Top of the big era

Chapter 1540 Hyped Science Fiction Dream

Ziweixing's brand has been established domestically, but it is not enough overseas. Especially in Europe and the United States, its popularity in the public sphere is far lower than that of giants such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Oracle.

A very important reason is the lack of media value.

If you want to build a brand, you actually mean to constantly "advertise" and brainwash the public over and over again. As time goes by, the public will have a deeper and deeper impression of the brand, and the brand will be established.

But advertising in the conventional sense has a very poor money-making effect.

For example, Coca-Cola invests US$4 billion in advertising every year; Nike invests more than US$10 billion in marketing every year; there are even more car companies, and the Volkswagen Group’s annual marketing investment reaches US$30 billion.

This is too much money.

Why are Internet companies so profitable?

It’s not that you have a strong ability to make money, but that you have a strong ability to save money. Convert the marketing expenses saved every year into your own profits. However, how can you maintain your brand popularity without spending money on advertising?

In fact, it is a traffic play.

Spending money to buy traffic is a simple and crude low-end method. But this is really unaffordable for large companies. If Google didn't have Android's traffic-draining attributes, it wouldn't be enough to buy traffic if it poured all its profits into it every year.

A better way is to let the media around the world take the initiative to promote your company!

Looking at it now, the one who played the best was Steve Jobs.

In fact, there is one person who plays better than Jobs, and that is Musk. This guy has weaved a fantastic technological dream. He wants to land on Mars!

Then I actually went to launch rockets again and again.

Without spending a penny on marketing expenses, it was recognized by the whole world. Several of his companies then received free publicity from numerous media outlets around the world.

The tens of billions of dollars invested in advertising each year by car giants such as Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and other car companies generate less traffic than Musk's slogan "I want to go to Mars."

This is the business miracle of Silicon Valley, and the gameplay behind it is what Internet companies are best at - speculating on concepts!

If you want to succeed in Silicon Valley and become a great giant, you must first have a grand concept. Once you have a concept, you can be embraced by media around the world, save tens of billions of dollars in advertising fees every year, firmly capture the public's attention, and build your company's brand.

Silicon Valley giants all have such "conceptual" attributes.

For example, when you mention e-commerce, you think of Amazon; when you mention search, you think of Google; when you mention operating systems, you think of Microsoft; when you mention portals, you think of Yahoo; when you mention social networks, you think of Facebook; When it comes to databases, Oracle comes to mind...

Ziweixing International currently lacks such a "concept" that has room for speculation.

Concepts such as cloud computing, social networking, games, artificial intelligence, and streaming media have long been known. Ziweixing still lacks such an iconic concept that makes people think of Ziweixing first when mentioning it!

Now, Zhou Buqi has been found.

It’s blockchain!

This thing is a super emerging concept, and no company in the entire Silicon Valley is following it. Only a few enthusiast engineers are boldly exploring and carefully verifying it on the Bitcoin forum following Satoshi Nakamoto.

Ziweixing International wants to grab this concept!

As for whether this thing can make money, it will only be realized in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse in the Year of the Monkey... This is not important at all. The important thing is to create this concept first.

Ziweixing International wants to weave a science fiction-level dream about the future world for the whole world.

Just like Musk's "I want to go to Mars", is it that important whether it can go there and whether it can be realized?

The traffic has been obtained, and Tesla has become synonymous with the future world. Tesla's market value is equal to the sum of the market values ​​of the world's top ten car companies. This is enough.

Even if the dream does not come true in the future and Musk is slapped in the face, so what?

Tesla’s industry status has long been unshakable.

This time, Bitcoin inspired Zhou Buqi.

Investing in Bitcoin is just his personal behavior. He can only make some extra money, which is not important.

The concept of blockchain is Ziweixing's business. It is an important strategic product that gives Ziweixing International the opportunity to share free public media resources with Google, Microsoft and other Silicon Valley giants. This is the most important thing.

Google Glass was a failure. Judging from the financial reports, Google Glass caused a lot of losses to Google and was severely criticized by Wall Street analysts.

But is this thing really a loss?

Wall Street analysts have never evaluated how much free public media traffic a sci-fi product like Google Glass has brought to Google.

So for Zhou Buqi, this matter must be done as soon as possible!

After going to New York, Zhou Buqi didn't delay at all and approved the commission agreement for this year's private equity fund. At the same time, the staff also prepared a total of 118 letters for him, and he signed each of them.

It's the end of the year, and Pluto Capital and Neptune Capital have achieved very good results. The management will send a letter of thanks to shareholders and some small gifts.

Zhou Buqi asked Chen Ran, the CEO of Private Equity, "What gift did you give me?"

