Top of the big era

Chapter 1757 Apple Tax

The 30% commission policy is the most valuable legacy that Jobs left for Apple.

Buffett has never invested in technology companies, so why did he invest heavily in Apple?

It is because Buffett gradually discovered that from a revenue perspective, Apple is increasingly moving away from the category of "technology" and moving closer to "services".

The so-called services refer to services for developers.

This service requires a 30% commission from the developer.

This kind of tax-collecting business has low risks, high returns, and strong sustainability, which is much better than engaging in technological research and development. Then, all types of investment institutions around the world flocked to Apple, and its market value continued to rise, reaching its peak.

Apple is happy, but the developers of the Apple Store are miserable.

The 30% commission is just like skinning.

It just so happens that Apple’s terminal device users are the largest group that cannot be ignored. The total number of users of this group in the world is actually only about 30%, which is far less than that of Android.

However, Apple does not have low-end phones, and Apple users are basically high-end users. This results in the in-app purchasing power of the Apple Store being much stronger than that of Android users.

For example, in the fiscal year 2021, the annual revenue from the “Apple tax” exceeds US$80 billion. During the same period, Google also launched a mandatory "Google tax" in overseas markets, which also has a commission rate of 30%, but its annual revenue is only US$12 billion.

So a phenomenon occurred.

Developers all over the world are dissatisfied with Apple's 30% commission and are protesting. The European Union, Australia, South Korea and other places have even launched monopoly lawsuits against Apple.

Especially South Korea was the most violent. They sent people directly to the Apple headquarters in South Korea and sealed the building, saying that they wanted to seal the evidence. For such a serious behavior, no one would believe that Samsung was not instigating it.

Under this wave of resistance, Apple is under great pressure.

However, it is impossible for Apple to actively and significantly adjust Apple taxes. They would rather suffer a monopoly lawsuit than give in.

Monopoly lawsuits against such super giants will never be concluded within a few years.

In a few years, it will be enough for Apple to earn hundreds of billions of dollars.

Even if the lawsuit is lost and the monopoly lawsuit is much should the fine be?

Billions of dollars are enough.

Of course, as the global anti-Apple wave becomes more and more fierce, once the monopoly lawsuit is established, Apple taxes will inevitably be significantly reduced.

But that was more than ten years later.

Zhou Buqi will strive to obtain the best cooperation conditions in the next ten years.

Apple's terminal equipment is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

In fact, it’s not just Apple, but also Google and Microsoft. As long as you have a firm foothold in the market, whether it is the Google Store or the Microsoft Store, a 30% commission policy must be introduced.

Later, Microsoft also learned the Apple Store model and launched the Microsoft App Store on the PC. One of its policies was to charge a 30% commission from all game developers.

This makes game manufacturers miserable.

Fortunately, there are rich gameplay options on the PC side, and Microsoft’s system is not as strict and closed as Apple’s. PC gamers have all gone to Steam. (Steam’s commission is also 30%)

Microsoft later looked at it and realized that this was not possible!

Can't compete!

Then, Microsoft quickly adjusted its policy, adjusting the 30% commission policy to 12%, euphemistically saying: "Give profits to game manufacturers so that they have the motivation to develop more interesting games."

Because of competition, Microsoft took the initiative to cut prices.

Zhou Buqi further explained this: "The stronger the competition, the lower the fees. If the smartphone market is in full bloom, with Apple, Google, Microsoft, Symbian, BlackBerry and other companies, then I believe in Apple's 30% commission policy It will definitely change and it will be reduced under the pressure of competition. If Ziweixing accepts your proposal and rejects Microsoft's system... Once the cooperation is successful and Microsoft is squeezed out of the market, it will be equivalent to Ziweixing assisting Apple to complete the development of mobile terminals. The monopolistic layout of the market. The 30% Apple tax will never have a chance to be reduced."

The meaning of this statement is very clear.

Taxes need to be lowered!

Cook is a bit weak and can't express his position.

Since Apple launched the Apple Store in 2008 and then implemented a 30% commission policy, it has been criticized by developers around the world.

There have been discussions within Apple many times. Should we try to lower the price?

However, Jobs is very stubborn!

He disagrees!

He insisted that this policy would become Apple's core business of "software services + hardware sales" in the future.

With a pale face, Jobs stared at Zhou Buqi for a while, then asked in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Since it is cooperation, I hope to see further sincerity from Apple. Giving up cooperation with Microsoft, whether it is Ziweixing or Asda, is equivalent to giving up the opportunity to obtain huge benefits from Microsoft. This part of the benefits, Apple has to make up for it.”

Jobs nodded, "That makes sense."

Zhou Buqi didn't expect that this stubborn guy would relent, feeling that he had seen the light of day, "All three products, Netflix, Spotify and Goal, have closed their payment channels on Apple terminals. Unless Apple changes its policy, payment channels will be closed." It will be closed permanently. This is a huge loss for both parties.”

Jobs was a little surprised, "I know Netflix, but Spotify is also related to you?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, just like Netflix, they are my key investment projects."

"Where's Goal? What is this?"

"A football community where paying users will become exclusive members of their team. There are currently approximately 1.07 million paying users, which can generate approximately US$10 million in membership fees every month."

“Excellent business layout.”

Jobs took a deep breath, and his eyes changed when he looked at Boss Zhou.

This guy is so awesome!

Netflix - Movies and TV

Spotify - Music


The entertainment industry has almost all been covered, so games and reading should be next, right? I don’t know if he has a similar plan behind his back.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "The cooperation between Apple and Ziweixing can make each other better."

Jobs looked at Cook and asked, "Is it possible to lower the price?"

Cook said: "No! No!"


Zhou Buqi looked unhappy.

Cook explained: "If we want to reduce the commission, we must reduce the commission for all developers and all applications. If we only reduce the commission for Ziweixing, Netflix, and Spotify products, it will still be 30% for other platforms." commission, it’s too risky.”

Differential treatment is most likely to cause monopoly disputes.

Apple's affiliates can get low commissions, but those who don't have to bear a high tax of 30%... This is a typical monopoly behavior that takes advantage of a monopoly position, and you can check it for sure.

Fortunately, Cook then added, "The 30% commission will not be reduced. However, we can sign a supplementary agreement, and Apple will use the commission collected in the form of intellectual property, technical support, advertising sponsorship, etc." Return it to you."

Then, he looked at Jobs.


Jobs accepted the plan.

A smile appeared on Zhou Buqi's face, "Good idea."

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