Top of the big era

Chapter 1528 Picture Social

YikYak is very popular in Japan. The total number of users on the web and mobile terminals has exceeded 50 million. It is the website with the largest user base in Japan besides Yahoo.

But this is not the case in Europe and the United States, where the total number of registered users is only 1.6 million. After many users register, they no longer use it and become zombie users.

The actual remaining users may be 600,000-800,000, and the daily activity is 80,000-100,000.

This is really not a successful product.

Not to mention competing with Twitter, among similar products, it doesn’t even rank among the top 20.

YikYak is not doing well in the European and American markets. This has nothing to do with Tang Binchen. He mainly operates in the Asia-Pacific region, but it seems that he is a little restless and does not want the European and American business areas to ruin the products he created.

Tang Binchen said: "YikYak currently has about 80,000-100,000 active users every day. However, there are only a few thousand active users on the web page, and most of the active users are App users."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The web is dominated by Twitter, and there are too many products of the same type."



"YikYak can upload pictures, but Twitter can't, and neither can most competing products." Tang Binchen clenched his fists, "This is the most attractive feature!"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said, "How to transform outstanding functions into market recognition?"

Tang Binchen explained: "Today's smartphones have poor performance. In order to ensure smooth operation, YikYak's mobile App has carried out a large number of functional castrations. It doesn't even have an advertising module. There are only two practical functions, one is to send text. One is to send pictures. If you are sending text, there are too many similar products in the market, as well as mature products like Twitter..."

"Long story short!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and snorted in his heart. He felt that he had no lack of understanding of Internet products. How could you explain it in such detail as if you were giving a lecture to primary school students? It’s not a technical problem!

Tang Binchen smiled and said: "90% of the users of the English version of YikYak are mobile users. The activity of these mobile users is accumulated by posting pictures. Their use of YikYak is not public communication of words. It’s about the public dissemination of pictures. Many girls take selfies with their smartphones, then slightly adjust them using UCgram, and then post them on YikYak. Then, they receive a lot of complimentary messages from strangers.”

Zhou Buqi immediately understood what he meant, "Photo social!"

Nowadays, mobile Internet companies are very weak, and many mobile apps are developed by individuals or a few people in their spare time. They do not have the money to purchase a large number of servers or order larger-capacity broadband.

So much so that they can only develop some simple functions.

Socializing through text is much easier than socializing through pictures.

Including small giants like Facebook, mobile apps do not have the function to upload pictures. So if users want to upload pictures to social networks on their mobile phones, they have almost no choice but to use YikYak.

This is a blank period in the market!

Taking advantage of other people's lack of money, taking advantage of the current insufficient performance of smartphones, and taking advantage of other people's insufficient investment in technology development in the field of smartphones...

Ziweixing has reason to seize the gap in the picture social market and attack quickly!

The development and evolution of online social networking should theoretically be a process from text social networking to picture social networking to short video social networking, which is becoming more and more brainless.

You need to be able to read and write at least for text social networking, but even a kindergartener can play short video social networking.

The foreign picture social product is of course the famous Instagram. During the same period, a number of picture social products also appeared in China, many of which were well done and successfully launched on the market.

Unfortunately, they were unable to bypass the barriers of QQ and WeChat, and they both died.

Why can foreign countries survive? Can’t survive in China?

In the past, Zhou Buqi often thought from a product perspective. For example, there are Internet fairness principles in foreign countries. No Internet giant can block Instagram. However, domestic photo social software does not have such treatment.

But this is only a superficial phenomenon.

It also has something to do with social culture. From this point of view, Confucian cultural circles such as China, Japan and South Korea are similar, with not enough rebelliousness and too much obedience.

In fact, in the 1980s, there was also a wave of rebellion in China, which can be seen from the artistry in the novels, poems, and films of that era.

At that time, the classmates in the school class were talking about music. I heard that you all liked Luo Dayou, but I didn't care about Luo Dayou. I liked Cui Jian! I'm different from you, that's why I'm awesome. If everyone in a class likes Luo Dayou, and as long as two classmates like Cui Jian, the two classmates will be in tune with each other and have a sense of accomplishment as being of the same mind.

Later it didn’t work anymore, the cultural atmosphere changed.

In a class, if everyone likes Luo Dayou, others will be embarrassed to like Cui Jian. They feel that they are too different and unsociable, so they have to follow the crowd. The rebellious and individualistic spirit is gone.

