Top of the big era

Chapter 1758 Almost involved in a life-threatening lawsuit

Once the big framework is set, the next step will be much easier.

Commission reduction, by how much?

Zhou Buqi means that 10% is almost enough. After all, Google App Store is still commission-free.

However, the commission is reasonable.

It's just like renting a store in a department store offline. If you don't pay commission, let alone open a store, the department store will be gone.

The cost of running an app store is very high. Like some domestic app stores, because they cannot charge commissions... and there is a need to make up for the shortfall, they can only play some side games and will tacitly allow gray and black apps to be put on the shelves. It is difficult to guard against yellow-related borderline products. If wool comes from sheep, consumers still have to pay for it.

In fact, the principle is the same.

If you can make money standing up, who would want to kneel down?

Later, the state implemented strict controls and severely cracked down on such gray and black apps. Many app stores could no longer operate and closed down. There are still a number of app stores left, but they have all turned to the commission model.

However, the "Apple tax" is notorious and cannot be learned.

what to do?

Then, a commission model with Chinese characteristics emerged - targeted commission.

The country is strictly controlling the game industry, and even the batch numbers of new games are not issued. Game companies have become prey on a knife and are divided up. Bullying the game industry, they can't tell the story of their sufferings, and they don't get anything for free.

The Apple tax is a 30% commission for all apps. In China, it can only be targeted at the gaming industry... Without commissions from many industries, game manufacturers can only make up for that part of the "loss".

Then, a proportion that shocked the world appeared—50%!

In Zhou Buqi's view, whether it is a 30% Apple tax or a 50% targeted commission model, they are unsustainable. They are serious monopolistic behaviors that will greatly harm the development of the industry.

Zhou Buqi affirmed the rationality of the "Apple tax", but 30% is too high, let's try 10%!

Jobs disagreed and said the price would be 50% off at most.

That's 15%.

Zhou Buqi thought it was a bit high and pushed for it further.

This is a bit bullying.

He is in great shape, young and strong, and he holds meetings here at bargain prices, even for 72 hours!

The same cannot be said for Steve Jobs. Looking at how sick he was, if the meeting lasted for more than two hours, everyone present would be suspected of becoming a murderer.

Time is on Zhou Buqi's side!

At this time, there is no need to be polite and you can persist coldly.

The longer the delay, the weaker Jobs became, and this weakness could be reflected from the physical level to the psychological level... Sure enough, after only 15 minutes of persistence, Jobs backed down.

"If this is to be realized, the App user manual cannot be packaged in the iPhone and iPad packaging boxes." Jobs seemed to value this very much and regarded it as a heavy bargaining chip.

Zhou Buqi didn't like it at all. In his opinion, the "instruction manual" was just a short-term project with no long-term value. The "Apple tax" is different. The longer the timeline, the greater the interest relationship.

If you have a choice, of course it is to make a fuss about the "Apple tax"!

"no problem!"

Zhou Buqi agreed immediately.

Jobs continued: "In addition, there must be distinctions. It is impossible for every company invested by Ziweixing to enjoy the same treatment as Ziweixing."

Zhou Buqi's face was as dark as water and he chose to remain silent.

Jobs said calmly: "I propose a final plan. Purple Star... including Purple Star in the mainland and Purple Star International in the international market, you can enjoy 10% commission according to the plan you mentioned."

Zhou Buqi felt like there was warmth flowing through his heart, which made him feel very comfortable.

It feels so good to bully a patient!

"For companies other than Ziweixing, a different plan should be adopted, based on 15%." Jobs also added some restrictions, "Moreover, only three external products can be allowed at most."

Cook explained.

There must be a quantity limit, otherwise there will be loopholes in cooperation, and Ziweixing will be able to use this privilege to do whatever they want in the future.

For example, the normal commission for the Wall Street Journal app is 30%. If Ziweixing invests in the Wall Street Journal, the commission will become 15%... This is equivalent to Apple transferring its core resources to Ziweixing, which will suffer a big loss.

So there must be a limit on quantity.

Up to 3!

That is, the three apps besides Ziweixing, namely Netflix, Spotify and Goal, that I just mentioned.

Zhou Buqi was dissatisfied, "This won't work. I have invested in too many companies, and three quotas are too few. Ziweixing Global will also launch a streaming media platform in the future. If you can't enjoy the commission discount, you can only make follow-up decisions." Now Netflix is ​​making the same decision to close the payment channel for Apple terminals.”

Jobs was a little angry. He was tired. But this bastard boy is still messing around here like a sticky cake.

