Top of the big era

Chapter 1759: Foresight and confidence

Zhou Buqi was very happy after the negotiations with Apple were concluded. However, others couldn't do it. They all felt that Boss Zhou's move was too risky.

This is a desperate move!

It's not necessary!

Whether it is Ziweixing or Asda, the current development momentum is very good. Just make steady and reasonable progress slowly. Is it necessary to choose one or the other between the two giants?

Only small companies that cannot survive have to make similar choices passively in a passive situation.

This makes Zhou Buqi very helpless. You can't tell them that Microsoft's mobile business will not develop at all in the next few years, and even Ballmer will step down, right?

Except for the US market, Microsoft's mobile phones simply cannot work in other countries.

But even at home, Microsoft's mobile phone market share continues to be sluggish. For a while, Microsoft acquired Nokia's mobile phone business for $5 billion in order to save its mobile phone business.

Sure enough, after deep integration, Microsoft's mobile phone market share in the local market has recovered. At its peak, the market share reached 4%.

What is the concept of 4%?

Less than half of a Lenovo phone!

With such a small market share, it is a bit of a waste of manpower, material and financial resources to ask Ziweixing to develop various adaptation applications specifically for them.

Even without the drama with Apple, there is no need for Ziweixing and Asda to cooperate with Microsoft in the mobile business. Now the apple has jumped out, the cake is given to you for free, if you don’t eat it, you won’t eat it!

Of course, the main reason is that Boss Zhou is kind-hearted.

Steve Jobs almost died!

Almost done!

Sign the contract quickly to make him happy, relieve his mood, regulate his condition, and avoid getting into trouble.

However, we still have to find a way to explain this matter clearly.

At Ziweixing International, many senior executives are from Microsoft, and they all share the same friendship. Among other things, after Microsoft's mobile operating system was announced, old colleagues from Microsoft called and said that they hoped that the project they managed could develop an adapted version for Microsoft's system. If there is no strong top-to-bottom solution, A strong decision, and they will agree to it nine times out of ten.

Shen Xiangyang is one of them.

The next day, Zhou Buqi called Zhou Shaoning, Lu Qi, and Shen Xiangyang to have lunch together.

Before he could speak, Lu Qi became a little impatient, "Forget it about Helo, we can always find some reasons to shirk it. But all Ziweixing's products refuse to be oriented to Microsoft's new system. This is too obvious. Deliberately targeted!”

Shen Xiangyang did not participate in yesterday's negotiation, but Lu Qi called him and chatted for more than two hours last night, talking about Boss Zhou's risky decision.

what to do?

How to deal with it?

That's the giant Microsoft!

Shen Xiangyang also had a headache, so he complied and said, "Yes, as far as I know, Microsoft has devoted all its resources to this new mobile phone system and used almost all the elite engineers in the operating system department. If Ziweixing and Ace If Dadu doesn't cooperate, it's equivalent to boycotting Microsoft at a strategic level, which is a complete fall out!"

Zhou Shaoning was also worried and said: "I have received definite news. Samsung is indeed developing a mobile phone version of Microsoft's new system. Samsung is now cooperating closely with Google and even goes to the extent of going head-on with Apple in a patent lawsuit. But even so, Samsung will not If you dare to give up Microsoft completely, you still have to adopt a cooperative attitude."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Who is Asda's main opponent? Google? Apple? None, Asda is far from reaching this level. We need to make this idea clear. Asida's main opponent is Samsung. ."

Zhou Shaoning nodded slightly.

Zhou Buqi continued: "Samsung's main partner is Google, and its secondary partner is Microsoft, which is double insurance. What should Asda do? Google is not as popular as Samsung, and then it goes to cooperate with Microsoft... Do you think in Microsoft’s eyes, which one is more important, Samsung or Asda?”


Zhou Shaoning was speechless.

Yes, in the Android camp, Asda is now truly the number one in the world. So what? In the current chaotic smartphone market, Google lacks long-term confidence in Asda and is more willing to cooperate with Samsung in the long term. This is true for Google, and even more so for Microsoft.

Zhou Buqi hummed: "If Asda launches a smartphone with Microsoft system, its status will not be compared with Nokia, it will definitely be inferior to Samsung. A hot face but a cold butt? Caught between the three giants of Microsoft, Google and Apple If Asda lacks sufficient negotiation resources, it must take advantage of the contradictions and differences among the three giants to find ways to maximize its own interests!"

Zhou Shaoning took a deep breath, "Maximizing benefits also means maximizing risks."

The greater the risk, the greater the benefit.

On the surface it looks like this.

If Zhou Buqi hadn't been foresight, he wouldn't have dared to bet on Apple unwaveringly in the still relatively vague smartphone operating system market.

But with such an advantage, he can completely reverse the inverse relationship between risks and benefits.

Cooperating with Apple has the greatest benefits and zero risk.

Cooperating with Microsoft has small benefits and huge risks!

For others, it's either/or.

