda, both in the Android camp, have serious differences? This series of operations by Asda and Apple shows signs of working together to suppress Samsung.

More powerful evidence is the Japanese market.

The two major operators SoftBank and KDDI have launched new smartphone sales strategies-Top2 strategy! Directly praising iPhone4 and Aster3 as gods, Samsung, which had just made a slight improvement in the Japanese market, suffered a fatal blow.

The signs are too obvious.

Google couldn't hold it any longer and went to find Zhou Shaoning to question.

Zhou Shaoning followed Boss Zhou’s strategy and was going to fight Google. “I didn’t agree to them. I told Google clearly that I don’t care whether Apple’s mobile phone sales are good or not. I only know that after Samsung joins the Android camp, It’s not fair to get more support from Google than Asda.”

Zhou Buqi said: "In the next year, it is estimated that it will be difficult to avoid a dispute with Google."

Zhou Shaoning sighed, "After the fingerprint unlocking function of Aster4 is launched next year, it seems that we will have to find an adaptation solution ourselves."

Android is an open source system. Developers around the world can make appropriate modifications, upgrades and optimizations based on the original Android system.

However, the improvements made by others are definitely not as refined as Google’s own.

The conflict between the two sides was about to break out, and Aisda had no choice but to take matters into his own hands.

Zhou Buqi is more relaxed, "Smartphones are now generally relatively high-end. For the European and American markets, it is not the high-end of pricing and consumption power, but the high-end of cognition. People who can master smartphones have a higher interest in technological updates." Tolerance. The early accuracy of fingerprint unlocking is a bit off, but it’s actually no problem.”

"Well." Zhou Shaoning was actually not optimistic, but he had no choice but to say: "Google is still fighting, saying that they have reached a basic acquisition agreement with Motorola. After this deal is completed, Google can provide all Android Mobile phone brands provide patent protection.”

Zhou Buqi hummed: "Don't believe this! Google can't cover everyone!"

"Yes, that's how I responded."

"Is the Motorola case really settled?"

"It seems like this. The basic acquisition framework agreement has basically been negotiated. Next, we are waiting for Motorola to spin off its business."

"spin off?"

Zhou Buqi didn't know much about what was going on here.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Motorola is a giant and has a dominant position in the mobile phone industry. Google is only interested in Motorola's mobile phone business. Therefore, in order to complete this transaction, Motorola must first split itself up and split the company. into two companies: Motorola Mobile Phones and Motorola Solutions. The former is sold to Google and the latter operates itself."


Zhou Buqi understood it immediately. He had been paying attention to this matter recently. Motorola Solutions was engaged in outsourcing business in the field of mobile phones.

The outsourcing business is a traditional IT business. Cutting-edge Internet giants like Google, which have higher missions, actually look down upon it. Whenever Google develops a new project, it no longer needs to make money by selling the project. It can directly open source it and serve the world for free.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Yes, once Motorola completes the split, we can proceed with the deal with Google. It is expected that the split will be completed within three months. The acquisition will be completed within half a year."


Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Google wants to acquire Motorola. This is a giant acquiring a giant. Moreover, the Android system and Motorola mobile phones are highly suspected of vertical monopoly and must pass global antitrust review.

Including domestic.

Without domestic approval, Google will not be able to formally complete its acquisition of Motorola. Unless Google can grit its teeth and stamp its feet, completely losing the mainland market to Motorola after the acquisition, and force the acquisition.

For Zhou Buqi, this has more constraints.

You can communicate with the relevant domestic departments. This type of thing is often used when dealing with foreign companies. In fact, the review agency does not want to deny Google's acquisition of Motorola. It only needs to say "the process is going through, please wait patiently".


Don't know, don't give a clear answer.

Just consume.

Google and Motorola are both listed companies and they can't afford it. Once it becomes unresolved, the transaction may be forced to be canceled, which will be a serious loss for both parties.

At this time, Google can only bow its head.

