Top of the big era

Chapter 1654 It’s not about giving money, it’s about making money

The more win-win cooperation is, the stronger the relationship will be.

In the "manual" project, O2 can gain three major benefits: First, the brochure has a functional role, and users like to read it, and the promotional effect will be improved; second, it guides users to play with the smartphone, which is quite It is part of the service, and high-quality service is what operators are striving to pursue; third, Ziweixing will spend part of the money to print promotional brochures, which is equivalent to helping O2 bear the cost of promotion.

With so many benefits, why not?

For Ziweixing, the benefits are even greater.

The mere cost of printing a guidebook is really not worth mentioning. If this kind of brochure could be printed for all mainstream European and American operators, a considerable new industry would likely be formed.

This is a new model based on "Internet + paper advertising".

Zhou Buqi asked: "How much does it cost to acquire customers now? Is there any statistics?"

Tang Binchen said: "I'm not sure about the B-side. The customer acquisition cost for C-side products is about US$0.26, mainly YikYak, Helo, Ucgram, UC Browser, and mobile assistant."

“What about the industry average?”

"I'm not sure. There is no public data at the moment. But I have talked with people at Spotify and their customer acquisition cost has reached US$0.9. I estimate that emerging small and medium-sized startups are basically the same."

Zhou Buqi then asked: "How much does it cost to print instructions?"

Tang Binchen said: "This kind of manual does not need to be too thick, only 5-8 pages. The key is that it must be exquisite enough that people can't help but read it after just one glance. The cost of O2's printed promotional brochures in the past was only 0.2 I think the U.S. dollar can be raised appropriately, and 0.8 U.S. dollars is more appropriate."

"Well, it should be. It must be better than the previous brochures. Only then can it be more attractive and attract the attention of operators."

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied.

The cost of a guidebook is only $0.80, which is a steal.

Ziweixing's current average customer acquisition cost is US$0.26. That is because some people who are proficient in mobile Internet and smartphones have very low customer acquisition costs, and they will actively rush to experience new products. The remaining users who need to break through the circle require higher customer acquisition costs.

This kind of guidebook may highlight 20 apps owned by Ziweixing. Even if the user filters them, only 10 of them can be downloaded and installed... This also means that Ziweixing only needs to spend 0.8 US dollars to download and install them. A total of 10 new users were acquired in different apps.

The customer acquisition cost is only $0.08!

It not only broke the circle, but also educated the market, not only attracted new users, but also greatly reduced the customer acquisition cost!


It seems that not only that, if it works well, you can also have extra income!

Not only do you not have to spend money, you can also make money!

Zhou Buqi said quickly: "Cooperate with operators for promotion. As long as it works well, this may become an exclusive new promotion channel! The instructions can simply list a few lists, such as the top 10 smartphones. There are must-have apps, as well as the top 10 must-have apps for entertainment, must-play games on smartphones, etc. Our own apps are not enough, so we can sell resources to earn advertising fees!”

Tang Binchen said: "Yes, this is my idea. So I first served as a pilot at O2 in London, and took advantage of the recent launch of many new mobile phones to get the data out. Then I used this to convince other operators and finally complete full coverage. Just like you said, spend a sum of money and sign an exclusive cooperation agreement with them. This resource has not been valued by others in the past because there is a relatively long distance between mobile phones and the Internet. With the development of smart phones and mobile Internet With the advent of advertising, this kind of Internet and print advertising can be combined very effectively.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, people on the Internet are getting better and better day by day, and they all look down on traditional media. However, as long as it is run well, paper media can also exert great effects. This is a ground-breaking new market. If Ziweixing obtains this part of the market resources...if nothing else, and lists YouTube as a highly recommended app for smartphones, it can get at least US$5 million in advertising fees from Google every year."

Tang Binchen smiled and said, "If it's less, maybe we can adopt a sales model. The advertising space for each instruction manual is US$0.5."

"Sales of 60 million smartphones a year, even if we can capture half of the market, 30 million units... means $15 million in advertising fees?"

"Perhaps it can be more, and a part of the discount rate must be allowed. The wasted instructions can also be included in the calculation."

"This advertising fee is not cheap. Google may be able to do it if it has deep pockets. Who else can afford it?"

Zhou Buqi questioned this idea.

Tang Binchen has obviously planned everything, "So it should be done in stages, and the instructions should be revised every quarter. Internet companies want to buy advertising space, at least for a quarter at a time. In terms of sales, there is no distinction between off-season and peak season. It’s fair and equitable. Major companies can choose to purchase it for a quarter or directly for a year according to their own financial resources.”

