Top of the big era

Chapter 1539 There is no crisis in personal finances

Zhou Buqi actually had a lot of things to do, but when he arrived in Silicon Valley, he only lived for half a month, not to mention London, Manchester, Seoul, New York, Tokyo, and even the nearest Los Angeles. He only worked online and through electronic Communicate via email, WeChat, video and phone calls.

On the one hand, my wife and children are around, with three daughters and one son. It is best to spend more time with them. On the one hand, the recent business in Silicon Valley is his focus.

Bitcoin and blockchain are on the one hand, investing in Internet finance is on the other, and there is Netflix’s equity transaction.

In fact, Zhou Buqi already holds enough shares in Netflix, nearly 19 million shares, accounting for more than 30% of the total share capital. Netflix's board of directors and management do not believe that his continued increase in holdings will be beneficial to the company's healthy development.

However, the emergence of Ziweixing Global has changed the structure of the entire Netflix board of directors!

Purple Star Universal has two super film and television libraries, Universal Pictures and MGM, with more than 8,000 movies of various kinds alone. The total number of movies and TV series acquired by Netflix's streaming business is only 3,500.

If Netflix can establish an in-depth strategic partnership with Ziweixing Global, is Netflix still afraid that its streaming media business will not take off?

However, after the exchange, Ziweixing Global's intention was to wait first. The new company has just been established. If it doesn't completely change Hollywood's inherent concept of Internet streaming media in the past few years as soon as it debuts, the impact will be too great.

Stand firm first and keep your eyes on Lucasfilm first.

Netflix just thought it was an excuse.

The next step was easy. Netflix's management proposed on the board of directors to support Zhou Buqi to further increase his holdings of Netflix's shares. Senior sister Zhen Yu has been doing this for the past two months.

On November 28, a multi-party agreement was reached.

The Zhou family fund spent a total of US$420 million, at an average premium of 12%, to buy 9.63 million shares of Netflix stock in the primary market from four institutions. On the day the news was announced, Netflix's share price soared 22%, reaching $52, and Netflix's market value reached $3.2 billion!

The stock price has risen, which is good news for small shareholders.

The outside world has even made predictions.

The strategic cooperation between Netflix and Ziweixing Global is a matter of time!

Then, Wall Street investment banks finally changed their view on Netflix stock in the past half year and gave a "buy" investment recommendation, even setting Netflix's expected stock price at US$85.

However, we can’t rush the matter of cooperation. Let’s wait until the storm has passed. Let’s wait a few months. It would be best to wait for Hulu's management to resign en masse, wait for them to join Ziweixing Global, and let them handle this business.

For Zhou Buqi, he had to deal with a problem quickly.

The family has no money!

Now, the family foundation only has 400 million US dollars left in its account. Even if the 600 million cash in domestic accounts is added, it is still a drop in the bucket. It’s not that the family’s expenses are too high, but that the debt is too high.

The family foundation's total liabilities are as high as $5 billion.

Annual interest payments alone cost $350 million.

Senior Sister Zhen Yu said this when the family was sitting together making dumplings. As soon as these words came out, everyone present except Wen Zhixia and Xue Baoshan changed their expressions.

Seeing that Zhen Yu was cold-hearted, she knew she had made a mistake and quickly said with a smile: "Don't worry, the money problem has been taken care of long ago. The family has made a lot of money this year!"

Although they were both secretaries, Sun Wanran was obviously closer and asked tentatively: "What kind of income is it? It can't be salary income anyway."

Zhen Yu smiled and said, "Well, it's not wages, it's capital gains."

Sun Wanran's beautiful eyes flashed and she said in surprise: "It's a private placement!"

Zhen Yu pursed her lips and said, "Yes, it has been established for one year and all indicators have been achieved. This year we can get the first excess dividend."

"How many are there?"

"The details are not clear yet, we have to wait for settlement at the end of the year."

Zhen Yu actually had a rough estimate, but it was not convenient to say it on this occasion.

This time last year, Zhou Buqi set up two private equity funds, one was Pluto Capital, with a total scale of US$10 billion; the other was Neptune Capital, with a total scale of US$12 billion.

She hasn't gotten today's data yet. As of yesterday, the total scale of Pluto Capital has reached 13.12 billion US dollars, with annualized returns as high as 31.2%.

Neptune Capital's data is not so eye-catching, but its annualized income has also reached 28.7%, and its total scale has reached US$15.44 billion.

The annualized returns of both private equity funds exceed the 20% dividend line. In other words, if commissions are based on current returns, the fund managers will receive a total of US$3.12+3.44=6.56 billion from the total returns of the two funds. Take 25% commission.

A total of $1.64 billion!

However, this is only a floating profit on the books, and you still need to pay 20% capital gains tax when cashing out.

In other words, the shareholders of Pluto Capital and Neptune Capital made a total of 4.92 billion U.S. dollars. Zhou Buqi wasted nothing and made a direct net profit of 1.32 billion U.S. dollars!