Zhou Buqi's confidence is enough, "Motorola will not withdraw from the domestic market. We can have a say in this matter. I will handle this matter."

Zhou Shaoning was very happy and said with a smile: "Yes, I think so too. I also reminded the people at Google that the first issue of the 'Instructions' is about to expire. If Google's products want to appear in the 'Instructions' 'For the second issue, they have to act quickly. Make up for the advertising fee for the first issue and sign a sponsorship contract for the second issue."

"How did they react?"

"Rejected. Apparently he was angry."

"I don't care if they love it or not! If we can't do it, let Microsoft do it!"

Zhou Buqi had already planned this.

The second issue of "Instructions" will be released on December 1st. By then, the recommended apps in the instructions will basically be advertising products. However, there must always be exceptions, and a balance must be struck between the authority and profitability of the "instructions".

For example, YouTube is a platform with almost no competitors. Even if Google is unwilling to cooperate and pay, Ziweixing can only grit its teeth and help Google with free promotion, at least in the "instructions" for the European and American markets. YouTube has a place to ensure the authority of the "instructions".

This would be easier if there were alternatives.

Such as Google search.

This thing has a great influence, but it is not without competitors. Microsoft has made a strong attack on the search market in the past two years and launched the powerful Bing search.

In the "Instructions", you can use Bing search to replace Google search.

Adding fuel to the conflict between Microsoft and Google!

Let them fight fiercely!

As long as the promotion ability of "Instructions" is strong enough, Bing can reap the dividends of this wave of mobile Internet, and Google will definitely be frightened by that time.

In order to ensure the foolproofness of its core business, it is even more likely that Google will back down.

When it comes to competing against Google, there's no need to rush.

Zhou Buqi has enough trump cards.

Zhou Shaoning previously served as Google's global vice president. He knows Google's methods very well. With him, he will have enough experience to deal with possible competition that may exist in the future.

Zhou Buqi is not worried about this matter. The top priority is to settle IBM's affairs quickly!

The acquisition of Lufthansa’s IT infrastructure business is still two months away.

Within two months, we will capture IBM!

I'm afraid it won't be possible to rely on its own strength. Ziweixing lacks business dealings with IBM, and domestic Internet companies have almost no interaction with IBM.

The most that can be done is to buy some servers from IBM.

There are two main reasons.

First, the top domestic Internet companies all have world-class standards, and they all have experts in charge. They know how powerful IBM is in the Internet field and will not be fooled.

Second, some small and medium-sized domestic Internet companies may still look up to IBM, but the various solutions sold outsourced by IBM are very expensive. These companies are so poor that they can't afford to buy them even if they want to.

At this time, the importance of Suning is highlighted.

Suning is a big company, but it is not an Internet company.

Moreover, Suning is rich enough!

Simply taken advantage of.

At this time, we have to find a way to win IBM through Suning!

Zhou Buqi was not in the mood to meet Suning's boss Zhang, but this business trip to Germany made him change his mind. He didn't know what was going on with the Internet Summit held in Jinling. If necessary, he would like to go there in person.

Unexpectedly, after returning to China, another boss Zhang handed over some bad news.

This boss Zhang is Zhang Chaoyang.

He participated in the Jinling Internet Summit and was entrusted by Zhou Buqi to talk to Suning's boss Zhang about the e-commerce system architecture.

Unfortunately, Zhang Chaoyang's feedback was not optimistic, and he was even a little angry, complaining: "Don't arrange such nonsense for me in the future, you are not in the same circle at all, just playing the piano to others!"

Zhou Buqi heard his complaints on the phone and said funnyly: "As for that? I'm just helping to pass on a message."

"I'm very angry, okay? I want to help him with good intentions, as if someone wants to harm him." Zhang Chaoyang was in a very unhappy mood, "I have discovered it now, don't challenge other people's perceptions. As long as you exceed Without cognition, you basically don’t distinguish between right and wrong, confusing black and white. No matter what level you are or what kind of rich people you are, you will still be brainwashed if you should be brainwashed.”

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