Top of the big era

Chapter 1653 Instructions

Such an idea really solved the marketing problems caused by the early days of the mobile Internet. This made Zhou Buqi very excited and said: "Instructions! Yes, instructions! Give every smartphone user a guide to download , instructions for installing and using essential apps!”

Tang Binchen said: "The number of smartphones in the world now exceeds 100 million, but the number of Helo users is only 36 million. This shows that there are still many smartphones that do not have this product installed."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, that's why I criticized Lu Qi."

Tang Binchen said: "I think it's a matter of marketing ideas. In many technology magazines and technology Internet forums, Helo is almost overwhelmingly praised. In mobile app stores, Helo also continues to dominate the rankings. But Why are there still 70% of smartphones that do not have Helo installed? In addition to the diversity of systems, it is also because users do not have enough awareness of new technologies and new products."

Zhou Buqi agreed with this.

Now is the early stage of the mobile Internet. There is still a question mark over whether new gadgets like smartphones can completely replace feature phones.

Many people buy smartphones...not because they are powerful, but because they are expensive, and because they are following the trend. In fact, when they buy smartphones, they do the same thing as before, and they usually just make calls and send text messages.

Not to mention that it is only 2010, even 10 years later, there are still a large number of users who are sinking. The most they use their smartphones are WeChat videos and Kuaishou, but not other functions.

Product managers on the C-side of the Internet have a very common concept, which is to give users a personality: super low IQ, super bad temper, super low patience, and super poor. If a product can meet these conditions, it basically has the potential to succeed.

It's basically the same logic.

However, it is the early early days now!

Even though Helo is a product that is brainless, convenient, simple, and completely free... it is a new thing after all.

If the user has awareness, it will be easier for him to take the first step. The current situation is that the market is completely uneducated, and users generally lack awareness of smartphones and mobile Internet. It is extremely difficult for them to take the first step.

Internet marketing thinking, such as Internet advertising, content induction, traffic introduction, etc., is very effective. It is based on allowing users to continue to take the third step after they have taken the first, second and third steps. Four steps.

All beginnings are hard.

Now is the first step. The Internet marketing strategy that Lu Qi currently leads Ziweixing International is a bit insufficient.

Tang Binchen said: "Now, those users who are more familiar with the mobile Internet are all Helo users. This is why Ucgram users are growing so rapidly. Because based on the user scale of Helo, there are about 3,600 existing smartphone users. For users who are very familiar with the mobile Internet, Ucgram can easily market to this group and quickly accumulate users. But after reaching 36 million, it may encounter a growth bottleneck similar to Helo, and it will need to educate the market. "

Zhou Buqi nodded, "There are many Internet users, but they understand the Internet, but they may not be able to understand the mobile Internet. This requires a breakthrough in marketing from the Internet to the mobile Internet."

"Yes, break the circle."

Tang Binchen thinks this wording is very accurate.

The limitation of Internet marketing is that it can only be marketed within the circle. That is, a person must first be an Internet user before he can conduct Internet marketing.

Although PC Internet and mobile Internet are both Internet, they have circle restrictions. This restriction is not big, but it also requires the product side to intentionally conduct market education in order to guide Internet users to mobile Internet users faster.

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "PC Internet and mobile Internet are both Internet, so it is not difficult to break the circle. Everything is difficult at the beginning. The difficult thing is to find the best starting angle."

"It makes sense! It makes sense!"

Zhou Buqi praised him repeatedly.

At this moment, Boss Zhou also felt like he was being educated.

In the past, Zhou Buqi and Lu Qi had similar marketing ideas. At the same time, they marketed their own apps through smartphone app stores, spent money to buy recommendation spots, and attracted users to download by dominating the charts for a long time.

But here comes the problem. A large number of smartphone users don’t even know what a mobile app store is. No matter how good the marketing promotion in the app store is, what’s the use?

There is simply no way to educate this majority group out of the circle.

So how do we educate these users who don’t know enough about smartphones? For traditional users, it is of course best to use traditional marketing methods.

Target marketing to them within their circles.

Many newspapers and magazines have introduced Helo, saying it is a magical product for smartphones. But the marketing effect is not precise enough. To market Helo, you first need to have a smartphone.

