Top of the big era

Chapter 1516 Girls’ Generation is an Internet product

As expected, Zhou Buqi was very jumpy, going off topic while talking, and talked at length about Microsoft's "3310".

"3310" is Google's way of mocking Microsoft, but Boss Zhou was unambiguous and criticized Google's model. Google does have Internet attributes and is user-oriented, but this is not enough.

If you look at the domestic market, you will know that the only bright spot of Google search is its good technology. In terms of innovation in business model and product design, Baidu and Weidian are far behind.

For example, Google is a content aggregator that can integrate high-quality content from all over the world and then present the best part to users based on search results.

This technical difficulty is relatively high, which is why Google succeeded in defeating many technology giants in Silicon Valley.

This is the attribute of a scientist.

However, Baidu and Weidian have different models. Knowing that their technology is not as good as Google's, they have to compete through innovation in products and models, such as self-made content.

There is a lot of content on the web page, but it is mixed and disorganized.

The vast majority of users conduct simple searches and ask simple questions such as "How to cook fried tomatoes", "Who is in Girls' Generation", "Which country's car is Mercedes-Benz"? There is no need to write long articles. .

Just give the most concise and intuitive answer.

For example, Baidu knows, such as Weidian Q\u0026A.

Google has little interest in such "little ideas". What they pursue is more hard-core and higher-level technological innovation... The result is obvious.

Facebook and Twitter defeated many of Google's social products just like Google defeated Microsoft.

Microsoft pays too much attention to the opinions of product managers, so they are better at making B-side products, and almost all C-side products have failed;

Google pays too much attention to the opinions of scientists, so they are better at promoting the advancement of industry technology. The products they develop are full of technical sense, but the use effect is often greatly reduced. This is why Google, as the proposer of cloud computing projects, Google Cloud One of the reasons why it has not been recognized by the market is that it is too high-end and too complicated, and even professionals cannot understand it.

The Internet must be point-to-point. This is the biggest advantage of Internet products.

No matter what kind of product it is, it will always be used by users after it is made. Users are God. Product design based on Internet thinking must reflect the interaction between the community and the product.

Zhou Buqi said: "The most typical example of the response between the community and products is on-campus group buying. Why is this project successful? It's not that our e-commerce business is doing well. On the contrary, our e-commerce operations are doing very poorly. Now still needs help. But why can on-campus group buying become the favorite online shopping platform for college students across the country? Because of! This is the largest college student community. First, through, college students across the country are gathered together, forming a user effect and a fan effect. If we promote on-campus group buying, fans will flock to us."

According to the PPT outline, it is time to move on to the next topic - consumer economy and fan economy.

However, Boss Zhou saw that many people were confused, so he temporarily jumped out of the outline and acted on the spot, "The Xiaonei Network is an Internet product. Using this example to illustrate the flat structure thinking of the Internet seems not convincing enough. Then I will say one more thing. Thing, does everyone know about Girls' Generation?"

Very few people know.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Girls' Generation's popularity is very high among young people, no worse than Andy Lau. But everyone knows Andy Lau, but they lack understanding of Girls' Generation. Not only in China, but also in South Korea. Girls' Generation in South Korea It is very famous and popular among young people. But among the older groups, many people have never heard of it at all. Many people will say that this phenomenon is out of step with the times, but it is actually not accurate. The Times Things have changed, and the times are moving towards an era where mass communication is moving towards niche communication.”

"Mass communication means that you must first have a performing arts product, a song or a movie. At this time, the brokerage company, marketing company, sales company, and brand company behind you will come to promote it. After large-scale public communication, it will be launched on the market. Newspapers, TV, websites and magazines turn you into a popular idol. Just like Andy Lau, posters are posted in all beauty shops and karaoke bars across the country. News advertising alone is not enough, you must also have topic marketing and hold nationwide concerts , have to tour all over Asia, and even deliberately create scandals to attract attention. In the process of mass communication, stars are just dolls, and a large industrial production organization, brokerage agency, marketing agency, and record agency are needed behind the scenes to work together, like Promoting televisions is the same mass marketing as promoting cars. Marketing executives from Fortune 500 companies can change jobs at will, because the marketing model of all companies is the same, which is a mass communication model."

“The flat characteristics of the Internet will change the past communication model and turn it into niche communication.”

"For example, for Manchester United's player blind box marketing, there is no need to spend a lot of money to find so many intermediaries to do mass marketing. It is too wasteful. We can make a qualitative judgment first. The buyers of Manchester United's blind boxes are all Manchester United fans. . Then it’s simple. It’s enough for us to only carry out niche marketing targeting the niche group of Manchester United fans. This is precision marketing and fan marketing.”

"Look back to girlhood."