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi couldn't help but smile, "Why does it sound so familiar?"

Tang Binchen laughed and said: "Yes, I learned it from you. The game panel you designed for Helo, I heard that the expected revenue for the next year will reach 650 million yuan. Many game companies cannot afford such a lot of money. Buy in installments and only buy one quarter. Only best-selling games like "World of Warcraft" and "Dragon" will directly choose annual subscription."

Now there are two Helos.

One Helo belongs to Ziweixing Company and is a PC-side chat software for the domestic market; one Helo belongs to Ziweixing International and is a mobile-side chat software for overseas markets.

Therefore, many times internal documents will add a suffix when referring to Helo to avoid ambiguity.

What Tang Binchen is talking about here is of course Helo on the domestic PC side. As a super traffic tool on the computer desktop that is no less than QQ, it is a very important function to attract traffic to online games.

Of course you can make money.

Ziweixing does not have any gaming business, but Helo can promote other online games and make money by selling advertising space.

In the following year, the turnover of advertising space reached 650 million yuan!

It can be seen that Zhou Buqi’s original business idea of ​​game panels was successful. Of course, it also shows that domestic Internet companies are really strong at making money. Just like "Fantasy Westward Journey", the revenue in one quarter can reach 2 billion yuan and the profit is 1 billion. It is not difficult for them to spend 30 million or 50 million yuan on Helo's game panels every quarter.

Tang Binchen designed a business model for cooperating with operators to print promotional guides and brochures, drawing a lot of inspiration from the Helo game panel business.

However, there is another more important factor that he did not mention.

This originated from a time when he went to buy a car with his girlfriend in Tokyo.

When you buy a car, you have matching car insurance.

This was what really made him enlightened.

Auto insurance advertisements are promoted on public platforms, but the output is very low and the return rate is too low. But it's different when working with 4S stores. When buying a car, be sure to get car insurance.

Cooperating with 4S stores is the smallest promotion cost and the largest customer acquisition opportunity.

If you want to promote mobile apps, the best option is of course to cooperate with operators. After a user buys a mobile phone, of course he must first read the manual, learn to use it, and install many apps!

This is the best marketing method in the early days of mobile Internet.

Tang Binchen smiled and said: "That's it, let's start with O2's London area as a pilot..."

"No!" Zhou Buqi had a new idea, "Since the design is so good, then don't try it. Try it again and again, don't you let others learn from it? Take advantage of this blank market, and hurry up and follow Several major operators in the European and American markets have signed exclusive cooperation agreements to prevent others from following suit and taking away our market."

"Ah?" Tang Binchen was a little surprised, "You may not be able to sign it, right? Use London as a pilot. Only when it works, can we promote it better..."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "If it doesn't work, let's pay to help them print promotional videos. Who can refuse? Don't forget, we have Aisda!"

"Oh, Esta!"

Tang Binchen now deeply felt the horror of Boss Zhou's business layout.

Aster's Aster mobile phone is also about to be launched. To avoid ne, it has chosen to launch it in September. This is currently the most popular Android phone in the world, with strong support from Google behind it.

At present, Aster has signed cooperation agreements with several major European and American operators, and they will sell Aster mobile phones as agents. With this close win-win relationship, cooperation becomes easy.

There is no need to use the London area of ​​O2 as a pilot project. With the help of Asda's industry resources, it can be rolled out in all directions!

This is giving money to operators, who can refuse?

This is a brand new model and a brand new industry. Not to mention operators don’t understand it, Internet companies don’t understand it either. Those in traditional industries think the Internet is a scam, while those in the Internet industry think traditional industries are lagging behind, and there is a hierarchical information gap between the two sides. They cannot understand the power that this combination of online and offline, new media and old media can unleash.

This is the advantage of Ziweixing's poor information.

Taking advantage of this advantage, you can easily sign an exclusive cooperation agreement.

When others find out that the market resources have been occupied by Ziweixing, they can only ask Ziweixing to cooperate and send money to Ziweixing.

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't sign a contract that is too long. Three or five years is enough. If the time is too long, it will be suspected of monopoly. Within three to five years, the instruction manual can play its greatest role in the education market. When the contract expires, The effect of this model will not be so strong. Whoever loves to compete will compete. Let us rule for three to five years, and that will be enough!"

Tang Binchen frowned, "But it is almost impossible to get things done in a short period of time without attracting the attention of other technology companies. The combination of Ziweixing and Aisda is not enough."

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