Top of the big era

Chapter 1784 The contradiction of complementarity

Based on this analysis, outsourcing business in Europe is promising.

Although websites, software, hardware and other fields are collectively referred to as IT, their respective technical directions are different, and each field has strong professionalism.

German software giant SAP is very powerful in the software industry, but it has not made much achievements in the website field. Just like IBM, its e-commerce system was from ten years ago and has long been eliminated by the times.

Software...especially B-side software, the desire to upgrade is actually not that great, as long as it can be used. C-side Internet products are different. They are open to the public and are too large in scale. If they are not upgraded for ten days and a half, something will happen easily.

Europe is an Internet desert, and high-end talents in the Internet field are monopolized by Silicon Valley giants, with only one exception-Ziweixing.

With such an active market with an annual output value of tens of billions of euros, Ziweixing has no reason to miss it!

The Internet environment in Europe and China is really different.

Including Korea and Japan, many engineers are in their fifties and sixties, still engaged in the most basic development of C and C++, and have been writing code all their lives.

This is not possible at home.

It's really because they don't have anyone.

There are not enough young people, and the vacant jobs can only be reserved for old men. If it's still not enough, then you can only look for outsourcing.

The domestic outsourcing market is far less active than in Europe because there is a serious surplus of computer talents in the country. Many people have given up this industry and gone to do other things because they can't find a job or the competition pressure is too great.

This means that when many small and medium-sized companies in China are working on less high-end projects, they do not need to outsource them and can just recruit people from the market to develop them themselves.

In addition to the factor of talent density, there are two major reasons.

First, there are particularities in China. There is a public opinion call for "independent research and development" permeating the market. It seems that only self-developed products are reliable, and outsourced products are not trustworthy. This has led to many companies developing their own products instead of looking for outsourcing.

It's actually a credit issue.

Just like many people don’t want to go to restaurants to eat and prefer to cook at home. The quality of the food you prepare yourself is guaranteed. If you go to a restaurant to eat...if you can't guarantee the quality, just use old sow pork, gutter oil, technology and hard work.

Second, the convenience of layoffs.

Domestic small and medium-sized enterprises generally have imperfect systems and are very harsh on their employees. For example, if we need 10 technical personnel for a small project, we will recruit them directly from the market.

If the project fails, what should we do if these 10 people are no longer needed?

Just cut it off.

There is no liquidated damages or severance compensation!

This is not possible in countries such as Europe, South Korea and Japan. For a small project, if you recruit employees. Once a project fails or plans change and no longer needed, staff redundancy will result.

This is troublesome. Do you want to be fired?

Can't do it!

Forced layoffs would be too costly and the legal risks too high.

So at this time, don’t hire people, just find an outsourcing agency to help you make it.

From this point of view, it is completely feasible for Ziweixing to develop outsourcing services based on Internet products in Europe, including the Korean and Japanese markets. Let’s have a good chat with Kurian tonight!

That night, Zhou Buqi had a small gathering with Xue Baoshan, Xu Baihui, Meng Houkun, Zhang Yinlei, Guo Pengfei, and Ji Zian, mainly talking about the next trend of has developed very well in the past few years under the leadership of Zhang Yinlei. It has basically covered all university campuses in major first- and second-tier cities across the country.

However, now there is a group buying craze in China, and the drama of "thousands of groups fighting" is taking place.

This kind of social group buying is different from on-campus group buying. It mainly involves group buying coupons. For example, in the group buying launched by KFC, users snap up coupons on the group buying website and then go to KFC stores offline to enjoy preferential treatment.

To a certain extent, this model is very close to the takeout model of

It’s all about connecting with merchants.

For example, KFC can provide group buying coupons and takeaway services. If group buying and takeout are integrated, an aggregation effect can be formed, resources can be greatly utilized, and product functions can be improved at the same time.

As early as many years ago, Zhou Buqi had already planned for

This evening's small gathering of the "Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance" mainly talked about this matter.

Zhou Buqi wants to resign Zhang Yinlei!

Instead of firing him, he was demoted from the number one position to the number two position at Then, Ziweixing sent a core executive to manage and lead from the campus market to the social market.

This person is Wang Xing.

It will not be easy to advance this matter.

The main thing is mentality.

In the past few years, has not received much attention from Boss Zhou. It was Zhang Yinlei who worked hard to lead people to build it. Now that we have finally achieved some results, the headquarters is sending people over to pick peaches!

Fortunately, Zhang Yinlei was one of our own. If it had been someone else, he might have taken offense and left.

We need the unanimous appeasement of people like the "Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance".

