Top of the big era

Chapter 1529 Leaving a way out

This time, Tang Binchen was very ambitious.

In the past business arrangements, he was mainly responsible for the Asia-Pacific region, while Lu Qi, who was based in Silicon Valley, was responsible for the European and American markets. This is normal, after all, Silicon Valley can better radiate Europe and the United States.

However, in the past six months, both UCgram and YikYak have encountered cold water in the European and American markets and have not developed smoothly. You know, the two products UC Beauty and YikYak are extremely popular in Japan.

The purpose of Tang Binchen's arrangement this time is very clear. First, from a product perspective, he integrated YikYak's picture publishing function into UCgram; secondly, from a business perspective, he wants to take the lead!

Those people in Silicon Valley are so unreliable.

It’s better to go into battle in person!

Tang Binchen didn't say it explicitly, but he was a direct descendant, so Zhou Buqi could understand what he meant without having to say it explicitly, so he just followed suit. The new UCgram will also be included in the UC business line and will be managed by Tang Binchen.

In Zhou Buqi's view, this product idea is right.

Not only is the new UCgram after the merger very similar to Instagram, the globally popular photo social tool in its previous life, but it also has product concept considerations.

Tang Binchen has summarized the advantages and disadvantages of UCgram and YikYak.

The advantage of UCgram is that it can retouch and crop pictures and has simple filters. The disadvantage is that some functions are still too complicated. Young people in the United States do not like to smear on the details of faces as much as those in China, Japan and South Korea. What they modify is the overall feel of a picture, not the appearance of the selfie.

Therefore, it is necessary for UCgram to eliminate some complex photo editing functions, such as removing acne, removing scars, and whitening big eyes and small mouths. It is more about starting from the background of the picture and considering the filters.

The advantage of YikYak is that you can upload pictures and share them on the public platform to attract more people's attention. The disadvantage is that the text function is useless. If you are sending text, there are too many similar products.

That’s easy, remove the shortcomings of the two products, combine the advantages of the two products, give full play to the siphon effect, and launch a new version of UCgram!

There are also some product details that Tang Binchen has been planning for a long time.

Zhou Buqi didn't make too many demands and let him go ahead.

Not only that, but he was also fully authorized to hand over YikYak's business power in Europe and the United States, and let Ross Lee, the vice president of product who works in Silicon Valley, report directly to him.

If it doesn't work, you can even give up YikYak's European and American business!

If you fail, you will fail. Get out quickly and put all your manpower, material, energy and financial resources into the market expansion of new products. Try to find another way and use picture social media to compete with Twitter in the public social field.

The second Twitter, YikYak, may not be a match for Twitter. UCgram, a photo social network, can compete!

Zhou Buqi didn't hide anything, and said frankly: "I'm not worried about Ziweixing's domestic business at all. We have a strong and cohesive team there. But it's hard to say about overseas business. Lu Qi... he may be suitable for the job." I am not very satisfied with the work of a business line president or CTO."

Tang Binchen said with approval: "I agree, Lu Qi... That's it. You have said it here, then I will say what I have to say. It is not to stir up discord and fight for power."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What's there to argue about? This company belongs to us. Lu Qi is just the manager I hired to work for us. We are the masters and he is the employee. When running a business, you must have the spirit of ownership. ."

Tang Binchen was a little embarrassed to say it, because some of the words he said really sounded like a struggle for power and gain.

"It doesn't matter, just say whatever you want!"

"My biggest feeling when working in Ziweixing Japan is that when I go out, my own people are really reliable! No matter how high a foreigner's professional quality is and how strong his personal ability is, he is still an outsider. Just like what you said about ownership, it is a sense of responsibility. Question. No matter how many kind-hearted people there are in the world, the best thing for children must be their parents. Ziweixing is my child, and I am willing to spend everything I have to raise this child. But is Lu Qi? He is Chinese, but he is really not one of our own. I went to Silicon Valley last month, and to be honest, I was very disappointed."

Tang Binchen's demeanor showed that his words came from the bottom of his heart.

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, the person in charge of the cloud computing business has changed."

"I don't think that's okay. Everyone will make mistakes in their work." Tang Binchen shook his head, "What I'm talking about is...well, the issue of dedication and sense of responsibility."

Zhou Buqi raised his hand and motioned for him to continue, "What did you find again?"

Tang Binchen said: "I didn't find anything. I just chatted with Lu Qi for more than three hours, and I felt... I felt that he didn't give it all and was still planning a way out. He has been working in Silicon Valley for more than ten years, and he has run a He has a lot of connections. He is often troubled by irrelevant factors when hiring people. For example, he told me personally that there is an excellent technical director who he is very optimistic about. The other party is also interested in joining Ziweixing. . But the CEO of Yahoo called him and said that this person had serious differences with Yahoo when he resigned, and he wrote an open letter scolding Yahoo's board of directors, causing the management to be very dissatisfied with the management. Then the CEO of Yahoo asked not to hire this person.”

