Top of the big era

Chapter 1530 Financial-level security system

Zhou Buqi left Tokyo and returned to China.

I first went to Chang'an and attended the completion ceremony of Ziweiyun's cloud data center in the suburbs of Chang'an. The scene was very lively, and a group of provincial and municipal leaders came.

There is no way, Boss Zhou's reputation is too big now. Even though he is very low-key, his popularity in the industry has exceeded that of the older generation of entrepreneurs.

Mainly because he has money.

The older generation of entrepreneurs all have a background in state-owned enterprises, including Vanke, which is actually a private enterprise. However, if you want to do business in China in the 1980s, private enterprises must be affiliated with state-owned enterprises, which are equivalent to subsidiaries of state-owned enterprises. Academic circles regard this as This phenomenon is called "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Later, with new policies, the state allowed private enterprises to exist as independent entities. Some business owners found people to find connections, lifted their affiliated status, and changed from state-owned enterprise subsidiaries to a pure private enterprise, and the enterprise became a personal asset.

All existing private enterprises founded in the 1980s basically do this. But Wang Shi was more honest and timid and did not dare to do this, so Vanke handed over most of its equity to affiliated state-owned enterprises and turned it into a state-run private enterprise.

Zhou Buqi should also be grateful that the times when he started his business were relatively good, which allowed him to have huge wealth in the country, and wealth is often a reflection of social status.

This cloud data center located in Chang'an has completed the first phase of the project, which mainly covers the building. The interior will be renovated in the winter, and then the servers will be deployed. It is expected to be activated in March next year.

The reason why this project has attracted great attention from local leaders is not because of their understanding of cloud computing engineering, but because of the development of local surrounding industries - electricity.

Servers consume a lot of power, and the current design specifications for the first phase of the project are 10,000 servers. The power of a server is 500W, 24 hours a day, 10,000 servers... This is equivalent to the fact that after the first phase of the cloud data center is launched, it will consume at least 120,000 kWh of electricity every day.

If cooling equipment such as fans and air conditioners are added, the daily consumption can reach 150,000 degrees.

If according to normal industrial electricity consumption standards, electricity costs about 1 yuan per kilowatt hour, Ziweixing would have to pay more than 50 million yuan in electricity bills alone every year.

This is only the first phase of the project.

Chang'an is an important town in the northwest. What Ziwei Cloud plans here is the standard of a secondary cloud data center, that is, the total scale is 100,000 servers. The entire northwest may have 300,000 servers in the future.

Without a good energy-saving plan, Ziweiyun's electricity bill in this area will be as high as more than one billion in ten years.

So we must use electricity in an environmentally friendly manner.

Not because of environmental protection, but because of saving money.

The northwest also has such a demand. Many wind energy power stations have been built in the northwest in recent years. However, due to storage and transportation problems, as well as the backward economy of the northwest, too few enterprises, and too little electricity consumption, there is a surplus of electricity in the northwest. Many wind power stations have no choice but to shut down, causing huge waste.

Ziweiyun is a large consumer of electricity.

According to the leaders of the authorities, if Ziweiyun really builds a cloud data center with 300,000 servers in the northwest, then the wind energy power station that the state has invested heavily in building can restore 70% of its production capacity, thus driving the entire northwest region. energy economy.

Of course Ziweixing likes it.

The electricity price of wind energy is even lower. According to the industrial electricity consumption standards in the northwest, electricity consumption is 1 yuan per kilowatt hour during peak periods and 3 cents per kilowatt hour during trough periods.

If Ziweiyun is connected to wind power, the overall electricity price standard can be reduced to 18 cents. In other words, the annual electricity bill for the first phase of the cloud computing project in Chang'an is only 10 million yuan.

With the technological advancement of Ziweiyun's hardware engineering team, the power consumption of servers can be further reduced in the future. For example, by taking advantage of local wind energy, using architecture to design data center buildings, and introducing natural wind to cool servers instead of internal air conditioners, energy consumption can be further reduced.

It's mid-November, and the weather in the northwest is not very good. Zhou Buqi doesn't want to stay any longer, so he returns to the capital the same day he goes.

I regretted going to the capital.

This weather is ten times worse than in the Northwest.

There is no escape this time. There is an important work week to attend. Ziweixing and Alibaba will jointly hold a celebration party, mainly for technical celebrations.

This Taobao "Singles' Day" on November 11th was a complete success!

This is the first time Ziweiyun and Taobao have cooperated in high-concurrency business, and they have achieved unexpected and surprising results, which are very stable! Very smooth!

More than 100 million netizens browsed Taobao that day, of which Ziweiyun accounted for 70% of the traffic.

There are no problems on Ziweiyun's side. All the problems encountered by users such as page failure, order failure, payment failure, etc. are all caused by Taobao's failure to do a good job.

But despite all the flaws, this shopping festival was a complete success.

Six or seven senior executives from Alibaba came to attend the celebration party and expressed their hope to further cooperate with Ziweiyun so that both parties can establish long-term and stable business relationships.

The people at Ali admire Zi Weiyun's technical level.