Zhang Yinlei didn't speak much all night and was in a bad mood.

This is not surprising either.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Buqi took Baoshan home and took a shower first. Then, I went to watch a movie in the home theater with Shi Jinglin, Aunt Xue, Ning Lu, and Sun Wanran.

"Let the Bullets Fly" is invested by Jieyu Media and has not yet been officially released.

After watching the movie at 11 o'clock, Zhou Buqi picked up Bao Shan and planned to go back to the room to do business. He didn't care about their opinions, so he turned around and asked, "Lin Lin, are you coming?"

"Not going."

Shi Jinglin shook her head and refused.


"I don't feel well."


"I...oh, okay."

Sun Wanran looked around and realized there was nothing she could do. She had no room to refuse. If she refuses again, Aunt Xue will have to step in, and that won't work.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Baoshan and Wanran took a shower and prepared to go to bed, but Zhou Buqi couldn't do it. He put on his pajamas and went to work in the study.

Go talk to Kurian about outsourcing.

really weird.

This is not within his scope of authority, yet he actually made such a suggestion.

The two parties used Weishu video call.

It was noon on Kurian's side, and he was eating a pizza with curry on it. He answered quickly: "Outsourcing and cloud computing can complement each other."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was puzzled, "No way? Isn't it contradictory?"

Outsourcing means that companies do not do online business and let others do it for them.

Cloud computing reduces the difficulty for enterprises to conduct online business.

There is a contradiction.

If the outsourcing business wants to be active, the threshold for online business must be raised so that those companies cannot do it themselves, so they can only outsource. However, cloud computing will lower the threshold for companies to do online business and reduce the total amount of outsourcing business.

Kurian said: "Yes, from an industry perspective, there is a contradiction. But this is a complementary contradiction. From an individual company's perspective, there may be a positive correlation."

"How to say?"

"The emergence of cloud computing and the increasing number of open source projects now have greatly lowered the threshold for independent development, which will inevitably lead to fewer and fewer outsourcing orders for Internet products."


"However, cloud computing is the direction of the future." Kurian was really embarrassed to eat in front of the big boss, so he quickly put down the pizza, wiped his mouth, and said in a deep voice, "Those who used to rely on outsourcing to survive Enterprises, if they want to change their mindset and do it themselves, and it is not necessary to spend a lot of money to purchase basic equipment, they will purchase cloud services. If both parties can establish outsourcing services in advance, then customers are likely to choose Ziwei Cloud."

Zhou Buqi thought for a moment and his eyes lit up, "This is the same as the layout of our streaming media!"

Kurian laughed and said: "Yes, almost! Now more and more companies have their own websites, and most of them actually rely on outsourcing. If we can achieve scale in the outsourcing market, then we will receive For outsourcing orders, you can directly use your own cloud services. Once one day in the future, customers no longer want to outsource and want to do it themselves, and all products are on Ziweiyun, they will still be users of Ziweiyun. Users will not There’s no churn.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, that's the logic."

Kurian said: "Cloud computing has gained momentum, and I estimate that IBM, Oracle, and SAP will soon move in this direction. They have strong advantages in the outsourcing market and must rely on their own IT infrastructure. These customers can quickly help them complete the transformation to the cloud computing industry."

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't worry too much about this. Although cloud computing is also a B-side business, its core technologies are big data and artificial intelligence. In the final analysis, this industry still needs Internet giants to be successful."

Kurian said: "The annual output value of the outsourcing market now exceeds 40 billion US dollars, and the output value of the cloud computing industry is only 1 billion US dollars. As cloud computing develops, it will definitely take away the outsourcing business market. If IBM, Oracle, SAP and others If giants can have strong control and transfer the output value originally belonging to the outsourcing market to their own cloud computing platforms, their cloud computing business will definitely develop."

If the transfer is successful, it is successful.

If the transfer fails, customers will be lost, and traditional IT giants such as IBM and Oracle will face the crisis of being eliminated by the times.

This was how it was in the previous life.

Both IBM and Oracle have been severely impacted by the cloud computing industry and have encountered development difficulties. The two companies almost chose the same response method: changing CEOs, deploying cloud computing, and constantly buying and selling in an attempt to exchange money for time.

In comparison, Microsoft is great.

The time for transformation is earlier.

Moreover, Microsoft is not just a traditional IT giant like IBM and Oracle. Microsoft has been working hard to be at the forefront of the times and has been competing with giants such as Yahoo, Google, and Facebook in the Internet field.

Microsoft is both a traditional IT giant and an Internet giant.

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