Top of the big era

Chapter 1652 Education Market

Zhou Buqi was planning to go to Germany to find Mr. Hope to talk about the football group. Unexpectedly, an unexpected person came to London - Tang Binchen.

I was very happy because I didn't have to go out to meet him. I invited him directly to my home. Even the secretaries Sun Wanran and Ning Lu, as well as Zhen Yu who was wearing home clothes, didn't shy away from it.

Zhou Buqi would keep him at home for dinner and then ask him about his purpose in coming to Europe this time.

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "Two things. Ucgram's European team is going to operate independently. I came over to take a look and appointed Fujii as the vice president of business."

Zhou Buqi didn't know much about the details, "Operation independently? What's going on?"

Tang Binchen explained: "Previously, Ucgram in Europe was operated by YikYak's team. Now it has increased its scale. The English version has 3 million users, and German, Spanish, and French also have more than 1 million users. Europe There are more than 7 million people in the district in total. So Ucgram is run independently."

"Which one is Fujii? Itsuki Fujii?"

"Yes, that's him."

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Sent him to Europe? Isn't he your most reliable assistant?"

"The Japanese market has been won, and he does not need his assistance." Tang Binchen said confidently and seriously: "I have analyzed it and I think the success or failure of Ucgram mainly depends on the European market. The changes in the American market are too fast, and entrepreneurship There are too many companies, too many competing products of the same type, and too little loyalty.”

Then, he described his product ideas.

As we all know, products for the consumer side are generally free, and there is no loyalty at all. If a similar product appears that is more interesting and fun, users may run away.

Therefore, how to cultivate user loyalty has become the biggest challenge for all C-side product managers.

This can be learned from B-side products.

Product loyalty on the B-side is very high. In many cases, even if better competing products appear, customers will not change the product and will continue to pay until they can't bear it anymore.

A very important logic behind this is that the cost of migration is too high.

Just like the cloud computing industry, once you become a user of Ziwei Cloud, it will be difficult to jump to other cloud computing platforms in the future.

Not only is the cost of data migration too high, it is also a problem of usage efficiency.

Employees have become accustomed to using the products in the past, and their work efficiency is very high if they use them with ease. If a new product is replaced, the interface, design, usage and functions have all changed, and they will be very uncomfortable to use it. This adaptation time Many companies cannot bear the pain of the epidemic, and there is no need to bear it.

The loyalty of B-end products often does not depend on heartfelt loyalty, but passive loyalty. You can't change even if you want to, so you can only be loyal.

For Ucgram, the biggest migration costs are actually two types.

One is the content stored here by users, that is, the many pictures uploaded; the other is the community relationships established by users who have been operating here for many years.

These two major migration costs force users to be loyal.

The reason why we need to pay special attention to the European market is because the Asian market is inherently very loyal. This is Tang Binchen's home base and he has a near-monopoly. The U.S. market is completely the opposite. There is no loyalty at all. Many young people are rebellious and "draw a clear line" from their past selves at every turn.

In contrast, Europe is not as outgoing as the United States and can serve as a springboard for loyal Asian markets and as another key market to maintain.

Zhou Buqi said: "The European market is much more difficult to operate than the North American market."

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "Just because it is difficult, the loyalty is higher."

"how to explain?"

"The U.S. market is less difficult. After competing products appear, we may launch the market before we can react, and the scale will become very competitive. The European market is different, with so many languages ​​​​, so many versions are very difficult to operate. Even if new competing products emerge, they will not be able to achieve scale in the European market in a short period of time. For us, this is equivalent to having Sufficiently long buffer zone and response time.”

"The idea is feasible." Zhou Buqi nodded, "What about the second thing?"

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "Let's do some experimental marketing strategies for the education market."


Zhou Buqi was very interested.

Tang Binchen said: "First apply it in London and find an operator to cooperate."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What cooperation?"

Tang Binchen explained from the beginning, saying: "Smartphones are still relatively new. If you want to replace traditional multimedia mobile phones, the threshold in developed countries is not price, but market education. Many people don't know enough about the use of smartphones. I'm here Japan has done research and found that many users have not become Helo users after purchasing smartphones. This makes me wonder, Helo is a must-have app for smartphones, why don't they install it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "No."

Tang Binchen nodded and said: "Yes, there are a group of people who cannot download new apps and their knowledge cannot keep up; there are a group of people who dare not download new apps because they are worried that random downloads will damage their phones; and there are still some who lack information. They don’t know the existence of Helo. For various reasons, they only use the pre-installed apps on their phones.”