Alibaba's people were also very happy that Boss Zhou was attending the meeting in person and came over to propose a toast.

One of them, whom Zhou Buqi knew, was the CTO of Alipay, nicknamed "Miao Renfeng". They had met at Microsoft headquarters before. At that time, Miao Renfeng and Lu Su went to attend an international technical conference, but because of their limited level, they could only attend the conference but not visit.

For such technical people, how can they not go to Microsoft headquarters and not walk around and admire it?

Zhou Buqi came forward to help at that time and took the two of them with him.

At this banquet, Zhou Buqi simply sat next to Miao Renfeng. It seemed that he was not just going through the motions, but actually wanted to have a meal with the technical staff present.

This is not only support for the Ziweiyun team, but also a show of goodwill to the Alibaba people.

Miao Renfeng said with emotion: "Ziweixing's high-concurrency technology is too powerful."

Zhou Buqi knew something about it and said with a smile: "It's all forced out. The rush for on-campus group buying is too great. If there is no breakthrough in high concurrency, college students will be very unhappy. I still remember when I first started doing this There were a lot of jokes during group buying on campus. All the group buying products were snatched away by college students in the capital, and students from other places couldn’t grab anything.”

Miao Renfeng smiled and said: "Yes, I heard a story, I don't know whether it is true or not. It was said that when you were doing group buying on campus, Tang Binchen developed a snap-up plug-in, which attracted many college students to protest."

"Really!" Zhou Buqi also found it interesting when mentioning what happened back then. "Not only were students protesting, but the leaders of ministries and commissions also came to us, demanding that the campus network treat everyone equally and not just give preferential treatment to students from the capital. It will benefit college students across the country.”

Miao Renfeng said: "Then you recruited Tang Binchen?"


"This is Bole. He made a mistake, which caused a very bad reputation for the school network. You ignore the blame and still entrust him with important tasks. This is the mentality of an entrepreneur."


Zhou Buqi felt something, and the tide of memory came over again.

Liu Wenbo, who started his own business in Ten Schools back then, was also a proud man. But because he made his own phone cards in school and sold them to college students at low prices, which infringed on the interests of related companies, he was arrested and imprisoned. He didn't know how much this incident had affected his character. It was a pity that his genius failed.

At this time, Wu Hanqing, the chief security scientist of Ziweixing, stood up and said with a red face that on this "Singles' Day", Ziweiyun had suffered more than 86 million hacker attacks, and without exception, all were attacked by Ziweiyun's defense system. Withstood!

He also stated in a high profile that Ziweiyun has a financial-grade security system and is not afraid of anyone!

Having said that, Miao Renfeng whispered: "Mr. Zhou, financial services cannot be uploaded to the cloud."

"Understood." Zhou Buqi smiled, "Alipay business is difficult, isn't it?"

Miao Renfeng nodded, "Well, it's technically difficult, and it's more of a business problem."


"In contact with the bank, some banks' online banking only supports transfers with a limit of 1,000 yuan in a single day. Many users did not transfer to Alipay in advance, resulting in only 1,000 yuan of goods being purchased on Singles' Day."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "This shouldn't be any trouble, right? It's just a matter of opening permissions."

Miao Renfeng said: "I understood it this way at first, but after asking about it later, I realized that this is not the case at all. MYbank has the highest authority for external transfers, because every amount of money transferred is the bank's assets. The loss seems to have to be approved by more than a dozen departments.”

"I thought it was just the salesman doing it casually."

"Financial business involves real money, so the entire system must be foolproof. This is true for traditional banks, and the same is true for Alipay. It is impossible to go to the cloud. It is also impossible to give such great authority to a salesperson or technician."

Zhou Buqi said jokingly: "Maybe the technician made a mistake."

"Impossible." Miao Renfeng flatly denied this statement, "The security of the financial system is institutional. Let alone the mistakes of one or two technicians, even if the entire department makes mistakes, it is impossible to complete the modification. The transfer function involves When it comes to more than a dozen departments, this kind of money exchange is a top priority, and there can be no mistakes."

Zhou Buqi blinked and asked strangely: "Isn't that true? I read reports on Wall Street and it was also reported that some bank depositors' money in the United States disappeared."

Miao Renfeng said: "That's a data error in the internal system. You may encounter this kind of problem when the system is updated. It's just that the front-end data changes, but the back-end data doesn't change. You can tell by checking it. The transfer is different. Once the transfer goes out, the back-end data will not change." The data has changed. The security standards of the financial system are the same as those of the national defense system. If the mistakes of one or two technicians lead to all-round data modification, then the system is too fragile."

Then, he smiled and said: "No one is perfect, who doesn't make mistakes? If the mistakes of just one or two salesmen in the bank can transfer money out, then the safety of the bank cannot be guaranteed. Especially It's an online merchant bank. There are more than a dozen checkpoints. You can't make mistakes in all the dozens of checkpoints, right? Then it's not a mistake, it's intentional."

Zhou Buqi picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Forget it, let me handle the bank matters. I can't help it, just drink!"

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