Top of the big era

Chapter 1638 The one who strengthens himself is ten thousand strong

Ning Lu said weakly: "It's a bit like the theory of victim guilt."

"Yeah, sort of."

"Then how to understand? There has been a very popular incident on Weibo these days. A girl wore revealing clothes in the summer and was molested when she went to a nightclub at night. Many people scolded the girl and said that she was dressed like this in the middle of the night. You deserve to be hurt if you go to that kind of place."

As a woman, Ning Lu was very dissatisfied with this argument that the victim was guilty.

Why can’t women go to nightclubs?

Men can go shopping shirtless in large underpants, but is it considered immoral for women to wear suspenders? Do you deserve to be bullied? How can this make sense?

This is really a relatively complex social phenomenon. If we use simple equality between men and women to deal with it, so that women can go shopping shirtless like men... This is not protecting women, it is hurting.

However, many extreme feminists or extreme anti-feminists will always simply engage in binary opposition on this issue, and there are serious differences.

Zhou Buqi said: "The law can punish the bad guys, but the law cannot make the victim's harm disappear completely. The perpetrator is guilty and the victim is innocent. But, so what? If a self-protection mechanism cannot be established, we cannot If you realize your mistakes and correct them, the victim will only be hurt over and over again.”

The matter of women's rights is relatively sensitive and can easily lead to disagreements when it comes to interpretation, so he gave another example.

It's like a guy is walking in a crosswalk and a truck comes rushing towards him and everyone is yelling at him to get out of the way. But he said calmly: "He can't bump into me! If he bumps into me, it's against the law! You can't ask me to leave. You are infringing on my freedom in public space, and I won't let you!"

What's the point of this?

Yes, in this case, all the blame was borne by the truck. The victim was pursuing his due rights and he was not guilty. So what? He was really hit and killed!

Zhou Buqi said: "The complexity of human nature and society cannot be described accurately in any language. Everything has a different perspective. The richest man Li encountered a kidnapper and lost hundreds of millions. He did not call the police , did not seek the protection of the law, but he reflected on himself, corrected his mistakes, and would never suffer similar harm again in his life. Some people sought the protection of the law and punished the bad guys. But punishing the bad guys has a negative impact on the individual victim. What kind of substantial benefits can be gained? The pleasure of revenge? What is the meaning of this? If he does not reflect and change, he may be even more hurt in the future."

Ning Lu said softly: "Yes, if a girl doesn't even know how to protect herself and only thinks about the law, society and Prince Charming to uphold justice, that would be such a fairy tale."

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course feminism is right, but we must be wary of the collective concept of feminism. Once an individual falls into group thinking, it is easy to become a blindly obedient mob. Some people will never grow up in their entire lives. They only dare to hide. Enjoy the shade under the big tree of collective thinking. Some people can grow every day. This must come from the inner spur and self-growth of the individual. In the final analysis, people still have to rely on themselves throughout their lives, and those who strengthen themselves will always be strong."

Sun Wanran only cares about her own family affairs. Her mental outlook has undergone some changes. She said calmly: "I know, I will no longer be kidnapped by the so-called family ties and family ethics."

"how do you want to do it?"

"No! Learn from Sister Yaxian and don't borrow a penny. I won't give them another chance to punish me."

"Ahem, that's not the case." Zhou Buqi didn't expect this girl to be so decisive, and said with a smile, "There are also parents' relationships, so we have to consider them. I also asked some big business people Boss, almost everyone encounters this kind of problem."

Sun Wanran was very interested, "How did they do it?"

Zhou Buqi thought for a moment, "There are probably four solutions..."

Sun Wanran blinked, "What is it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "First of all, it's like Yaxian, who doesn't borrow a penny. If you get seriously ill, or if your child goes to school, you can give money. But it's not about helping the poor."


"Second, there is a fixed limit. As Lao Yu said, all relatives, classmates, and fellow villagers who come to borrow money will have a limit of 100,000. There is a standard, and both parties have expectations."

Sun Wanran's beautiful eyes lit up and she stopped crying. She said happily: "This strategy is very good. It has a quota limit and is fair and just. My money is not blown by the wind, and it cannot have an unlimited limit."

Zhou Buqi continued: "The third point is a one-time loan. You only borrow it once, and you come and go. I borrowed money, and you have to pay it back to me. If you don't pay it back, you won't borrow it next time. Finally, The important thing is to put the rules out in the open, make them clear, and don’t keep repeating them over and over again.”

Sun Wanran nodded lightly, "Well, that's good too."