Zhou Buqi was very happy.

From just these few words, it can be seen that Tang Binchen's understanding of mobile Internet products is far superior to that of others in Ziweixing. At this time, he is probably the only one in the world.

Ucgram gained momentum quickly after its launch, even better than Helo's development. This is due to his comprehensive and accurate operating strategy and unique observation of the market.

Tang Binchen continued: "I conducted research in Tokyo, and later commissioned teams in London, Los Angeles and Seoul to conduct separate surveys. The feedback results were almost identical. This determines the marketing strategy for our mobile Internet products. "

"Well, tell me."

"It should be more direct, sharper, and more vertical! Traditional Internet marketing is Internet advertising, or Internet soft article promotion, induced downloads, traffic import, etc. These models seem to be correct now, but they can be used in the mobile Internet In the early days, there are actually simpler and more crude methods with lower marketing costs and better promotion effects.”

“Exciting perspective.”

Zhou Buqi raised his hand to signal him to continue speaking. His ambition could be felt through his expression and attitude.

Tang Binchen said: "The best marketing method at the moment is to cooperate with mobile phone manufacturers and operators. Pre-install our App directly into the mobile phone. This avoids all the initial investment in market education and can be directly converted into users. "

Zhou Buqi agrees, "This idea is more applicable in the early stages of the mobile Internet when the market is not mature enough. After a few years, when the market has been cultivated, the effect will be greatly reduced."

Tang Binchen nodded, "Yes, in the final analysis, smartphones and mobile Internet are emerging products. If you want to create phenomenal products, you must first educate the market well, just like the newly launched iPhone4."

iPhone4 has been launched, and the market is still hot.

Similarly, there has never been a lot of slander from peers such as Nokia and Motorola.

Just a few days after its launch, negative news emerged. It was said that the signal line design of iPhone 4 had serious flaws, and the signal was always poor when making calls.

It caused a lot of controversy.

At this time, Steve Jobs stepped forward to educate the market, saying that the way you hold your phone when making a phone call is wrong. This is a smartphone, and the design is so beautiful. Why are you holding it so tightly? The sound system of the iPhone is well designed. As long as it is not played externally, it will not be overheard by people next to you like a feature phone, so you don’t need to cover it so tightly. Expose the edge of the phone and the signal will be better. He also said that the iPhone will not change, but user habits should change. The iPhone is perfect, but the users are imperfect.

Depend on!

This is a scary statement.

Steve Jobs's brain is really different from that of ordinary businessmen.

When other companies encounter this kind of product crisis, they might apologize or spend public relations money to suppress negative news. Jobs didn't. He stood up and educated consumers about the criticism.

Then, iPhone4 continued to sell well around the world.

It's even sold out in China.

Originally, a mobile phone costing nearly 5,000 yuan was very expensive for domestic consumers, but there were also many scalpers selling them at higher prices.

When emerging products come out, the biggest cost is actually the cost of educating the market, so that consumers can learn to use their products correctly.

It is rare for people to stand up and retaliate like Steve Jobs in the business circle. It is more common in the art circle, such as poets, painters, calligraphers, film directors, performance artists, etc. The public does not understand their works. , it’s not my own problem, it’s that the public’s aesthetics are too low-end.

But this is not difficult to understand. Jobs himself is an artist in the field of product design.

Zhou Buqi asked: "How do you want to educate the market?"

Tang Binchen said: "As I said just now, cooperate with operators. Many consumers lack understanding of smartphones and apps. Mobile phone manuals only introduce hardware configurations and lack soft functional guidance. Regarding Apps, There is even a lack of application guidance. Basically, users can only rely on themselves to download the app from the store, and then figure out how to register, log in, and use it. This is a high threshold for many people."

Zhou Buqi praised: "Yes, that's right!"

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "So I came here mainly to cooperate with the British telecommunications company O2. First, print 1 million copies of the exquisite smartphone guide booklet and put it out to see the effect. The booklet has the O2 brand trademark, which is very important to them. It has a promotional effect and can also improve the quality of their sales services. More importantly, this brochure can be used to induce users to download and use our products."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

This was something he had never thought of. Even after living in the mobile Internet world for more than ten years in his previous life, he had never experienced it.

Cooperating with operators to print a batch of manuals similar to manuals can indeed have a good market education effect!

In the past, this kind of manual was the task of hardware manufacturers. They produced products and then used the manual to briefly introduce their products and provide appropriate instructions for use.

Hardware products require manuals, but why do software products not?

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