Boss Zhou has built such a big business stall, so there is no chance of a personal financial crisis.

When the Bitcoin market takes off, it will be even more comfortable.

The next day, Zhou Buqi flew to New York with senior sister Zhen Yu and sister Bao Shan to handle the family's financial matters.

On the plane, Zhou Buqi asked: "Senior Sister Zhen Yu, the annual commission is more than one billion US dollars. With such a large amount of money, can you not cash it out? Just exchange it for fund shares."

Zhen Yu shook her head slightly, "No, commission is considered financial income. It is exact income and must be taxed. This is different from floating income in the capital market."

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips and smiled: "Classmate Zhou, if all fund managers do not cash out their commissions, then New York taxes will be even less collected."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Actually, there is no need to cash out everything. There is too much money to spend."

Zhen Yu said: "Actually, it's not much. The family has too many debts. In addition to the long-term debt of 5 billion US dollars, there are also short-term debts, which were transferred from Neptune Capital. For example, the private yacht you ordered, and there are several The principal and interest of the purchase price of the property must be repaid. The real amount that can be obtained is about US$1 billion."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Can we delay the cashing out until next year?"

Zhen Yu rolled her eyes at him and said, "Big boss, please stop playing tricks like this. There are not many loopholes in their financial system for you to take advantage of!"

The capital gains tax in the United States is also different. For financial products held for less than one year, the capital gains tax rate is 20%. For financial products held for more than one year, the profit tax rate is 15%.

In other words, if these two private equity funds can delay paying commissions for a few months, they can extend the holding period to more than one year, and the tax rate will be only 15%.

But it doesn’t matter, you have to pay 20% tax this year, and then it will only be 15%.

Zhou Buqi's two private equity funds are different from other private equity funds. They are engaged in long-term value investment. After buying, they almost never adjust positions and exchange shares. They are all long-term holdings.

Zhen Yu said softly: "We have made so much money, but I don't know how many prosecutors and tax agencies are watching, so we can just follow the rules in peace. This time, we will sign the documents and gradually start the process in December. Cash out the funds and pay them as commissions. We don't receive much salary, and the only income our family has every year is these commissions. The more we have, the more we can keep the family fund's healthy cash flow."

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay, let's take care of the money anyway. If you spend more money, well... you can go to Australia to buy a luxury house, and then go to the southern hemisphere to spend the winter in winter. How about buying a piece of land and building a manor yourself? OK."

Zhen Yu is not interested in participating in this kind of thing. Fortunately, Aunt Xue, Ning Yaxian, Wu Yu, and Wen Zhixia are very interested in the house, so let them do it.

It doesn't matter how much you spend.

Then, she turned the topic to Ziweixing and asked curiously: "What's going on with Bitcoin? I heard Guo Pengfei say that you have recently become obsessed with blockchain technology?"

"Guo Pengfei already knows?"

"Isn't there such a thing?"

"Yes, but these are just hype concepts and not worth mentioning." Zhou Buqi gave a very candid explanation, "Ziweixing's technical direction has always been cloud computing and artificial intelligence, and this has not changed. However, Blockchain technology must be hyped up with bluff, and some science fiction-level technologies must be depicted.”

Xue Baoshan was confused, "Why speculate on concepts? Isn't it good to do business quietly?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Not good."


"You may not have participated much in the atmosphere here in Silicon Valley, but you will understand it if you come in and wander around a lot. What Silicon Valley respects is not giants with high market value, but revolutionary innovations that can change the world. In this regard, Zi MSI is still a bit inferior.”

"Is it bad?"

Xue Baoshan disagreed.

Many of Ziweixing's businesses have also had great changes and impacts on the world. For example, Helo on smartphones has the potential to change the landscape of the communications industry.

Zhou Buqi said: "Cloud computing was promoted by Google and Amazon, and social networking was promoted by Facebook. What Silicon Valley cares more about is 0 to 1. From this perspective, Ziweixing International is compared with those Silicon Valley giants. , the attractiveness will be greatly reduced. We have not made a contribution from 0 to 1 in any industry."

Xue Baoshan was not convinced, "Facebook was modeled after the school network."

Zhou Buqi said: "But there is no Xiaonei Network in the United States. In their perception, Facebook is the originator of social networks. It is Facebook that promotes and makes changes around the world, not Xiaonei Network."

Zhen Yu gradually understood, "So although the concept of blockchain was proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto around Bitcoin, it has just begun and is still at stage 0. We need to take over this direction, Zi If MSI promotes blockchain from 0 to 1 and promotes cutting-edge new technological changes, it will win the recognition and respect of Silicon Valley elites."

"Yes, that's what I mean." Zhou Buqi paused and squinted his eyes, "The virtual currency surrounding the blockchain will definitely become popular in the future. In this decentralized industry, Ziweixing International should become the industry leader. center."

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