Top of the big era

Chapter 1541 Collective Opposition

Capital, Ziweixing headquarters.

Decision-making committee.

Prior to this, Zhou Buqi had already sent them materials on the technical analysis and application directions of blockchain, and also popularized the concept of a wave of virtual cryptocurrency.

Now, even several members of the decision-making committee who do not understand technology, such as He Yang, Nie Caijun, and Han Leshui, have a certain understanding of blockchain-related information.

The overall feeling is not good.

It feels too mysterious.

No possibility of making money!

The development of an industry is just like the general trend of the country. If we divide for a long time, we must unite, and if we unite for a long time, we must divide. The development of the Internet industry should move from decentralization to centralization bit by bit. Centralization has developed to the extreme, and its shortcomings have gradually been exposed, and decentralization has become popular. When the inefficiency and high-cost disadvantages of decentralization became apparent, they began to develop toward centralization.

Blockchain is a decentralized concept, and cloud computing is a centralized concept.

At present, cloud computing has not yet been truly recognized by the world, the centralization of the Internet world has not yet been established, and the era of blockchain is still too far away.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Whether it can be realized is another matter for another time. The key is to take this cutting-edge technology concept and give Ziweixing the cloak of truly promoting the world's technological revolution."

Everyone understands this kind of thinking, but it always feels like something is not right. Zhang Yiming hesitated and said, "Will this form a value system in the company where people are superfluous?"

He Yang agreed with this view, "I'm worried too."

Guo Pengfei said: "Old Zhou, I know what you mean. In fact, you want to attract public attention and gain the respect of Silicon Valley under the guise of future technology and changing the world. This not only brings media traffic, but also gains the popularity of Silicon Valley elites. We use it to recruit better talents. Then, we actually make money by relying on our core and most pragmatic business. But this... isn't it a bit divisive?"

Tang Binchen, who rushed back from Japan, said: "I think it is divided, which will greatly increase the difficulty of management. The business that really makes money for the company is not the darling of the media. The concept of hype with no expectations and no future has become a star business. From a fairness perspective, it’s also easy to make people panic.”

Ji Zian said calmly: "The business that is most beneficial to the company's development should receive the greatest respect and praise. Rather than the business that is full of doubts and makes everyone confused, it is sought after by everyone like Hollywood stars. We still Be pragmatic."

Wang Xiaochuan has never expressed much. He only focuses on his search business, but this time he also made a rare statement, "Maybe the direction of blockchain is right, maybe the future digital ecology will really become the world of blockchain." But we have to wait until this day comes, and then put the blockchain business in a pivotal position and become a star in the company. Giving star status too early can easily lead to confusion."

He Yang said slowly: "Let the marketing people do the marketing. If the technical staff don't do product and development well, but focus on speculating on concepts, I'm afraid it will form a bad trend. .Everyone wants to be a star, but the company must promote a value concept that only outstanding people can become stars, rather than who will hype who will become a star."

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath.

He did not expect the result to be unanimous opposition.

Indeed, they are right.

There is indeed a big problem with such a value concept, and it may destroy the prosperous situation within the company. This is like a traffic star in the entertainment industry.

Stars in the past all had strong abilities. Not only were they beautiful, they also had to have strong abilities in acting and singing. Everyone had a masterpiece that they could produce.

But traffic stars are different. They don’t have any masterpieces, and they rely on hype to gain attention and become famous.

This method, coupled with the fan model of Internet operation, can easily create a traffic star that is popular all over the country in a short period of time, and then continue to have advertising endorsements and film and television drama appointments.

The final result is that they harm movies, TV series, and the entire industry.

During this period of time, Zhou Buqi has been planning the idea of ​​relying on blockchain to speculate on concepts, which really makes him a bit of a traffic star. Maybe he can really succeed and hype up Ziweixing International's reputation.

But will this be a small gain?

Once this layer of hype is really put on, will other businesses in Ziweixing that are working hard to be affected? Will people feel panic?

Shen Xiangyang analyzed calmly: "Using some cutting-edge concepts to obtain public media resources has been a common marketing method in Silicon Valley for many years. However, it usually happens to startups and small companies. The hype of technology giants often It’s not conceptual hype, but product-type hype. For example, Google Glass, they really made it, but the technology to expand reality is not up to standard and has not been released for a long time; another example is the epoch-making mobile phone that Steve Jobs claimed a few years ago, but the iPhone It is truly an epoch-making product, not just a concept.”

Zhang Yiming agreed very much and said: "If we want to bet on the direction of blockchain, I think we should hype the product rather than the concept."

