Top of the big era

Chapter 1515 Sense of Participation

Zhou Buqi is not arrogant enough to think he can compete with people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. This wave of bragging is mainly to liven up the atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, it backfired.

No one thought it was a joke, but everyone believed it!

This drove him a little crazy.

There was no other way, so Zhou Buqi had no choice but to bite the bullet. Although Steve Jobs was great, no one was perfect, and his bragging was not without purpose. He did have some more insightful business understandings.

After an awkward price comparison opening, Zhou Buqi began, speaking calmly: "Today we are mainly talking about the industrial Internet, whether it is milk tea, movies, blind boxes, mobile phones, drones, or Whether it is food delivery or shared bicycles, you can actually use the Internet to think. Today I will start from the two aspects of consumers and merchants and briefly discuss it with you. I didn’t prepare much. I will talk about everything that comes to mind, and there are many details. It’s not necessarily correct. The main thing conveyed is a concept. Everyone can think further based on this concept and combine it with their own products. The first topic is the consumption logic of consumers. What I said can be done to a certain extent. Where he surpassed Steve Jobs, look at this picture."

Zhou Buqi pressed a key on the assistant lecturer's computer, and the PPT changed to the next page.

It’s a lively scene at the Apple Experience Store.

many people!

Consumers are actively trying out Apple products.

Zhou Buqi continued: "Jobs created a brand new mobile phone retail model, which had a huge impact on the traditional mobile phone industry. From the perspective of hardware, system, and product design, Asda's mobile phones have many advantages compared to the iPhone There is a big gap, and we all have to admit it. If you want to surpass the iPhone, you need to make a bigger breakthrough in the business model."

Then, the PPT changed to page 3.

The content of this page is very simple, only four lines of words.

1. Functional consumption;

2. Branded consumption;

3. Experiential consumption;

Fourth, participatory consumption.

Zhou Buqi pointed to the big screen behind him and said with a smile: "I asked someone and it seems that no one in the world has ever proposed this statement, at least not the fourth point. I should be the first to do so. This is what I am doing." The inspiration came from working on Ziweixing Global.”

"Explain it simply. In an era of scarcity, people consumed goods to meet functional needs. At that time, if a user wanted to buy a watch, it was important that it could tell time accurately. With the development of society, the number of commodities has become increasingly abundant. , the advertising industry rose fifty years ago, and brands became the core factor in the commodity world. This is the transformation from functional consumption to brand consumption."

"Now, more and more supermarkets have replaced traditional department stores, and the era of experiential consumption has arrived. Is the food delicious? Try it first; do the clothes look good? Try them on first; use your mobile phone Do you like it? Go to the experience store and try it out first."

"I'll use movies as an example for everyone to refer to."

"When the movie first came out, it was a new thing. No matter what movie it was, everyone went to see it. This was functional consumption. Later, many famous movie companies appeared, as well as famous movie directors and movie stars. The audience wanted to In pursuit of movie-watching quality, just pursue these important reference points. This is brand-style consumption. Later, a new model appeared, trailers. First, edit a wonderful clip and let movie fans experience it. Rely on this The model attracts them to consume. This is experiential consumption. But times have changed. Now there is a new model that gives Hollywood giants a headache, which is the participatory consumption model.”

Zhou Buqi didn't want to talk alone, so he smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, would you like to tell everyone a few words? What is participatory consumption in Hollywood movies?"

It can be regarded as introducing Xu Baihui to some people who don't know her.

Xu Baihui never refuses anyone. Boss Zhou has talked to her about this movie topic. He looked aloof, sat with his arms folded, and said coldly: "This is the impact of the Internet on Hollywood. Movie rating websites allow movie fans to participate." When it comes to the marketing of Hollywood movies, it has become the most uncontrollable variable."

Zhou Buqi nodded and concluded: "The trend of media decentralization is becoming more and more obvious. The media is no longer the only producer and disseminator of information. In the Internet world, online media is more like an information support platform With popularity aggregation platforms, consumers are no longer the end point of communication, they have become a node in the communication process. Mr. Xu, tell me again, why does Hollywood hate movie rating websites so much?"

Xu Baihui said calmly: "In the past, brands and professional media could control all brand experience and communication resources, and brands and media could dominate all consumption behaviors. Movie rating websites...well, it is what you call the participatory consumption model, which has completely changed the professional and orthodox marketing concepts.”

Gao Shan took a deep breath and was greatly touched.

Yes, his business philosophy in the past has always been at the stage of experiential consumption. Aster's overseas sales also follow a professional and orthodox marketing model.

