Top of the big era

Chapter 1651 New Media

At the end of the meeting, the transfer logic for the summer window was determined, mainly three transactions.

1. Buy Neuer for 30 million euros;

Second, buy Hernandez for 7.5 million euros;

Third, sell Berbatov to Tottenham for 20 million pounds.

Net expenditure was approximately €10 million.

A little less.

But Ferguson believes that this is enough. For a mature team, the important thing is to maintain stability. He is thinking of retiring after winning the Champions League again. He doesn't want to cause too much turmoil in the team, so reinforcements in individual positions are enough.

Zhou Buqi doesn't have much to say at this level.

After the meeting, Zhou Buqi talked to Lang Weiyi and asked him how he felt.

Lang Weiyi really couldn't say anything.

I just felt that Boss Zhou was very majestic, and he taught those arrogant British people to be stunned.

Zhou Buqi said: "Commercial development is the trend in European football. Whoever does well will have a future. The current situation in European football is that the market expansion of traditional media has not yet been fully realized, even for companies like Real Madrid and Barcelona. Rich clubs also focus on traditional media. They are falling behind. Manchester United must take the lead and start working in the new media industry."

Lang Weiyi took a deep breath and said, "Well, I am quite knowledgeable in this field."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Isn't that good?"

Lang Weiyi asked: "What about Ziweixing Digital Media? How should we understand this? I heard that it has contracted the official website business of many clubs. Shouldn't Ziweixing Digital Media be the agent to operate it?"

Zhou Buqi said helplessly: "There was originally this idea, but no one accepted it. The commercial operation of European football is too backward. They don't even understand the old media. Moreover, you also saw what happened with Manchester United. Yeah, those football people are so arrogant, the training ground and locker room are sacrosanct, it’s hard to take pictures.”

Originally, Ziweixing Digital Media's business design included acting as an agent for new media operations for major wealthy companies.

But what happened at Manchester United canceled this plan.

Manchester United is still a club with good commercial development. Those football people are very resistant to marketing and market promotion. It's as if going to the training ground to take a few sets of photos and record a few short videos during training will seriously interfere with the quality of their games.

This is conceptual obsolescence.

In another seven or eight years, things will have changed. Everyone has realized the huge value contained in new media, and they have opened up one after another. Many locker room photos and training ground videos have been released on new media, such as YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, etc.

Liverpool can earn 600,000 euros every month from YouTube alone.

The more representative one is Barcelona.

After the outbreak of the plague, Barcelona encountered a financial crisis, with a debt of 1 billion euros, a lack of success in the team, and a serious decline in strength. However, Barcelona is a top club and has many high-quality assets.

By selling part of the assets, repaying part of the loan, and then buying a group of new players, you can use financial leverage to revive the team's vitality.

What assets are being sold?

One of them was the sale of 49.9% of the shares of Barcelona Studio, raising 200 million euros.

In other words, the market value of this Barcelona studio is as high as 400 million euros, which is similar to the valuation of Serie A giant AC Milan.

What exactly is this Barcelona studio? Why is it so valuable?

In fact, it is Barcelona’s new media operations studio, which mainly focuses on the Internet. As traditional media declines and the Internet becomes more and more popular, the future of Barcelona Studio contains huge value.

American capital has a deep understanding of the Internet, and the American sports industry has already made a lot of money through new media. If there is an opportunity to win the Barcelona Studio, of course they will not let it go.

However, there is still a problem here.

The Barcelona Studio can only be run by people from Barcelona. Even if Barcelona sells more than 50% of its shares, outsiders will not be able to participate at all. This comes from the conservatism of European football, which is a system that cannot be broken.

No one inside Manchester United can easily enter the training ground and locker room to take videos, let alone outsiders! The same goes for Barcelona. Even if new media becomes a trend in the future, the players' contracts also show the need to cooperate with the club in promoting the new media platform, which is only done by talents within the club.

The training ground and locker room are both confidential. What if an outsider comes in and the secret is leaked?

Therefore, Ziweixing Digital Media’s idea of ​​​​helping major wealthy companies to represent new media businesses did not work and had to give up. Even if the agency succeeds, the staff of Ziweixing Digital Media will not be able to get in, and they will not be able to shoot enough material. It will be very difficult to operate, and the club can only do it by itself.

Zhou Buqi made a clear statement, saying that he believed in Lang Weiyi's ability and that it would be enough to be responsible for operating Twitter, YouTube, YikYak, Ucgram, Tumblr, Facebook and other platforms.

If the sports department is still blocking it without any reason, then tell him directly and they will cut the knot quickly!

This is Manchester United's highest decision.

