Top of the big era

Chapter 156 Entrepreneurs must have family and country feelings

"Principal, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I saw your group buying event, and it went well."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Principal Hu, Beike is the headquarters of Xiaonei. The school doesn't say anything about it? Purchasing computers on the school's Internet is definitely cheaper than connecting with dealers outside."

President Hu was instructing documents, and looked up at him, "Yesterday, at the principal's office meeting, we focused on your school intranet. The organization believes that the emergence of school intranet is good for college students and should be given greater support. "

Zhou Buqi said in surprise: "Really? Principal Hu, please report the number. How many computers does the school need to buy?"

Principal Hu said angrily: "Pay attention to your identity, you are a college student, not a businessman with a small profit, are you taking advantage of money?"

"Then I have to make money, right? If I don't make money, how can I maintain the normal operation of Xiaonei?" Zhou Buqi said aggrievedly.

Principal Hu sighed, and holding the large tea mug that had been used for decades with its paint peeling off, he got up and came to the sofa, sat next to him, and said calmly: "The reason why the principal's office meeting yesterday focused on The reason for discussing Xiaonei is that your group buying activity has attracted the attention of the Ministry."

"Ministry... Ministry? Ministry of Education?"

"College students are the future of the country and the hope for the rise of the nation. This is a consensus. It is the consistent attitude of the central government to provide college students with a good learning atmosphere and living conditions. Especially after the new century, the central government calls for educational reform and revitalization of education. It’s just the in-depth development of academics and the inclination of educational resources.”

"Principal Hu, just tell me clearly, I'm still young, and I don't understand these big arguments."

President Hu glared angrily, "This time, I have to set down the price for the group purchase of computers! To let college students buy the cheapest computers, at the same time, we must ensure the quality and quantity, and do a good job in after-sales! Relevant departments will conduct an evaluation, and if they pass Yes, the Ministry will provide relevant policy support, so that high-quality and cheap computers can be sold to college students across the country, not just college students in the capital, do you understand?"

"Understood! I understand so well!" Zhou Buqi nodded again and again, rubbing his hands excitedly, "Okay, that's great! Dude, I have worked hard for half a year, and finally got official approval! Congratulations!"

Why is 5Q so popular?

Why does the number of users exceed 10 million?

Isn't it because B.T peer-to-peer downloading has greatly solved the problem of downloading for college students and won official approval before it was promoted nationwide?

Xiaonei does not need extra care, it only needs to get the same policy support as 5Q, and that is flying dragons in the sky!

Principal Hu made a sullen face, and criticized: "Zhou Buqi, you are considered to be a little accomplished now, what do you look like when you are frizzy? I know you are still young, but you must always pay attention to your identity and be steady!" "

Zhou Buqi quickly accepted it with an open mind and a sincere attitude.

It's funny in my heart.


He has been a human being in two lives, and his experience is far more complicated than that of his peers. How could he be so unbearable?

This is the philosophy of communication with leaders.

In front of the leader, you must not perform better than the leader.

For example, Zhou Buqi, now he has established a school network, and the group buying activity he launched even shocked the Ministry of Education. This is definitely a great honor for Beike!

The more it is at this time, the less you can be proud. Instead, you should magnify some of your shortcomings and give the leaders the opportunity to criticize and educate yourself.

Highlight the better leadership.

So, don't look at Principal Hu's sullen face and stern words to reprimand him now, but it is a kind of concern for the elders for the juniors, and for the teachers and students.

The relationship is strong.

"Besides the group buying activity, there is one more thing, I asked you for help..."

Before Principal Hu finished speaking, Zhou Buqi quickly interrupted, "Principal Hu, please don't say that. Since I came to school, I have made you worry a lot. You are the vice-principal. In my heart, I am an amiable elder. If you have anything to do, just tell me to do it. "

This one set.

Principal Hu was secretly amused, but he also admired it secretly.

Although this kind of cliché sounds a bit ridiculous, and it is suspected of flattering, but to work hard in society, you must learn to say this kind of cliché. Whether it's a business, workplace or officialdom, it's a process of carrying each other's sedan chairs. Complimenting others is elevating yourself.

"That's right. The central government is going to promote a new phase of the innovation and entrepreneurship training program for college students. Beike is a university directly under the Ministry of Education and can apply for participation in the national college students' innovation and entrepreneurship training program..."

This time, Principal Hu spoke eloquently and at length.

The National University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program is aimed at 985 and 211-level national key universities. It is directly led by the central ministries and commissions and is divided into three parts: innovation training projects, entrepreneurship training projects and entrepreneurship practice projects.

In short, the first two categories are talking on paper, writing business plans, simulating business operations, writing business reports and so on.

The third category is the key point, which is to do it with real knives and guns.