"The current marketing method of Girls' Generation is still relatively popular, but the agency focuses its promotion on young people. If we regard 'Girls' Generation' as an Internet product and use Internet thinking to operate this product, what should we do? ?”

The happiest person about this topic is Xu Baihui.

She also had some suspicion in her mind that Boss Zhou was deliberately taking care of her.

These "students" present here are all the elites among the elites. They all come from world-famous schools and have genius-level IQs... In comparison, I am an "ugly duckling" who graduated from Beijing Dance University.

If Mr. Zhou can say a few words about this cutting-edge topic of the times, it will be easier for her to understand. This can be seen from the fact that Mr. Zhou does not use mobile phones as examples, but often uses movies, celebrities, and blind boxes as examples.

He is taking care of the female bosses of two companies, Jieyu Media and Chaowan Company.

The answer to this question is obvious and has been highlighted just now.

Xu Baihui pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's community + product."

Zhou Buqi gave her a thumbs up, "Yes, as Mr. Xu said, a very important core of Internet thinking is to increase consumer participation through communities. is an online community for on-campus group purchases. , Manchester United’s fan organization is the offline community of Manchester United Blind Box, which is essentially the same. Of course, if Manchester United Blind Box is to be sold all over the world, it must establish an online community on Manchester United’s official website.”

Shi Jingmei was excited inside and nodded repeatedly.

It feels like there is a lot of information.

This is a completely new theory, and it is a completely different concept from the one in the past.

The most important thing is that there are success stories!

It is a replicable business model!

Moreover, the investment is lower, the operation is easier, the risks are lower, and the benefits are greater!

It turns out that the success of Manchester United’s blind box is such a set of business logic!

Zhou Buqi said: "Girls' Generation itself is an idol group and a product. So, what is a community? Develop a forum? That's what S/M Entertainment does, but it's not enough. There are also Helo groups, WeChat Bo, friends network, including Tieba, QQ group, Tianya, YY group and other community communication platforms."

“Through these platforms, we gather as many online fans as possible together and then manage them. It can also be seen from the characteristics of Girls’ Generation’s product that the fans must be young people who are not working. There are a large number of Time, the enthusiasm and fanaticism of chasing stars.”

"In this way, we can divide the work and distribute tasks among the fans in the community. Some go to Tieba every day to post, some go to Weibo Friends Network every day to read comments, some are responsible for managing QQ groups, and some are responsible for creating an online atmosphere. , some people specifically go to discredit other girl groups and idol groups to attack similar competing products..."

"Different fans have different fan groups, and there are national organizations across the country, gathering millions or tens of millions of fans in social clusters. The above are all niche communications. Next, the focus is Now, the product can be reversely detonated through fans! Thus it becomes mass communication!”

At this time, Zhou Buqi deliberately gave up and took a sip of water.

Everyone present was more serious than the other.

Some were writing notes, some were sitting upright and listening, some were clasping their chins with one hand, obviously thinking deeply, and others like Xu Baihui and Wu Yu were full of admiration.

Zhou Buqi continued: "What is a niche that ignites the public in reverse? Let me give you an example. Do you remember the first time you did a group purchase on campus? Dozens or hundreds of media across the country are reporting this incident spontaneously, and even It appeared on a lot of TV news and was interviewed by a reporter from CCTV. Because the on-campus group buying has been well managed by college students through the school network community, after the on-campus group buying started, a panic buying spree was launched, with sales of 1 million in half a minute and sales in 2 minutes. 5 million... I can’t remember the data, but it’s shocking anyway. On-campus group buying is just an e-commerce platform for the small circle of university campuses, but relying on this model, we have achieved far more than Taobao, eBay, Amazon, and Dangdang. Business giants have more public media resources! On-campus group buying has detonated the public market, and free media resources that in the past would have cost tens of millions to obtain under the mass model!"

Speaking of this, Boss Zhou has firmly grasped the nerves of everyone present and fell into brainstorming. Guo Pengfei couldn't help but ask, "On-campus group buying is an Internet product, Girls' Generation is a girl group How can the product be launched into the mass market?"

Zhou Buqi said: "If the fans are well managed, they can form a powerful social force that the public media has to pay attention to. For example, when Girls' Generation came to the capital, they organized tens of thousands of fans to pick up the plane at the airport, and the entire airport was It’s blocked. From the public’s perspective, this is a kind of superstar that is more popular than 100 Andy Lau, so it will inevitably be taken seriously by the public. For example, today’s news websites have many popularity rankings, mobilizing fans to click Brush up the charts and let Girls’ Generation news dominate every news list! Another example is the launch of a new single and motivating fans to download it together. The sales volume in 10 minutes exceeded that of Jay Chou in a whole year! Punch Andy Lau and kick Jay Chou! The product is the product , there is no distinction between Internet products and girl group products, this is the interoperability of the business models of the industrial Internet."

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