Just like QQ and WeChat in later generations.

Adults prefer to use WeChat, and boys and girls who want to stay away from adults prefer to use QQ. This is actually a kind of rebellion, but it is a rebellion based on age. When they grew up and entered society, they gradually abandoned QQ and started using WeChat. Their rebellious spirit was assimilated and their rebellious edges were smoothed away.

Unlike Europe and the United States, the rebellious spirit is a social mainstream that does not change with age. People like Jobs, Bill Gates, and Musk have been lifelong rebels, even to the point where men are women and women are men. social proof.

In the era of mobile Internet, a new popular social product will appear in Europe and the United States every few years. The social reason is that the user groups of old social products have been fixed. Young people do not want to use the same products as those people, so they are pursuing new products one after another.

But this kind of culture cannot enter China, Japan and South Korea.

Not to mention domestically, QQ and WeChat are two mountains that cannot be climbed. But what happened to South Korea and Japan? These two countries do not have QQ and WeChat, and do not allow Internet giants to block competing companies.

Many social products that are popular in Europe and the United States are not popular in South Korea and Japan. The important reason is that young people in South Korea and Japan are also very conformist and do not want to express themselves in a new and different way. The social ecology presented is stable, peaceful and contented, unlike There are strikes, strikes, demonstrations and riots every day in Europe and the United States.

It's like locking a wild boar in a pigsty, and the wild boar will run out every day. Keeping domestic pigs in pig pens, where they either eat or sleep, makes management easier.

This is the greatest benefit that Confucian ethics has brought to Zhou Buqi and the people at the top of the social structure at a higher level than him. The users have been domesticated by social culture.

From a business perspective, if Ziweixing makes Helo in Japan, it can sit back and relax, and there is no need to worry about a smartphone-based social product that can beat it in the future. Unless times have changed, we have entered a new era of metaverse and virtual reality, and new products have emerged to replace smartphones.

But Europe and America are different.

Even if Helo is built and becomes the social product with the largest number of users in the world, we cannot take it lightly. We must continue to innovate and develop new products.

In the previous life, Facebook was already the world's largest social giant, but it was struggling, and challengers would appear from time to time to threaten its position. China, Japan and South Korea are different. WeChat in China, Line in Japan, and Kakaotalk in South Korea have no competitors that can threaten their status.

In this life, Zhou Buqi was a guest of dignitaries from various countries and world-class entrepreneurs. He was well-informed. As he grew older, his understanding of many social phenomena became deeper.

"Well, the European and American markets must continue to innovate and launch more interesting new products." Zhou Buqi concluded, "In the Chinese, Japanese and Korean markets, one core social product is enough. But The European and American markets are not good, and they have to cater to their rebellious culture. Japan is a large group, so it only needs Helo, a chat product. There are multiple product groups in Europe and the United States, and they need multiple corresponding products to control all users. In hand."

Tang Binchen almost fainted and coughed slightly, "I only have an idea for a picture social product right now."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Let me set the tone first and take your time. You are right, there is a future in picture social networking. You can combine UCgram with YikYak and add a social module to UCgram. You cannot send text. I can only send pictures.”

Tang Binchen said excitedly: "Yes, that's what I thought about! Now, UCgram and YikYak are not very popular in Europe and the United States, but their respective functions can solve the needs of some users. If we compare UCgram's photo editing function with YikYak's Combining the function of uploading pictures and turning it into a new picture social product is equivalent to capturing the taste of some young people who like to share their lives!"

Zhou Buqi asked him with a smile, "Can such a combination save UCgram and YikYak, which have almost failed in the European and American markets?"

Tang Binchen took a deep breath, "The possibility is very high. This is an innovation that is more catered to young people. Moreover, there is no need to make a web version, just a mobile app. This is a product tailor-made for smartphones ."

Zhou Buqi slapped his thigh, "Okay, let's do this! The new UCgram will be integrated into the global UC business line, and you will be responsible for it!"

Now, Ziweixing International has four major business lines, namely cloud computing, Helo, UC and games.

Among them, the product centers of cloud computing and Helo are both in Ziweixing America, and the UC center is in Ziweixing Japan. The gaming business line has a dual-president system, and the two regions are advancing simultaneously.

There are many products in the UC business line, and 8 UC series products have been launched in Japan.

Now, Tang Binchen has received the authorization to radiate the new UC product UCgram integrated with YikYak to the world, centered on his home base of Ziweixing Japan.

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