Provincial planning projects are funded by local finance. The national planning projects that top universities like Beijing University participate in are funded by the central government.

For the first type of projects, 10,000 yuan will be allocated to each project; for the second type of projects, 50,000 yuan will be allocated to each project; for the third category, 100,000 yuan will be allocated to each project.

Among them, the number of approved projects are 30000, 4000 and 2000 (approximately).

Through a simple calculation, the central government will spend 700 million yuan for the project allocation alone!

Coupled with other expenditures, the total investment is 1 billion!

Moreover, this event is not in the charge of the Ministry of Education, but supervised by the Government Affairs Council, and co-organized by seven or eight national ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Commerce, which shows that the central government attaches great importance to it.

This is the national will, the strategy of a great power.

Unlike the democratically elected governments in the West, our country is governed by a standard elite. The masses are mobs, and only the elite can lead a country on the most correct path.

The most typical examples are Lenovo and Huawei.

As early as the 1990s, the state provided in-depth policy and financial support to these two companies, and also made different strategic plans for the two companies.

Huawei takes the route of technology, industry and trade, which is the route of technology first, technology second, and trade again. It is rooted in scientific research and focuses on the future.

There has also been internal strife within Lenovo. Is it going to take the route of technology, industry and trade, or the route of trade, industry and technology?

There was a lot of trouble at one time, and they almost broke up.

With official support, Mr. Liu defeated Academician Ni, who pushed technology hard, and Lenovo embarked on the route of trade, industry and technology, that is, trade first, technology second, and the pursuit of technology last.

Grasp the moment and have associations.

Looking to the future, look at Huawei.

In recent years, Lenovo has lived up to high expectations and has become a pillar of the country's IT industry and a banner enterprise. It even acquired the computer division of IBM in the United States and went global.

This made the whole world realize the rise of China, boosted the self-confidence of the nation, and made countless high-achieving students rekindle their confidence in the motherland and choose to return to the country. It also made many foreign elites realize the potential of China and come to work in China.


President Hu said a lot, from the early 1990s when domestic elites lost confidence in their motherland and left overseas one after another, to the bitter journey back to China after the 21st century, he also focused on commenting on Lenovo.

Perhaps Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's computer division, as criticized by many economists, will definitely lose money, and the gains outweigh the losses. But from the perspective of national strategy, this deal is imperative.

It is also because of this that the National Industrial Fund has replenished Lenovo with 20 billion, which is basically equivalent to the 1.75 billion US dollars spent by Lenovo.

"Xiao Zhou, you are very smart, but there is one thing you must learn from Boss Liu. Being able to make money is not the same as being an entrepreneur. A businessman earns money if he has the ability, and he can do it if he has the ability. Awareness, it is also possible to do it. Entrepreneurs must have family and country feelings!"

Taking this opportunity, President Hu expressed his expectations to Zhou Buqi.

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "I know, the reason why Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and Sony computers were not selected for this group buying event, but Lenovo was chosen, there are also considerations in this regard."

"En." President Hu nodded with satisfaction, "According to the practice of previous years, Beike should be able to produce thirty or forty projects to participate in this college students' innovation and entrepreneurship training program. However, I am most optimistic about you. Xiao Zhou Ah, Beike has never won a national special prize, so it depends on your Xiaonei network."


Zhou Buqi frowned, seemingly hesitant.

"What? Is there a problem?" Seeing that his expression was wrong, Principal Hu explained, "You are applying for an entrepreneurial practice project, and you don't need to waste too much time writing a business report. The result is the best proof."

"No, Principal Hu, you misunderstood." Zhou Buqi was a little shy and embarrassed, "I think...wouldn't this be too bullying?"

"Huh? Bullying...bullying people?"

Principal Hu couldn't help being stunned.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, is a mature project, and group buying activities are in full swing. Many newspapers have reported it, and Capital TV news has been published. The reputation of is too great. Isn't this a sledgehammer? It will dampen the enthusiasm of other college students, which is not good. The country has invested heavily in such an event to cultivate more outstanding talents, not to let me To hit their self-confidence. I have to think about the country, and I can't let them all become green leaves. Colorful is dazzling. Principal Hu, do you think this is my family and country sentiment?"

Principal Hu blew his beard and stared angrily.


If you say you are fat, you will be dragged on!

"You don't use Xiaonei, what do you use? Milk tea shops? Let me tell you, this is a competition themed on innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology! Milk tea shops don't meet the requirements!"

"I know, I never thought of letting a milk tea shop compete."


Principal Hu stared at him closely.

Zhou Buqi said loudly: "Principal Hu, you are right. Entrepreneurs must have family and country feelings. I want to prepare a new project that will have an international influence no less than Lenovo's acquisition of IBM!"

Principal Hu was so angry that he almost jumped up and kicked him!


It's almost done, right?

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