Top of the big era

Chapter 157 Sharing Economy

Having said that, apart from national feelings, Zhou Buqi must have his own considerations.

This college student innovation and entrepreneurship training program belongs to the framework of the great power strategy, and its purpose is to find and incubate good projects that can lead the trend of the next era on the platform of college students.

The state will give corresponding support to retain talents and focus on the future.

The reason why he didn't plan to let participate is because the technical content of is not high, and group buying activities are flourishing, and the core is operation, not technology. On the other hand, President Hu also said that relevant departments are paying close attention to it, and if the so-called computer group buying activity really has a future, it will push it to colleges and universities across the country with policy force.

Xiaonei has basically succeeded!

There is no need to use the platform of the College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program to express themselves.

During this period of time, Zhou Buqi is building a big plan, first to solve the travel problem of riders in the food delivery business, and second, to fulfill the promise of making Wen Zhixia the queen of sharing.

Coincidentally, the opportunity has come!

This national-level project involves many national ministries and commissions, and the central government pays close attention to it.

If you can stand out in this event, you can enjoy another wave of policy dividends.

What Zhou Buqi's big plan needs most is policy support.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"In the past, economic theories and business models were constructed mainly by Westerners. We could only follow behind and keep learning and copying. Now, the motherland is getting stronger and stronger, and the nation is gradually rejuvenating. Lenovo also represents China. The enterprise stands proudly on the big stage of the world. Now, the time is ripe, and I, Zhou Buqi, want to represent China and guide the economic model of the next era!"

President Hu laughed angrily, and said angrily: "You can just represent Beike, and the country doesn't need you to represent it! You are not old, and your tone is not small. You have read too many sketches by Mr. Zhao, and you are the best of both worlds? "

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "Principal Hu, what I said is true. I want to invent a new economic model called the sharing economy!"


Principal Hu made an unkind criticism.

The so-called sharing economy was proposed by Americans decades ago.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, Lao Mei said it before, but they are only in the theoretical stage, and have not practiced it!"

Principal Hu immediately understood his intentions, and couldn't help but widen his eyes, "You mean... for this entry, you want to practice a sharing economy project?"

"That's right!"

Zhou Buqi answered loudly.

Principal Hu couldn't help taking a breath, his expression excited!

This kid really has a great idea!

The sharing economy was proposed by Americans in the late 1970s. Over the past few decades, foreign entrepreneurs have tried to make breakthroughs in this field, but failed repeatedly.

Just imagine, if the sharing model that the American elites have not developed is developed by a college student in China, and this matter is promoted and publicized under the guidance of national public opinion, what kind of effect will it produce?

National sentiment will be at an all-time high!

Whether they are domestic elites or overseas students, they will definitely look at their country with admiration and look forward to the future.

This is the same reason as Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's computer division.

An old American company was acquired by a Chinese IT company!

The sharing model that Americans can't play has taken root on Huaxia's university campuses!

In this day and age, is there anything that can boost national morale more than this kind of thing?

Olympic achievements and military expansion can only rejoice the masses at the bottom.

What can really excite the elites is this dawn-like achievement of civilization.

Only this kind of big event that leads the global trend and stands proudly in the forest of the world can make those college students who are still studying in China full of expectations for the motherland, and let those elites who have lost their overseas eyes return to the country.

In the United States, the people at the bottom are terribly stupid, a bunch of big fools. Random interviews on the street, asking them to name the names of three countries, their answers are basically the United States, New York, Paris, Florida, Las Vegas... At most, they can name one more China.

The strength of the United States lies in attracting elites from all over the world.

Let a top elite play with a group of big American idiots, and they can also lead the idiots to live an earnest and prosperous life.

The masses are mobs, and only the elite has enough reserves to lead the mob into a new era and make the country better and better.

Cultivating elites is the meaning of universities.

But how to retain those hard-working talents is the most urgent problem that the country needs to solve at present.

President Hu has been deeply involved in education for decades, and he has a lot of experience.

He deeply knows how important the national significance will be if Zhou Buqi's sharing model project is really implemented!


You kid, don't let go of the cannon?

The slogan was jingled, and two farts were released as a result. Isn't this a joke?

Can you play a model that Americans can't play?