For Zhou Buqi, there is no possibility of choice at all. There is only one way to go, and that is to cooperate with Apple. It’s impossible to go against the grain and cooperate with Microsoft, right? Not to mention whether Microsoft can pay attention to Asda and Ziweixing, even if it does, and the two parties cooperate sincerely...can they really defeat the iPhone?

Microsoft is not at this level.

Let’s just make some zero-risk, high-return choices honestly.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "For Aisda, there are indeed some risks in giving up cooperation with Microsoft, which is equivalent to giving up a road. But don't forget, Aisda is not Samsung, and Aisda's strength is not You are allowed to step into two different boats. Just make an Android phone safely."

Shen Xiangyang said: "It can also reduce the cost of developing new system versions."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, the more versions there are, the greater the development cost. Not only Aisda, but also Ziweixing. The development of new systems that are not targeted at Microsoft can reduce costs."

Lu Qi sighed, "This will offend Microsoft to death."

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "When it comes to choices, you have to bear some price. The profits lost from Microsoft will be made up for more from Apple."

Lu Qi asked: "Didn't you say that Microsoft intends to deploy its office series products on Ziwei Cloud?"

"Forget it," Zhou Buqi was a little irritated when he heard this. "This just shows that we are correct in choosing to cooperate deeply with Apple. Deployment of office on Ziwei Cloud is what I asked Bill Gates to do. It was suggested. He said he would discuss it with Ballmer. I received an email from Gates last night, saying that Ballmer disagreed."

Shen Xiangyang said helplessly: "Ballmer's sense of struggle is too strong. Microsoft is also transforming into cloud computing. He will not let his core products support Ziwei Cloud."

Lu Qi sighed, "No matter what, this has completely offended Microsoft!"

"If you don't offend, they won't give you an office!"

Zhou Buqi snorted.

"At least we can cooperate in many other fields." Lu Ji is the president of Ziweixing International. At the business level, he does not want to have too many conflicts with Microsoft.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said calmly: "It's not a big deal. In the 1990s, there was Yahoo, then Google, and in recent years Facebook has also appeared. They all grew up under the siege of Microsoft. Especially Yahoo and Google, then They are all sworn enemies, so what can we do? The era of Microsoft’s dominance has passed, don’t be afraid of them! If you offend, you will be offended!"

Lu Qi nodded, having nothing to say.

Zhou Buqi continued: "There is a deeper reason, and that is cloud computing. The core business of Ziweixing International is cloud computing. Microsoft's core business in the next few years must also be cloud computing, not mobile business. Ziweixing International MSI and Microsoft are competitors that compete head-on. Head-on competition is a destined outcome and has nothing to do with this choice between Apple and Microsoft."

Shen Xiangyang narrowed his eyes, "If this is the case, cooperating with Apple is the best choice. Since sooner or later we will fall out with Microsoft, if we choose Apple this time, we can at least have a friendly partner instead of offending Apple this time. Then I fell out with Microsoft again.”

Lu Qi was a little puzzled, "Microsoft's current core layout is the mobile business!"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said confidently and firmly: "Microsoft cannot develop! Under the joint attack of Apple, Google, Ziweixing, and Esda, they will definitely die! Again, times have changed a long time ago. Don’t be superstitious about Microsoft!”

The atmosphere of the conversation was somewhat dull.

Zhou Shaoning said with a smile: "If you exclude Microsoft and just look at our cooperation agreement with Apple, it is really great. This kind of all-round, multi-business cooperation will greatly promote Asda... and The development of Ziweixing’s business. Not only overseas business, but also domestic business.”

In fact, Zhou Buqi has never been too worried about Microsoft.

Even if the sincere cooperation with Apple in the short term will deeply irritate Microsoft and offend Ballmer... so what? In a few years, Ballmer will step down!

After Ballmer stepped down and Indian-born CEO Nadella came to power, the first thing he did was to abandon Microsoft's struggle line and turn into enemies with all Microsoft's "enemies" in the past ten years, including Apple, its competitor for thirty years. All reconciled.

All office series products are deployed in Apple's system.

For Zhou Buqi, he is confident and not afraid of offending Microsoft. To be more precise, he is not afraid of offending Ballmer, the current CEO of Microsoft.

Not so with Apple.

In the next few years, Apple's CEO will be Cook, and we must maintain a long-term and good cooperative relationship with him.

Zhou Buqi said: "You will know in a few years, um... In fact, you can see the prototype now. Netflix, Spotify, and Goal have all closed the payment channels for Apple terminal devices, which shows that the 30% commission is excessive. In the past year, Facebook’s open platform provided a 30% commission to all game developers and earned US$400 million.”

When it comes to this point, Lu Qi resonates very much.

Because Ziweixing International has a game business group, it mainly develops some lightweight games, many of which are deployed on the Facebook open platform, and are faced with 30% commission pressure.

Lu Qi frowned slightly, "Yes, the commission issue is the next topic I want to talk about."

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