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It's a favor."

"If it were me, I would definitely hire him." Tang Binchen complained, "As long as it is beneficial to Ziweixing, what else do you need to care about in the industry? If it is a giant like Google, Microsoft, or Oracle, that's it. Try not to offend. But Yahoo What does it count? If you offend Yahoo, you will offend it, so what can you do? Lu Qi is leaving a way out!"

Lu Qi didn't want to offend some powerful bosses in Silicon Valley, not because Ziweixing couldn't afford to offend him, but because he couldn't afford to offend him. If Ziweixing International fails, Lu Qi will continue to work in Silicon Valley, and he will inevitably have to rely on his past connections.

If in the process of running Ziweixing, he had sacrificed everything and offended everyone.

Once Ziweixing International fails, what will he do in the future?

Zhou Buqi nodded, "You are right, this is the most critical issue."

Tang Binchen said: "It is recorded in the history books that Xiang Yu was able to defeat the giant deer with a small number because he broke the cauldron and cut off his own retreat. There was no room for survival behind him. If there is a second choice behind him, his will is not strong enough."

Of course Zhou Buqi knows this, but he has no choice. The current situation is the best result. "When we were in China, it was really starting a business. Overseas business... This is not a start-up. All the basic conditions and finance are ready. , it’s more about strategic design and operational management.”

Tang Binchen said "Yeah", "Anyway, I think our own people are more reliable. You asked Xu Liangjie to be the vice president in charge of human resources. I think this idea should be continued. In several key positions, our own people must be in charge." On."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What you said makes sense. Luqi does have a lot of problems here. Just stick with it for a few more years. When Ziweixing's international business stabilizes and it gets a firm foothold, it's not impossible... "

"Get rid of the grinding mill and kill the donkey!"

"No, just let Lu Ji do more technical work. Well, the prerequisite is that there must be someone who is stronger and more suitable to be the president of Ziweixing International than Lu Ji."

Zhou Buqi's eyes were deep.

Tang Binchen knew what this meant, and he was not polite at all.

He was originally the number one person in charge of Ziweixing's overseas strategy.

Even though the overall framework of Ziweixing International is organized by Land Machinery, Tang Binchen still has the greatest contribution to overseas business. As long as he is capable enough, has accumulated rich experience, and has produced a shining report card in the European and American markets, then he will be qualified enough to use Ziweixing Japan as a springboard to become the president of Ziweixing International. .

This is not a secret, Ziweixing has already made a decision internally.

Tang Binchen took a deep breath and said calmly: "Just take a look, I promise to build the new version of UCgram! Through photo social networking, we can win the European and American social markets in one fell swoop!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Let Lu Qi take care of Helo's business. You start with UCgram and accumulate operational experience in the European and American markets. Once you start doing it, you will also take over the Helo business line. Take it step by step, don't be anxious. ."

Tang Binchen acted very calmly, "I'm not in a hurry. I know that I lack experience in the European and American markets. Lu Qi has been working in Silicon Valley for more than ten years, and he is more suitable for the position of president. If I don't show the results and abilities that can convince me, , I’m not even qualified to be the president if you ask me to.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, just have an idea. By the way, how is the game doing? You invited me over, I thought you were talking about the game industry."

Tang Binchen said speechlessly: "I have inspected the Japanese game industry. It is too localized. They are all Japanese cartoon characters. They lack the commonality of globalization and cannot be promoted. Speaking of which, they are still American games. More suitable for global promotion.”

"Pokai has a few good games."

"Well, I know that the Japanese version of "Bejeweled" is being developed. Xiaoxiaole, it has a long history and is in line with the performance of current smartphones. There is also an aquarium and a fish-eating game, which are quite good. It’s interesting, very relaxing, and very profitable.”

"Yeah, make money."

Zhou Buqi is a bit funny.

Japan’s Internet market is really weird. Other places are trying to burn money to build the market first and promote it for free first. It's different here in Japan. You can make money just by coming up.

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "Old men in their 50s and 60s here in Japan may also be senior game fans. Here, almost all games have to be paid."

"Yes, the second dimension, Niconico is the representative."

“There are imitators in the country!”


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Tang Binchen said: "Even the imitators of our two-dimensional website Niconico can also post barrages called bilibili and steal a large number of cartoons from us."

Zhou Buqi was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Then make strategic investment, and then provide certain content authorization and technical support to this domestic website. It will not be considered misappropriation."

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