Top of the big era

Chapter 1524 Humph, I deserve a beating

Under the Industrial Internet, the financial industry is also being promoted for reform, and Internet finance must also be the general trend in the future.

For example, the loan business, a traditional and established business, has low service efficiency, lacks algorithm support, has layers of cards in the lender review stage, the risk assessment model is backward and monotonous, and the review takes a long time, etc.

In fact, this intermediate link can be audited through big data algorithms and artificial intelligence, relying on Internet technology to improve the inefficiency of traditional processes.

P2P finance on the Internet is a positive word that represents the future.

However, it is different in the country.

This thing hurts too many people.

The reason is that there are two institutional differences between the United States and China in facing Internet innovation. It is impossible for a system to be only good but not bad, nor for a system to be only bad but not good.

The domestic Internet industry’s business model innovation is more powerful than that of Silicon Valley. Why?

Because of regulation.

The domestic regulatory system is to let go in the early stage and strictly control in the later stage.

In the early days, companies were allowed to boldly innovate and do bold things to prevent some people who did not understand the Internet from interfering indiscriminately, which led to the suppression of innovation. As this innovative industry develops, regulatory authorities will gradually understand the rationale behind this and introduce various policies to guide and restrict it.

This model provides great social guarantee and development momentum for the innovative development of the domestic Internet industry.

Europe and the United States have another model, which is strict control in the early stage and encouragement in the later stage. When a certain innovation appears, various parliaments and hearings will be held, and experts, scholars, and elites from many industries will be organized to discuss and evaluate whether this innovation is feasible.

If it doesn't work, ban it immediately; if it works, vigorously promote it. The better it develops, the more it will be encouraged, and the more it will be recognized and praised by society.

This has led to great checks and balances on the business model innovation of Internet companies in Silicon Valley. Even if many companies come up with a good idea, they cannot do it immediately and need to be evaluated by relevant departments.

But this evaluation process is socially oriented and public, so competitors will know about it.

After the evaluation is completed and approved, competitors will immediately start similar projects to compete, and the opportunity to rush in to seize the market and grab the track will no longer exist.

Because of this institutional factor, major companies lack motivation for business model innovation.

This systemic gap between the two sides is not noticeable in the general field, but it is different in the financial field. This is a highly leveraged industry.

The slightest disturbance may cause the entire industry to collapse.

If you want to set up a P2P Internet lending and financing company in Silicon Valley, the procedures are very cumbersome.

For example, if two Germans come to Silicon Valley to start a P2P company, it won’t work. Foreigners are not reliable. For example, if a shoe factory wants to transform into a P2P company, it won’t work. This seems unreliable. For example, if two ordinary people want to start a P2P company, it won’t work. Can two ordinary people dare to start a business? Stop talking nonsense, it’s a scam at first glance!

If they are two top students who graduated from Stanford and have many years of work experience in Silicon Valley, and have connections, funds, connections, and good social credit, then they have the qualifications to establish an Internet P2P company.

But this is not enough.

There must be a guarantor.

For example, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, the former federal minister of finance, or the boss of Google, and top tycoons such as Buffett and Bill Gates must be endorsed by the banks they cooperate with.

It is normal for a startup company to fail, but if the founder takes away the money and runs away, it is suspected of fraud. Shareholders, guarantors, banks and independent directors must bear joint and several liability to compensate the defrauded users for their losses.

Because of such layers of restrictions and strict supervision, the number of Internet financial companies in the United States is extremely small. After more than ten years of development, there are only a few dozen Internet companies that allow lending.

It is different in China. The concept of P2P was introduced into the country in 2014 and quickly spread all over the country. Supervision is very loose. Within two years, more than 5,000 P2P companies appeared.

The results can be imagined.

This is not the end.

Originally, after the big waves washed away the dirty, messy, bad and smelly ones, the remaining legal and compliant good coins should develop healthily and promote the technological reform of the financial system. However, after the death of bad coins, good coins must also be replaced. Come to pay the bill, and let the good money bear the social harm caused by the bad money and criticize it verbally.

Usually the bad debt rate of traditional banks is about 6%. The bad debt rate of Lendingclub, the best P2P company in the United States, can be controlled within 4%. Through big data model analysis and self-built credit system, Alipay has a bad debt rate of only 5% per thousand. It can be called the healthiest and safest financial platform in history, both at home and abroad, and is the best product in the field of global Internet financial innovation. , but it has become the biggest unsafe factor.

Many people don't trust Alipay, so they deposit their money in banks. The interest rates of financial products of some urban banks are higher than Alipay's products, which is indeed very attractive.

Zhou Buqi is paying attention to Lendingclub right now, not because he knows it will be the best P2P financial company in the United States in the future, but because he attaches great importance to the financial field.

Helo on the mobile phone is doing so well now that it will inevitably launch a payment service in the future.

But I still have no idea how to do it.

