Top of the big era

Chapter 1783 Talent density determines outsourcing activity

"It's Kurian again..."

Zhou Buqi had a headache.

Among the executives in overseas markets, the two most active ones are Tang Binchen and Kurian, who from time to time make various suggestions to the big boss.

Of course, this is a good thing.

This shows that they are serious, diligent, flexible, pursuing, ideal and motivated, and they are both rare talents.

But here comes the problem.

Tang Binchen is one of his own, an absolute direct descendant.

Whatever requests or suggestions he makes, no matter whether they are right or wrong, Zhou Buqi can actually let him do it and give him all his trust. It doesn’t matter if you’re wrong, you might just get it done if you try a few more times.

Kurian is different, this guy is of Indian origin.

The skin colors are all different.

Moreover, this person is good at everything, but he loves to brag and show off. He often likes to exaggerate to show how powerful he is.

It will be a bit worse in terms of trust.

Another important reason is the limitations of Zhou Buqi's personal abilities. He is not a god, he also has areas he is good at and areas he is not good at.

Tang Binchen is making C-side products, whether it is YikYak, Ucgram, or Uc browser, Uc mobile assistant, these products are actually within Zhou Buqi's understanding.

This makes the decision easy.

As long as Tang Binchen's proposal is not too ridiculous, you can let him do it.

Kurian is different. He is doing cloud computing and cloud computing-related derivative businesses, mainly B-side business, which is not within the scope of Zhou Buqi's understanding of the Internet.

So many of Kurian's suggestions made it difficult for Zhou Buqi to make decisions quickly and decisively.

Last time, he proposed to promote the drone router project so that remote areas can use broadband connections. This idea is correct. Cloud computing services must be inseparable from signal optical cables.

In this regard, China, Japan and South Korea have done the best.

Japan and South Korea have done well because they are small countries and have small investment scales, so they can easily cover all areas.

Domestically, state-owned enterprises take the lead and are not for profit. They can spend heavily to extend broadband facilities to many remote areas and mountain villages, and even tourist areas have stable signals.

This is not the case abroad. Broadband operators will analyze and calculate various revenue models before investing. In many remote areas, the return on investment is too low, so they give up investment.

So much so that in developed countries such as Europe, the United States, Canada, and Australia, there are no-man's lands everywhere... There may be people there, but there is no signal. After you go there, it will be difficult for outsiders to be killed, robbed, raped, or buried. Discover.

If you want to do a good job in cloud computing business, you must establish good cooperation with optical cable and optical fiber suppliers. However, if these suppliers do not have enough resources, then cloud computing vendors will have to invest in laying optical fiber themselves.

Later generations of Amazon Cloud and Google Cloud have encountered this dilemma. They had no choice but to do it themselves.

But what does this have to do with outsourcing services?

Kurian is in charge of overseas cloud computing business. Why did he suddenly propose to provide outsourcing services in overseas markets? This is not within his scope of authority!

Zhou Buqi took Kurian's materials from Ning Lu, the secretary who stayed behind in the company, and printed them out, with some simple translations marked by Ning Lu next to them... Wow!

I have to praise Kurian.

So attentive!

This is in color.

Moreover, it is not a lengthy text description, but is paired with a variety of visual patterns, including circular charts, bar charts, data lists, analysis models...

Zhou Buqi was surprised.

It turns out to be really about the current status and development prospects of the IT outsourcing market in the European and American markets, as well as the background of some industries.

This Kurian, what is he going to do?

"did you see it yet?"

Zhou Buqi shook the material in his hand towards Ning Lu. There was too much material, at least 20 pages.

"I saw it, but I didn't quite understand it." Ning Lu apologized, "If you want to discuss it, you'd better go to Zhang Yiming. I've read it to him. He said the idea is quite right."

Once all the classmates agreed, Zhou Buqi became more cautious. He sat on his desk, holding a pen in his hand, and read the material carefully as if reading.

In fact, it is also a learning process.

The so-called IT outsourcing actually means that a certain company wants to do online business, but for various reasons, they don't want to do it themselves and entrust others to do it. This is outsourcing.

For example, Fetion, which was popular a few years ago and is now somewhat depressed, is a product made by mobile outsourcing to other IT companies.

The domestic outsourcing market developed late, with incomplete laws and immaturity.

For technicians looking for a job, they generally have to avoid outsourcing positions and look for formal jobs first. If I can't find a formal job, I have no choice but to outsource.

This has led to a phenomenon that there is a lack of truly outstanding top talents in the outsourcing market. If a group of mediocre technicians are hired to enter the outsourcing market, it is conceivable that they will only be able to do some relatively low-end or a lot of repetitive work positions.

They are no different from assembly line workers in a factory. They work more than ten hours a day, without any innovation or growth at all, and do repetitive work day after day.

He is a real coder.

Overtime is very serious and extremely harmful to employees.

The so-called big factory 996 is nothing compared to outsourcing companies. At least big factories still have a very complete welfare system, with high salary guarantees, five insurances, one housing fund and contract guarantees. Many outsourcing companies are very shady, with no social security, provident fund, etc., and many even do not have formal contracts, and they will be fired immediately.