Nie Caijun said: "With the current financial resources of Ziweixing, it is not appropriate to carry out more cutting-edge exploration. It should be more concentrated."

Han Lexui analyzed: "Whether it is Ziweixing or Ziweixing International, the business lines are already very broad. Especially in overseas markets, many products have not really gained a foothold. It is best not to enter a business that is too cutting-edge and disrupt the balance. "

Zhou Buqi nodded.


He understood without anyone else having to tell him.

At present, Ziweixing International cannot pay too much attention and investment in the blockchain business. At most, it is just a small department with more than a dozen people, just speculating on concepts.

But if the concept of speculation is not suitable, then it is not suitable to launch blockchain products.

The most important blockchain product is, of course, encrypted virtual currency.

But this is impossible.

Ziweixing can launch a trading platform for virtual cryptocurrencies, but it can never launch its own cryptocurrencies such as "Ziweixing Coin". Cryptocurrency has been questioned too much, and there are many retail investors who have been harvested by cryptocurrencies. Ziweixing cannot do such a thing. Ziweixing will not do this, and no technology giant will do this.

Only those start-up companies that have just started their business and are not afraid of wearing shoes anyway dare to do this, and they can reap a fortune.

Since everyone is against it, then give up.

Zhou Buqi respected the opinion of the decision-making committee and said: "What everyone said makes sense, so let's go back to the blockchain plan."

Then, everyone in the meeting breathed a long sigh of relief.

After going to the office, Zhang Yiming, He Yang and Guo Pengfei followed.

Zhou Buqi asked funnyly: "Have you already united?"

Zhang Yiming did not hide anything, he was gentle and calm, "Yes, before you came back, we all studied it and unified our opinions. We also focused on Xu Liangjie's meaning."

"Old Xu?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "What did he say?"

Zhang Yiming said: “He said that you are vague about the future trend of blockchain and the value judgment of Bitcoin.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's indeed vague."

What is the future of blockchain?

have no idea!

In the Internet industry, every few years a new concept will appear that is popular all over the world. Some of them are good concepts, and the industry has exploded and grown, such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, etc.

But more concepts are basically popular and then die.

Who knows how many years blockchain can live?

From a technical point of view, blockchain does have many benefits, the most important of which is its non-modification, such as the e-commerce industry.

In normal e-commerce, there is an intermediary agency between buyers and sellers, such as Amazon or Taobao. The transaction information will be stored in the server of the intermediary institution, which will be used as credit endorsement. When buyers or sellers have problems, they can find an intermediary to solve the problem. If the intermediary changes the data, it will be over, and Tiantian should not respond.

Blockchain e-commerce can achieve true peer-to-peer without the need for intermediaries. Buyers and sellers trade directly, because all transaction information will be stored in servers deployed around the world, making it open and transparent. Whether the buyer or the seller defaults, the whole world will know.

For the sake of personal credit, there will be no default.

But here comes the problem, even if the transaction record cannot be modified, what should we do if someone is determined to breach the contract? The buyer will not pay after receiving the goods, and the seller will not deliver the goods after receiving the money. Even if your personal credit is really lost, the worst case scenario is to change your account. Anyway, Europe and the United States do not have a real-name system. This is a problem that central coordination that lacks an intermediate platform cannot solve.

Even without an intermediary, the cost may be higher than with an intermediary.

Centralized platforms like Amazon and Taobao store transaction data on their own servers. One server is enough. Even if a backup is added, only two servers are needed.

The blockchain platform must store every transaction data on every server in the world that is connected to the blockchain platform, which may be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. In this way, we can avoid the hidden danger of tampering with transaction records by modifying the data of a certain server, thereby ensuring the reliability and security of the data.

This kind of decentralized server application is much larger than the centralized server application. How much extra money will it cost?

As for Bitcoin, Zhou Buqi knew that the price of this thing would rise sharply in the future, so he decided to make some extra money through personal investment. But does Bitcoin have actual value? have no idea! The model of Bitcoin is very similar to that of a Ponzi scheme. Is it a Ponzi scheme disguised as technology? uncertain!

Once Bitcoin really turns into a scam, and "Ziweixing" and "Bitcoin" are equated, then Ziweixing's brand will be finished, and its many years of foundation will be destroyed.

Artificial intelligence and cloud computing are the two core industries of Ziweixing's layout, and Zhou Buqi firmly believes that these two directions represent the future.

His firmness is the confidence of the decision-making committee.

Everyone will continue to move in this direction unswervingly.

But the blockchain is not good. Zhou Buqi himself lacks confidence, and others have even less confidence.

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