Zhou Buqi saw his suspicion and smiled slightly: "Principal, let me tell you the truth. I thought about this matter last semester. Even if there is no entrepreneurship competition this time, I must do it. You Don’t take the sharing economy so mysteriously. What Xiaonei is doing now is actually sharing. Social platforms, you can share your life with friends; group buying activities, you can share preferential products with others. Including second-hand book platforms and intermediaries in the future Platforms, etc., are all shared thinking. The core positioning of Ziweixing Technology is to lead the next era, which is the sharing economy!"

Principal Hu waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about these nonsense, just tell me, what are you going to do this time? Which direction?"

"Go out."


Zhou Buqi said slowly: "The sharing economy is a big topic. If I have the opportunity, I can give a speech. Cars, houses, food, even selfies, life videos, personal perception...these can all be shared. Ziweixing also It is in its infancy, and it will choose a relatively simple project to enter the market, using the university campus as a blueprint to launch shared bicycles.”

"Bicycle sharing?" Principal Hu frowned, understood briefly, and nodded secretly, "Yes, there are thousands of bicycles on campus, and most of them are idle. The owners don't need them, but those who want to ride them don't." There is no car. If it can be shared, it will indeed facilitate short-distance travel for students.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said nothing.

Principal Hu also realized what was wrong, and frowned, "But how does this work? Who wants to share their car for others to ride? What if it is broken? What if it is lost? I want to use it, but it is ridden away by others What should I do? Xiao Zhou, the sharing mode is not easy!"

Zhou Buqi pointed to himself, and said calmly: "Principal, I have already thought about it."

"Oh? How?"

"I went to the bicycle factory to order a batch of uniform bicycles, and distributed them to the campus for free. My bicycles are shared with the teachers and students of the school!"

"Are you here to supply the car?"

Principal Hu opened his eyes wide, very surprised.

This kid has such a big pen?

How much does it cost?

Zhou Buqi said loudly: "Students only need to apply for the card, and they can swipe the card to unlock it, and then they can go on a short trip by bike. The principal, there are all kinds of bicycles in the school, all kinds of, in a mess. From In terms of the image of the school, it is not beautiful. If my project is completed, the bicycles of the whole school can be unified and orderly, which will become a beautiful landscape of the school.”

Principal Hu was speechless in a daze.

How did this kid's head grow?

This idea is too accurate!

This is no longer a question of participating in the competition. Once the bike-sharing plan is really launched, the school image of Beike will rise with the tide.

Just imagine, if the college students of Beike can swipe their cards to use the shared bicycles, and they can all ride the same bicycles for travel... What a spectacular and beautiful picture it would be?

At that time, the leaders of the ministries and commissions and even higher levels will have to visit the school in person.

This scene was photographed by a reporter and sent to the whole world, and the Beike campus might become an instant hit!

If the project of sharing bicycles is really implemented, it will not only be of national significance.

For the school, it also has a special meaning!

This is an image project, and it is also a public welfare project!

"Xiao Zhou, this is all your own thinking?" Principal Hu couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that this student is only 19 years old this year. His perspective on problems is too sharp, and he always hits people's hearts directly. It is impossible for people to refuse ah.

Zhou Buqi didn't blush and said, "Yes, it's my idea."

This is pure fart.

In the previous life, the reputation of shared bicycles was disastrous, and ofo's small yellow car owed billions of deposits and did not pay back.

However, in 2014, when the small yellow car ofo first appeared at Peking University, it was like a thunderbolt. It exploded in a short period of time and caused a sensation in Beijing.

Furthermore, it led to a carnival of capital!

With an unprecedented attitude, shared bicycles have set off an unprecedented war of burning money. Dozens of shared bicycle brands have emerged in the country.

The state apparatus has also been launched with a high profile, and vigorous positive publicity has been launched both at home and abroad.

Not only the news broadcasts and major media platforms, but also repeatedly sang praises for shared bicycles in the Spring Festival Gala, which has become a symbolic event of national civilization and progress in the new era.

It can be said that shared bicycles are definitely a major symbol of China in the mobile Internet era, just like mobile payment, which is unique in the world.

It means so much.

It is only 2005, and the national quality needs to be further improved, but this does not hinder the deployment in universities. College students have the need to go out for short distances every day, which is definitely the core market in the field of shared bicycles.

It can be deployed early to build a brand.

Just like other business sectors of, we should first cultivate the campus deeply and understand the model thoroughly.

When the time is right, go out of the campus.

University is a sharpening stone.

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