Top of the big era

Chapter 1639 What a charm

Miss Yu Nan felt a little guilty and regretful. She really shouldn't have been so impulsive.

No matter what, you can't hit people?

The other person was a fat old man, who looked to be in his fifties or sixties. This kick in the stomach might cause trouble.

As for the other party threatening to sue, I'm not afraid of that.

The other party was considered a respectable person. He was suspected of sexual harassment and would not make the matter a big deal. Even considering the cost of film production, she may not even terminate the contract, and she may still be able to continue filming "The Expendables 2".

However, if something like this happens, there may not be a next time.

Maybe the screenwriter is already revising the script, and will write his character to death in this movie, and then there will be no more.

The journey to Hollywood ends here, and I can only develop in China from now on.

I’m so unwilling!

In the past few years, her career has been on the rise and she has become famous internationally. Judging from her appearance and figure, she is also very international, more international than the international chapter, and comparable to Gong Li.

Unexpectedly, once I came to Hollywood, my international career would come to an abrupt end.

Then, she received a call from her agent.

"Who?" Yu Nan was stunned for a moment and didn't respond, "Mr. Zhou? Which Mr. Zhou?"

The manager laughed and scolded: "Which CEO are you talking about? The most powerful one! The big boss of Ziweixing Global!"

"He?" Yu Nan screamed, "Mr. Zhou? Have you contacted Mr. Zhou?"

The agent said: "Mr. Xu helped me contact you. After telling me about you, Mr. Zhou is willing to help you. Where are you? Are you in the hotel?"

"Yes, I'm packing my things and getting ready to go."

"Where to go?"

"The crew and the big producer want to talk to me. From his tone, it seems like he doesn't want to terminate my contract."

Yu Nan is not a first-line star, and she doesn't even have an assistant when she goes out. However, her English is very good and there is no problem in communication.

The agent said: "Don't go there yet."

"Don't go? Are you not angry anymore? You still wanted to use me, but now you may have decided to terminate the contract."

"Idiot, you're just a producer, what does it matter? Mr. Zhou wants to see you!"


"2pm, at Café Bourgeois."

Yu Nan felt a little confused, "Should I go alone?"

The agent said: "It's okay. After you go, someone should pick you up. When the time comes, just follow Mr. Zhou's arrangements."

"Huh?" Yu Nan vaguely heard something from the agent's tone. After hesitating for a moment, he still asked tentatively in a low voice: "Sister Gao, Mr. Zhou...what will Mr. Zhou arrange?"

The agent said: "How do I know? You'll know when you go there."



"Does Mr. Zhou have a crush on me?"

They were all in this circle and knew the deals under the table, which made Yu Nan feel somewhat uneasy. This is really possible!

When a person is in a foreign country and goes to an appointment alone, it is inevitable that people will have this kind of association.

The agent was silent for a moment, "I'm not sure, Mr. Xu didn't say anything."

Yu Nan asked: "What should we do?"

The agent said: "You don't need to worry unnecessarily. Who is Mr. Zhou's identity? Can he still embarrass you? If he really means this... the most he can do is give a hint while drinking coffee. Then you can think about it yourself. If you are interested, just do it. Be proactive; if you don't have the intention, just say a few nice words to save Mr. Zhou's face."

Yu Nan took a deep breath, "Yes, I understand."

After ending the call, she sat in silence in the guest room for half an hour. I looked up and found that it was already past 12 o'clock, so I quickly called for a meal in the hotel room, had a simple meal, then gritted my teeth and stamped my feet, and went to the bathroom to take a clean bath.

Then he came out wrapped in a bath towel, took out the cosmetics in the box, and carefully worked on them in front of the big mirror.

By the time I finished all this, it was already past 1 p.m.

She quickly made a call to the producer of "The Expendables 2" and said that something happened at the last minute, which made the other person very angry. But she didn't have time to explain any more. After ending the call, she quickly found a black dress that best reflected her figure and sexy charm, and put on a pair of black sunglasses.

Standing in front of the big mirror, I feel that the beauty in the mirror is charming and graceful, with flaming red lips, very attractive.

about there!

She simply sprayed some perfume on her body before setting off.

When we arrived at the cafe, we were still 3 minutes late.

She was a little anxious, and when she arrived, she wanted to rush in, but was stopped by a man wearing a black shirt and black trousers, who asked her if she was Miss Yu Nan.

Then, he was led to the innermost position of Boss Zhou.

Yu Nan felt that her heart was about to jump out of her throat. She bowed and said respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Zhou. I am Yu Nan and I am an actor."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Miss Yu, you're welcome, don't be nervous, I've seen several movies you've acted in, and I think you're one of the most outstanding actresses in China."

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Zhou."