Cooperating with operators is the most accurate way.

When selling a smartphone, the salesperson gives away an exquisite instruction manual on the use of the smartphone... This can not only show the thoughtfulness of the seller's service, but also put the marketing firmly on the user. The salesperson can also make some introductions for this purpose.

Tang Binchen said: "I have done market research in Tokyo regarding the reading rate of manuals. I feel that this is a human thing, and it should be similar all over the world. Whether it is buying medicine, buying a computer, buying a mobile phone, buying a house, buying a car... If it is... If you buy it for the first time, the reading rate of the product introduction book is almost 100%.”

Zhou Buqi agreed: "Yes, the earlier it is, the more effective it will be!"

It's like buying medicine.

When buying cold medicine for the first time, you need to read the instructions carefully and then take it as directed. When you buy one box, the second box and the third box, you have completed your market education and you are proficient. You don’t need to read the instructions. You can just open the package and take the medicine.

The current stage is the “first time” for mobile Internet products!

Instructions can be very effective!

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said loudly: "This is a very good idea! This is not just to promote your Ucgram, this plan is completed, and it will have a breakthrough effect on all our Ziweixing products!"

Tang Binchen felt somewhat proud, "My ambition is not just a Japanese market or a Ucgram."

Zhou Buqi ignored this and asked, "What about the cooperation model with the operator? How is it?"

"I went to O2 for inspection today, but..." Tang Binchen was a little helpless, "The British are so arrogant. I contacted them a week in advance, but the only person who entertained me was a London senior named Coretta. District manager.”

It seems that in the eyes of British Telecom O2, the president of Ziweixing Japan and the president of O2 London are on the same level, and they are talking on an equal footing.

It's just so self-righteous.

O2 is only the second largest operator in the UK. In Europe, it is not even among the top five.

Zhou Buqi snorted: "These people are used to their faults. I was at Manchester United two days ago and I scolded those British people. It's okay. You can talk about your cooperation ideas first. If necessary , I will call out the chairman of the board of directors and CEO of O2 tomorrow!"

Tang Binchen knew that this person had a good reputation, so he said his thoughts with a smile, "The competition among telecom operators in Europe and the United States is very fierce, which is different from that in China. In order to retain users, they will provide very good services and sell products." When it comes to mobile phones, most of the time they are contract phones.”

"Ok, I know."

"When a contract phone is sold, in addition to a contract, sometimes there are some souvenirs and some brochures from the company. O2 is like, the brochures are beautifully printed, just to leave a lasting impression on the user. A good and profound impression will allow users to continue to choose O2 when choosing an operator in the future."

"Promotional brochure?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "This model is not very good. Functional instructions are valuable to read, and no one likes to read promotional brochures."

Tang Binchen smiled and said: "Yes, Coretta said, the role of promotional brochures is very low. About 3 million copies are issued every year, and the total expenditure exceeds 500,000 pounds. The headquarters tried to cut off this business many times, but later it still did not. They Think that's part of good service. I think that's the breakthrough."

Zhou Buqi feels that O2's marketing model of giving away brochures is too low-end, no different from handing out leaflets on the street. However, this is not important.

As long as there is a chance for Ziweixing!

"Yes, a breakthrough!" Zhou Buqi could follow Tang Binchen's train of thought, "The essence of cooperation is win-win! No one likes promotional manuals. If they can be combined with functions, users will be passive due to functional needs. This is a smarter way to fully accept the effect of publicity. Damn it, we have done O2 a big favor this time! No, we have to sign an additional contract and get the exclusive right to cooperate!"

"Exclusive cooperation?"

"Yes, Ziweixing provides high-quality content to help O2 promote. Ziweixing will also invest money and share the printing costs with them. The premise is that O2 can only cooperate with Ziweixing, it must be exclusive, and all third parties must be rejected."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Tang Binchen deeply agreed and felt that this idea was right.

In the guidebook jointly launched by Ziweixing and O2, in addition to the promotional elements of O2 in the background, the main content is the product recommendations of Ziweixing.

If this model succeeds, maybe other Internet companies will learn from it and pay for operators to print brochures.

This road needs to be blocked!

The opportunity to send money to operators is taken care of by Ziweixing, so we don’t bother others.

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