Whoever stands in his way will die.

Lang Weiyi seemed dissatisfied.

Zhou Buqi was a little strange, "Do you have any questions?"

Lang Weiyi said hesitantly: "Manchester United... I like football very much, but I would rather work at Ziwei Star. That's where I feel my sense of belonging."

Zhou Buqi said: "This is a good opportunity to make a jump. If you go to Ziweixing, you will have to start from scratch. Manchester United's commercial headquarters is in London, and your workplace is also in London."

"It doesn't matter if you start from scratch, at least there is plenty of room for improvement."


Zhou Buqi immediately understood what this kid meant.

He dislikes working at Manchester United and having no development prospects!

Also, it is impossible for Manchester United to hire a Chinese as CEO, right? The bosses are all Chinese, so they must find an Englishman to manage the team. This is the best organizational structure to cater to the market.

He couldn't even be promoted to president of Manchester United's commercial division.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I said, this is an opportunity to make a leap. If you do it well at Manchester United, you will have a foundation for job-hopping. At least from Manchester United to Ziweixing Digital Media, you can cross without any threshold. Moreover, in Manchester United's new media promotion work also creates value for Ziweixing."


Lang Weiyi was a little puzzled.

Zhou Buqi said: "When publishing content on a number of social platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Ucgram, Helo, Goal, etc., a matrix effect can be produced."

Lang Weiyi didn't understand even more, "Matrix effect?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It means supporting each other, channeling each other, relying on each other, just like a formation set up for a march. For example, if you post a picture of Rooney on Twitter, it will be marked as reprinted from Ucgram. You can even indicate that it is more recent. For more player pictures, you can follow Manchester United’s official account on Ucgram. In this way, we use the public nature of Twitter to promote Ucgram.”

This idea does not work in the country.

Direct traffic to competing products and block them directly.

But it doesn’t matter overseas, no one dares to play the trick of blocking. Even though they know that Twitter and YikYak are in a life-and-death competition, users can just post various links about YikYak on Twitter and use the competitor's platform and traffic to improve themselves.

Manchester United can use its own influence to connect with all social platforms and consciously guide fans to move closer to Ziweixing's community platform. Ziweixing’s platform has higher quality and more professional content. Use tendentious content placement to provide secret help to Ziweixing.

Lang Weiyi nodded, "I feel this idea is feasible."

Zhou Buqi said: "New media has many marketing methods, which are often incompatible with traditional media. The so-called matrix effect is not only cross-platform, but also cross-account."


"Today's social media are all using the form of information flow, and they push content to users in a targeted manner. Therefore, there is a matrix of multiple accounts. The more accounts, the greater the chance of being pushed."

"Information flow? Is it like a friend network?"

Lang Weiyi is no stranger to this. This thing was pioneered by Ziweixing.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Yes, Facebook and Twitter are all in this mode now. This will become a habit in the future. It will be like this on all platforms. It must be a personalized information flow."

Lang Weiyi said thoughtfully: "Then the content cannot be homogenized."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's not necessary. Necessary repetition can deepen the brand value. Also, you are an official media account, and a lot of content is not suitable for posting. However, you want to post some content, what should you do?"

Lang Weiyi understood immediately, "Looking for a third-party partner?"

This is the traditional model.

For example, Manchester United cooperates with many media reporters. Manchester United usually provides some content and earns them royalties. When Manchester United is in need, they will also help write articles to speak out for Manchester United.

However, the articles written by these regular media reporters have a bottom line, and they cannot publish low-end content in some regular newspapers.

New media is different.

Many big Vs just get paid to do things. They will do whatever you ask them to do, and they will scold whoever you ask them to scold. This gives the media greater room to operate in the realm of public opinion.

Zhou Buqi said: "A detailed analysis of the specific situation shows that there are many ways to play in new media. We should make more use of third-party big Vs to enhance our own influence. Just like when you are looking for a girlfriend, no matter how you brag about yourself, it will be difficult for her to win. Children believe it. But if some public figures praise you for being so good, girls will believe it. You should use the words of a third party to show your own advantages, which will have more credibility and guide public opinion."


"I'll give you an example. For example, a certain player doesn't want to renew his contract, doesn't want to leave a transfer fee to the team, and wants to leave the team for free after the contract expires. What should I do? If the legal approach doesn't solve the problem, then the only solution is to rely on public opinion. Ways. Find more third-party big Vs to post content, scold the player, say he is ungrateful and profit-seeking, and exert influence on public opinion. Public opinion will be linked to the public value of the player."

Lang Weiyi took a deep breath, "I understand."

"So, that's it?"


"Work tomorrow?"

"Next Monday."


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