Yu Nan is actually very energetic. She is also from the Northeast and has a very forthright personality. However, in front of the famous Boss Zhou, she was really nervous and bowed to him again.

"Don't be nervous. What would you like to drink?"

"Oh, American style is fine."

Yu Nan took a deep breath.

Looking left and right, I found that the nearby tables were all empty, and the two tables closest to here had a total of six or seven people. They were all dressed in black shirts and black trousers, similar to the person who led me here. Same.

More importantly, they are all white and have bulging waists.

Most likely a pistol.

Are they all Mr. Zhou's bodyguards?

It’s so mighty and domineering!

Zhou Buqi was originally planning to go to the Bay Area, but suddenly he received a new job and postponed his trip for half a day. Half a day is enough to solve this matter. Yu Nan is an actress contracted by Jieyu Media. She was bullied in Hollywood. What can she do?

"Xu Baihui called me and told me that the producer of "Suicide Squad" wants to bully you?"

"It's not a big producer, it's an executive producer of "The Expendables." He's from Lionsgate. He asked me to go to his room that night. After I went there, he made me drink alcohol and tampered with him."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "What do you want to do? Tell me."

"Me?" Yu Nan was still very nervous and felt that her thinking was a bit rigid. "I... I can do anything. I will listen to Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "You were bullied, how do you want to take revenge?"

Yu Nan was a little embarrassed, "I slapped him in the face and kicked him. I have filmed a lot of action movies and I always practice physical strength. That kick was very hard. I heard that he went to the hospital for a check-up."

"Well, what else do you want?"

"I want to give it a try and seize the opportunity of The Expendables 2."



Yu Nan was slightly startled, not quite understanding what Boss Zhou meant.

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, let me make a suggestion and see if it works. You haven't lost anything in this matter. You've also kicked the other party and hurt him, so there's no need to make a big fuss. Fire him and you can continue filming. How's your experience with The Expendables 2?"

Yu Nan was shocked, "Mr. Zhou..."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "If you are not satisfied, there are other ways. You should know that Ziweixing Global is my company, and I still have some say in Hollywood. If you really want to pursue it, I will be in Hollywood Get in touch and ban this Lionsgate producer and get him out of Hollywood. If that doesn’t work, sue him and ruin his reputation.”

He said it easily.

This is really not a difficult task.

In Hollywood, filmmakers such as producers, directors, screenwriters, and actors are all at the mercy of others. In the industry, they are called "Cards", which means that these people are all playing cards.

The big boss of the movie company is the one who plays cards.

Boss Zhou wants to take action against a small producer at Lionsgate Pictures, and there are 10,000 ways to finish him off.

Yu Nan shuddered. She didn't expect Mr. Zhou to be so crisp and clear, and was speechless.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said frankly: "Of course, I think there is no need to make this matter a big deal. It will also be detrimental to your future development in Hollywood. Unwritten rules are common both at home and abroad. Since you haven’t lost anything, it’s best to minimize the big deal.”

Yu Nan nodded repeatedly, "Yes, big things are reduced to small things, small things are reduced to small things."

How could she have thought about this?

Before that, she didn't want to punish the other party. Her only purpose was that the other party could be tolerant and not hold her too accountable.

"Okay, let's do it."

Zhou Buqi is very busy and has no time to deal with such trivial matters personally. It is enough to reach an agreement with her. Then, he took her to the headquarters of Ziweixing Global and found Bob Friedman.

He is the president of MGM and Summit Entertainment. When he was in charge of Summit Entertainment, he had a close relationship with Lionsgate Pictures.

Zhou Buqi handed Yu Nan over to him and asked him to handle the matter. He even said harsh words, "She is my friend, no one can bully her!"

Bob Friedman immediately understood, "Okay, I'll take care of it!"

Zhou Buqi continued: "She has very good acting skills and a good image. If there are suitable opportunities, I can work with her more."

The domestic film market is already showing signs of growth. In the past, if a film had a box office of over 100 million, it would be big news. It's different now. Any movie can have a box office of over 100 million.

Under this momentum, Hollywood giants have also begun to focus on the domestic box office market and will use domestic actors in Hollywood blockbusters to please domestic audiences.

Actors like Shuang Bing, Da Baobei, and Jing Tian who lacked acting skills have all had opportunities in many Hollywood blockbusters, and they have simply ruined the movies.

The matter is settled.

Zhou Buqi looked at the time and wanted to go to the airport.

Yu Nan rushed out and said, "Mr. Zhou! can I thank you?"

Zhou Buqi turned around and waved to her, "Have a good time filming."

Looking at Mr. Zhou's free and easy back as he left, Yu Nan had complicated thoughts and murmured to himself: "What a big boss, so charming and elegant!"

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