A lot of advertising money was spent.

But judging from the movie seems that this set is indeed very outdated.

Movies spend huge amounts of money on advertising and trailers. If a movie rating website gives an extremely low score, it's over. Nine times out of ten, the movie will fail.

Problem solving is difficult.

But the more difficult thing is to ask questions and discover problems.

The film industry has been impacted by the participatory consumption model. Can the mobile phone industry be far behind?

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "There are many companies present, so I will just make a few comments to give you an idea. In blind box business, the image design of player figures is a key factor in the success or failure of the product. Whether it can build a sense of participation, Open up the process of branding and selling the blind box figures of Manchester United players, let fans participate, and build a touchable and ownable sports product that belongs to the club."

Shi Jingmei's eyes were sparkling, and she felt like she was enlightened.

If the blind box business wants to cooperate with a large number of wealthy teams such as Chelsea, Liverpool, Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Bayern, and Inter Milan, a very difficult problem is how to design the figures?

Being the same will definitely not work.

Different clubs require different models of figures. If it is too similar or inconsistent with the local culture, it may be boycotted.

The logic of participatory consumption can solve this problem.

Contact the fan organization directly, or open a column on the team's official website to call on fans to participate and contribute, and the Chaowan Commune and the club will make a joint decision.

In this way, the design crisis of Chaowan Commune is resolved.

Zhou Buqi continued: "The milk tea business is similar. When launching new flavors, college students can be widely invited to participate. Another example is drones. There are not many players for this now. A forum can be established to bring these players together. They all gathered together and carefully selected a group of seed users to help improve drone products through their participation. Of course, this also includes mobile phones. On this point, has a strong say. Pengfei, 伶?”

Guo Pengfei felt guilty and looked at Shi Jinglin.

Because this project was originally led by her when she was in office, and she was just a deputy.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Guo Pengfei bit the bullet and simply mentioned that the school network had cooperated with Lenovo two years ago and used the communication attributes of the school forum to invite college students to participate and jointly designed and developed a high-quality and low-priced college student website. For version mobile phone. Although I didn’t make any money, I gained a lot of experience.

It also provides a practical basis for this participatory consumption theory.

Finally, Guo Pengfei cherished this opportunity to speak and added to participatory consumption based on his own understanding, "Participatory consumption must be community-based, whether it is a school network, a movie rating website, or a team official website. It has community attributes. In the past traditional consumption model, consumers could only contact customer service when they had problems. This was a cold process of raising and solving problems. The advantage of the community is that consumers can form an effective communication cycle here. chain, instead of just one customer service person and no like-minded people.”

Zhou Buqi gave a thumbs up and summed it up in one sentence: "If you want to make a product for participatory consumption, you must first build a community, and then the product. The emergence of special mobile phones for college students requires the campus network first before they can have mobile phones. . Microsoft cannot beat Google, and the big reason is their '3110 model', do you know?"

Many people nodded.

This is a statement that Google summed up to mock Microsoft.

There are still many people who don't understand. Zhou Buqi briefly introduced this "3110 model", which is Microsoft's smallest organizational structure, usually 5 people, 3 development engineers, 1 product manager, and 1 tester.

0, refers to the user.

Why is it that Microsoft, as the world's largest technology giant, cannot defeat Google in the Internet industry and can only sit back and watch Google become bigger and stronger day by day?

The big reason is because of this "0".

Microsoft's products are more developed behind closed doors.

The most important point of Internet C-side products is user experience and user participation. Microsoft's Internet products still follow the traditional logic of "I produce and you buy."

If it is a design genius like Steve Jobs, a super director like James Cameron, or a legendary designer like Karl Lagerfeld, their products do not require user participation and can directly poke consumers after the product is unveiled. soul, thus leading the trend of the times.

But how many such rare creative geniuses are there in the world?

How many designers can guarantee that the products they design will be loved by consumers?

For example, Sony has produced a number of amazing products in the past decade or so, including handheld computers, handheld TVs, and running robots.

What is the use?

No one likes it.

Without Steve Jobs' level, you can't play with Steve Jobs' product concepts. After Steve Jobs's death, Apple's product logic has obviously changed, and it has begun to focus on consumers.

Different levels of awareness have been an insurmountable dilemma between merchants and consumers over the past few decades. Too many businesses clearly produced excellent products, but were not recognized by consumers and went bankrupt.

The emergence of the Internet can effectively solve this problem.

Get consumers involved first and ask them what they like. Then we can design products and produce goods to reduce the risks for merchants.

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