However, the high-end outsourcing services provided by formal companies such as IBM, Oracle, and Ziweixing Engineering Institute are generally not outsourcing in the general sense of the industry. The official term is "information technology services."

Many companies choose to purchase outsourcing services for three main reasons.

First, the project is too low-end and you don’t bother to do it yourself, so let the outsourcing company do it;

Second, the project is too high-end and cannot be completed by oneself, so let an outsourcing company do it;

Third, cross-industry.

For example, for European clubs such as Manchester United, the official websites of major teams are outsourced to agencies, which can greatly save costs.

If Manchester United operated its own official website, it would need to develop a set of equipment and form a team.

But, how much content does Manchester United’s official website have?

It will cause huge waste.

If this set of equipment and a team are put into operation, at least 10 wealthy official websites can be operated!

It is precisely because of this outsourcing idea that Zhou Buqi has the confidence to build Ziweixing Digital Media. No matter how well other businesses are doing, Ziweixing Digital Media has won the official website agency business of hundreds of European teams. I can live happily.

In this world, there are too few companies that can run their own online businesses. If most companies want to establish an online business, their first choice is to outsource.

Just like Suning.

There is a technological trend in China, which is to call on companies in various ways to engage in research and development, and to do independent research and development, so that they can have enough food and clothing by themselves.

This is a domestic peculiarity.

For the European and American markets, the vast majority of companies have no intention of independent research and development. When necessary, they basically purchase outsourcing services, which are simple, convenient and low-cost.

Kurian's materials show that IBM's global information technology services revenue exceeded US$15 billion in the past year, and Oracle's revenue exceeded US$8 billion.

It is no wonder why B-side business overlords such as IBM and Oracle lag behind in the cloud computing industry.

How much money can you make in the cloud computing industry?

Now, Ziwei Cloud’s annual revenue is only US$500 million, and Amazon Cloud may be less than US$400 million.

Compared with the super huge outsourcing market, the cloud computing market is nothing at all.

"Outsourcing and cloud computing seem to have business contradictions..."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but ponder.

Ning Lu stood next to him, blinking and looking at him curiously.

Zhou Buqi turned his head and said funnyly: "What are you looking at?"

Ning Lu said: "I'm afraid you can't understand, so I'll help you translate!"

"What can't you understand? You look down on my English skills too much. Well, haven't you read it? Tell me what you think."

"I don't understand."

"Don't be modest. You are so smart. What can't you understand? Tell me."

"I think...Europe's IT industry is too backward."


Zhou Buqi lowered his head and looked at the materials. The next big title was "The Development of the European Outsourcing Industry."

Ning Lu's eyes were probing, and after receiving his approval, she plucked up the courage to say: "I don't understand much anyway, but I think this material makes sense. Silicon Valley is a holy land of science and technology, and this is the place for all science and technology people." The belief is that not only domestic high-end talents will be lost to Silicon Valley in large numbers, but also the whole world. It is even more serious in Europe than in China."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Specifically referring to the Internet industry."

"Yes, the Internet field." Ning Lu nodded repeatedly. When Boss Zhou patted his thigh, she winked and went to close the door of the office. Then she came back and sat on Zhou Buqi's lap. "There are still a few major Internet companies in China that can attract talents, but none in Europe. It is not even an exaggeration to say that all the best Internet technology talents in Europe have gone to Silicon Valley."

Zhou Buqi gently hugged her waist and added: "One more thing, outstanding talents in China give priority to finance and computer science, while those in the United States give priority to finance, law, medicine, and computer science. Europe does not Likewise, the first choice over there is art.”

Ning Lu chuckled and said, "No wonder Europe is so fashionable. Luxury goods are everywhere. There are so many talents!"

"Anyway, there are very few outstanding computer talents in Europe, and most of them have gone to Silicon Valley."

"Yes, that's what it means. Europe is an Internet desert, and there are very few relevant talents. As a result, demand exceeds supply, and the outsourcing market for IT services is particularly active."

"Well, that's the truth."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

In major domestic Internet companies, employees begin to face layoff crises when they reach the age of 35. In fact, the same goes for Silicon Valley giants. This domestic approach was learned from Silicon Valley.

The reason is that there is a surplus of talent.

If there is a steady stream of young people in their 20s, they are more active in thinking, have not yet started a family, and are still in the struggle stage of pursuing their careers...

There are so many benefits to young people.

If there is a choice, who would want to use those "old men" over 35 years old who are severely restricted by their families?

Computers are so popular in China that there are too many applicants. The supply soon exceeds the demand, and it becomes increasingly involution. The competition in Silicon Valley is not bad at all. There are elite talents coming from all over the world.

There are only so many resources in the world, and if there are those who are exhausted, there will definitely be those who starve to death.

Especially Europe.

China and the United States have so many IT talents that the few IT talents in Europe must be distributed in some large local companies. As a result, many companies in Europe find it difficult to recruit people even if they want to do their own online business.

This results in the European outsourcing industry being much more active than the Chinese and American markets.

Not to mention Europe, even Japan is the same. Japan's software development also relies heavily on China and India, which has even made India the largest outsourcing country for software development in the world.

This is determined by talent density.

The lower the density, the more active the outsourcing.

The key layout of Ziweixing International is the European market.

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