Chen Ran explained: "According to your request, they all have Chinese culture. They are all different. This time, we invited 20 calligraphers from China to write for them. We will also send a wave of gifts during the Spring Festival. That is the gift from the reunification, a batch of Chinese New Year porcelain vases fired at JDZ."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Is there a lot of financial pressure for operations?"

These two private equity funds have a fixed annual fund management fee of 2%, which adds up to nearly US$500 million, which is a huge amount.

However, the cost is also high.

There are no low-wage employees working in finance on Wall Street, and new college students have to start with an annual salary of $200,000. The salary of an executive president like Chen Ran was adjusted by Zhen Yu to US$12 million after tax.

Beyond that, there are irrelevant overheads.

The Zhou family now has five private jets.

One is under the name of Ziweixing and is registered in the capital. Now it mainly flies domestically. It is usually used by Wen Zhixia, Shi Jinglin and Wu Yu when they are working in China.

One is owned by SoftBank and registered in the United States. It is Zhen Yu’s special plane and was blackmailed by Zhou Buqi from Sun Zhengyi.

One is under the name of a family foundation and registered in the United States. This is a real family aircraft, mainly deployed by Ning Yaxian. Anyone who wants to travel, go shopping in other places, or go on a family trip can use it.

Two are under the name of Neptune Capital and registered in the UK. One is a large aircraft dedicated to Zhou Buqi, and the other is a business jet for parents. The annual expenses for these two aircraft are about 8 million US dollars.

In addition, Zhen Yu also gave herself 26 million US dollars, which gave her independent capital, and her personal expenses never went out of her family's account.

Chen Ran said with a smile: "It's not big, there is still a balance. With next year's balance, we can pay back the purchase price of the aircraft."


Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment.

Chen Ran explained that when he bought the plane, Neptune Capital paid for it with a bank loan... All kinds of money were borrowed and transferred around. People who are not professionals really can't understand it.

The matter in New York was quickly settled. Zhou Buqi left Senior Sister Zhen Yu behind and took Bao Shan and several secretaries to London and then to Manchester to watch a football match.

Next, I met with Shi Jingmei and her team in Madrid. Chaowan Commune has successfully won blind box orders from Barcelona and Real Madrid, the two La Liga giants.

The conditions given by the two clubs are exactly the same, namely a 7-year contract, a fixed sponsorship fee of 5 million euros per year, and a 12.5% ​​sales share. This is the highest signing condition offered by Chaowan Commune in Europe. It is on the same level as the execution terms between Chaowan Commune and Manchester United starting next season.

First, get all the contracts. Next, take the contracts and go to Wall Street to find money.

The annual fixed expenses for these dozen or so contracts with European giants are 40 million euros. This risk is not small. Once the blind box is not recognized by the market, everything will be lost.

Chaowan Commune cannot bear such risks and must pass the risks to venture capital institutions.

Everyone bears the risks and benefits together.

The player blind box business failed on a large scale, and everyone suffered the losses together; the blind box was recognized by the market and sold well, and everyone made a lot of money together!

Senior Sister Zhen Yu is already handling this matter in New York.

Zhou Buqi wanted to go back to China first to see if any domestic investment institutions were optimistic about this project and would be willing to enter the market.

That's right, Boss Zhou is returning to China.

Looking for investment institutions was just a matter of course. The main thing was to return to the capital and sit down with Ziweixing’s decision-making committee to discuss the conceptual direction of blockchain.

This is a very important matter. The executives in Silicon Valley are not qualified to participate, and Zhou Buqi does not trust them. He has to go back to China to discuss it with his own people.

On the plane, Xue Baoshan looked very tired.

In terms of physical fitness, Sister Bao is a little worse than Sun Wanran, Ning Lu and other secretaries.

This time when I go out, I fly every day. From San Francisco to New York, then to London, Manchester, and then to Madrid, I had to fly back to the capital.

It's equivalent to circling the earth in one week.

Several little secretaries were used to flying around in the sky with Zhou Buqi, but Sister Bao was not used to it. Her face turned yellow and she looked haggard. She was probably confused by jet lag, diet and flying in the sky.

Zhou Buqi felt a little distressed and didn't care about other people's eyes. Without any explanation, he held Sister Bao in his arms and carried her to the bedroom to let her rest more.

Zhou Buqi complained: "Don't follow me everywhere from now on, just have a secretary follow you?"

"No, I'm fine." Xue Baoshan's face turned red, she leaned into his ear and whispered, "I'm on my period, otherwise I'm fine."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's not possible. In the future, you should not take part in long-distance flights that are too frequent. Stay with Aunt Xue at home. When you are free, go to Ziweixing Global and Netflix to investigate and learn more about some streaming services." The business of media.”

"OK, all right."

Xue Baoshan was also really tired. On the one hand, it was due to physical reasons, and on the other hand, it was really torturous to keep flying around.

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