It just so happens that the United States has approved a new model of Internet finance, including small loans on the Internet. What other online financial services will be hindered?

You can invest in it in advance, peel back the veil of the American Internet finance field, and jump in to see what it is like. In the future, whether it is acquisition, cooperation or going it alone, it is equivalent to accumulating experience.

This is a signal.

Even Internet lending platforms like Lendingclub have been approved by the US authorities. It is conceivable that Silicon Valley will usher in a wave of Internet financial entrepreneurship.

Ziweixing International will not participate for the time being and will wait and see what happens.

However, you can invest in a few companies and figure out the model.

After Zhou Buqi chatted with Lin Deng, he called Lu Qi and asked Ziweixing International's investment department to sort out the information on Internet finance companies in Silicon Valley.

Shi Jingmei was shocked, "Do you want to hire him?"

"No," Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's not necessary."

This Linden's level is too high, he is a venture capitalist level expert. Let him come to Chaowan Commune to be the CFO, which is a bit overkill. Chaowan Commune does not engage in any complicated business, nor does it engage in capital operations. It does not need such people, and the salary is too high.

Shi Jingmei breathed a sigh of relief, "I think so, I feel like he is a liar!"

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Why are you a liar? Aren't all financiers like this? They are a bit mysterious when they speak."

Shi Jingmei said: "This Lendingclub model is too exaggerated. It is called the devil's bottle by Wall Street. It makes sense. You must not open the lid."

Zhou Buqi glanced at her and said, "Second sister, this model was approved after more than a dozen hearings."

"Are you really interested in this?"

"Try it, don't forget, Wall Street is also a traditional industry. Big data analysis and artificial intelligence will exert unimaginable magic in all walks of life."

Shi Jingmei said: "So we need to collect all the sales data of blind boxes, including inventory, turnover, returns, etc., and then conduct big data analysis..."

Zhou Buqi interrupted her, "What is this big data?"

This is a hotel, and today’s interview is over. Zhou Buqi got up, stretched, and walked to the window. He saw a helicopter flying over and parked on the apron diagonally above. He walked down. A chubby old man and a beautiful young blonde girl.

They were so intimate that they were still kissing after getting off the plane. They were really a couple with deep feelings.

Shi Jingmei also came over and asked, "What is big data?"

Zhou Buqi looked at the touching scene outside the window and said without looking back: "What you are talking about is called data analysis, which is based on the traditional business model. Big data analysis has a wider coverage and is unrelated data analysis, which is a bit... ...Well, there is a movie called "The Butterfly Effect," you know?"

"Yeah, I've seen it."

"This is the truth. Two seemingly unrelated things actually have some butterfly effect connection. For example, the girl who got off the helicopter, is there any relationship between her and the waiter in the hotel who lost her job? This is not the case. These are two related things, but if we look at big data statistics, there must be some kind of connection behind them."

Shi Jingmei nodded, "Because of the economic crisis, waiters are unemployed. Because of the economic crisis, young girls will prefer to find rich men. The more unemployed people, the more sugar daddies."

Zhou Buqi said: "Absolutely. Two things that are unrelated on the surface actually influence each other through the butterfly effect. For example, whether the sales receipts of Manchester United's blind boxes are related to the annual rainfall in the Manchester area, this requires big data. Analysis to find correlations.”

Shi Jingmei tilted her head and looked at him and said with a smile: "If there is more rainfall, the tourism industry will be poor. If the tourism industry is poor, Manchester United's football market will weaken and the sales of derivatives will decrease."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Then let me ask you again, does the sales of Manchester United's blind boxes have anything to do with the local movie box office in Manchester? Is there a possibility that the higher the box office, the higher the sales of blind boxes? The more? Or does the sales of condoms have anything to do with the sales of Manchester United blind boxes? Maybe there is, maybe not. This all requires the analysis of big data models."

Shi Jingmei blinked her eyes a few times, as if to wink, and whispered, "I asked Linlin, and she said that if you don't like using condoms, I can do that."

Zhou Buqi pretended not to hear and said seriously: "Big data models are often the integration and summary of data from multiple dimensions. If countries such as Thailand, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Brazil can apply a model based on GDP, per capita income, and football industry output , entertainment industry output value and other aspects, then when player blind boxes are introduced to emerging markets, they can be quantitatively launched according to the model, so as not to cause backlog and unsalable sales.”

Shi Jingmei's lips curled up slightly, and she said with a half-smile: "Should I also do a big data study on the girls around you, and then I can assess your tastes and preferences?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, walked behind her, pressed her body forward, "Hold the window with both hands."

Shi Jingmei's face suddenly turned red, she was so nervous, she said in disbelief: "No, no, you can see it from outside, and the door is not closed, let's go to the bedroom... Oops!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Three times in total.

Zhou Buqi pressed Shi Jinglin's second sister in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and then spanked her round and straight buttocks hard.


Deserve a beating!

It’s not over yet!

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