Zhou Buqi said: "The fourth point is the method adopted by my grandfather and father. I think this method is the best. It is most in line with the domestic cultural traditions and can best get along with relatives."

Sun Wanran seemed to know something and asked tentatively: "Send money?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, give money. Unless it is a serious illness or disaster, we will not lend money and we cannot spoil them. However, after all, they are all real relatives and have blood relations, so we still have to help. Every time During the New Year holidays, I would go door-to-door to deliver money. Each family would receive 20,000 or 30,000 yuan. It’s a bit like the ancient emperor’s reward. I can give it to you, but you can’t take it. It’s easy to establish a very strong relationship. An authoritative relationship of gratitude.”

Sun Wanran almost fainted, "What's so grateful about? They are all relatives."

"The more you value your relatives, the easier it is for you to be kidnapped by them with affection. This is just like picking up girls. You cannot be a licking dog. Licking a dog will gain nothing. The principles are the same."


Sun Wanran raised his eyebrows.


Ning Lu opened her eyes wide.

"Huh?" Ning Yaxian said jokingly, half-smiling, "Big boss, if you keep talking, all your tricks will be revealed."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's it anyway, think about it yourself. Whether it's a relative borrowing money, or a friend or classmate asking you for help, the principles are the same."

When he arrived in Los Angeles, Zhou Buqi chaired the board of directors of Ziweixing Global and officially approved Ziweixing Global's purchase of 19.4 million shares of Netflix's private placement at a price of US$820 million. The total share capital is approximately 24.64%.

If this issue is passed, Boss Zhou's true colors will be revealed.

His ambitions for the streaming business are unabashed. With the passing of the board of directors' resolution, more business cooperation will follow. Ziweixing Global will use most of its copyrights to support Netflix's streaming media business.

However, Ziweixing Global is not a listed company and this matter has not been made public.

Zhou Buqi still needs to go to Netflix to clear up the details of the cooperation. The most important point is how much will Netflix pay to lease this part of the streaming rights?

Even for strategic cooperation, such a large asset authorization will require high fees. The US$800 million that Ziweixing Global paid to Netflix may be recovered in two or three years.

Netflix hopes that the price will be lower so that they can have more cash flow to expand the market faster.

From Zhou Buqi's point of view, these are all trivial matters.

In the face of an absolutely correct grand strategy, it doesn't matter who suffers more and who makes more. The most important thing is to get this thing done.

However, before leaving Los Angeles, Zhou Buqi suddenly received a call from Xu Baihui, "Boss Zhou, where are you? The Bay Area or Los Angeles."

"I'm in Hollywood."

"That's just right, please work hard."

"What's up?"

"A project invested by Plate is called "The Expendables." This movie will also be released in China. It brings together many action stars and is produced by Lionsgate Pictures."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, I know, Li Lianjie also starred."

Xu Baihui said: "Yes, this is the movie. The market expectations for the movie are very high, and a sequel will be made. In the sequel, there will be an additional female member of the Suicide Squad."


"This female team member is recommended by me, Yu Nan, an actress from our country."

Zhou Buqi said: "Oh, I know her. She is a great actress. She is the one who played "No Man's Land"."

Xu Baihui said with a smile: "Yes, that's her, her acting skills are so good. The domestic film approval price of "The Expendables" is 500,000 US dollars, which is a sky-high price. The production team of "The Expendables" believes that it can further expand into the mainland The market agreed to let Yu Nan play a role."

There are generally two channels for foreign films to be released in China.

One is the account sharing model, which is based on the box office revenue, and the two parties share it according to the copyright ratio. Generally, excellent Hollywood blockbusters can get 25% of the account, and less popular ones can only get 13% of the account.

However, the quota for split-account films is very small, only 20.

In addition to the 20 accounts, there are also 30 film approval quotas. That is, domestic film companies buy foreign films in the name of wholesale, and all profits from domestic screenings belong to the domestic film companies.

Many films with relatively small production budgets cannot get quotas for split films, and they don’t want to waste this huge film market, so they can only adopt the batch film model.

The film approval price for "The Expendables" is $500,000, which is a sky-high price.

"Any questions?"

"The night before yesterday, a producer of "The Expendables" said he wanted to discuss the script with her, so he called her to the hotel room, and then he had bad intentions. Sister Yu Nan also had a bad temper, so she beat and kicked him She lost her legs. She is an old man, and she seems to be in poor health. Not only does she need to be fired, but she also seems to be sued. She is in quite a lot of trouble now."

"What?" Zhou Buqi's temper suddenly rose, "Okay, I know this matter, I will solve it! He also sues, it's good if I don't sue him!"

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