Zhou Buqi continued: "Besides, the 15% commission is too high. Let's go with 10%. I think this ratio is more reasonable. Let me put forward a plan. Tim was right just now, make some external The quota limit makes sense. I think...just 10 quotas, 10% commission."


Jobs refused decisively, and there was some blood on his pale face, obviously he was extremely angry. He was so sincere in wanting a quick victory, but he didn't expect to be tricked by this arrogant boy. If he were healthy, he could pick up the phone on his desk, smash it at it, and then leave in anger.

Zhou Buqi felt a little weak and didn't want to overly stimulate him, so he said hahaly: "It's a negotiation, this is just a suggestion."

Jobs slapped the table and seemed to have exhausted all his strength, "5 places, 12% commission. This is the final plan, if it works, it will work, if it doesn't, it won't work!"


Zhou Buqi was so frightened that he dared to provoke him, so he immediately agreed.

I was not shocked by Jobs's aura, but by the doctors and nurses outside the conference room door, as if they were fighting.

Patients with this level of serious illness are most taboo about getting angry.

Looking at Steve Jobs again, he seemed to be about to vomit blood and die. If Zhou Buqi didn't agree and wanted to continue to pester him, he might be arrested by the police on murder charges the next moment.

about there!

Just accept it when you see it!

The next moment, doctors and nurses rushed into the conference room and ran towards Jobs, holding many simple testing equipment in their hands to measure blood pressure and heart rate.

This scene made everyone panic.

The doctor was okay, he was very old and experienced, and he only cared about testing. The young nurse was only in her twenties, and she was still a woman. She was not very calm, and would scold others.

Even though people like Zhou Buqi and Cook are well-informed, they are all silent and stunned at the moment, being scolded like elementary school students who made mistakes.

Fortunately, Steve Jobs is still in good condition.

He didn't seem to want to show his weak side at the negotiation table, and stopped the nurse from taking his blood pressure. He just stared at Zhou Buqi with burning eyes: "Is the negotiation done?"

Zhou Buqi replied like a stress reaction: "It's done!"

"OK, bye."

Then, Jobs stood up, swaying a bit, and was quickly supported by doctors and nurses, and left the conference room.

The overall framework for cooperation between "Ziwei Galaxy" and Apple has been fully negotiated.

Covers 8 aspects.

1. SoftBank will give up its exclusive iPhone sales rights in Japan and allow KDDI to also start selling iPhones;

2. iPhone and Aster join forces to promote the Top 2 strategy in collaboration with operators;

3. The mobile phone supply chain system established by Asda in China must be shared with Apple;

4. Promote the "Instructions" through all channels under the Apple system, and the channel commission is 30%;

5. The iPhone patent fee remains at the previously negotiated terms of "normal $6, education discount of $1";

6. Asda cannot launch corresponding versions of smartphones for Microsoft's new system.

The above 6 aspects are very simple.

It's basically determined.

The two sides still need further detailed consultations on the next two points.

That afternoon, the two sides held talks at Apple's headquarters.

The specific terms of cooperation were fully explained.

Point 7, commission.

Ziweixing and Ziweixing International's products on Apple terminals will still charge a commission of 30% in accordance with the Apple store policy to ensure Apple's fairness and equal treatment.

However, Apple will return a 20% commission through other channels and names, such as intellectual property, technical support, consulting expenses, marketing, etc.

If one day in the future, the "Apple tax" is reduced to less than 10%, the lower "tax rate" will prevail.

The five external quotas follow a similar logic, but the tax rate is 12%.

The quotas for these five external products also have very strict additional conditions. They must have a deep business relationship with Ziweixing and must be approved by Apple. Otherwise, Ziweixing still has shares in Facebook and Google. Once the quota is allocated to Facebook and Google, Apple will suffer too much loss.

Currently, three places have been allocated, namely Netflix, Spotify and Goal.

The remaining 2 places must be used with caution. These are hard-earned and very valuable.

Point 8 is aimed at Microsoft.

Originally, Apple's request was not to develop Helo adapted to Microsoft's new system, but Zhou Buqi made too many demands and gave Apple too much profit, so Apple had to increase its investment.

It’s not Helo anymore, it’s everyone!

All products under Ziweixing and Ziweixing International cannot develop adapted versions of applications for Microsoft's new mobile operating system.

In addition, the five external products that can enjoy commission discounts cannot develop suitable apps for Microsoft.

Maybe it was because he was too aggressive in the morning and almost killed Jobs. Boss Zhou was frightened. During the afternoon negotiations, he was obviously a lot weaker. He accepted Apple's "unreasonable" request to completely abandon cooperation with Microsoft's new system without any resistance.

This makes Apple executives very happy.

Ziweixing's side was filled with panic.

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